Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) by Microsoft

Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360) by Microsoft Box Art

Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: November 15, 2005.

Average Overall Score:
8.54 / 10

Between Halo and Half-Life 2, the Xbox library was crammed full of tremendous first person shooters. With the debut of the Xbox 360, many fans of the genre were hedging their bets on Perfect Dark Zero - Rare?s sequel to their acclaimed game from the Nintendo 64 - to keep the tradition alive."

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A secret war has begun between shadowy corporations bent on world domination. Joanna Dark and her father Jack are brought up in the fight for the future of the planet. A routine bounty hunting mission rips open a global conspiracy that will change Joanna's destiny -- forever.


Thursday, September 29, 2005
Wednesday, September 25, 2002


1 Solo Mission On Dark Agent
Completed One Single Player Mission On Dark Agent
5 Solo Missions On Dark Agent
Completed Five Single Player Missions On Dark Agent
Completed Single Agent
Completed Single Player Game on Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Single Secret Agent
Completed Single Player Game on Secret Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Single Perfect Agent
Completed Single Player Game on Perfect Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Single Dark Agent
Completed Single Player Game on Dark Agent Difficulty Setting
1 Co-op Mission On Dark Agent
Completed One Co-op Mission On Dark Agent
5 Co-op Missions On Dark Agent
Completed Five Co-op Missions On Dark Agent
Completed Co-Op Agent
Completed Co-op Game On Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Co-Op Secret Agent
Completed Co-Op Game On Secret Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Co-Op Perfect Agent
Completed Co-Op Game On Perfect Agent Difficulty Setting
Completed Co-Op Dark Agent
Completed Co-Op Game On Dark Agent Difficulty Setting
Played 10 Deathmatch Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DeathMatch Games
Played 100 Deathmatch Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DeathMatch Games
Played 1000 Deathmatch Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DeathMatch Games.
Played 10 DarkOps Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DarkOps Games
Played 100 DarkOps Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DarkOps Games
Played 1000 DarkOps Games
Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DarkOps Games
10 Melee Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all multiplayer games played
100 Melee Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all multiplayer games played
1000 Melee Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all multiplayer games played
10 Explosive Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games played.
100 Explosive Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games played
1000 Explosive Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games played
10 Kills in Killcount
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games played
100 Kills in Killcount
DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount.
1000 Kills in Killcount
DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount
10 Kills in Team Killcount
DeathMatch Award. Achieved 10 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount.
100 Kills in Team Killcount
DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount.
1000 Kills in Team Killcount
DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount
10 Headshot Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Headshot Kills over all multiplayer games played.
100 Headshot Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Headshot Kills over all multiplayer games played.
1000 Headshot Kills
Earned after 1000 Headshot Kills in both DeathMatch or DarkOps Games. Only counts in Games you finished
10 Sniper Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all multiplayer games played.
100 Sniper Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all multiplayer games played.
1000 Sniper Kills
Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all multiplayer games played
10 Rounds Survived
DarkOps Award. Survived 10 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication.
100 Rounds Survived
DarkOps Award. Survived 100 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication.
1000 Rounds Survived
DarkOps Award. Survived 1000 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication
10,000 CR Property Destroyed
DarkOps Award. Destroyed 10K CR of property in DarksOps: Sabotage.
100,000 CR Property Destroyed
DarkOps Award. Destroyed 100K CR of property in DarksOps: Sabotage
10 Minutes Survived
DarkOps Award. Survived for 10 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught
100 Minutes Survived
DarkOps Award. Survived for 100 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught
10 Territories Held
DeathMatch Award. Scored 10 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial Gains.
100 Territories Held
DeathMatch Award. Scored 100 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial Gains.
10 Flags Captured
DeathMatch Award. Captured 10 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the Flag.
100 Flags Captured
DeathMatch Award. Captured 100 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the Flag.
10 Players Infected
DarkOps Award. Infected 10 Players in DarkOps: Infection
100 Players Infected
DarkOps Award. Infected 100 Players in DarkOps: Infection.
1000 Players Infected
DarkOps Award. Infected 1000 Players in DarkOps: Infection

User Reviews

Score: 85
Overall User Average: 8.44 / 10 (85.4%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.33 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.22 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.33 / 10
Date reviewed: October 6, 2006.

