Average Overall Score Given: 8.22222 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 12
Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

Gameplay: Like I said awsome game the first person view is fun and the third person is even better awsome gameplay utilizes every button on the controller
Graphics: graphics are great and the video clips are ten times better then obiwan. This game has the best light saber action and looks amazing
Audio: The sound of the light saber is aswome and the voice over is pretty good too. ............
Suggestions: nope its fine the way it is
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is very appealing and is great to play. the controls are really good and it uses all of he buttons on the controller. the lightsaber controls could be better when work only when you move the stic left right up or down it does not move on diagonal which canbe pretty annoying bu over all i like the controls.
Graphics: The graphics are good but i'm not sure if they deserve to be rewarded. They could have used better settings or more settings there are a couple of levels that use the same base unlike other games. The textures could have been used more an i think the game was rushed
Audio: sound is good the timeing is perfect with the light saber. I love the star wars music they played too. also the closer to a character you get the louder the voices and if you got your back turned you can barly her them, ( very Cool!!)Overall its a good game
Suggestions: MAKE it longer and more difficulties use all of xboxes tools. better multiplayer overally good game keep it up.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game very fun to play but there should be multiplayer that is a big disapointment but there are alot of missions and planes
Graphics: Graphics are great its what xbox is al about and the water is real good lookin if you like planes you'll like this game
Audio: Can't use my own music not very happy but the sounds of he game help make up for very realistic sounds
Suggestions: multiplayer
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gamehas a great free roam and alot of good vehicles it has some very specfic detals that are great
Graphics: the graphics are great in this game and i love when u vehicle is dirty you just drive it through some water for a quick car wash
Audio: It does allow you to play ur own music so that s a plus but the sounds of the vehicle isn't the greatest
Suggestions: computer is not fairand when u run over a rock you should stop competely
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is awsome its non stop action the game is not easy so if ur looking for a short game its not here
Graphics: The graphics are really sweet it goes from movies to gameplay great visual this game really kicks a s s
Audio: The music suits the game but the mouth acting is horrible i mean they could have made way better it does look like the moives though
Suggestions: better english acting maby some online play
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty good like i said above it could use some work butis pretty fun. mutiplayer is limited to two player instead of four.
Graphics: graphics are could be better i'v seen the same graphics in excite bike for N64 but it has some other viual good qualities
Audio: Great sound track but what the hell, I can't use my on soundtracks, isn't that what xbox is for!!! :(
Suggestions: DO your research!!! on motorcross i'm not a computer junky that sits around and plays video games all te time i do motorcross and when i bought this game i had bigger expectations mor realim would be nice May want to look at excite bike for n64 or even te one for nes ---- tricks arewayto easy todo an are worth so little points please when mx 2003 comes out don't make me rent it and be disapointed again one more thing whats with going off the track and falling when u go off th track simply but an arrow where u have to go back and if they don't when they fall they will be placed back at the arrow
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: doen't really appeal to me its a road rash on a snowmobile with out the fun sorry guys this game could be so much better
Graphics: notso bad graphics but the game is horrible who ever came up with the idea should be fired i only wish i hadn't got the game nd supported them for a new game
Audio: whats this i can't use my own cds WHY that doesn't make much sence ??? now does it sound fit for an xbox racing game ??? didn't think so
Suggestions: Don't make an artic thunder 2
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: awsome gameplay i couldn't put it down even though i beat the game several times truly an awsome game.
Graphics: exclent graphics GRASS GRASS GRASS
couldn't get any better from my eyes.
very good graphics .....
Audio: Great sound for surround sound...................
Suggestions: be able to fight computers in multiplayer mode
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10