Average Overall Score Given: 8.66102 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3395
Tomb Raider: Legend

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good, single player isn't that long. But its the controls that turn me away from playing it.
Graphics: The visuals are very nice, its good to see Lara Croft in next gen. Great job with the environments, good detail, but the environments could have been bigger.
Audio: Sound wise it was pretty good, the makers did a lot of thing right here. The sounds of the game could have been more realistic but over all very nice. The voices in the game were good as well.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Pretty long single player game, with the option to trade with other players via XBL makes for a great addition to an already great game.
Graphics: The graphics are great, but the graphics are not something that will stand out about this title.
Audio: Great sound presentation. Some great voice-over work and the sound effects are pretty good for this type of game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I like not having a hud as it really add to the game experience. The controls and the aiming are very easy to learn.
Graphics: King Kong looks very good, the player models are very good. The environments are very detailed and big.
Audio: The sounds are amazing, the weapon sounds and voice-overs are incredible. The sounds of the dinosuars and different enemies in the game really immerse you into the game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The addition of the Cross-Com adds so much to the gameplay, makes the game so much more fun. The controls are spot on and really gives you all the tools you need to get the job done.
Graphics: GRAW is very good looking, the environments are very detailed and big. The soldiers are very good looking as well as the weapons and vehicles.
Audio: The voice-overs are very good and the in-game sound is amazing, really immerses you into the game. The weapons and explosion sounds are very realistic.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is pretty long and its difficulty settings keep you coming back for more. The controls are outstanding.
Graphics: Call of Duty 2 looks amazing, some of the best looking smoke I have ever seen in the game. The soldiers look very good and the weapons look just like there real-life counterparts.
Audio: The voice-overs are very good and the in-game sound is amazing, really immerses you into the game. The weapons sounds are also very realistic.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Oblivion is a very fun game, however the long load times take away from the gameplay. This game is very long, with a very high replay value.
Graphics: This game looks amazing, some of the biggest environments for a game ever. The player models are very good looking and the environments are very interactive.
Audio: The voice-overs are some of best I have ever heard, there is so much dialog in this game. The in-game sound is amazing, really immerses you into the game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The fighting moves are amazing, great controls and the ability to do great counter attacks adds replay value.
Graphics: Wow, this game looks great. We have entered the next-gen with this title. The player models are very good looking and the environments are very interactive.
Audio: The unlockable character movies have great sound and voice-overs. The in-game sound is the best so far for a Dead or Alive game, great job Team Ninja and Tecmo!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The environments are amazing, almost everything in the game, you can interact with. The controls are perfect. Great job, Sega and Monolith!
Graphics: This is one of the best looking Xbox 360 titles to date, the player models and environments are very detailed.
Audio: The sound really immerses you into the game, the weapon sounds and voice-overs are great!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is one of the best FPS?s that I have played in a while. It is non-stop action from beginning to end, run and gun the whole way.
Graphics: The player models and environments are very realistic looking, the visuals really add to the scary parts of the game.
Audio: This is the best part of the game in my opinion, the sounds in the game really gives you the creeps sometimes. The voice-overs are amazing as well as the weapon sounds.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Perfect Dark Zero let me down a little, its still a good game in my opinion but it could have been so much better. The controls are not as good as what they could have been and that takes a little of the fun out of this title for me.
Graphics: This next-gen title looks pretty good. The environments are big and the player models are done well.
Audio: The voice-overs are done well, but could have been better. The weapon sounds are very realistic.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The ability to change into different elemental warriors is a very unique but very good feature. The controls take a little bit to get used to, and I thought the opening level could have shown a little more of how to use the different warriors available.
Graphics: The different elemental warriors are very well done. The environments are cartoonish but realistic at the same time, if that makes any sense.
Audio: The background music keeps you sucked into the game and the voice-overs are very well done.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very fun and fast paced racing game, it gives you a real sense of speed. The ability to run from the cops is back and better than ever! You can out run more than just two cops now and it is a lot more difficult then before.
Graphics: The cut scenes look awesome! The environments/cities are very big and have a high amount of detail. The vehicles look very good, as well.
Audio: The music in this game is amazing, very good soundtrack. The voice-overs in the cut scenes are very well done and the engine sounds are realistic.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very fun racing game, and ultra realistic. The vehicles act just as they would in real-life. The controls are very good.
