Total Reviews: 8
Average Overall Score Given: 7.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 8

Airforce Delta Storm

Overall: One of my favorite movies of all time is Top Gun, so I always love it when a good fighter pilot game comes out. This is one of those games. You fly a huge assortment of fighter jets. Missions vary from air to air, air to ground, and air to water combat.

Gameplay: Controls are quick and easy to learn. I did find it odd that the weapons were not defaulted to the left and right triggers. Don't expect anything too fancy: you won't be performing loops, spins, or inverted flight.

Graphics: Game has a very realistic look to it. Graphics are smooth and flawless. Nothing too outstanding, but not disapointing either. Let's just call it par for what should be expected in an Xbox game.

Audio: Absolutly nothing to complain about as far as sound effects. Music is uninspired and gets lame quick. I would've loved to have seen the soudtrack feature used in this game.

Suggestions: I wouldn't mind having a wingman to cover my butt. Soundtrack support. Option to turn off the replay feature.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: Here is an exciting racing game that not just encourages you to finish first, but race with style while doing it! Loads of beautiful and fast cars and more tracks than you can shake a stick at.

Gameplay: Controlling these vehicles is much easier than I expected. Gameplay is real responsive. I was disapointed with some of the higher scale cars. They are so bloody fast that slowing them down enough to make corners is a real challenge. Also recoving from a mistake and getting back into contention seems nearly impossible, though the AI doesn't seem to share this problem. I found that no matter how bad you messed up the AI vehicles, they were right back in the pack!

Graphics: For me to say that this game looks anything but perfect would be a down right lie! Cars, reflections, lights, shadows, and even paint transfers look incredible!

Audio: Sound is great! You can hear the difference in the engines of each car. Sliding around corners or locking up your brakes sound very real. Fantastic music options including support of the soundtrack feature!

Suggestions: I wouldn't mind seeing some races that don't just go round and round but, race from point A to B with less hair pin turns and more passing opportunities so that you can really get an appreciation for the high end vehicles.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Dead or Alive 3

Overall: DOA3 is an evolution of the classic fighting genre game, like its other namesakes and the Streetfighter series. Fans of fighting games should like this game. 16 different characters to choose from, with 16 very different fighting styles. Gameplay includes; story mode (follow the story line), time attack(beat a set number of foes as fast as possible), versus (fight with a freind), survival (fight one foe after another as long as you can), tag (form and fight two person tag teams), team (form a team to fight others), sparring (practice mode), and watch (choose 2 characters that will put on a fight until you stop them).

Gameplay: On a basic level characters are easy to control. However, this game is anything but basic. There are as many as 80 different moves you can learn for each character. Remember that each character's moves are different so just because you learn one character don't assume you can play as others without learning a whole new set of moves. Moves, of course, are determined by various button combos. 80 moves mean these combos can become very convoluted.

Graphics: I don't even know where to start when it comes to the looks of this game! I don't know how you could make a game look any more real. In fact, you could say this game looks better than reality.

Audio: Sound is good. I do wish the characters would speak in English, not Japanese with English subtitles. Aerosmith does some of the music but, you hear them in the menu, not during gameplay.

Suggestions: Loose the WWF wannabe characters! Incorporate the soundtrack option. Put a little more thought into the story mode. Maybe have your characters make decisions that influence who you fight next.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Spy Hunter

Overall: I loved playing this game in the adrcade as a kid, so I waited with eager anticipation for it's release. Overall, I have to say I liked it. I do wish they would not have put in so many objectives. Sometimes it's just nice to drive around fast and shoot stuff, like in the original.

Gameplay: The car handles real well. Don't expect to hold down the accelerator the whole game, you will need the brakes from time to time.

Graphics: Either I'm going blind from too much video gaming or this game is dark! Even large semi-trucks can pop up out of nowhere. It can be really hard to see what you're shooting at until you are right on top of it!

Audio: Sounds like the updated version of Spy Hunter should. Dolby 5.1 makes you feel like you're really in the middle of things.

Suggestions: Not so many secondary objectives (satcoms blow). I would love to see crisp and clean daylight graphics! Support the soundtrack feature.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire

Overall: Oh how I wished that I had read some reviews on this game before I blew $50. I let my love of Goldeneye blind me into grabbing this game as soon as it hit the shelf. If you are thinking about buying this game do yourself a favor and rent it first, I think you will change your mind.

