Airforce Delta Storm (Original Xbox) by Konami

Airforce Delta Storm (Xbox) by Konami Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

Japanese Name: Airforce Delta 2

North Amercian Release Date: November 15, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.27 / 10

If you enjoy beautiful high-flying jet action with an arcade twist, then Airforce Delta Storm is the game for you. I extremely enjoyed this game despite its few flaws and weird qwirks. Thus, be warned that this title is not a flight simulator; it is a 100% pure arcade jet fighter game!"

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Strap into your cockpit and blast through the gut-wrenching world of flight combat. Your adrenaline pumps as machinegun fire pelts off your tail, you execute backbreaking barrel rolls and engage in dog fighting action.
Take your pick of over 70 planes, including military fighters rendered from actual aircraft. With a full range of extreme missions to numb your senses, AirForce Delta Storm pushes your Xbox to the sky!


Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Thursday, April 19, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 63
Overall User Average: 6.35 / 10 (62.7%)
Gameplay User Average: 6.19 / 10
Graphics User Average: 6.97 / 10
Sound User Average: 5.97 / 10
Date reviewed: June 5, 2005.

Overall: BOOOO....I bought this game two or three weeks ago and I would like to say it wasnt even worth the twenty bucks I spent for it. I am a big fan of flight simulators such as the Janes Combat Simulator. In Janes the player controls every aspect of the ship, the flaps, landing gear, reverse thrusters, ejection button, ect. In Delta Storm the player controls none of this.
Gameplay: The game play is very repetitive and boring. The player must fly from point a to point b and must kill some enemies along the way.
Graphics: The looks of this game are amazing, especially due to the fact that it was one of the first video games out for the xbox.
Sound: The sound was too fast pace. It was as if the developers were trying to make it appear that the combat was intense.
Suggestions: Make the game more like the janes combat simulator games.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: June 4, 2005.

Overall: That pretty much sums it up if you are a Xbox owner I would recommend picking up this game it is very good, Especially if you like flight-Sims. You should not have my problem finding it anymore because I see it in a bunch of different place now. If you are specifically looking for this game I would suggest looking at eb first. I hope you enjoyed my review and found it useful. It is my first review so please don?t be to harsh. Thanks for Reading.

Gameplay: The gameplay is unbelievable. I Just love it. I love how you have to buy your planes. I also like how you planes are not kept if you are shot down. This is realistic but it makes the game extremely challenging, and the only plane you get to keep is the corsair and that plane just sucks it is so heavy and it is very slow. it doesn't even have an afterburner. Another hard part is the some of the missions. Some are set up so if you don't go the exact right speed and direction you will fail the mission. This brings up another good fact there is no plane in the game that can just go and kill hundreds of planes and not get a scratch. Even with the most powerful plane the missions are still difficult. The rest of the missions are really fun they are long but they are not drawn out you get to fly though canyons, over the ocean, through snowy mountains and many more. I also like all the different enemies you fight you get to fight tanks, boats stationary guns full bases, and of course there are tons of airborne crafts to shoot down. Well that?s it for the gameplay.
Graphics: The graphics in my opinion use all of the Xbox?s potential. In my opinion they are perfect they could not have made them any better than they are. The graphics are also smooth and crisp. I?ve yet to see a fault or a skip or a scratch in the graphics. The planes look like they should. The game uses mostly imagined planes but they are not unbelievable designs. They look like planes we might see maybe in the next ten years. That?s just about all I can say about the graphics except restate that they are perfect.

Sound: That sound is the only other thing that nicked the score. I?m not says the sound is bad. The sound is fine. The problem is the music. The music is not horrible it is just sometimes a little slow. Like if you are flying in the open air with no enemies near by there is only quite kind of a tune playing in the background. This lead me to another problem the music is not really a song it is like a tune and on top of that you can?t you the custom soundtrack that is a big bust especially with the lack of actual music. One thing I do like is when you die it plays a little bit of final fantasy seven music? da da da dea, dea dea dna, dae dae dau. Hah hah hi hi hoh. Ok sorry enough of that. Thanks to my friend for noticing that. Personally I crash just to here that little clip sometimes. Another part of the music I like is when you are in a dog fight (Close quarter fight between 2 or more planes) the tunes get to be really good.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: December 15, 2003.