Graphics: Wow, is all I have to say. The environments are so detailed and big, its absolutely amazing. The cars are so close to there real-life counterparts it makes you feel like your actually in the real car.
Audio: The engine sounds and the music in this game are very well done, good job Bizarre Creations for making this amazing game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The realism of the game is amazing, the controls are very well done which makes this game so fun to play. There are also a good amount of boxers to choose from.
Graphics: Fight Night is one of the best looking games on the Xbox 360. The player models and venues are outstanding looking. The slow-mo camera when you get a knockout is just awesome to look at.
Audio: The fans are very well done, they react to exactly what is going on in the match. The announcers and the introductions of the boxers are very well done. I think this is the best part of this game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is one of the best RPG?s I have ever played. Very fast paced and fun to play. If you?re an RPG fan or Star Wars fan then I highly recommend this one for your collection.
Graphics: The players faces are not the most realistic, they have some work to do. However the environments are well done.
Audio: Very good voice-overs and realistic weapon sounds. The background music is good, goes along with the action.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are laid out very similar to Halo 2. Almost all of the items in Half-Life 2 are interactive which brings a lot to this great game.
Graphics: This is one if the best looking Xbox games ever, the visuals are amazing. The player models are very well done and the environments are pretty big.
Audio: The voice overs in Half-Life 2 are done very well, the weapon sounds are very realistic as well.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Controls are laid out well, with a short learning curve. The on-the-fly play selection takes some time to get used to, it?s a little hard at first. The scores are very realistic, I was surprised when I played on the easiest difficulty and was unable to score a 100 points and blow out the other team, good job 2K.
Graphics: The stadiums and fans are very realistic and life-like. The players faces and coaches could have looked better and more like there real-life counterparts.
Audio: 2K does it again, very good announcers that do not repeat themselves that often. The sounds of the fans are realistic to how they really sound at a college game. Well done 2K!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are laid out very well, very fast learning curve. The tackling isn?t very realistic at all, I was very disappointed.
Graphics: Madden 2006 looks good, players faces and the stadiums look very realistic. The fans are also modeled very well.
Audio: The announcers are mediocre, they say the same thing?s throughout the whole game. The crowd reacts pretty well to what is going on in the game.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game is awesome, the controls are great. It is so easy to control your team which is a big help when this game is hard. It is also an XBL game however I have not played it online yet.
Graphics: It looks great, the soldiers, weapons, and environments look awesome. The detail put into this game is outrageous.
Audio: The gun sounds are super realistic. The players voices while giving commands are spot on. The sounds of grenades are also realistic.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very nice controls, open environment is awesome, not many racers with that feature. There are so many custom parts and things to do to your car which will keep you busy.
Graphics: Looks good, the environment and cars look good. I like the cinematic in the game and good voice overs for a racer.
Audio: The sound is just like any other racer. The engine sounds and tire sounds are good, like I said earlier the voices are good too.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Perfect controls, long levels and gets to be hard, what more could you ask for? XBL play is not that fun, it is more frustrating than anything.
Graphics: Wow, amazing. Looks like PC graphics, I don't think you can get any better than this on the Xbox. One of the best looking Xbox games.
Audio: The weapon sounds and voice overs are great. The environmental sounds are awesome it really makes you feel like you are in the game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are good, nice layout. The AI in the game is bad, most of the time you can just run right up to them and shoot and kill them before they even shoot you. To make up for this problem they put a lot of enemies in each level. The game is also to easy, there are health packs everywhere. Its hard to die because of that and to the fact that you have to get shot like 30 times before you die anyway.
Graphics: The environments are big and have a good amount of detail. The players look nice, good detail put into the faces of the characters. The guns could have looked alot more realistic. This is not the best looking Xbox game.
Audio: The game sounds amazing. This is a THX certified game, sounds real good in surround sound. The weapon sounds are good, but the environment sounds like walking through water or through a bush could have been better.
Suggestions: Fix all the problems!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: When you start out you only have 11 players to chose from. To get more you can play arcade or konquest modes to get coins so you can go into the krypt and buy a coffin, however it could be a photo, video, character or nothing in the coffin. The combo moves should be easier to do, most of the time I was just lucky to do a 3 hit combo move.