Gameplay: Control in this game just down right stinks! I can't say enough about the awkward handling. Gadgets pop up all the time when you need weapons! Driving modes are pretty fun but, are few and far between!

Graphics: Game looks fine. Cars look real sharp but, all in all the game looks like you could be playing the PS2 or the Gamecube not the most powerful gaming console in the known universe!

Audio: In game sounds are about what they should be. I did think the gun sounds could have been a little bit louder. Variations on the Bond theme over and over again for hours can get a little lame.

Suggestions: Start off making a game for the Xbox. Don't just make PS2 games and then try to pass them off on us. You may fool a few people but, I know I will never buy an EA game for the Xbox again unless I see some seriously good reviews first! I used to trust your name, well that trust is gone. I hope you try to earn it back!

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 Arctic Thunder

Overall: This game was not as bad as I had heard. It's a fast paced racer that has more of a Mario Kart element. you'll find plenty of power-ups and even the ability to punch nearby sleders. If your not looking for ultra realism in your gaming this one could be worth a look. I would recommend that anyone considering this game rent it first.

Gameplay: For fans of Mario Kart style racing this game could have promise. It's fun and fast, maybe too fast. Characters and sleds can be tweaked by earning points during gameplay.

Graphics: Visually this game has a real arcade look it it. Unfortunately an arcade of the 1990's. I would have had no complaints about the graphics of the game 5 years ago but, times have changed and this game does not come close to looking like it could on the Xbox.

Audio: Nothing special to mention about the sound, again it has a arcade type sound going on. I really wish this game would have used the soundtrack features of the Xbox.

Suggestions: Clean up the graphics. Slow things up a little bit, so gamers can have more time to aim weapons, perform stunts, and get in a few fist fights. Please use the soundtrack feature of the Xbox.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Dark Summit

Overall: This is one of my favioite games for the Xbox. The moves rock and you can get some massive air. I've heard some people complain that it is not realistic enough but, I don't care. I want to be able to pull off the incredible in an impossible world. The story line has a X-Files feel and can make for some fun challenges.

Gameplay: Gameplay is great. It just has a real good feel and balance. You'll be landing some serious tricks like a pro in no time. I can't count how many times I yelled "SWEET!" the the first 15 minutes of practice. Some of the more serious tricks can be a little button intensive, but you don't have to learn them all at once. If you forget a button combo just pause and you can review the moves right in the menu. One more great thing is you never die! You can restart challenges over and over if necessary! Multiplayer is not very nice. The screen is split vertically and you feel like your snowbarding with tunnel vision.

Graphics: I think this is one of the best looking games on the market. It just looks so real. Your character really seem alive on that board.

Audio: Sound effects are good. The music is kind of a funky bumpin' thing, with some spooky undertones. It's cool for a while but, then you wish that the game would use the sondtrack feature of the Xbox. Ah... if only I could be pullin' some phat air to the sound of my own nasty jams!

Suggestions: Equiptment upgrades for the other characters. At least one male character to be able to start the game with. Have a horizontal split option in multiplayer. And I can not say it enough SOUNDTRACK FEATURE!!!

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Circus Maximus: Chariot Wars

Overall: Wow, here is a fun game that takes you out of the norm. What a great idea to race chariots in the ancient Roman Empire. You won't master this game in five minutes but, when you do, you're in for the ride of your life! You control both the driver and the warrior as you race through some truly beautiful courses.

Gameplay: Gameplay can be quite challenging as, you must control both of your chariots occupants. One steering and one fighting with the other chariots. Two player can be more fun as, you can split up these tasks and have one player drive while the other fights! Unfortunatly you can not play two players in the tournament mode. Tournament mode must be played in order to unlock new characters, equiptment and tracks! Including the Minoraur that they so proudly display on the box cover!

Graphics: Visually the game looks impressive. The environment feels authentic to the time period. The actions and reactions of the characters look and feel smooth.

Audio: No real compaints with the sound. It's ancient Rome so you won't hear Matchbox 20 jammin' in the background, the music is that of the era and fits well. Most people are sure to become addicted to the taunt button.

Suggestions: This is no easy game, allow multiplayer in the tournament mode! Maybe add more tracks. A more indepth background of the charaters and thier individual talents could be cool. Also have weapon choices available for each warrior.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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