Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Original Xbox) by Ubi Soft Entertainment

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (Xbox) by Ubi Soft Entertainment Box Art


Xbox 360 backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: November 12, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: Yes

Average Overall Score:
8.62 / 10

"Kraft, movement in southwest quadrant on your six. Possible bogey." No way, I've been watching that west ridge like a hawk, nothing could have gotten behind me."

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, by the creators of Rainbow 6. War has begun on Russian soil and threatens to encompass the globe. Lead an elite infantry team through a series of military missions around the world, ranging from covert actions to search-and-rescue operations, to all out firefights in this first person squad based action game.


Tuesday, June 4, 2002
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Thursday, July 19, 2001
Monday, May 28, 2001
Friday, May 18, 2001

Cheat Codes

      DO FIRST!!! To unlock codes, you MUST first complete objectives in Single Mission Dossiers. This appears to be the only way to unlock them at this time. Check your dossier for specific level objectives.
      Slow-motion Mode
Unlock slow-motion mode, then while playing a game, press Back, Y(x2), B, X, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Huge Head
Unlock huge head, then while playing a game, press Back, A, X, B, Y, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Paper Mode
Unlock paper mode, then while playing a game, press Back, B, A, X, Y, A. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.
      Helium Mode
Unlock helium mode, then while playing a game, press Back, X, A, Y, B, X. If you entered the code correctly, a message will appear.

User Reviews

Score: 86
Overall User Average: 8.63 / 10 (86.2%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.77 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.49 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.76 / 10
Xbox Masta 4
Date reviewed: August 28, 2005.

Overall: When I thought of Ghost Recon for the first time, I thought of Rogue Spear. However, this has it's one differences from it. This game is enjoyable if you like any other games Rainbow Six has made.
Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome. I am into games like this so it works out great. Go around and snipe people, or go around in a full out assault. If you like games that are appliable for Xbox Live, this is your game. It is truely fun on Xbox Live.
Graphics: Great graphics. Rainbow six has done a great job with these games so far, I'm happy with what it is today.
Sound: Sounds great guys talk when you tell them commands. I think its awesome how you can program the signals. It's also cool on xbox live.
Suggestions: Keep them coming. This game is awesome. A map editor like Rogue spear would spice this game up a lot!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 8, 2005.

Overall: Tom Clancy, my favorite games to play. Ubi Soft and Red Storm made a great war game. You play as a special elite team called the "Ghost" which consist of two teams of three players each. The game is set in Eastern Europe on the year 2008 where a war has broken out and you have to stop it.
Gameplay: There are 15 intense missions which are very challenging. Each level gets harder as you progress through the game. There are many weapons in this one, ranging from rocket launchers to just a handgun. Very fun to play on Xbox Live, adds a great touch to an already perfect game.
Graphics: This game looks wonderful, the players, weapons, vehicles and environments all look very realistic. The maps in this game are huge. A lot of fun.
Sound: The weapons and players voices are awesome. The vehicle sounds are realistic and the tank sounds amazing when it shoots, puts you in the middle of the action.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 24, 2005.

Overall: Ghost Recon is the FPS that puts players into large scale scenarios with their own squads and missions. The game is packed with realistic killing, intense missions, and difficult AI. And its a Tom Clancy game!!!
Gameplay: You control your own sqaud and are able to switch between any character in it. You complete objectives and often have to blow stuff up or protect/assasinate guys. COOP and Live are the perfect touches for this game.
Graphics: The graphics in GR are great. The fog and lighting effects are very cool as well as all the gun models and characters. No real downers here.
Sound: The footsteps and gunshots sound sweet. The music, voice commands, and briefings are top notch. This game OWNS!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: June 9, 2005.

Overall: This was one of the first games I played on the XBOX that wasn't Halo. I always had trusted the Tom Clancy games to provide me with solid entertainment, and they once again prove to be the best running game series with their first installment in the Ghost Recon sub-series.
Gameplay: A short but sweet campaign mode is a good central reason for owning this game, but is not enough. Included is a very good multiplayer mode with large levels and fun and intense gameplayer. The multiplayer games can be long, but can end any second with one shot to the head. Very tense gaming.
Graphics: The visuals are pretty good, though there are some glitching and invisible walls to handle, overall it is good. There are some annoying camera angles that plague the game, but I got over it.
Sound: As always Tom Clancy games feature top notch voice-overs and sound effects. This game is no different.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: October 6, 2004.