Graphics: The graphics are not bad, but they weren't to Xbox standards. The environments have some destructive parts but there should have been more. The finishing moves are awesome, however they are way to hard to do.
Audio: The sound is like any other MK game, the voice of the guy that says finish him sounds the same as all the other versions. The punch sounds are good.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The single player game is good, but it is difficult to aim your weapon, the controls are hard to master and controlling your team is difficult. I did like the way to call in air strikes though.
Graphics: The graphics are not up to par, you can really tell this is a PS2 ported game. The player animations look bad, especially when running, it looks like a robot running. The environments don't look bad, however they are difficult to go through them with no sense of where to go.
Audio: I don't like the weapon and bomb sounds at all, not at all realistic. The voice overs and helicopter sounds are not bad though.
Suggestions: Start from the ground up for the next one!
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The addition of the pass-n-go system makes passing easier, almost to easy. I like playing in Legacy Mode, it gives you complete control from how long your players practice and on what to which players you are going to give scholarships to.
Graphics: Great looking game, the stadiums look like there real life counterparts. The player models and mascots look real good.
Audio: Very good commentary by ESPN, sounds like you are watching a game on tv. The crowd sounds good and reacts very good to what is going on in the game.
Suggestions: Can't wait for 2K6!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is one of the best FPS games. The amount of weapons in this game is larger than a lot of FPS's. The very fun and challenging game play gives you hours of fun.
Graphics: Looks great, the player models, especially Vin Diesel, look amazing. Great lighting and shadows. The environments are big and have a lot of detail put into them. This is one of the best looking Xbox games.
Audio: The weapons sounds are good, I like the punching sounds, more realistic than most FPS's. The voice overs in the game are amazing, at last someone uses the voice of the actual person.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The single player game is the same as the N64 version which was a great game when it came out but it left a bit to be desired this time around. The addition of XBL to the multi-player game brings tons of replay value to this title, one of the best XBL titles.
Graphics: A big improvement over the N64 version, I still think it could have been better. Characters look great, but the environments for multi-player were a little small.
Audio: Nice voices, each character has there own unique voice and lines, however they repeat those lines a lot. Weapon and vehicle sounds, sound realistic.
Suggestions: Bring a new single player game to the next one!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game starts out with a training level which is very well done, it teaches you the basics. The levels are kind of short. I do like the way you can peak around corners and almost hide behind anything including a recliner and peak over top of it and shoot.
Graphics: The graphics are good but could have been better, the players faces look flat and no mouth movement when they talk.
Audio: The weapon and grenade sounds are not that good and realistic. The in-game soundtrack does not immerse you into the game play.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: You are the captain of a three soldier elite team called the "Ghost". You can tell your teammates to do many things, which is a great addition on the last title. Tons of weapons, I love the addition of laser-guided air strikes. Great war game, one of the best.
Graphics: Wow, this game looks great, big improvement on GR:IT. The soldiers look amazing. I love the new over-the-shoulder view, it really makes you feel part of the action, however if you like the first person view, it is still there.
Audio: Everything from the soldiers voices to the weapons is spot on. I don't think it could be any better. One of the best sounding games ever, it gives you a real sense of being in a war.
Suggestions: Wow, keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are 8 missions in this one, that make it kind of short, however Red Storm and UBI Soft come through and make another 8 levels available for download via Xbox Live.
Graphics: Nothing really changed. It still looks like Ghost Recon, which is not a bad thing, I just expected more of an improvement.
Audio: Still sounds really good, the weapons and vehicles sound realistic. And the soldiers voices also sound pretty good.
Suggestions: Great job, I just expected some improvement on the last game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are 15 intense missions which are very challenging. Each level gets harder as you progress through the game. There are many weapons in this one, ranging from rocket launchers to just a handgun. Very fun to play on Xbox Live, adds a great touch to an already perfect game.
Graphics: This game looks wonderful, the players, weapons, vehicles and environments all look very realistic. The maps in this game are huge. A lot of fun.
Audio: The weapons and players voices are awesome. The vehicle sounds are realistic and the tank sounds amazing when it shoots, puts you in the middle of the action.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The campaign mode is fun, I like how they bring in your teammates. You end up with four players to switch back and forth while playing(Tex, Flint, Hawk and Brutus) each player has there strengths and weaknesses and you must use them to your advantage. The game is way to short though as it is over before you start it.
