All-Star Baseball 2003 (Original Xbox) by Acclaim Entertainment

All-Star Baseball 2003 (Xbox) by Acclaim Entertainment Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: February 26, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe, Japan

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.30 / 10

By far ASB's best feature and the one that makes it stand out this year above the others is Franchise Mode. Franchise mode tracks stats accurately over twenty seasons. It's one thing to survive a single season, but handling minor league players, making trades, and balancing your franchise budget is a whole other ball game."

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All-Star Baseball 2003 combines true-to-life graphics with superior gameplay to create the most exciting baseball experience for any fan. Featuring Derek Jeter, four-time World Series Champion, All-Star Baseball 2003 is the only baseball game available this year on all next generation hardware systems.


Monday, March 11, 2002

Cheat Codes

      Better hitting: As soon as the pitch is thrown hit the Start button to see the ball path and see if it is a ball or strike. Adjust your cursor accordingly
      New Homerun Angles: When the Batter is rounding 3rd base after a homerun hit press various buttons to see new view angles

User Reviews

Score: 73
Overall User Average: 7.35 / 10 (73.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.35 / 10
Graphics User Average: 7.00 / 10
Sound User Average: 6.62 / 10
Date reviewed: November 21, 2005.

Overall: This game won't appeal to some people, particularly those people who don't have a lot of free time, want more customization, or are easily annoyed by some of ASB's minor gameplay problems. However, despite those problems the game IS quite fun. Plus, with all the different modes, it's a game that will hook you in if you let it.

Gameplay: The biggest problem that people have with ASB games are the fact that they are HR happy. This means that you could take pretty much any player and smack 40-50 HRs with them. I'm happy to announce that is no longer true in ASB2K3. Through 6 games in my Expansion Franchise mode (as the New Jersey Admirals), I have hit only 2 HRs (Russel Branyan has 1 and Robin Ventura has 1) on All-Star difficulty (the highest difficulty level). The pitcherbatter interface is fine, and the cursors aren't as annoying as you might think. Pitchers do have a lot more control with the cursor, but they can get wild as they tire. The hits produced by the game are also very realistic. I've gotten plenty of ground ball hits and there aren't so many bloop singles like in HH. So why a 7 you ask? Well, it's because ASB still has its share of gameplay problems. The main problem I have with ASB is the fielding aspect. If a ball is hit on the ground, it moves so fast that you practically have no time to react with your infielders. The game has the CPU assist you a little, giving your fielder the initial direction that he needs to go to get to the ball, but this takes away from the feeling of you playing. Sometimes, the play happens so fast that the CPU does most of the work, leaving you with the simple job of tossing the ball to the correct base. Also, as I mentioned in the graphics section, the outfield seems too small. Often times you'll smack a ball straight into the gap that looks like it'll be a double at least, and the CPU outfielder will get on his magical horse and track it down easily. The baserunning in the game also has problems simply because sometimes the baserunners won't react to your instructions. Lord knows this has cost me at least 10 runs in my season and was often the difference between me winning and losing. Still, despite these faults, this years version of ASB is a big step up from last years. It's actually playable and enjoyable.

Graphics: The ASB baseball series has always had good graphics, even back on the N64. This year, Acclaim really outdid themselves. Thanks to the 3-D Cyberscan technology, Acclaim has the best, most realistic looking faces. While the face doesn't always match the body perfectly, you can easily tell who's who just by looks alone. The animations for the players are astounding. The players move with slick, super realistic motion and the transitions between animations are very well done. The stadiums are all very well done as well, although I can't help but feel that the outfield is too small. I don't know if it's because the players move too fast or throw too fast or the fact that the outfield is just plain small, but it is noticeable. If it weren't for this, I'd give the graphics a 10.

Sound: What can I say... the sound in ASB is fantastic. I know a 10 might be surprising, but ASB's sound department deserves it. The menu music isn't the greatest (in fact, it sounds A LOT like the NBC Olympic music), but it doesn't make you grind your teeth. The in-game sound is where ASB gets a 10. The crack of the bat is very distinct and you'll know right away whether you hit the ball on the sweet spot or not. Also, when a bat breaks you can tell INSTANTLY by the sound. The commentary is great as well. Tom Brennaman does a nice job as the play-by-play man and Steve Lyons is excellent as the color commentator. He provides so much information for you that you'd think he's actually there. Bob Brenly doesn't really say much. He actually just comments on the stadium or players at the start of the game, and then doesn't say much afterwards. I just love the detail that Acclaim put into the sound. One of the best details I noticed is that if the home team is winning and it's the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, and the pitcher on the mound has 2 strikes on the batter, the fans start cheering loudly for the strikeout to end the game. How cool is that? Living in NJ and watching a lot of Yankee baseball on MSG (the cable network), I've seen the crowd do this numerous times especially when Mariano Rivera is trying for the save. It's stuff like this that justifies why I gave ASB a 10 in this department.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 21, 2004.