Overall: Not being a fan of squad based shooters I decided to get this game to see what all the hubub was about, and decide whether or not I could get into this sort of game. Besides it only cost me 20 bux. Most people have a pretty good idea about what GR is about. You control an elite team of specialized soldiers and take out different baddies around the globe.
Gameplay: Basically you get to control two teams of four dudes. At the missions start you get to pick which guys are going to go on the missions and which weapons they'll use. This is pretty cool since as you complete each mission you get an even more specialized soldier with even cooler weapons to take into combat. Its pretty fun to jump from one character to another and move the teams around the map so that yer buddies wil lay down cover fire which allows you to progress further. My only complaint is that sometimes the AI teammmates will kill a guy before you even see him. Hey, I wanted to shoot that commie! Jerk.
Graphics: Graphics are cool but this is an old game so I wont write home to mother about it. The camoflague sniper and special ops guys look cool and the environments are okay. Sorry dudes, but yes, I would like to see my gun.
Sound: Weapons fire sounds cool. Com chatter sounds alright and beliveble. Music is okay but I'm still not going to post that letter yet.
Suggestions: Well since Im not at all a hardcore fan of the series I dont have any positive criticisms. I think Ill go play SW Battlefront now.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 4, 2004.

Overall: Well I've been playing Ghost Recon going on 2 years this November. It's quite possibly the best online FPS for xbox, though some would beg to differ. I've logged so much time on this game, and I've loved every minute of it. The graphics are the only weak point of the game. Although some would like to be able to see your gun while playing, I think it suits it just fine to not show it, since it changes nothing in the game not being able to see it.
Gameplay: Very realistic, fun, and addicting. The online is where it shines. Not to mention the 50 tasks that you can do in singleplayer unlocking weapons, soldiers, cheats, maps, and many other various things. Quite possibly the best or second best game on Xbox to date.
Graphics: The graphics are the only thing lacking here. Though they don't mean much to most, they do mean a lot to some. I am one of the few people where graphics do not matter one bit. This game is fun without the ultra leet graphics.
Sound: The sounds are realistic and go great with the game. The guns sound almost prefect with their real life counter parts. Ambience sounds are very well done. Along with dieing sounds.
Suggestions: Graphics a little better and you have game of the millenium.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 18, 2004.

Overall: Hmmm... where shall i start? well i gave this gem away before i got xbox live so my scoring thing might be lacking some proper and mandatory things, like, xbox live!
Gameplay: Solid single-player campaign which is uber-fun on co-op with a competent player (i had my brother so elite missions were impossible), unlockable game modes and weapons are great and missions are slow but fun.
Graphics: Ok, but the grass seems like a big carpet and it never seems like they paid attention to this part of the map or that. Great maps though and some cool visuals, but i wish you could see your gun...
Sound: With only 2 recognizable ricochets i know of (PIK! and BYE YOU!) the sounds lacking in the sound department... must be sold out for games like rainbow six 3... or maybe some rich person bought all the stock...
Suggestions: I chose never because i don't have it anymore and am too lazy to buy it. Anyways, If it was polished and you made visible gun mode or something like that it would be great.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: February 16, 2004.

Overall: yet another tom Clancy game. One thing that strikes me as funny is that although they are good games, there is very little difference between them. I'm quite happy with just the 1 rather than the whole collection.
Gameplay: good solid rainbow six style gameplay. Can get a bit annoying in versus mode when your comp controlled blokes kill everyone before you get a chance to.
Graphics: clean and crisp visuals. good night vision effects and zooming is great with clear detail. View the perspective from any of you allies.
Sound: as to be expected from this type of game. Lots of bangs and crashes and allies shouting things. Nothing poor but nothing to jump up and down about either.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 31, 2003.