Graphics: It looks great, real good cinematics. The characters and environments look very nice. However, the camera control could have been better.
Audio: Sounds good, the voice-overs are pretty good and the mouths of the players are spot on. The weapon and grenade sounds could have been better, not very realistic.
Suggestions: More weapons, bigger and more levels, the addition of Xbox Live would boost the replay value.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Plays very well, players have amazing dunks and moves. Very good controls. The only problem I saw was that no players moved around to get open and the screens they gave you hardly ever worked because they only stand there for two seconds.
Graphics: Very nice graphics, the player models and stadiums look realistic. One thing I noticed was the fans, they are as this as paper. Xbox is capable of better.
Audio: The commentary is pretty good, the commentators don't repeat themselves that much. The fans react well to what is going on in the game.
Suggestions: You had something good going with Inside Drive, you should bring it back.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: A lot of walking or boating around in this one, not knowing what to do and where to go. There is a compass but it really doesn't help. I do like the idea of taking pictures for money but taking pictures does get old and sometimes is hard to do and get frustrating.
Graphics: I kind of like the cartoon look of the game but I feel they could have done a better job of it. The water does not look very good compared to Xbox standards.
Audio: Hardly any voice-overs, a whole lot of reading goes along in this game. There is no sound in the game except when you go into some of the buildings.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Whether you are playing single player or on Xbox Live, this game delivers a lasting impression. The single player game has many levels and nine mechs to choose from, that is when you get them. Tons of weapons, but each mech is different, they all pack a punch. If you get bored with the single player campaign you can always go onto Live and play people.
Graphics: The mechs and environments look realistic. The environments, from the cars to high-rise building are all destructible, looks amazing when they blow up. Just stay away from the mechs when they blow up, just a little hint.
Audio: Everything sounds good, the voice-overs are done well and the explosions and weapons sound very nice.
Suggestions: Great game, keep up the good work.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are 16 players to chose from to play in seven different modes. Which include story mode, which tells you the basic history behind each players past plus once you beat it you get a video of each player, which are amazing. Then you have time trial where you have to beat 8 fighters in the fastest time, this is very challenging and so much fun at the same time. Then there is a survival mode that puts you against 8 fighters back-to-back and the last one standing wins. Two more modes are the tag battle and team battle modes, which are similar. Tag mode puts your two fighters against theres that you can tag in and out when you want to, the last team standing wins. Team battle is similar as you have 5 fighters on each team and the last team standing wins, however you can't tag another fighter in. Then there is versus mode which is one-on-one fighting and sparring mode which is a practice mode.
Graphics: The is the best looking fighting game ever. Period. The fighters and environments look real. I have never seen so much detail put into characters. From the hands, that have fingers unlike most games, the faces are textured perfectly, and the hair which looks great and it even blows in the wind. There are also multi-level environments so you can knock the other fighter over the edge and the fighter drops to a lower stage.
Audio: Great in-game soundtrack, as well as the fighters sounds from the voice-overs to the grunts they make when they are punched or kicked. Why aren't the voices in English? Great use of subtitles though.
Suggestions: Wow, keep up the good work Tecmo and Team NINJA.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The games controls and camera angles are horrible. The game is way to short but you don't notice because your losing all the time with the bad controls and camera angles.
Graphics: The graphics are good but could be a lot better. They did do a good job on the cinematics. The Pearl Harbor scene is unbelievable.
Audio: EA did a good job on the different sounds of the weapons on this one, they all sound very realistic. The sound is the best part of this mediocre game.
Suggestions: Go back to Frontline, you did that almost perfectly.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play types in this one are new to any racer game, drift and drag modes are very well done and a lot of fun to play. There is also a circuit mode which is almost every racer.
Graphics: Great sense of speed, the graphics really made this happen. The cars look amazing, the first game that I ever noticed the break pads.
Audio: Wow, the sound track in this game is incredible, has a lot of big name artist and songs. The sounds of the engines and tire sounds are pretty realistic.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game was originally made for the U.S. Army, they did change a few thing for the consumers. However, the original game is available by entering a cheat code. The battles that go on in this game are incredible. The way you move and control the teams is very unique and very immersing.
