Average Overall Score Given: 8.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Airforce Delta Storm

Gameplay: Simple concept. Shoot down enemy planes and blow up enemy ground targets using machine guns and missles. I liked the idea but the simple concept grew old after a few hours of playing the same little missions before getting to another main mission. Replay mode is hardly worth watching because there are almost no player control options.
Graphics: Graphics are great. The explosions look real and the planes look excellent. I especially like the lighting effects off of the planes. Jaggies on the wings of the planes were quite noticible though.
Audio: sound effects were good and the soundtrack was also good. The sound of the engines and the explosions were very nice.
Suggestions: extend the main missions and get rid of the annoying little missions that just repeat themselves. Also give lots of player control over the replay modes. controls that will get you to the heart of the action and also let you slow down, pause and change angles to really enjoy the game. Maybe even give and option to save really good mission replays to the Xbox hard drive. I think that if the game had an excellent replay mode, it would have kept my interest a lot longer.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10