Average Overall Score Given: 9.04762 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack

Gameplay: Like the PS2 the game play is the same BUT, the Xbox games are better in the following ways:
- You can save to the Hard Drive and not that silly memory card! Much better!
- Better control of cars and weapons!!!
- Better looking!!!
- Lips move.. yeah the people talking are talking not like the silly PS2 version!
Just a better experience overall!
Graphics: Awesome (for its time) GTA on the PS2 is not much different than the Xbox. Yes it looks better but the the graphics engine is very dated. Side by side the Xbox version looks better and does not look like a striaght port, but it is.
Again, a better experience!
Audio: The sound on both versions is the same on my TV. The only thing different is that the characters lips move so it looks like it sounds better :)
Agan, a much better experience on the Xbox!
Don't make us wait... fagettaboudit!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game is not too hard and not too easy. It has the right balance for those that want to just play a game of baseball. There is a season mode but it is only one season. Stats do get kept and you can make and train your own player that you create. It is Live supported so you can play head to head as well. There are probably way better baseball games out there, but remember that if you want to have a quick fun game, than Inside Pitch is great for that!
Graphics: Everything looks and feels like it should. The detail is good and to the point. I have no complaints on how it looks. I will mention that the ball and player physics seem to be a bit off. But, like I said it is still a fun game.
Audio: Tim McCarver and Joe Buck do a fine job of announcing. The crowd is ok. Nothing special. One weird thing though is that if you are the away team and you win, you stil hear fireworks going off, Why? Anyway, I think it is good enough.
Suggestions: Not much, just make some minor improvements - base running, crowd enthusiasm, better player and ball physics, and a 10 year season would be nice. But really nothing I would worry about.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There is no game play appeal. There are these stupid characters that do nothing for golf. If you have a really good golf game and you need one that is purely silly?then spend 50 bucks and get this game!
Graphics: Again, it looks pretty lame; it doesn?t even use any of the Xbox?s power. I have to ask did they make this game in a day or two?
Audio: Umm, stupid commentator with stupid remarks? I just can?t see how anybody can find this fun. I guess they do somehow...
Suggestions: Make a real Golf game for the Xbox...Like Tiger Woods! C'mon!
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: The visuals, the sound, the WWII action. The game is awesome for those that want a shooter but with an excellent plot! If you are a FPS fan, get it!
Graphics: The look of the terrain, the buildings, all the detail.. It looks like France! The did a wonderful job! Puts BF1942 to Shame!
Audio: The sounds are AWESOME!!! The opening action has everything recreated just like in Saving Private Ryan! Awesome! Awesome!
Suggestions: A Sequel!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The action is so intense?The Marines? The Vehicles? The Aliens?The Weapons!!! I love the story mode where you must complete objectives before you can move on. It feels like you are accomplishing your goal as you and your Marine buddies advance on the Alien s !&%$@#* ! The AI that was used to control the Marines and the Aliens is the best I have seen! The AI is so good that everyone performs with a realistic feel and style that makes Halo the best FPS game ever!
Graphics: The environments vary from bright to dark, inside to outside. There are colorful areas to dim blah areas. You are in the daytime and you are in the nighttime! Nothing was overlooked from the detail of trees and rocks to lighting and tunnels! Like I said before I compare Halo to the PC game Unreal. Both are beautifully detailed in every aspect!
Audio: The sounds are so intense! The weapons? The shouting from the Marines and those nasty Aliens? The Vehicles make there own distinct sounds? The music which comes on at strategic points in the game to get you even more drawn into a game that you cannot put down to begin with!!! Overall the sounds are superb? sometimes you realize you hear them and other times you don?t. I think they did a perfect job with them since sounds and music add so much to a movie and Halo to me is like an epic Good and Evil Alien war movie!
Suggestions: Well? We know Halo 2 is coming? So all I can say is build upon Halo. I?m not sure that is possible though since this game is a perfect 10!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the career mode and the one on one races are cool too. The water and the craft's physics are dead on. A really good sim even though they probably wanted an arcade feel. Fun game!
