Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 6
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Gameplay: I am not a big fan of clicking tool bar buttons to fight, but nevertheless it was still great. Their is a lot of replay value in that their is always something to find that you have never found the galaxy droid. You can even kill certain people that were supposed to come on the ship with you, but your actions changed that.
Graphics: Visually stunning! When the lightsabers clash sparks will fly everywhere. The water, and fields are b..e..a..utiful!
Audio: Classic Star Wars! The lightsaber, blaster, ect. sounds are just as one would expect. The music is also one of the best. The music is very calming and draws the character into the star wars universe.
Suggestions: Please just add real combat I do not like pressing the attack button to accomplish a pre-set attack...I want to control the jedi...But everything else is awesome!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The player is Godzilla or one of the other radiated monsters, and the player will feel like them. The walking is slow but that is how Godzilla walked. The city size to monster size is the right ratio, and destroying the city is a hoot! I reccomed this game.
Graphics: Not the best graphics, but very nice. The developers payed special attention to the city detail, their are vehicles driving in the streets getting stomped on! (Awesome)
Audio: The sound is great! The monsters sound like they are supposed to and the campaign mode is like the old Godzilla movies (Cheesy but great). You can also use your own music on your xbox.
Suggestions: Good Job
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is very repetitive and boring. The player must fly from point a to point b and must kill some enemies along the way.
Graphics: The looks of this game are amazing, especially due to the fact that it was one of the first video games out for the xbox.
Audio: The sound was too fast pace. It was as if the developers were trying to make it appear that the combat was intense.
Suggestions: Make the game more like the janes combat simulator games.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10