Overall: This game isn''t for everyone, I think acclaim went for the realistic baseball game. I think it''s nice having a game where you can actually hit a line drive in to shallow left-center field w/o some guy diving 15 feet to catch the ball. The grahpics are terrific, I don''t what people are talking about. The thing that impressed me was the mascot ontop of the dugouts. They got real footage of the mascot dancing and the put it on the game. The grahpics on the players faces are also the best i''ve ever seen on faces in any game i''m yet to play.
Gameplay: Rosters aren''t that accurate, CPU trades way too much, I hate Derek Jeter, fielders look silly when they throw, baserunning controls are bad, AI has lots of is just not as fun or responsive as world series baseball
Graphics: The animation for the game needs to improve,like when a ball is hit and it is like 5 feet away from the shortstop but he still gets it or if it goes off the wall and the ball is rolling to center field but left fielder in left field gets it. Need to improve defense animation
Sound: the sound is the best feature of the game.very nice!it makes nice use of dolby digital 5.1 and it actually feels like watching a game on tv.
Suggestions: teh trading is really easy harden it up a bit.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 18, 2003.

Overall: A preety fun game to play at your friends, usually comes down to the nitty gritty, or a smoke out, never an in-between.
Gameplay: Game play is fun, the AI gets a bit cheap, but the multiplayer is what holds all games up, and sports games are preety fun for everyone all aged.
Graphics: visual, doesnt stack up to lets say, splintercell and halo 2. So you have to cut it slack, being a port and all.
Sound: The sound is preety bad. The bats and catches sound nothing like real bats and catches. The fans even sound like the shortbuss took a field trip up there and were cheering.........
Suggestions: play

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: This is an ok game. Most every baseball game is fun just because its baseball (accept triple play) but i thought that this was the worst of the other titles.
Gameplay: Gameplay is cool because I like baseball but i thought that it lacked in excitment and Its just not the best out there. There were some little things that were cool though like the airplanes goin by.
Graphics: Definetley not the best that ive seen but not the worst so it gets one in the middle.
Sound: i normally am easy on sounds but after playing all baseball games this game easily had the worst sound but personally thats not something I seriously care about its just a nice bonus if its good.
Suggestions: Well maybe make graphics better and try to add some spice to it.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: September 14, 2003.

Overall: i didn't really like it. I thougt it would be fun because ASB 2001 was really for N64. This game is boring
Gameplay: When i first tried it It didn't seem that bad until It got to the third inning. I didn't even want to play i t but I did. It's pretty bad.
Graphics: Graphics suck. These graphics looked pretty much the same as the graphics for All- star baseball 2001 for Nintendo 64
Sound: The right noises come at the right time and stadium music is that of real life stadiums. Sound is good but hey......... who notices?
Suggestions: better graphics. Easier gameplay. Better Modes. FRAnchise, Season, Home run derby. Much Much more.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2002.

Overall: ASB 2003 is acclaims attempt at a baseball game, and it exceeded my expectations, this is one of the best baseball games of the season.
Gameplay: This defense controls are simple, but dont give you much freedom. The batting is the hard part, if you use manual batting, you have this bat curser that you can move around, but the problem is, when the pitcher throws the ball, you have like .3 of a second to move the batting curser to the right place. The best feature in the game is the francise, its very deep. in the beggining you can pick any mojor league team, or a farm team, which is hardest cause you have no good players. The francise goes 30 years. something i liked to do simulate 30 years adn see if anyone beat hank aarons 755 home runs, and alex rodriguez, albert puhols, and sometimes barry bonds beat the record number. The francise tracks many stats, and inducts hall of famers every year. this is one of the deapest francises ive ever played.
Graphics: this game has some of the best looking crowds af any game. the faces of ever player looks exsactly like the real person. the staduims are also very detailed.
Sound: the commentary is pretty good, they tell storys sometimes about the batter, but they usually say the same thing about ever player. when derek jeter steps up to bat, they always say "now stepping up to bat, the asb 2003 cover boy derek jeter"
sound affects are good like in all games.
Suggestions: make batting easier :)

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: August 7, 2002.