Overall: Airforce Delta Storm is a top contender for the best flight simulation availible on Xbox. Possibily because it is the only one, well until recently.
Gameplay: Gameplay is hard at first, but it eases up enough to suck you into the game. Excellent game play, only a few bugs that need ironing out.
Graphics: Graphics are decent and get the job done. I think they could have pushed the engine a bit more, but being what they had to work with and 0 experience on the xbox at the time, they did a great job.
Sound: Sounds is excellent for the time this came out. I was very impressed as this was one of the first 3 games I had purchases for xbox after launch.
Suggestions: A sequel!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: When you start the game at the bottom of the title screen it says "Copyright 1999". That should tip you off. The XBOX went on sale at the end of 2001. I don't even think the PS2 was around in 1999.
Gameplay: Definitely not a sim. You get machine gun and rockets, but no flares. With default controls you cannot even rotate the aircraft(barrel roll?).
Graphics: This game defines bad graphics. I really believe the game was developed in 1998-1999 period. The title screen is proof. Maybe it sucked soo bad M$ made them stop selling it. You can't buy this game anymore.
Sound: Once again, a very arcade feel.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 40 %

Lord Vivic
Date reviewed: October 14, 2003.

Overall: Well,I like these types of games.I think the graphics are not the best in the world.But,the game play is .......interesting.
Gameplay: The gameplay is cool,but there is only so many things that you can do in the game.The controls are easy to use I liked that alot.
Graphics: The graphics in the game were disapointing.The enemy jets looked like three or for squares from a distence
Sound: Sounds were horable compared to the Ace Combat series.The explo hard not to lol at.
Suggestions: Get better at your game making.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: June 13, 2003.

Overall: well i have played this games predecessor on the dream cast (thats why the title is 1999.. gj for those who look at it.. anyways the game is ment for arcade not a real Sim so your not gonna get flares and ejection seats..anyways.. i loved it for the DC and i love it for the XBX
Gameplay: well basically u go on missions to buy more aircraft to go on more missions and so on and there are a few missions that are !&%$@#* near impossible :o

needs more missions variety and the controls are a Lil iffy u can barrel roll when u change the controls to ADVANCED... gg
Graphics: the planes are greatly detailed and the the setup is great... but you notice the ground could of been better produced and so on..but it is great to Be able to fly on the xbox
Sound: sounds are good to tell ya the truth tho u could add a lil more talking(or actually add talking) in the plane from yours to your base would be kewl to have then yell at ya when u get smoked..
Suggestions: make another one plz!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: January 17, 2003.

Overall: THIS GAME IS AWESOME FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVES FLIGHT GAMES!! The action is nice. I guess it is awesome because it is really the only air fighting game available for Xbox. WHY DID THIS GAME GO OUT OF PRINT? If anyone is looking for this game, since it cannot be bought at stores anymore, look here:
Gameplay: The gameplay is easy to learn and responsive. However, eject features would really help this game. The flying is nice and hopefully there will be more flying games on Xbox.
Graphics: Graphics are awesome. Very detailed planes and the ground units are just average. The planes are gorgeous. There should have been a bit more detail in the ground part of this game.
Sound: Sound is ok. Some more realistic noises, like how they sound in real life, would be nice. Also, put in Xbox live if there is a sequel, even though this game is out-of-print.
Suggestions: Add Xbox Live. Make a sequel. Why did this game go out-of-print? Anyone want the game? Go here:

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: September 1, 2002.

Overall: it sounded like a great idea - a competitor for ace combat on the ps2, but it flopped hard and left disappointment everywhere.
Gameplay: the idea of flying jets around and blowing everything up is great, but not when you have to do that over and over and over and over and over and over.
Graphics: the water and airplanes and ground look video-game good, but not realistic. compared to the gameplay and sound however, this is the one shining spot of the game
Sound: is that a jet flying on my tv or a law mower; very un-realistic sound. look to top gun for some inspiration.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: May 26, 2002.

Overall: If you like military aircraft that are detiled and look beautiful then this is your game! The game itself though is not as I hoped. It is very shallow in game play. I do enjoy the game since I enjoy the many aircraft they have that you can fly. You have to earn points by completing missions, then you can get better aircraft. Overall, I do like the game for its beauty.
Gameplay: I like the planes, many choices and each has its own charachteristics. They all look very detailed too. The missions are weak and I would not buy it for them alone. rent this one first.
Graphics: Looks great! This is why you would want this game. Every plane is detailed and the feel is very smoth!
Sound: Not a lot here to get excited about. Some intros that sound silly. Teh plane noise is, well plane noise.
Suggestions: Make the missions better with more objects to destroy. More detail on the objects with more emersion!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 6, 2002.