Overall: The first game on the N64 was one of my favourite games for that consol. I was expecting so much from this game and I was left very disappointed. The story or lack there of is not appealing and not stimulating. The game itself is too frustrating. Its impossible to go on "sniper" modes, where you just feel like taking out some unsuspecting guys with your scope. They either see you and start shooting or as soon as you kill one of the guys there like 2-3 more guys there immediatly and all you have to do is kill those guys and the whole area is clear which isnt too much fun.
Gameplay: Didnt like the fact that you could only carry 3 weapons maximum. 1 big weapon and 2 little ones or 1 big and 1 small. There also werent too many different weapons in this one. The multiplayer mode wasnt fun at all for me. So hard to kill the guys even if you just played against Sims on easy. Those arrows were riduculous. You get lost for like 10 seconds and then these arrows appear to show you where to go.... wheres the fun in that. Sure sometimes there useful but I like to explore the areas sometimes and see what else you can find. Those arrows are annoying and almost rush you through the level. You cant even jump in this game which sucks. You have this stupid diving feature which really doesnt help. The dive doenst last too long and you kinda get disoriented from it. Like once your up you out of position and loose your &
Graphics: Visually this game is well done. Especially the movie scenes.. very nice attention to detail and very importantly the colour is vivid and actually looks the way its supposed to. The game itself is very impressive and visually I cant complain.
Sound: The sound was good but it was kind of annoying as well. I had to turn down the Sound Fx's to like 65 so that I wouldnt get so annoyed with the shooting noises. Unlike most games where getting shot at or shooting someone is actually exciting this game makes it irritating. When your on the spy cam in level 10 I believe that stupid noise that spycam makes is the a huge turnoff for the game. The dialouge is unimpressive and sounds so fake and predictable.
Suggestions: Dont make another Perfect Dark game!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2006.

Overall: I have only played the demo and so far I think everything about this game is awesome.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very nice and easy to learn.
Graphics: The graphics are outstanding and the weapons and player models were done extremely well.
Sound: The sounds are really nice, all the weapons sound very realistic.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 19, 2006.

Overall: Have you ever had the experience of hearing about something so much for so long that the anticipation is almost unbearable? Perfect Dark Zero has been coming out forever it seems. It was supposed to be the kick !&%$@#* game of the year! It was supposed to challenge the almighty Halo for Xbox superiority! However, much like your first shot at sex, it was alright but it wasn't great. Or maybe that was just me? Anyway, PDZ just didn't do it for me. It seems to be missing that wow factor, that "oh shat!" thing. Decent game not a must have by any means.
Gameplay: Pretty standard fare here. Shoot people get shot at. Just another day in the life of an FPS. The one dynamic I liked was the duck for cover and come up shooting. The story was wait a minute was there a story? Anywho, the most fun to be had here is in multiplayer. Not the best with tons of lag when I played but that's where the fun is so get there you noobs!
Graphics: Graphically this game does not make your jaw hit the floor but it will sag politely to your collar. I know the 360 can and will do better.
Sound: Again nothing amazing here. Just guns blazing, bombs exploding stuff. This further proves my ho-hum attitude with this title. Nothing moved me.
Suggestions: Make the game stand out. Get a better story. The ugly truth: I should have waited until Blockbuster was putting out for rent.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 24, 2006.

Overall: Perfect Dark Zero is an incredibly fun game. I am not a very big FPS fan, with the only other FPS I had truly enjoyed being Halo 2. This game has taught me to love the feeling of creeping through the shadows, silencer equipped, ready to take out anything. Rare has made their hugely expensive deal with microsoft finally worthwhile, with a game that is truly fun and creative.
Gameplay: Gameplay in Perfect Dark Zero is generally excellent. Every one of the many guns is distictive and has a secondary function which adds a whole new layer of strategy. Plus, finishing a mission with a weapon will unlock it for you weapons library, for use at any other level. Collecting all the guns is very fun, and adds a huge amount of replayability. The enemy AI is also very clever, with enemies on the harder difficulties becoming very wicked indeed. The only gripe I have is with the lack of a jump button, which is noticible most in the multiplayer mode jumping was a feature that was part of the incredible fun of Halo 2, and being stuck to the ground all the time is a bit of a restriction.
Graphics: Wow. The graphics are simply unparalelled. Every surface, person, gun, menu and cutscene is rendered in incredible High-Definition. This is a game where the developers are clearly showing off what the 360 can do. Top notch.
Sound: I have a couple of gripes with the sound: Firstly, the music is somewhat poppy-techno which can get seriously annoying at points. I prefer ripping up DataDyne forces to "Micheal Jackson: Greatest Hits" Also, the voiceovers range from merely acceptable (Jack, Joanna) to absurdly awful. (Zhang-Li?!) Apart from these, The guns sound like they should, which also adds to the little realism this game has.
Suggestions: Please let us jump. Please don't make Joanna say "Ugh! Ooh! Eeaah!" and various other grunting noises every time we press the melee button. A longer story might be good also.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 21, 2006.