Graphics: The environments are rendered perfectly, there are things blowing across the road by the wind, civilians running for cover, and when you shoot bullet holes show up on almost everything. It is one of the best looking games.
Audio: Weapon and grenade sounds are super realistic. The voice-overs of the two teams are very well done.
Suggestions: Don't change anything for the second game, and thank-you for the extra levels on Xbox Live.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: When you are pitching, fielding or baserunning you feel that you are in control of everything and everyone. The difficulty settings in the game will keep you busy for hours. When you play at the highest difficulty setting it is a real challenge to win the game. Baserunning is new and improved from last year, it is now a little easier to steal a base. The pitching controls make it easy to put the ball where you want it, you will want to play this game over and over.
Graphics: The ballparks and players look like the real-life counterparts. From every hitting stance to pitching style, it is all here.
Audio: This is where 2K Sports made its name. You can't find commentary like this is on any other baseball game. The crowd in the game reacts very nicely in almost every situation.
Suggestions: Good job 2K Sports and Take-Two!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: It starts out when you are a child when your families home is destroyed by bandits and everyone is thought to be dead. Then you are rescued and taken to the Guild where you become a Hero. This is where you start your apprenticeship where you gain strength, skill and will. When you grow up you can go on quest that you chose either good or evil. Before you go on the quest you can make a boost of your abilities by choosing what you are going to do in the quest, which if completed gives you extra points. The stronger you are the bigger weapons you can carry. How you decide the way you go either good or bad your appearance changes.
Graphics: Fully customizable characters from clothes to the hair style. The environments look fantastic and are huge.
Audio: This is a great sounding game, from the birds chirping to the voice overs, this game is perfect in this department.
Suggestions: Fable 2. Can't wait!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are spot on, the interactive environments are unbelievable. You can customize your player by adding biomods, and the game has tons of weapons. You can play this game over and over again without the same result. Super high replay value.
Graphics: This is one of the best looking games, the player models, environments look great. Almost everything in the game can be interacted with.
Audio: The voice overs in this game are amazing, there are so many different characters you can interact with and each one has there own unique voice. The weapon and environment sounds are one of the best out there.
Suggestions: Make another one!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is more realistic than other racing games out there, your co-driver tells you when a turn is coming up or bumps are ahead. The co-driver is sometimes hard to figure out what he means but it is a great touch to the game.
Graphics: Wow, the tracks and cars look amazing. I like how when you are racing in mud or snow, how it gets on the car as you go, and when you hit something the damage on the car is perfect. I like how you can travel a pretty good ways off the road, which is a plus.
Audio: Every sound in the game is realistic. The sound of the different terrains and vehicles are great. The voice of the co-driver is also done well.
Suggestions: Keep games like this coming!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I'll go with the pro's first, almost everything you do in real life you can so in this game, which brings realism in games to a whole new level. You can customize your characters, houses and even choose where you work. Now with the con's, some of the camera angles are horrible, there are spots where you can't even see your player. It is very aggravating when the bus is out front to take you to work and your character won't move for some reason.
Graphics: Is this an Xbox title, I can't tell with the Dreamcast graphics. The character graphics should have looked so much better
Audio: I think this is the high point of the game, with so many interactive items in the house, all of them have there own unique sound when you use them.
Suggestions: Needs work but not bad, would like to see PC version on Xbox.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is the same as the originals. The only problem I had was with the controls in this one. They take a little bit to get used to.
Graphics: Everything in all these games are from the originals, which makes this a very good deal for only $20.
Audio: The sound is from all the classic games, I love to hear all the old-school games in all there glory.
Suggestions: Keep them coming, just try to fix the controls.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Five great arcade classics, controls are perfect, couldn't be easier to pick up and play. They added different levels/content to three of the games which they call arrangements, which adds more replay value.
Graphics: All the old school look and feel, which is all I wanted. They did not change anything, so for those of you that like these games and want them unchanged, this is a must have.
Audio: This game sounds pretty good, they did a very good job on bringing the classic sounds from the arcade to the console.
Suggestions: Keep the classics coming!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I hate bad controls and this game has them. That is everything outside of the car, the in-car controls are good but then again how can you mess that up? I couldn't play this game with the bad controls so I don't know if this game is long or short.