Overall: I was real phsyced about getting this game. With the war on terrorism happening i wanted to take my frustrations out with this game. Having flight sim games before this i thought its xbox so its gonna rock . This game is a major disapointment . The graphics are good but the plane phsics totaly reaked . it was like fighting in a flying dumpster , yeah theres many planes in this game with their own physics but the planes manueverability is limited and unbending.The story has about as much substance as a UPN sitcom. I think the developers needed a quick game to show off the xbox. Maybe thats why WWF Raw is being pushed back , they probably realized they actualy have to make gameplay and a story now that evgeryone is pissed off. This is the third xbox game i've traded in.I was greatly disapointed . Even the combat is cheap . There are blind spots everywhere when fighting and the planes turn to engage the enemy way to slow.My advice is to get Amped or Halo and pass this hollow excuse for flight combat.

Gameplay: The interface you use to get into the game is ugly. Not that it's bad looking, just hard to get through. When you begin, you're only given one plane and one mission to choose from, which makes the game immediately demands hours of play just to get the goodies like the Mig, the Chengdu, and the Harrier aircracft. The manual does promise real jets and a few interesting missions. Once you get flying, the game defaults to a behind the plane view, which isn't terrible, but it doesn't give a good feel for flying. The controls with the Xbox controller are hard to get used seeing as the plane is sometimes very responsive and other times not. Air to Air combat, even on Novie controls setting, is extremely tough, and it's easy to miss even with locked on missles. Once you get a handle for the plane, the game is rather nice. It certainly could be a lot worse in every way since it's on a console rather than PC. Still, the gameplay doesn't come close to matching great flight sims like US Navy Fighters, MS Flight Simulator, or even the classic (and my favorite) Strike Commander.

Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. The isn't anything to really complain about or point out, which is a good thing. One of my roommates refuses to play the game based on the fact that no matter what, your plane will not explode when shot down. If you fly into the water, into the ground, or into a ship, we have yet to see an explosion of our plane. The two points which I saw were lacking, is that the plane is completely missing in !&%$@#* pit view. I miss the days when racing games and flightsims had the trunk in front, like in Daytona USA, when you flew or drove from inside. The other gripe I have is that machine guns with the classic 1 to 6 tracer ratio have been traded for a 1 to 1 ratio, meaning you can see every bullet. Just a side note: A tracer shot was put in guns in the 1940s for WWII in order to spot where gunners were shooting, but in order not give away location, only 1 in 6 or more were visible.

Sound: My problem is coving both the ground and the air enemies with no support, so when the bad guys start making land fall in Mission 1, I hear the same transmition over and over again. Besides that, the sounds are very nice, with machine guns rattling, explosions matchin distance and radio transmitions having static. The music isn't special. In fact, it just sits there in the background. While you don't really notice it, it's not good or bad. If you want realism, there should be no music in the game, and for the most part, I believe there isn't any, but I'm not sure. I got bored and fed up with game pretty quickly and returned it after 1 day

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 14, 2002.

Overall: One of my favorite movies of all time is Top Gun, so I always love it when a good fighter pilot game comes out. This is one of those games. You fly a huge assortment of fighter jets. Missions vary from air to air, air to ground, and air to water combat.
Gameplay: Controls are quick and easy to learn. I did find it odd that the weapons were not defaulted to the left and right triggers. Don't expect anything too fancy: you won't be performing loops, spins, or inverted flight.
Graphics: Game has a very realistic look to it. Graphics are smooth and flawless. Nothing too outstanding, but not disapointing either. Let's just call it par for what should be expected in an Xbox game.
Sound: Absolutly nothing to complain about as far as sound effects. Music is uninspired and gets lame quick. I would've loved to have seen the soudtrack feature used in this game.
Suggestions: I wouldn't mind having a wingman to cover my butt. Soundtrack support. Option to turn off the replay feature.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 10, 2002.