Overall: It was Okay, i dont really like how you have to watch over your team. If you like stratigic games then you will like this one, but i really didnt like it to much.
Gameplay: The maps looked awsome i think. This might make up for you having so much darn control over your team. Guns are allright, very much stratigic game.
Graphics: The maps were really nice, and the guns didnt look to bad themself's. The graphics were preety good.
Sound: The sound was kinda good. When your team talks and when you shoot it sounds good, but when people die it doesn't. Very good sound with the maps, like when your on a beach you can hear the ocean
Suggestions: Have more action, and not so much control over your team. More AI added to your team mates and not having to rely so much on your scoping abilities.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: Not my type of game. I don't like having to be responsible for others if they are controlled by AI vs other people playing. I play alone usually vs online so this game is not that great as a single player. The team members end up getting shot and killed too easily and don't really add any value to what you do. Not true in multiplayer where covering fire or diversion is a real asset of a thinking person who is playing along with you.
Gameplay: Pretty good as far as character movement goes but the controls are really complex and takes a long time to fully understand what is at the players disposal to use. Controlling other team members is tedious and frustrating, again play this in multiplayer or don't bother.
Graphics: Really nice. Ubisoft has some of the best looking games there are. Visually this is really great looking.
Sound: Pretty good also. I can't think of anything that should be done better here either. Nice job and a compliment to the surround sound system I played it on.
Suggestions: Not much to say here, squad commander is not my type of preferred role I guess if playing alone. Advertise the game as a real plus for multiplayer vs "good fun for anyone"... If you play alone, don't get this because your team mates have rocks and shortly after bullets in their heads and just hurt the overall mission.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: I've been wanting to play this game for quite a long time, and I was pretty dissapointed, it looks and sounds pretty good, but some of the controls are a bit dodgy. Your team-mates don't do anything unless your being shot. The worst part is wandering around bored out of your brain untill someone kills you.
Gameplay: Control problems, nothing too serious, but they don't seem to match the controller. Your team-mates are sheep who just follow you around and then pick off all the bad-guys before you can shoot one. Very boring journey unless there's bad-guys surrounding you.
Graphics: Looks pretty good, even after alot of people have told me that there not very good, not as good as smooth as they could have been, but they do the job, the sniper guys look absolutely awesome. There's alot of great detail in the weapons.
Sound: I like the loading music, it gets you in the mood to go and hunt some bad guys, the only bad part aboot the sound is that there needs to be more of it. The gun noises are great.
Suggestions: More excitement, smoother gameplay. More than 2 players.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Bad 1
Date reviewed: December 22, 2003.