Overall: I play baseball, i love baseball games, i do not love this baseball game. It's just horrid, everything about this game is!
Gameplay: This game is unrealistic, I can get a single off a bunt pratically all the time. The pitching/batting scheme sucks too- I could strike out anyone. Oh and when u hit a homerun its stupid, it instantly goes HOMERUN instead of watching it and maybe snagging it.
Graphics: The graphics SUCK! The animations are horrible! Stick with another baseball game!
Sound: Annoucers are terrible.
Suggestions: Yeah, quit the job and jump outta a 10 story building. You're a disgrace to baseball.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: July 9, 2002.

Overall: I love Baseball! I don't like this game! It looks good but the play is lousy! The annoucers are lame too!
Gameplay: Well, I can't find any! I hate two things... You can change your pitch location after you select your original location. That makes the game too hard. I must have hit the ball to the Shortstop 15 times in one game! That is rediculous!
Graphics: Well, it looks good. Unfortunatley that does not make up for the ultimate poor performer! I'd look elsewhere for BB!
Sound: The sound is lame, the announcers are TERRIBLE! I don't think they could find some reall annoucers like Tripple Play did. Yuck!
Suggestions: Look at Tripple Play Baseball and add your Franchise mode. Then you will have a great game!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: June 1, 2002.

Overall: Yuck with a capital Y. I had just found myself addicted to a ROM of Roger Clemens MVP Baseball when I decided id upgrade to a game that actually had an MLB license and I picked this one up. Big mistake. Yay for EB's return policy.
Gameplay: Unresponsive and not very robust, I felt the SNES Roger Clemens game had the same # of animations used. Yeah, every once in a while a batter would do something silly, but the field ones were just terrible. Maybe I should have given it more time, but I just couldn't.
Graphics: The models weren't bad at all, and the parks were modeled fairly accurately, nothing truly impressive but a step up from the rom I was playing :-). The players still move like robots.
Sound: I was actually pretty impressed with the sound in this game with one exception: where is the umpire!? Is he a mute? Geez. Thats part of the excitement of baseball: hearing stttttttttrrrrike!
Suggestions: Start over.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 24, 2002.

Overall: The best thing I can say about this game is it's better than Triple Play. However, Triple Play is HORRIBLE, so that's not really saying much. Game looks pretty good. But, overall, it's a bore.
Gameplay: Nothing much to write home about. Batter/pitcher interface is decent. Absolutely no player ratings. Pitcher/batter matchups (rightie vs leftie) means nothing to this game, which is completely unaccetable.
Graphics: Looks pretty good. Decent graphics. Players look decent. Stadiums look pretty good. But, nothing earth-shattering
Sound: Crowd ambiance stinks. Why don't baseball game developers understand that the crowd is what can draw you into the game and make you feel you are there. The crowd in this game is barely awake. No hecklers either. I do like the announcing crew though. Pretty good job there.
Suggestions: Please, the next game developer that wants to try and make a serious baseball game, hire me. My god, why can't a decent baseball game be made for the console?

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: May 18, 2002.

Overall: I love this game so much. The graphics are alright and stuff but this game i think is pretty addicting. Even though one hit at bats are common. It doesnt really matter to me but i love the season. This is my first baseball game that you can have a season and it actually will keep score of the stats that your team does. Also All Star Baseball 2003 has great sound and really good videos for when you hit a homerun. It makes it loo like your right there in the crowd watching the beast fly. Another good idea is the card collecting. I think thats another really cool feature on this game along with batting practice and all that other stuff. This game is really good. I love it.
Gameplay: This game is really addicting. Like i said, this game has a bunch of cool features and a season that makes you want to sit there and play it a lot. The season i think is the best and there are so many features on this game that its not even funny. Thats what makes this game a really good baseball game.
Graphics: The graphics on this game arent really the best but there are some things on the game that really stand out on it and really look good. But i think that they could have improoved alot on the players faces. Even though there are so many to go through and put faces on.
Sound: The sound is great. I love it when you hit the homerun, the smack of the bat, the cheering of the fans. It gives me goosebumps.
Suggestions: Next time you make ASB2004 Be a little bit more detailed on the graphics mostly on the faces.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 8, 2002.

Overall: I was excited about his game because of its intuitive AI features and that it was declared the best baseball title for Xbox by many people. But it dissappointed me horribly
Gameplay: This game is horrible. I can't even win a game on Rookie mode. The computer is too hard to beat. I have already sold it back in hopes that World Series Baseball 2K3 will be a better game.
Graphics: The game looks good, but so much of the programming went into the AI that it defiantely is not as pretty as Triple Play.
Sound: The game sound fine. It can be a bit better, but then that is the problem with play by play in most sports games.
Suggestions: Make Rookie mode a little easier.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: May 5, 2002.