Graphics: Here is where Splashdown is tops! The water is unbelievable! The best I have ever seen! Simply gorgeous and the physics of the craft in the air and water are awesome!
Audio: Sounds are just fine. I'd like more comentary if that was possible. The music is awesome since it is by real rock bands. Nice touch!
Suggestions: expand the career mode and add comentary!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Solid! The action is awesome! The charachters look and move great! The surrounfings are very cool! This game is like Virtua Fighter, only, WAY better!
Graphics: What can I say here, you have to see it to believe it. It looks awesome! The backdrops are beautifuly detailed. It looks great!
Audio: A bit deceiving, because the matches get so intense, you don't realize you hear it! Pick it up and try it! I gaurantee you will love it!
Suggestions: DOA 4 is coming! More fighters, more backdrops, more levels!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I loved the character selections and that everything is on screen. You can see it all! You can pick up a lot of stuff and smash it or throw it at your opponet! Very cool! Gotta play this with 4 people!!!
Graphics: Nothing spectacular...some cool intros...but the game doesn't have to look awesome to be awesome! Very good in my opinion.
Audio: not a lot to hear other than getting smashed over the head by a table. This is a fun multiplayer game!
Suggestions: I don't know, we liked it a lot!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Well, I can't find any! I hate two things... You can change your pitch location after you select your original location. That makes the game too hard. I must have hit the ball to the Shortstop 15 times in one game! That is rediculous!
Graphics: Well, it looks good. Unfortunatley that does not make up for the ultimate poor performer! I'd look elsewhere for BB!
Audio: The sound is lame, the announcers are TERRIBLE! I don't think they could find some reall annoucers like Tripple Play did. Yuck!
Suggestions: Look at Tripple Play Baseball and add your Franchise mode. Then you will have a great game!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: The missions are very different and the driving missions are awesome! I don't feel tht this is an easy game but a fun game that you can beat.
Graphics: Well, it is a PS2 port. But, it does look good. Not Xbox good, but good. If you look beyond the graphics, it is just fine.
Audio: If you like the Bond song, your happy. If you don't ut oh! I like the song. Nothing is outstandind in the sound department but it sounds just fine to me.
Suggestions: Make one specifically for the Xbox and use its vast power!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Everything is awesome... the graphics look great, the action is great, the whole idea of it is great! I love the story type games like this!
Graphics: Looks awesome... the camera is far back but you can see how much tme was spent putting fine touches on all the characters and zombies!
Audio: It is almost not there but it is.. it really adds to the whole impact of the game... A great job all around since not noticing the sound but my heart beating faster than saying wow!
Suggestions: MORE MORE MORE!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I like the planes, many choices and each has its own charachteristics. They all look very detailed too. The missions are weak and I would not buy it for them alone. rent this one first.
Graphics: Looks great! This is why you would want this game. Every plane is detailed and the feel is very smoth!
Audio: Not a lot here to get excited about. Some intros that sound silly. Teh plane noise is, well plane noise.
Suggestions: Make the missions better with more objects to destroy. More detail on the objects with more emersion!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The graphics, the sounds, the stadiums, the teams! This is a great game! Lots of fun! It has the right balance of fun and realism that make it the best NFL experience! I love the Dynasty Mode too! Just a dynamite game!
Graphics: I love the rain, snow, wind! Just the look of each stadium is awesome! The players look great too! Excellent details to the game make it look great!
Audio: The anouncers, the crowd, the players all sound great! Some times they do sound stupid, but heck we all can!
Suggestions: Perfect!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Racing, slick graphics and oustanding car physics make this tons of fun to play! I love the 2 player racing! We were laughing so hard at all the wrecks and tight racing!
Graphics: Beautiful! This games looks awesome! If the Xbox games can get better than this I'll be amazed! The sun reflection and shadowing all look excellent.