Overall: Pros:
This is one of the best games I have ever played in the 25 years I have been playing video games; it is so much fun! The graphics are amazing on any television, and they are photo realistic when you play the game on an HDTV. The 5.1 audio is also amazing; it literally is a tool that helps you play the game. You can locate enemies in better ways thanks to the high-quality 5.1 sound, because you can hear their voices or their steps or their guns in certain speakers at certain times; it really is incredible to have sound be such a huge factor in gameplay!

The background music is also excellent. Perfect Dark Zero is the first videogame I ever bought the soundtrack to. When you hear the song, "Limelight," which plays at a nightclub you are at in one of the early stages, then you will know what I am talking about! The bass pumps out the sound as if you are at a real nightclub, and when you get closer to the building, it is as if you are really there! This is something you will love about the way Xbox 360 uses 5.1 audio!

The gameplay difficulty is also another factor that is excellent, because you can set what sort of difficulty you want it to be at based on what sort of agent you are. I like the way that you have a technical person that your character Joanna Dark is working with named Chandra; she guides you to your location if you take too long doing something and clearly don't know where to go next. This makes it so you don't end up wasting time going back and forth over and over like you do in some of those other games on other systems. This game also has multiplayer and online capabilities that are very nice, especially the online features!

The controls can be adjusted, too; that way, you can have your controller do whatever you want. I personally changed the way the character moves so that Perfect Dark Zero played much more like Halo. The default analog controls are based on the control setup of the original Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64, which is something that I do not like very much. I believe that many of the negative reviews for Perfect Dark Zero focused on the control setup and the way that it wasn't as good as Halo. However, the controls of Perfect Dark Zero can easily be adjusted by using the Options menu. Perfect Dark Zero's left and right analog stick controls can be identical to those of Halo if you just make one change in the Options menu. So I went to the Options screen and changed it so the right analog stick moves the characters head up, down, left, and right so it is easy to coordinate where you are looking. I also changed the controls so the left analog stick causes Joanna Dark to move forward and backward and strafe left and right. I believe that this should have been the default control, because it allows anyone familiar with a first person shooter like Halo to instantly be familiar with the controls in Perfect Dark Zero. Thankfully, this is an easy adjustment to make, and it is a great overall control adjustment feature that I highly recommend!

I have nothing to complain about this game! Under normal conditions, I would say that the only thing to complain about would be that the game had to come to an end, but the fact that you can play this game online with so many other people makes it so you always get replay value out of this game! Plus, you can go back to earlier levels with more advanced weapons and gadgets that you got in later stages and beat up on those bad guys and examine new places in very fun ways! The only potential bad thing about Perfect Dark Zero is that the default controls are based on the control scheme from Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64 rather than the control scheme from Halo on the Xbox. Thankfully, this can be corrected in the Options menu. There were probably people who didn't give Perfect Dark Zero the full chance it deserved, because the default controls make it more difficult to coordinate where you are going and what you are looking at. Hopefully, the programmers at Rare will change the default controls of the next Perfect Dark videogame so they are like the controls of Halo on the Xbox rather than the controls of Perfect Dark on the Nintendo 64.

My personal comment would be for people who haven't played this game yet: If you really want to play a fun game that is meant to be fun for the player while taking advantage of graphics, sound, action, humor, and online features all at the same time, then you should at least rent this game! I recommend that you go to the Options screen and change the control setup so it is like Halo on the Xbox rather than Perfect Dark Zero on the Nintendo 64. This is a game that will really make a great gift for anyone! I highly recommend getting the Limited Collector's Edition of the game if you can still find it, because it only costs $10 more at most places, and it comes with some nice things, such as a bonus DVD.
Gameplay: The writers in this game did such an excellent job with the way that the script is designed. The level of humor in this game is absolutely amazing. For example, one of the weapons you use, called, "the Laptop," makes the quick note that it uses Windows 2020. Another funny thing is the way you can listen to people in the game; I have spent lots of time just listening to people talk in the game. Listening to this one guy talk on his cell phone with his wife is absolutely amazing! The voices of the enemies are excellent; they are very nicely done.