Overall: The game is *really* slow, and it's nothing like the advertisements. The short movies shown in the ads don't pertain to actual game play. The jet's maneuverability is next to nothing! Hit the throttle, and nothing happens! No flames, no high horse power rumble, no nothing. Wanna make a fast turn around to get the drop on your opponent? Not here pal! You aint doin' diddly! It's round n' round in circles you go. The air brake doesn't work either; atleast, not worth a !&%$@#* . All in all, the game is a **MAJOR** disappointment! The Playstation 2 version is %100 better in every way. The X-Box version isn't even fun.
Gameplay: NONE! The controls suck! The A.I. sucks! The jets suck! This game was one of the primary reasons that I bought an X Box, so thank god I bought DOA 3 and Halo at the same time.
Graphics: I'll tell you what; the only appeal that Air Force Delta 1 has to me since I played it, is the fact that the game is selling like wild fire on e-bay.....
Sound: If the game was any good at all, you wouldn't have time to pay attention to the music. As it is though, the game play sucks, so the sound is very important. Unfortunately, the music stinks as well. Very repetitive, as the same cheesy imitation of rock n' roll plays over and over again. The sound effects aren't bad though. Too bad you can't here your after burners kick in (>hint hint
Suggestions: Start over from scratch? Perhaps you should actually *play* your games before releasing them.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: March 4, 2002.

Overall: the graphics and controls are nice. The sound effects are good and the soundtrack was alright but the missions just grew too repetitive in between the main missions.
Gameplay: Simple concept. Shoot down enemy planes and blow up enemy ground targets using machine guns and missles. I liked the idea but the simple concept grew old after a few hours of playing the same little missions before getting to another main mission. Replay mode is hardly worth watching because there are almost no player control options.
Graphics: Graphics are great. The explosions look real and the planes look excellent. I especially like the lighting effects off of the planes. Jaggies on the wings of the planes were quite noticible though.
Sound: sound effects were good and the soundtrack was also good. The sound of the engines and the explosions were very nice.
Suggestions: extend the main missions and get rid of the annoying little missions that just repeat themselves. Also give lots of player control over the replay modes. controls that will get you to the heart of the action and also let you slow down, pause and change angles to really enjoy the game. Maybe even give and option to save really good mission replays to the Xbox hard drive. I think that if the game had an excellent replay mode, it would have kept my interest a lot longer.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: Graphically this game is awesome. Controls are easy. Sound is great, the music really gets you hyped when your playing...Where is the O2 mask and helmet!!
Gameplay: Controls are easy to use and come natural to even a rookie like myself.
I would like to see a great game like this with the ability to take off and land, and this would be soooo cool to have a multi-player version.
Graphics: one word can describe the visual appeal. Great! from the awesome landscape renditions to the water, sky, it's absolutely phenominal
Sound: I really like a shoot-em up airplane game with great rock riff's(you know if you were in a car you would be breaking sound barriers on the e-way) and this one has it
Suggestions: multi player game and take-offs and landings. maybe in the air re-fueling

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 28, 2002.

Overall: This was a fun game. I don't usually like war or plane games, but I got into this one. The graphics are really good, controls are too.
Gameplay: The controls were good, it took me a little longer than usual to get used to them, but I am now. I like shooting missiles at the other planes and dodging the missiles too. The only thing is that I dont think this game would last too long.
Graphics: The graphics are very good. The planes rocks water ships..everything looks real(sort of). But it still has very good graphics.
Sound: MMMM, I dont like the music. It is 80s rockish music. They couldve fixed this. You can't customize it either :-(

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2002.

Overall: The game is a great game and has many awsome features and graphics BUT the game can get boring real fast
Gameplay: the game very fun to play but there should be multiplayer that is a big disapointment but there are alot of missions and planes
Graphics: Graphics are great its what xbox is al about and the water is real good lookin if you like planes you'll like this game
Sound: Can't use my own music not very happy but the sounds of he game help make up for very realistic sounds
Suggestions: multiplayer

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Spike Minoda
Date reviewed: January 30, 2002.

Overall: Great game! But it is hard to overcome the controls. But once you get over that, you are home free! Oh and if you crash, you have to buy a new plane. That is a bad part. Besides all that, ADS rocks!
Gameplay: Extremely advancing difficulty just after level 21. But, hey. I like challenges. There are two configurations you can use: Novice and Expert. Expert lets you adjust your roll, yaw and throttle.
None of that is available in the Novice mode.
Graphics: Great graphics. Replays are just like real life. The explosios look real, too! I think it runs at 60 fps.
Sound: I don't really like the music in this game. It is guitar and techno. It gets boring. Haven't found how to turn off music
Suggestions: No, actually yes. Make some more radical, nerve-racking music to make the game even more tough. Oh, and some countermeasures please.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: January 22, 2002.