Audio: Excellent car sounds and skids. I love the announcer guy that tells you what to expect up ahead. This games just sounds great as well as looking great!
Suggestions: More racing with the computer cars. They give a very good challenge!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the story mode. Each level builds upon the past. Your actions affect the story and the outcome. Switching between the two charachters is cool.
Graphics: The character detail is really high. The enviroment really feels alive. Everything has this dynamic solid feel.
Audio: The sounds are not that complex, but this sounds are not what make this game. It is the overall appeal of the awesome story that unfolds.
Suggestions: Keep this series going! Keep up the story mode.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the 3rd person look and feel. I love the bullet time! I love how the story just moves along and builds as it goes.
Graphics: Well, nothing great here but it doesn't have to be spectacular to enjoy this game. I like how every area is different!
Audio: Well, nothing awesome here but it is good enough. I don't like the sound levels vary when there is narration. Otherwise it is witty.
Suggestions: Max Payne 2 with better graphics and sound. Keep up with the story mode!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The players control very well. The overall look is outstanding. I think this is so realistic. The players actually get tired!
Graphics: Outstanding visuals are what this game provides. This is a beauty to look at. The graphics are crisp and detailed just enough where you remember you are playing soccer.
Audio: The crowd gets into the action with different cheers and boos, that is pretty cool indeed. The announcers are a little goofy but what can you expect.
Suggestions: Not really, I find it a fun game.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the graphics and the crashes. The cars accelerate and control extremely well! If you like to drive fast in traffic and whip through turns in city streets then this is a game to try!!! If you like Rally Sport Challenge then this game has the same appeal! Very well done!
Graphics: Excellent visuals! I love the detail in the city?s bridges, cars!!! The physics are outstanding! The ?look ahead? detail is high with no drawing of the distant scenes. You can see a bridge in the distance from the moment you make the turn and you can?t wait to get to it and drive over it! Just excellent graphics!!! This is one of the best Xbox racing games so far!
Audio: Sounds are well engine noise crashes and skids. Not a lot of different sounds but they are very well done!!!
Suggestions: Free roam, free roam, free roam!!! Let us just drive with no check points and time limits! This game is so visually beautiful that you just want to drive around with out beating a clock!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the free roam! This is awesome; you can wander all over and look at whatever you want with no time limits. The game plays are crisp with good narration and video mixed in! The story is intriguing too. This is a game with nothing spectacular visually but there is something about the game that looks great with out being flashy. The game flows and I like that the story builds as you progress.
Graphics: The graphics are nothing spectacular but they do have that good look to them. You can see foot prints and the game runs smooth. And to me that is what matters. It just looks good! The land is detailed and the water is as well. All of the characters are detailed just enough and the videos do look better than I expected. Excellent animation!!!
Audio: The sound volume is low, just turn it up. The quality is excellent. The videos and game play has nice music and the sounds you hear in game play are just enough to have you immersed into the game!
Suggestions: Make a sequel! Take advantage of the Xbox?s power!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The ability to wreck everything is too cool! But you are limited by a time limit for each mission. The cars are responsive but are a little hard to control until you get the feel for the game, maybe an hour or two of playing. If this game had more serious dialog and hidden or secret areas instead of a time limit it would be awesome!
Graphics: Well maybe none better! The graphics are awesome and the detail is terrific. Too bad you just can?t drive around the cities without a time limit. The city is wide open so you can drive nearly anyplace! The replays are at times good but at times useless. The replays also change from great color to a weird green and what looks like a negative of a photo?weird!
Audio: Smash boom bang? really all there is, is sounds of your car as it hits everything in sight. The in-between stories are cheesy and the sound could be louder and more legible. This game is all visual and sound and story are the after thought.
Suggestions: Here is what I?d change:
-Better story line?just have the missions build onto each other in one long story.
-No time limit.
-Better camera angles to follow the car.
-Totally redo the replays so they are useful.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10