Overall, I think that anyone will like this game. If you have an HDTV and a 5.1 audio system, then you will be absolutely amazed with what you see and hear. The graphics on a normal television are still far superior to anything else produced on any other system, and if you don't have a 5.1 sound system, then the stereo sound is still great, just not as great as the true 5.1 element that would have brought in a new element of gameplay. I believe that everyone with an Xbox 360 should at least give this game a try, because I can't imagine anyone not liking it. This game will only be available to play on the Xbox 360, which means that if you don't have one, then this is the sort of game that you would want to get when you do buy your Xbox 360. I hope that everyone who plays this game enjoys it! :-)

Graphics: The graphics are amazing on any television, and they are photo realistic when you play the game on an HDTV. The level of animation is excellent!
Sound: The 5.1 audio is also amazing; it literally is a tool that helps you play the game. You can locate enemies in better ways thanks to the high-quality 5.1 sound, because you can hear their voices or their steps or their guns in certain speakers at certain times; it really is incredible to have sound be such a huge factor in gameplay!

The background music is also excellent. Perfect Dark Zero is the first videogame I ever bought the soundtrack to. When you hear the song, "Limelight," which plays at a nightclub you are at in one of the early stages, then you will know what I am talking about! The bass pumps out the sound as if you are at a real nightclub, and when you get closer to the building, it is as if you are really there! This is something you will love about the way Xbox 360 uses 5.1 audio!

Suggestions: Perfect Dark Zero is my favorite game of all time. I have bought the Collector's Edition, the Soundtrack, the Book, and the AudioBook. Each of those is AWESOME!

I love the Perfect Dark Zero videogame, and I hope that a sequel will be released. A sequel would allow Rare to make the Default Analog Stick Controls similar to Halo rather than the N64 version of Perfect Dark. To experienced gamers like me, this isn't that big of a deal, since you can go to the Options menu in Perfect Dark Zero and change the controls. But to new gamers and game reviewers who usually evaluate games based on default controls, I believe it would make a big difference in their opinion of the game.

I believe a change in the Default Analog Stick Controls would cause everyone who likes Halo to also enjoy Perfect Dark, because then the Left Analog Stick will control the movement of your character, and the Right Analog Stick will move the Joanna?s head and overall point of view. I believe this is the way it should be for all first person shooters. The small amount of people who didn't like Perfect Dark Zero didn't give it a second chance because they didn't take the time to go to the Options menu to change the controls to be like Halo. But, if Rare would have made the controls similar to Halo by default, then that would not have been an issue.

A sequel to Perfect Dark Zero would also be designed with the Xbox 360 in mind from day one. Perfect Dark Zero was originally supposed to be released for the Gamecube, then the Xbox, and then it was rushed out in order to be there for the launch of the Xbox 360. A sequel to Perfect Dark Zero would allow Rare to truly take advantage of the power of the Xbox 360.

My favorite feature of the Xbox 360 version of Perfect Dark Zero is the way that Chandra will tell you where to go with arrows when you have no clue where to go. I hate First-Person-Shooter games where you get motion sickness and a headache from wandering around in the same spots over and over because you don't know where to go. Perfect Dark Zero corrects this problem with the arrows. Some people say this takes the difficulty out of the game, but I disagree. I think that feature makes it so a new group of people will be able to succeed at the game.

I hope Rare is listening to this. Please contact me if you are. My email address is I have a large number of game and story suggestions. Please make a sequel. Make the default character movement controls similar to Halo. Keep the zoom with the Left Trigger. Add a Jump button to the game by using the Right Analog Stick in the same way that the Left Analog Stick causes the character to Crouch. The game will be Perfect then, and all the people who review it professionally will say it lived up to the hype!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 27, 2006.

Overall: I was waiting for this game for awhile, as other gamers were. The N64 game was very fun at the time and this game was supposed to be just as good.
Gameplay: Perfect Dark Zero let me down a little, its still a good game in my opinion but it could have been so much better. The controls are not as good as what they could have been and that takes a little of the fun out of this title for me.
Graphics: This next-gen title looks pretty good. The environments are big and the player models are done well.
Sound: The voice-overs are done well, but could have been better. The weapon sounds are very realistic.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 19, 2006.