Overall: I really don't recomend this game at all. I was so psyched about getting thsi game and i looked everywhere to find it. It was in the last place i looked. I brought it home and started to play. The start up screen was ugly it was like playstation 1 which is really sad. It was flat out boring. There was nothing to it exept following the arrow on the screen. do your self abd buy halo of some other game.
Gameplay: There was nothing fun about the gameplay. All you did was follow the arrow on the screen and everyonce in a while dodge a missel. The controlers didn't work well at all with the game. a joystick would have been better but the game would still suc. They did have different settings for the controler but they weren't good. overal NOT FUN, not worth it!
Graphics: I will give them some credit here they were ok from up in the sky looking at the ground. But boy did they suc when you get close to the ground. The screen shots were a complete lie. nothing was like that. you never saw anything but the back of the planes jurging gameplay which suced. The screen shots are what sold me on the game because i liked good graphics but they weren't like that on the game.
Sound: Only one good part. Missels flying by your !&%$@#* pit. Everything else was bad. The music during the gameplay was terrible it was just annoying.
Suggestions: Needs much improvement but i defently think i could like a plane game but NOT THIS ONE!

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: January 10, 2002.

Overall: Awsome!!! I personally have been looking forward to this game ever since they were trying to develop it for hte DC.
Gameplay: The gameplay is very nice. I like the way that they objectives are handled. For instance you dont have to actually destroy everything in the area you just have "specific" objectives that need to be destroyed. But all the other things you blow up will give you extra points to buy more planes.
Graphics: The plane design is stunning. Nice textures and nice Plane models. You really don't notice how detailed they are untill you watch the instant replay once you have completed a mission. Although they could have fixed a few things liket he ground because when you get close to it you see that its just flat and not to well textured but I personally dont pay attention to the ground while im flying. The missels leave a nice smoke trail behind them for quite a while until they hit their target. One of the best graphical features that really make this game shine is the highly detailed clouds and sky, like for instance when the sun is shining through the clouds you can see the sun rays beaming down very visually pleasing. Also if you are flying in a muggy kind of foggy weather.. Just fly above the clouds and it will be alot clearer...its just cool looking.
Sound: Sound is another aspect in which this game stands out. You will know what im talkign about when you hear a missle zooming up on you and you quickly dodge it and it sounds like the missle just wizzed right by your ear..very nice. The engines all sound authentic and the explosions sound nice.. You really have to hear it to know what im talking about but trust me I think that the sound department did a great job.
Suggestions: I dont really have any suggestions except for...I wish I could actually see my plane crash into the water instead of seeing "MISSION FAILED" Would have been nice.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 7, 2002.

Overall: I was excited to play an advanced fighter jet type game and this game simply let me down. The 'point' of this game is hard to find.
Gameplay: Playing this game was not just a waste of time, it was also bad for my self-esteem. It made me feel stupid for buying it.
Graphics: This could just as well been an N64, or PS1 game. The graphics never quite grab your interest.
Sound: The sound was unremarkable, like the rest of the game. You would think that this type of game would be easy to make the sound for, I guess not though.
Suggestions: Start over from scatch.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: December 27, 2001.

Overall: I was real phsyced about getting this game. With the war on terrorism happening i wanted to take my frustrations out with this game. Having flight sim games before this i thought its xbox so its gonna rock . This game is a major disapointment . The graphics are good but the plane phsics totaly reaked . it was like fighting in a flying dumpster , yeah theres many planes in this game with their own physics but the planes manueverability is limited and unbending.The story has about as much substance as a UPN sitcom. I think the developers needed a quick game to show off the xbox. Maybe thats why WWF Raw is being pushed back , they probably realized they actualy have to make gameplay and a story now that evgeryone is pissed off. This is the third xbox game i've traded in.I was greatly disapointed . Even the combat is cheap . There are blind spots everywhere when fighting and the planes turn to engage the enemy way to slow.My advice is to get Amped or Halo and pass this hollow excuse for flight combat.

Gameplay: Sluggish, slow paced, an insult to gamers.barrel rolls are practicaly non exsistant , rigid gameplay.
Graphics: The graphics are good , everything looks great but thats the only good thing about it.This game is a major bore.Don't make the mistake i made.Its a waste of typing and gas money.
Sound: you can't upload your own soundtracks,the music's unspectacular this game was doomed from the start.
Suggestions: find a new line of work , i'm writing down the name of your creative team so i don't make the excuse of buying anymore games you guys produce.make games for gamers not what you think is just cool.My view is that every1 working on this title was 40 years old or older.If we used planes like this over Afganistan we would be losing the war and all the other nations would probably invade us.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 20 %

Big Ben
Date reviewed: December 20, 2001.