Overall: This game rocks! Maybe there are some improvements that could be made, but overall it is just way cool.
Gameplay: I love sneaking around and sniping on the poor bastards. The controls are smooth, they make sense, saving mid-mission is critical - without that I would have had to give up eventually on some the elite missions where you are supposed to have only a single sniper. It is just fun as hell.
Graphics: This is pretty good. I agree with some of the comments about the interface, but man when you are looking around outside at some of the landscapes it looks great! I also agree that buildings are a bit too flat & need some enhancements. I hope that they will do some enhancements for GR2 to make it take more advantage of the xbox.
Sound: Sounds is great! Sound is immersive & lots of little things are added here to really bring you into the game.
Suggestions: Suggestions: GR2 soon with more maps, more unlockables, visual improvements, xbox specific enhancements. Also would be good to be able to tell other squal members to stay where the are for a bit so you can position folks better.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: I bought this game expecting basically Rainbow Six, with Xbox LIVE. Well, unfortunetly it's not a thing like the Rainbow Six series.
Gameplay: Boring. Rainbow Six has action at almost every corner. This is more of a tactical game. Which I don't like (Using my small brain). On the serious side, this a snipers game. Most of it is starting from one point, and sniping the other players, or AI. Good AI while im at it. If you have play the PC version of Rainbow Six series, then I wouldn't recommend this if your expecting that same fun. It's just not in this one. The multi-player maps are too large, and the distance between team staring points makes the matches last way too long.
Graphics: Average. Alot more could have went into this game. All the textures are bland, and not very realistic, the character design is lacking detail as well. Seems like it was made in 1998. (When the orginal R6 came out.)
Sound: Again not too much detail, but as I've said before, I don't expect alot from a First-Person Shooter.
Suggestions: Don't continue porting over the Ghost Recon series, even with Xbox Live, its pretty boring. Bring Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield w/Live A.S.A.P.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: There is nothing that is all that out-standing about this game. When i review this game i'm maily speaking from the Multi-Player experiance.
Gameplay: Multiplayer is alot of fun, with the communicator, there are lots of maps, and lots of weapons, and just lots of stuff in the game. The game speed is pretty fast, not nearlly as fast as Unreal Championship, but fast enough to be fun, and yet not so fast, that you just blindly run into battle. For the most part: the levels are !&%$@#* ing huge, it takes a long time to run places, and the game is all about "zooming in" (sniper or not) and killing your target. LIVE is definatlly really cool.
Graphics: Though they upgraded some visuals from the PC version, its still looking kinda shabby. The grass textures are better, and so are the character modles, and the trees sway from side to side. Some levels look really good, others look pretty normal, if not sub-normal in detail.
Sound: Well, speaking from the Multiplayer experiance, there isn't much in the way of sound effects (SFX), just fillers. Nothing great.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: I was really looking forward to this game but once I got it, I was quite disappointed. Not the game to buy if you don't have XBox Live, like me.
Gameplay: The game isn't bad, but what really is is the control you have over your teammates. All you can do is issue two guys on A or B team to go somewhere and thats about it. I would really like to issue commands to my guys individually, or tell them to hold fire, hit the dirt, hide over there, etc. Exactly like in Desert Storm, which I really like. Controlling your three other characters in that game is great....and easy. You don't have to bring up some stupid map like you do in GR.
Graphics: Eh, pretty good I guess. But nothing great. That's about all I can say about tha
Sound: Sounds seem to be really good, though I only have stereo, so I'm a big fat loser and lacking in that department. But not for long...
Suggestions: More interactions with your squadmates. Check out Desert Storm in the way they control the squad members.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

No Fear 23
Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: this was one of my first live games where i met alot of ppl and played with them all the time. this game is one of my favorites bc of the live environment.
Gameplay: Its a 3rd person shooter where u command ur squad by completing objectives through campaign. you can also play co-op through xbl as well. the live environment is intense. everymove u make invovles stragety and patient. the guns in the game are pretty well balanced out and thats a bonus bc its rare to find a good game that has a good collection of weapons that are equally balanced.
Graphics: eh, its not the best, but is good enough for me. after a while, u wont mind the graphics bc ur mainly focusing on the gameplay. other than that,its all good.
Sound: the sound is pretty amazing and good enough for me. i like the sound of the sniper rifle being shot as well as the machine going off. it adds some realism. the explosion is also pretty decent too. ubi did a good job with the sound in this game
Suggestions: upgrade the graphics, more multiplayer modes

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Nymfo- Olga
Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This is a great game! Tom Clancy titles always are... I had played the demo on PC so I sorta knew what to expect...and well the Xbox version has been executed beautifully... It`s great fun to play and even if you don`t have Live this is a great game! :D
Gameplay: It`s a realistic, tactical shooter and it`s a lot of fun to play... A totally disagree with people who say this game is boring. The fact that it isn`t as fast- paced as for example Unreal Championship doesn`t make it less exciting to play. I love this game!
Graphics: Could have been better, but they are far from bad.. The scenery has a nice outdoory look to it and the player models look great. The graphics really get the job done, without being jaw- dropping... I feel graphics count a lot in a game ,and though not impressed, I am satisfied by the graphics in Ghost Recon... (Anyway, the real strength is in the gameplay)
Sound: The weapons sound great, and the same goes for the environment- sounds...All in all Ghost Recon sounds pretty !&%$@#* good...
Suggestions: Improve the graphics and get some vehicles in there :P

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This is an excellent game that is probably the most realistic shooter I have ever played. You can control any member of 2 teams of 3 in 15 levels that span across all sorts of whether & terrain including snow, rain, sun, mountains, caves, docks, cities and more.
Gameplay: The game play is very smooth and the controls are quiet easy to get into, however I recommend doing the training levels before u begin. Unlike most shooters u can?t actually see your gun. This was unusual at first but like the controls didn?t take long to get used to.