Overall: This game was probably the most anticipated game for the past 5 years of all and probably the most in Rare's history of the game. The game's strong point is the have your traditional death match(team killcount, killcount, capture the flag,etc..more like halo) and you also have your more tactical deathmatches(more of like a tom clancy game). The weakness of the game is its sound and short story, I don't know how this is possible since Rare has been working on this game for 2001..I guess the platform changes had to change level designs according to what I have read.
Gameplay: Gameplay is amazing, I loved the roll and hiding behind walls. The gameplay makes this game. The mutiplayer is as good as it gets with all the options.
Graphics: Graphics are top notch for 1st generation! At first when I saw pictures of the cartoonish style mixed with the realism..I wasn't a real fan, but after playing the game. It's beautiful!
Sound: The acting is sometime not top notch, reminds me something of brute force. All the guns sound great and real. The rock songs are good and most the time the music is top notch, its just sometimes the music gets it gets an average score of 2.5.
Suggestions: Make Perfect Zero 2 and remake the orginal! I miss the alien guns! Make a longer game. combat simulator maybe?

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: December 11, 2005.

Overall: Wow... well, it has been ages since i have reviewed a game here at XBA.
So my first Xbox 360 game review is PD0. It is tough to review a game when there is little else to compare it to, all you have are your ambitions and hopes for what you wished the game would be.

People argue that PD0 is one of the best looking launch titles for the 360, that means little though - as of course we all know it is the gameplay that counts... right?

As I had never played the original on the N64, i really didnt know what to expect from this game... according to the hype it was going to be something special...
And yes it is!
PD0 lives up to all it set to achieve, Expansive and vast pretty environments, beautiful visuals, and fun frenzied multiplayer.
When it is good, it is very very good... but when it is bad... well...
firstly there is the plot, or perhaps the lack of it.
Maybe it was there, but the corny jokes, and crappy acting never gave me the initiative to get involved in the story.
Have no doubt it is a fun single player game - just have something to do when the cutscenes arrive.
The multiplayer is hectic to say the least, vehicles make a show, but i do miss the ability to jump.
All in all, pd0 is a very accomplished game, and more than we could have hoped for to launch the 360 with a bang.
Gameplay: Gameplay is fast and fun, with a great selection of weapons to blast peoples heads off with.
Single player whilst fun, is slightly unengaging at times.
Multiplayer is as i said before, hectic - 50 people running around towns... bullets flying all over (the most compact and accurate description i can give of it's chaos... you have to see it yourself to believe it)
Graphics: Amazing visuals are on show here, bump mapping is perfect, and textures are so amazingly lifelike.
Some areas, like multiplayer maps lack the graphical wow of others, but in general the game is stunning.
A great example of what we can see in the future, and sets the bar for games to come.
Sound: pd0 is an average sounding game. Nothing bad, but nothing to make it stand out in any way.
Voice acting is sub-par, and some effects etc sound repeated.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 3, 2005.

Overall: I expected more from this game than it delivered. I thought it was going to be the shooter to play online until Halo 3 is released. It's not. It's still a good game, but it's not my first choice unless I've really got some time to kill. Online/multiplayer are definately better than the campagn mode, but they are two very different games. Overall I guess I'm not terribly impressed, but that could be because I set the bar too high in my personal expectations.
Gameplay: The gameplay is decent. The controls are easy to manage and not hard to learn. It seems that there are two entirely different games in PDZ. The campaign mode is kind of fun, but it didn't get my juices flowing like Halo 2 did. The focus of the campaign mode is tactics and stealth. You do a lot of sneaking around. The focus of multiplayer is just all out mayhem. Kill everybody. I like that in a game. One thing that really diminishes the worth of PDZ is the melee attacks. I don't know if I'm just bad at it or slow, but whenever I try the melee attack, it seems like it's delivered late. It could just be my own shortcoming, but I don't think it is because in other games my melee style is one of my strengths. It sure isn't in PDZ, though, so I think it's a problem with the game. PDZ is fun both in campaign mode and online, but it just feels like it's missing something.
Graphics: The visuals are breathtakind, nothing short of stunning. The player models are very realistic. The envirenments are really well done. These may be some of the best visual effects made on a console game so far.
Sound: The sound is perfect. 5.1 rocks. It must be something about the system power, but I have yet to play a game on the 360 that hasn't blown me away with the audio. PDZ is no different. The sound is really well done, especially on a 5.1 surround sound receiver.
Suggestions: Spice it up a little to make it more interesting. Put some twists in the storyline or something. You could even take a shortcut and throw some nudity in there. Hellm it's already rated M. Anything to give it whatever it is that it's missing to make it a system seller.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Perfect Dark Zero News

Rare: No Comment on Perfect Dark 2
While blogs and consumer websites jumped on unconfirmed reports yesterday that Rare is currently working on Perfect Dark 2 for the Xbox 360, the developer has shrugged off any speculation of unconfirmed projects.