Overall: Airforce Delta Storm looks, at first glance, like a lovely little flight sim. It certainly lives up to it's box, but not much more. It's challenging and very beautiful looking, but without a flightstick, controls are nasty.
Gameplay: The interface you use to get into the game is ugly. Not that it's bad looking, just hard to get through. When you begin, you're only given one plane and one mission to choose from, which makes the game immediately demands hours of play just to get the goodies like the Mig, the Chengdu, and the Harrier aircracft. The manual does promise real jets and a few interesting missions.

Once you get flying, the game defaults to a behind the plane view, which isn't terrible, but it doesn't give a good feel for flying. The controls with the Xbox controller are hard to get used seeing as the plane is sometimes very responsive and other times not. Air to Air combat, even on Novie controls setting, is extremely tough, and it's easy to miss even with locked on missles.

Once you get a handle for the plane, the game is rather nice. It certainly could be a lot worse in every way since it's on a console rather than PC. Still, the gameplay doesn't come close to matching great flight sims like US Navy Fighters, MS Flight Simulator, or even the classic (and my favorite) Strike Commander.
Graphics: The graphics are beautiful. The isn't anything to really complain about or point out, which is a good thing. One of my roommates refuses to play the game based on the fact that no matter what, your plane will not explode when shot down. If you fly into the water, into the ground, or into a ship, we have yet to see an explosion of our plane.

The two points which I saw were lacking, is that the plane is completely missing in !&%$@#* pit view. I miss the days when racing games and flightsims had the trunk in front, like in Daytona USA, when you flew or drove from inside. The other gripe I have is that machine guns with the classic 1 to 6 tracer ratio have been traded for a 1 to 1 ratio, meaning you can see every bullet.

Just a side note: A tracer shot was put in guns in the 1940s for WWII in order to spot where gunners were shooting, but in order not give away location, only 1 in 6 or more were visible.
Sound: My problem is coving both the ground and the air enemies with no support, so when the bad guys start making land fall in Mission 1, I hear the same transmition over and over again. Besides that, the sounds are very nice, with machine guns rattling, explosions matchin distance and radio transmitions having static.

The music isn't special. In fact, it just sits there in the background. While you don't really notice it, it's not good or bad. If you want realism, there should be no music in the game, and for the most part, I believe there isn't any, but I'm not sure. I got bored and fed up with game pretty quickly and returned it after 1 day.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 30, 2001.

Overall: Overall, Air Force Delta Storm is an excellent game. It has a good amount of variety and won't put you to sleep, however it can be somewhat repetitive at times. The game is straightforward dogfighting and air-to-ground assault, but it maintains a good fun level. The massive variety of planes is absolutely breathtaking, and is definitely one of the best aspects of the game. Konami claims there are over 70, and i don't think that they're lying. i've unlocked about 35, but there are many more to come for sure. I would recommend buying this title if you possess any interest what so ever in jet fighters (who doesn't??), or are just looking for a game which is easy to pick-up and play when you have an Xbox craving.
Gameplay: The gameplay is excellent thanks to the 3 different control layouts: novice, expert, and ace. I found that the firing buttons were a touch inconvinient, but you can easily take care of this by customizing the controls. I found at times that i would be reaching my right index finger over the top the controller in order to fire using the "b" button. This is not a good thing!! Your index fingers were meant to stay on the trigger buttons. Konami chose to use the trigger buttons as the "yaw" controls (horizontal movement), which is understandable. Overall, however, the control scheme is good and can fit anybody's preferences.
Graphics: The visual appeal of this game is, in my opinion, one of the stong points in this game. The visuals are breathtaking, with incredible glare effects. The plane models are perfect, and the game features a nice replay system, so you can watch your last mission from many different perspectives (airplane view, !&%$@#* pit view, or automatic view). Also, it's nice having such beautiful, expansive environments to fly in--the rain and snow effects were captivating! It's nice having 3D terrain!! Go Xbox!!
Sound: Air Force Delta Storm features a great soundtrack packed with heavy metal/rock music. The music is well suited to the game, however, it may quickly get on the nerves of some. It's too bad that it doesn't support the xbox's soundtrack feature. The sound effects are very accurate, and the "loc
; warning actually makes you tremble and struggle to pull away from the missile.
Suggestions: Make use of the xbox's soundtrack feature. Also, how about some bombing missions?...