On top of all this game is just plain fun wondering around a large forest environment while sniping the baddies is great!

Graphics: Although the graphics are probably the weakest link in the game, they really are realistic. The colour scheme and style of the graphic are very believable and allow the player to emersed themself immediately.
Sound: The sound really shines in this game! Great sound effects and in 5.1, hearing bullets spraying from all corners of the room is very cool!
Suggestions: Make another! And make it an Xbox exclusive to get the maximum power out of the box.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: This one is for the idiot who gave this game a one. How the !&%$@#* do you rate a game? Do you base it on gameplay, sound, visuals, or do you rate a game on whether you can play the mother fucker or not? That was the most ignorant review I have read on this forum. The graphics on this game is great, the gameplay takes intelligence, but it is not too hard, and the sounds are as good as any other game that is on the market. Please, if English is your fifth language, if reading is an insurmontable chore, don't play this game and don't fuckin' review it!
Gameplay: The gameplay is outstanding. I don't need to explain the mechanics of it but it is innovative and fun. It requires some thought and strategizing but it can be done with very little effort. If a person finds this game too difficult then said moron should buy Monopoly Party and figure that out!!
Graphics: The Xbox version of this game is outshines the PS2 version in this category. As I have said before, it's the 'Box baby!!!!
Sound: I don't have Dolby Digital so I don't know the full capabilities of this game in this category. Yet, I like the sounds of this game as is.
Suggestions: There are no suggestions because I don't know the first thing about making one of these games. I know that the average fool couldn't do it. Therefore, for the 1 !&%$@#* that you rated this game, make one yourself so that we can rate it. If not take that 1 and twist ever so violently up your retarded ass!!! I HOLLA!!!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

kryptic klown
Date reviewed: November 26, 2003.

Overall: The best FPS there is for xbox right now, yes that includes halo. You are pretty much an anti terrorist group (like all of the Tom Clancy's). The campaign is ok but I just play quick missions in order to get multiplayer maps and weapons. Online play is unreal.
Gameplay: Great. Once you get use to the controls you will never want to play something like R63 again. All of the controls are right where they should be. Except the press to talk. It took me 2 hours of online play to figure out I had to press a button to talk. I played espn football and R63 and never had to push a button.
Graphics: The visuals are what really leave you hanging. I wish this game had the visuals of halo and R63. This is probably the biggest downfall of this game.
Sound: Great sound. 5.1 dolby digital really does this game justice. The only thing that would make it better is too hear the heartbeat.
Suggestions: Get rid of the aiming reticle that you have to wait for. Make more recoil instead. I understand that when the player is crouched he won't move as fast but when he is standing up and moving sideways or backwards he goes slower also. Strafing is an important part of a FPS, don't take that away by making him strafe at a lesser speed. More multiplayer maps. Thanks.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 90 %

E Nomini Patri
Date reviewed: November 6, 2003.

Overall: This game is great for multiplayer with a friend or online, and that atmosphere in this game really draws you in. Although, the graphics are not the strong point. But definitely a must-buy, like all Tom Clancy games!
Gameplay: I love the tense gameplay and the atmosphere created by the surroundings. One shot one kill really ups the adrenaline in combat situations. On-line play is by far the best. Worth the price of admission!
Graphics: The visuals are decent, but nothing special. The draw distance is the worst. Some of the models like trees look really 2d, but that does make it easier to shoot through them when you're hiding in them. Visuals are not this game's strong point.
Sound: The sound is great! I absolutely love the weather effects. They immerse you into the environment as if you were really up in a snowy mountain or sneaking through the brush at night. Great sound!
Suggestions: Make the graphics more detailed and increase the draw distance ten fold. But this game is still really great!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I got this game hoping that it would erase the upsets that mechassault, and uc brought to me, but it hasn't. It doesnt really innovate from the pc version and seems to just be a port. And the added trouble that it brought to me over xbl just got me more pissed. So they've fixed the problem? Well I havent played the game for a long time.
Gameplay: A very stretgive game that involves quick thinking and making the right decisions. Shots will kill you quickly, and you must use your troops properly, or your existence is not sustainable. The storyline is pretty sweet. Its aboot the USSR becoming reborn and taking over some country i cannot remember. The intro video will tel you... the intro video is really sweet. The game involves a slight learning curve to get use to the controls and type of patient combat .
Graphics: Basically... it was ported very poorly from pc to xbox. They couldn't even get Live to work for th first few months! The graphics of the environment aren't too great. At times, there's very little detail and bluriness. ie. the cars... The character models were done very well however. The trees moved to tje wind...
Sound: what sound could I ask for? Bullets made distincgt sounds... and characters voices were decent .
Suggestions: make your games perfect for release next time. xbl isn't made so you can release unfinished game and fix them later!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: As good as it gets for games on Xbox LIVE. With no possible rest what-so-ever I have played GR for up to 8 hours straight and I've still barely scratched the surface of the game.
Gameplay: Xbox LIVE is the key word, my friend. All out deathmatches are pure carnage as well as seige.