Rare Says No To Killer Instinct 3
In the latest letter section on Rare’s website, a question concerning the existence of Killer Instinct 3 was posed by a fan, unfortunately it was denied by Rare.

Rare Shows Off Jetpac Refuelled
Released back in 1983 on the Spectrum, Jetpac is making a return with Jetpac Refuelled for Xbox Live Arcade.

Perfect Dark Zero Map Pack Two
The following content is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace for Xbox Live Gold members only.

New Perfect Dark Zero Maps Available Online Today
Pillar Xbox 360 first-person shooter brings new challenges to would-be agents, adding four new battlegrounds for premium download.

PDZ Maps Coming
Microsoft teams not in synch; downloadable maps aren't quite ready yet.

New Perfect Dark Zero Demo
Microsoft has released a new demo of Perfect Dark Zero on Xbox Live Marketplace.

Xbox 360 Perfect Dark Zero Downloads Announced
Xbox 360 exclusive title Perfect Dark Zero getting new content and a demo on the Xbox live marketplace.

Perfect Dark Goes Wireless
Samsung Telecommunications America and Microsoft,will turn their mobile phones into extensions of the game.

Perfect Dark Zero Cinematic Trailer
Check out the Perfect Dark Zero cinematic trailer, it's sweet!

Rare’s Perfect Gamble
In order to guarantee Xbox 360 launch-day availability of Perfect Dark Zero, Microsoft sent the game to manufacture before it had passed certification.

Perfect Dark Trilogy
With the launch of Xbox 360 just around the corner. Greg Rucka to write three books based on the Microsoft franchise.

Rare’s Got Two More In The Works
Rare already has two previously unannounced in development, but they won’t be named till spring 2006. Let’s all cross our fingers for R.C. ProAm 2!

Allard On Perfect Dark Zero
J Allard talks about his hopes for Perfect Dark Zero and gives his impressions of the gameplay. Will it be system seller? You'll have to read to find out.

A Few More Perfect Dark Zero Images
We have a couple more images of Perfect Dark Zero for you to enjoy!

Joanna Dark Bio
Check out the story behind our favorite female agent!

Rare Announces Perfect Dark Collector’s Edition
Rare makes the special edition, which rubs your feet and cooks your dinner, official. Details inside.

Perfect Dark Novel Precedes Xbox 360 Launch
The first of three novels set in the Perfect Dark universe will see release this October. Will this help establish the brand into something legendary like Halo? Or is it merely an attempt to ape the success of that wildly successful franchise?

Be Part Of The Joanna Dark Community
Experience the mysterious past of one of the most lethal agents ever, Joanna Dark, as Microsoft Game Studios today announces the launch of the new community site

More Perfect Dark Details
How does Perfect Dark online play sound? How about the new Perfect Dark to be a prequel to the N64 classic? Sounds delicious right? Read on for more juicy tidbits.

Perfect Dark Zero At E3?
Will Perfect Dark Zero indeed be the launch title for our next gen system? We all have to wait for E3. However, speculation has it that Perfect Dark Zero will make an appearance at E3 this year.

Perfect Dark Zero On LIVE Confirmed
Ken Lobb confirms Xbox Live! for the forthcoming Perfect Dark Zero.

Conker: Live and Uncut Fact Sheet
Can’t wait until the rodent with an additude hits the Xbox? Well here’s some more info on the upcoming smash hit.

Rare Gives New Face To Perfect Dark

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0 Replies, 139534 Views

I pay $ 1000! I search the Element 54 Canadian launch Team signaturen Faceplate
Post by Smill
0 Replies, 168526 Views

Xbox one no signal
Post by debrartin
0 Replies, 154823 Views

do you remember?
Post by SnoochyBoochy
3 Replies, 237716 Views

i haz xbox
Post by SnoochyBoochy
0 Replies, 200665 Views

Claiming the first thread of 2020
Post by Kraft
7 Replies, 281862 Views

Important! I pay $ 1000! I search the Sweden launch and the Element 54 Faceplate
Post by Smill
3 Replies, 158430 Views

Squad Up
Post by samslophead
0 Replies, 295951 Views

TERA Skinned Xbox One X Giveaway!
Post by Variation-XBA
0 Replies, 188145 Views

Starfield Release expectations?
Post by DJ tx
4 Replies, 327382 Views

Issue with Xbox live on Xbox home
Post by rcmpayne
0 Replies, 175770 Views

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