Average Overall Score Given: 8.88889 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 23
RLH: Run Like Hell

Gameplay: The game is essentially a third-person shooter with tons of action. The controls are excellent and responsive. It's easy to switch targets rapidly and take out multiple enemies. There's a nice choice of weapons as well. The cutscenes are awesome (there's about 50 of them) and they are worked into the game very smoothly, establishing the story.
Graphics: The graphics are average. Up close, some textures are bad. Not as good as they could have beenon the xbox, but not by any means are the graphics poor. Cutscenes are a mix of CG (which are awesome) and real-time graphics.
Audio: Ok, here's the problem. The backround noise is SO loud you can barely make out the voices in the cutscenes. This really takes away from the game. I don't like to crank my TV's volume and strain my ears to make out half of what is being said. However, on the bright side, the music is beautifully crafted and scares the heck out of you. It is very appropriate. Also, there is a licenced band that make the music. The game includes the Run Like Hell soundtrack on an extra CD, which is neat.
Suggestions: Fix the sound. I can't make out the words in the cutscenes. Maybe add subtitles too. Also, the game sometimes sputters when you enter a room, and occasionally crashes the xbox! A game this small should not tax the xbox! These problems seriously take away from an otherwise excellent game.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game has a good learning curve. Unfortunately, it is much too short. If you really tried, you could beat the game in a day. However, it has good replay value, fortunaltely.
Graphics: This game is a straight ps2 port, and therefore, the graphics suffer. The Interceptor (your car) is beautifully modelled, as are most of the other vehicles. The Interceptor's morphing is smooth and captivating. The environments are pretty good-looking too. However, after playing Blood Wake, the water in Spy Hunter sucks. For a game that spends so much time in the water, the water looks awful. Also, the explosions look two-dimensional. Overall, graphics are average.
Audio: Great music and great sound effects, such as the explosions and weapons firing. It also has lots of cool extras such as music videos to listen to.
Suggestions: For god's sake, this Xbox! Not the "piss 2" (ps2)! Beef up the graphics! A bit more length would help. The game should have 50 levels. It actually has 14 levels. Otherwise, great job.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I personally think this game has a ton of replay value. Anyone who says otherwise is not a true survival horror fan. I played Resident Evil through 5-6 times, and I'm planning on that with this game too. Don't listen to those people who say the game is five hours long. It's not at all that short, especially if you take the time to enjoy the game. Plus, it comes with an extra scenario, where you play one of the supporting characters. I would complain about the camera in this game, but a crappy camera comes with survival horror territory. so don't complain about the camera.
Graphics: Absolutely beautiful...this game does a great job of looking disgusting, which is what they wanted. The visuals are excellent, and there is cut-scenes galore. At first, I thought the "Screen Noise" effect (it makes the game really grainy like a movie) which they included in the game sounded stupid. I mean who want crappy, grainy graphics by choice? I was wrong thought, it adds to the game, and the graphics are just as good. You can turn this feature off anyway if you want.
Audio: I'm sure they're good, I can't tell because I have a mono TV. Yeah, waste of an Xbox, I know. Shut up, I'm working on it.
Suggestions: More the flamethrower from Resident Evil. Otherwise, excellent job.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is excellent. Every button has a normal function, as well as a "force" move. There is nothing more fun than slicing through battle droids. It is sooo satisfying! If you are a Star Wars fan and own an Xbox, this is a must have.
Graphics: This game possesses some of the lushest environments in any game that I have ever played. The city of Theed is absolutely stunning. You can have fun for hours just swimming around in the beautifully realistic water. The slow-time effect is a really nice addition to this title.
Audio: John Williams. Actual sound effects lifted from the movies. Need I say more.............
Suggestions: Don't listen to the rest of these screwballs who tell you the game sucks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The multiplayer aspect is fun, whether you're racing or battling in one of the arenas. but if you're going to play multiplayer, make sure you have a big television, because it gets REALLY busy. The one complaint I have is that there are two many invisible boundaries. you aren't allowed to even consider leaving the track.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent, and the crispness of the graphics helps when the screen gets really busy with powerups and opponents. For anyone who complains about the game being to busy, I'm sorry that you're brain isn't large enough to handle more than one object on the screen at once. Maybe you should try golf instead of video games...
Audio: The sound is average. It could be better, but i've got a mono tv, so i'm not going to complain right now...
Suggestions: Excellent work. Try making a sequel with less boundaries, so that the tracks are more open and less linear.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The control in Halo is superb. You actually feel as if you are the "Master Chief". The control using the two control sticks and every action and trigger button allows you to take control of every minute little movement you make. The vehicle controls are so intuitive--you change the camera angle to direct the vehicles. The people at Bungie are genius. Vehicular combat is what really set this game apart from others.
Graphics: The graphics of Halo are absolutely stunning!! The outdoor environments are especially impressive. I really liked the way the dirt kicks up when you shoot it--it's so real! Also, I liked the way that the ice cracked when you drove over it in the Warthog, but not when you hovered over it in the Ghost. However, the game does suffer from a touch of slowdown when there are dozens of enemies and vehicles on the screen, but this isn't anything to bad.
Audio: The sound in this game is great. From the eerie music that changes beat depending on the situation, to the sound of the onboard AI's voice, it really could not get any better.
Suggestions: The multiplayer is boring as hell!! Where are the simulants/bots? Did you never play Perfect Dark for N64?
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is excellent thanks to the 3 different control layouts: novice, expert, and ace. I found that the firing buttons were a touch inconvinient, but you can easily take care of this by customizing the controls. I found at times that i would be reaching my right index finger over the top the controller in order to fire using the "b" button. This is not a good thing!! Your index fingers were meant to stay on the trigger buttons. Konami chose to use the trigger buttons as the "yaw" controls (horizontal movement), which is understandable. Overall, however, the control scheme is good and can fit anybody's preferences.
Graphics: The visual appeal of this game is, in my opinion, one of the stong points in this game. The visuals are breathtaking, with incredible glare effects. The plane models are perfect, and the game features a nice replay system, so you can watch your last mission from many different perspectives (airplane view, !&%$@#* pit view, or automatic view). Also, it's nice having such beautiful, expansive environments to fly in--the rain and snow effects were captivating! It's nice having 3D terrain!! Go Xbox!!
Audio: Air Force Delta Storm features a great soundtrack packed with heavy metal/rock music. The music is well suited to the game, however, it may quickly get on the nerves of some. It's too bad that it doesn't support the xbox's soundtrack feature. The sound effects are very accurate, and the "loc
; warning actually makes you tremble and struggle to pull away from the missile.
Suggestions: Make use of the xbox's soundtrack feature. Also, how about some bombing missions?...
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10