Sinple player mission will keep you playing for weeks with all of the unlockables. Gameplay = Perfection.

16 player solo free-for-all could keep you going forever. But Team games are really what Ghost Recon is all about.
Graphics: Although the graphics aren't prefect, they are good enough to look pretty realistic. It'll still keep you striving for more.
Sound: Sounds in the night/day, background music, environmental sounds, as well as gunshots make the experience just that much better. Being a game that was made for surround sound, you can hear enemies as they walk (or even crawl) up behind you.
Suggestions: Keep on kicking !&%$@#* with great games like this!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This game is the game to get for Xbox Live! It is my favorite Xbox Live game, and my second favorite game overall, behind Halo of course. If you have XBL, you have to get this game. It is AMAZING!
Gameplay: The gameplay is fun, addicting, and at a pace similar to Halo. It involes lots of strategy, so be warned, this is not your super fast shootem up game, aka its not Unreal! This game is a solid FPS, and while the campaign mode is short (15 levels) there are tons of unlockables and multiplayer! The Xbox Live makes this game a must buy, so go buy it. One thing I did not like at first was that you cannot see your gun infront of you, but I eventually got used to it!
Graphics: The graphics are fairly good. There are the occasional glitches and jagged edges in this game, but there is not much to say negatively, and vice versa, there is nothing to praise about, but the graphics are decent. Nothing Special here though....
Sound: The games score is very pleasent, and although its a minor part of the game, it does make the experience even more immersive.
Suggestions: Sharpen those graphics Ubi Soft, we saw Splinter Cell, now do that again for the Ghost Recon series!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: An amazing game! I love this game a lot, but it's real strength is in it's online play. Me and my friends play this game online a lot and it's fun.
Gameplay: Great gameplay online and offline, but as I said before it's offline gameplay isn't it's strongest point.
Graphics: Good but not great graphics. They don't exactly show off the Xbox's graphical capabilities, but it isn't embarassingly bad either.
Sound: Good sound, online it's good to be able to communicate with teammates, and offline the sounds are pretty good too.
Suggestions: The only thing I don't like is that you have to press the white button to talk to teammates online, other than that, great game!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I bought this game for the thrill of a good Multiplayer game but that was a dissapointment and it turned out to be one of the best single and cooperative games I have played in a long time. I did like the PC version better and I do wish the controls were better.
Gameplay: I really did not like the way that the buttons were setup and I wished that I could modify my own controls to do what I wanted them to do.
Graphics: Not as good of graphics as I was hoping for but I do like the size of the maps and I thought they did a good job on the landscape but the characters are a little blocky.
Sound: I like the music when you fail a mission. It sounds like the rock and I like the noises characters make when they are shot
Suggestions: Tom Clancy games never fail to surprise me. I really have like each book I've read and each time I read a book, It gets me more excited about the game, and then I enjoy the games that much more.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: I won't be too detaile din this review since I haven't played this in a while plus I was rather disgusted with how it played.