Graphics: The high point of the game, the explosions, vehicles, and environments all look good and are immersing.
Audio: All the sounds are realistic from the footsteps of the players to the sounds of the vehicles and weapons.
Suggestions: Fix the controls!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Everything from the controls to the A.I. are almost perfect. The game gives you the option to be the cop or be chased by them, which gives you points to get even more cars and tracks.
Graphics: It looks good from the roadsigns that fly over your car after you hit it, to the dirt that flies up when you go off-road. But why don't the cars show damage?
Audio: This soundtrack is one of the best, I find myself listening to the music, instead of paying attention to the game.
Suggestions: Need more cops!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Where do I start? The campaign mode is kind of short, but it is never boring. The game has very good replay value. The difficulty settings will keep you busy for hours and hours. There is one part in the game that I actually asked myself if that really happened. One of the best games of all time, a must have for every xbox owner.
Graphics: Visually this game is still one of the best looking games on the xbox and that is saying alot with it being released at the launch.
Audio: This game sounds so good in surround sound, everything sounds realistic. It gives me chills every time I hear the menu sound :-)~
Suggestions: Wow, thats all I have to say
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great additions to an already perfect multi-player game, I have no problems with the multi-player game at all, except for the dreaded lag every now and then.
Graphics: The visuals are perfect, the environments look spectacular. The maps are big and more open to go almost everywhere than some of the original ones.
Audio: The sound is still one of the best of any game on the Xbox, the weapons and vehicles are realistic sounding.
Suggestions: Why not any single player additions?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: So many different cars and tracks, if only they were customizable. The new kudos system is awesome. Xbox Live adds a hole new dimension to the game, you can go online and race people if you ever get tired of the single player game.
Graphics: Wow, the environments in this game are one of the best on the xbox, don't forget the cars, the cars look like the real life counter-parts. I only wish there were more destructible parts.
Audio: Customizable sound track, what a feature, now you can listen to anything you want. The sound of tires squealing is very realistic.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work, for PGR3 maybe do customizable vehicles and more destructive parts on the cars.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: What happened to Goldeneye 007, if they would remake that game and just add a few levels onto it, I would buy it. Back to this game, there is no reason to play single player, it is awful. The multi-player on the other hand is not bad, it is actually pretty fun, many different weapons and locations to play.
Graphics: What happened here, the graphics of the faces look blocky, the environments look okay, but this is Xbox, you have got to have better visuals.
Audio: The sound in this game is okay, the weapons sound pretty good, the mines do not though, the soundtrack is mediocre.
Suggestions: Redo the whole thing, look back at 007!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Up to 16 players on Xbox Live, rumble pit, team battles, clan matches. There are so many different game types like slayer, capture the flag and king of the hill as well as many more. Best Xbox Live game!
Graphics: The destructive environments and vehicles are the first thing I noticed in this one. All environments are amazing and they are also pretty big. Master Chief has never looked so good.
Audio: Wow, this game has the best sound, the weapons, vehicles, and explosions sound real in surround sound.
Suggestions: Keep it up Bungie, can't wait for Halo 3!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love to play this game in single player mode, it is a challenging game in single player. Multi-player is a must in this type of game, me and my friends go at each other, well I guess you can say we go after the traffic
Graphics: The graphics of the cars and environments are really realistic, however you don't really tell how good they really are because of the amazing crash scenes, there are tires flying off, buses flipping over, trucks jack knifing and so much more!
Audio: Its made by EA, need I say more. EA did it again, this game must be played in surround sound it is truly a great sounding game
Suggestions: Wish it was on Xbox Live!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very good multi-player, a lot of fun as a party game with many upgrades available for the boats. Horrible single player with small environments and bad a.i.
Graphics: This game actually looks good, realistic environments, very good water graphics and the boats look very realistic. The only thing I have a problem with is there is really no look of damage on the boat until you actually sink.
Audio: Well, let me just say this is where they messed up. The sounds made by the weapons on the boats are terrible, they sound like toys I had when I was 5 years old, and the soundtrack is also horrible.
Suggestions: Good multi-player, however the single player needs to be redone, wheres Xbox Live?
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10