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 29, 2001.

Overall: I must have gotten a different game than the one everyone else has gotten. The game I played was eyecandy with poor gameplay. It was boring and repetitive, and is it me but isn't it very similar (read exact copy) to a dreamcast title of a similar name? Rent this before buying.
Gameplay: BORING and having to clear the air on the way to the missions was so lame (throttle, up wait till enemy appears on close radar, throttle back, hard right, now fall in behind, fire missle, he dies) Buying different planes was an interesting twist but not needed to finish the game. I had about five million dollars left at the end of the game because I used the same plane for over half the game hoping for a challenge.
Graphics: Good but nothing really amazing sorry guys but games like Halo and NFL Fever have raised the bar now you need good gameplay to compete. Also on the after mission replay only being able to see your jet was lame.
Sound: Picture Iron Eagle with worse muzak, nuff said. The fact that I could hear the missle behind me was kinda cool but not enough to make up for the poor music and gameplay.
Suggestions: Come into the future Buy USAF for the PC take some notes and move into the future.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: November 26, 2001.

Overall: Wow I was blown away by all the aspects of the game from grapics to sound this game is a winner.Also everything is so realistic when you hit a target it really does look like you just demolished an enemy ship or tank.Much improved from the lame Dreamcast version.Another thing I don't give 5's easily so this really is a winner from bottem to top.A must buy to complete your game collection.For an example of how rare it is for me to give 5's look at the test dive off rode review
Gameplay: Best game out for the X Box amaizing visual effects with stunning sound effects.Also is the most improved game out there much improved from the Dreamcast disaster made a few years ago.
Graphics: This is the best game to date when it comes to graphics.From planes to ships to tanks it simpily is an amaizing sight to see.
Sound: Another great feature is the great sound effects with realistic explosions and it really does sound like real missles are flying at you.
Suggestions: Great improvment from the Dreamcast version.I think it may be a little hard to improve on this one though.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 25, 2001.

Overall: This game is one of the best air combat games ever made for any console. Although that is a strong statement, Air Force Delta Storm can back it up. There is something for everyone. If you like to fly any altitude from 10 feet to 40,000 feet and blow up ships, planes, nuclear missles, and space shuttles in surround sound, this is your game.
Gameplay: The gameplay is addictive. You start with a corsair, a basic fighter plane. Every mission you successfully complete gives you money to buy new planes and let me tell you, there are some flat out SWEET planes to buy.The left analog stick is very comfortable serving as your flight stick. There are three levels of controls so the game can be as easy or as challenging as you like. At any level, though, the gameplay rocks. It makes you feel as if you are actually flying, so don't be surprised to find yourslf leaning all over the couch as you dodge a missle or pull up in time to just keep from crashing into the ocean or the side of a mountian.
Graphics: The visual appeal of Air Force Delta Storm is it's weakest link. Don't get me wrong, the game looks good. It just isn't as good as it could be on the xbox. Still, the planes and ships look great. All the environments look great. The first person view looks just like the view from a real fighter plane. There's really not much to complain about, but the xbox is capable of handling much better graphics.
Sound: Another of Air Force Delta Storm's strengths is its sound, especially if you have your xbox hooked up to a surround sound receiver. If you get near another plane, you not only have the radar to tell you where it is, you can actually hear where it is by listening to the speaker through which its engine's sound is coming. The sounds of machine gun fire, exploding missles, and missles and planes whooshing through the air will make your gaming room feel like a war zone. My cat actually jumped three feet in the air and did a wind sprint to the other room after a particularly huge explosion. You can actually FEEL the sound. The best example may be the following situation, which will occur often in the game. You hear that someone is locked on to you. You bank hard to the right to avoid being hit. You watch the missle getting closer on your radar. Then, if you banked hard enough, you hear the sweet sound of a missle whooshing past in your rear speaker. The rear speakers also allow you to hear explosions behind you. For instance, you are flying close to a plane from behind. You fire your missle as you rocket past. You hear the plane explode behind you. The sound of Air Force Delta Storm is close to perfect.
Suggestions: You've already got yourself a winner. Clean up the graphics a little and you will have a world champion.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Airforce Delta Storm News

A chat with Toshiyasu Kamiko

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