Out of all the Tom Clancy games I've played, this has probably got to be my least favorite. My biggest complaint is the camera view. I can't stand having an f'n big circle in the center of the screen and not even see shell ejection or my bullets being fired from my gun. And the recoil is so minor you'd think you were firing an automatic Nerf gun (actually there's one other reason you'd assume this but I'll discuss that in sound)
Gameplay: I can't really remember single-player but I did play co-op for a while and do remember that. Each player gets 3 members to suit up (i.e. clothing and guns). Unlike the Rainbow Six series, there is no planning just a mission briefing and then you start. Again, with the perspective. This is alright for Rainbow Six which just had a little red dot in the center but that was cool when it came out back then. But it's 2003 and I don't find it cool. I need a 3rd person or first person where I can see my gun. For one, I feel like I'm traveling through f'n quick sand I'm moving so slow. The recoil on the big blue circle reticle is horrible. What I strongly dislike about this game is I can't find guys. Although I'm playing SOF II right now and guys are in camo, very rarely do they line up there shot where they hit me on their first shot. In this however, if you miss spotting someone and there are ni ibjects between him and you they hit you on first shots fired. My personal preference is I hear shots fired and take cover and look for the guy. In this I get hit and hit and hti and hit and mainly my computer AI teammates get the kills in outdoor areas. When I played though, there was absolutely noone playing Ghost Recon. I've noticed though since playing Ghost Recon has gained quite a lot of popularity so chances are you'll find a game. Eventually we found like three but each one sucked not to mention 2 people can't play on the same system online. Overall, few XBL games, very bad choice of not including a 3rd or gun in first person, and slow as death movement, just makes this game seem so long and boring.
Graphics: This is a strong point of this game. Although I dislike it, character models were pretty well done and the enviroments were alright as well. Not amazing or great, but nothing that made you cringe at ugliness.
Sound: This category could be great. Ambience, talking, and radio communication are all great, but the problem is with the guns. Just like you'd expect from a realistic tactical shooter, the sounds are a bit quieter. Nothing wrong with that. I loved it in Rougue Spear and Rainbow 6. But it's been a while since both have been out and even though I still like the silenced gun shots, the death animations plus the lousy recoil make it feel like you killed an enemy with (like I said earlier) an automatic nerf gun. So overall, sounds and voice are fine, just death animations and bad recoil take away any sense of damage they do.
Suggestions: Offer a different camera view. I love Raven Shield merely for the fact the first person has a gun. It's just personal preference. Also, keep up the good job with the graphics.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This is a game where you a member of an elite squad of troops called the ghosts. You are trying to stop Georgian Rebels from invading towns and cities.
Gameplay: Stealth style of gameplay where you must sneak around and use teamwork to accomplish your goal. Using your team of 5 ai controlled teammates plus yourself you must succesfully complete each mission without losing all of your troops.
Graphics: The graphics are very good. The player models have high poly counts and are very detailed. The only thing that could help the game graphically is better textures and better models for cars and other objects located around battlefield areas.
Sound: Sound is incredible. Each weapon has a distinct and realistic sound. If you are playing this game with a 5.1 surround sound system it is even better.
Suggestions: Fix the bugs in the Xbox Live multiplayer. The main one is the voice bug. Sometimes my teammates will be talking to me and i wont be able to here them, and vis versa.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: this is my kinda need to have stealth and patients to play.when you see the guy you can blast him.
Gameplay: the game play is great. there are many weapons you can choose from and ALOT of levels that take time to go through.
Graphics: this is probably the games only weakness because its graphics arent really all that great. the picture needs to be sharper.
Sound: the sound is great.this is one of the things i use when someone is shooting at me.i can tell from which genneral direction.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: the game was really good, easy to take control of yur team, and online the teamplay is really good, with people working together. Only problem was not being able to see my gun, this might not be a problem to some people, i just like being able to see it.
Gameplay: gameplay is excellent if u like realism. It requires patience, and u cant just go running up shooting hoping to hit something or yur toast.
Graphics: graphics r some of the best that i've seen for xbox. Outdoors and in urban areas there are stunning visuals
Sound: good sound, each weapon has individual sound and after playing long enough, you're able to identify what weapon is being used just from the sound. Also the sounds of bullets hissing by is always important :)

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

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