Overall: Overall this is the best baseball game i have ever played in my life!!! This game has tons of options and so many things to do. Some of the modes that this game has are: Exhibition, Season, Franchise, Playoffs, Home Run Derby, Batting Practice, Expansion, All-Star Game, Manager, and there are over 250 trading cards to trade,sell and collect. There are also many other modes but to list them all would take more time then i already have.

Gameplay: The Gameplay in All Star Baseball 2003 is extremely good. There are over 500 hundred motion captured animations and there are every single imaginable players signature pitching and batting stances!!! There is also the new 3-D Cyberscan technology wich give us the most realistic looking player faces. The Fluid of the game is very good. The players arms and joints in all parts of the body bend,move, and expand just like in real life. The players also swing the bat were actural physics and momentum come into play. Also some people claim that this game is a homer fest! I strongly disagree. This is hands down the most realistic Baseball Game ever on any console!!! My Only gripes about this game is the excesive amount of glitches in the game. It is almost like the developers didnt even take the time to have people test it for bugs and stuff. Also thier are every teams minor league farm teams. Which show you all of the teams young and upcoming youths. But overall this is the Best Baseball Game Ever!!!!!!!!

Graphics: The graphics in All Star Baseball 2003 are absolutely gorgeous. The players body shape and size are extremely accurate, and there specific sports wear and clothing is very accurate as well. The new 3-D Cyberscan technology produce the most realistic looking player faces in any game in the history of baseball. All of the players batting and pitching stances are also very well done, with every single baseball players specific traits. The stadiums are also very well done. They have very nice reflection and extreme polish on everything in the stadium. The grass is very green and the dirt is very well done. For instance players will actually kick up a cloud of dust when they go for a slide. Also something i have never seen in a video game before this game actually has fans that have facial emotions and move thier mouths and cheer and do everything you would do at a baseball game. Althogh the high and or cheap seats arent very deatailed. But then again every sport game is like this. But i couldnt belive how detalied the crowd was in this game. These are the best graphics for any Baseball Game out there!!!

Sound: This is where the game losses it's 5.0 The sound in the game is extremely horrible. Although there are some bright spots which include: A three man broadcast team! With greats such as Thom Brennaman, Steve Lyons and World Series Manager Bob Brenly! There is also some authentic stadium sounds! For instance if you play in safeco field you can hear the train go by. But the worst thing i hate about the sound in this game is that there is absolutely no Umpire callin Ball!!! or Stiiiiiirr! I absolutely hate the fact that you have to wait until the box score tells you whether it was a ball or a strike. Also the crowd is never really in the game. But there are times when the crowd will cheer loudly and chant the players name or the team name. But only at critical moments in the game. The lack of an umpire really kills this games overall score

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: May 1, 2002.

Overall: Wow great presentation of a baseball sim. From season to Exhibition. I love baseball and this one has tickled me all over. I didnt think that acclaim could make this game any better but they have proving me wrong once again. Again i am a true SEGA! fan and will be buying World Series Baseball when it comes out but acclaim has held me up for the time being and for that i say "Live long and prosper&quo
Gameplay: Good gameplay but like everygame they have little problems here and their. Well thats all but its still doesnt mean u will cry everytime u cant hit or catch something.
Graphics: Pretty good models. Overall the models good of been great if the machines Nvidia would of been used.
Sound: Pretty good inprovement from last years sound bites. IT sounded liek they were commetating with a tin can and a string. Dolby 5.1 sound wasnt added and it should of been and i skorn acclaim for that.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 21, 2002.

Overall: This is the best All-Star Baseball yet! Have have owned and played all the ones before and have gone 162-0 in season play and with the new 2003 version I find it much more competitive. I'm playing an expansion team which makes it fun and the XBox having teams trade and reject trades is a great option. I use to be able to over ride the trade rejection and now they actually have to be fair. I like the end of season options. I like that you have a budget and that is all you have, makes it more competitive I feel.
Gameplay: I think the game play is good. I like the buttons representing each base and the field in good too. It took awhile for me to figure out how certain pitches would react to the location on the screen, but the pitching is much more realistic than any all-star baseball before.
Graphics: Really like the real look of the players. I think the crowd on the close ups is good too. The umpire on a strike out is very realistic for a minor league umpire, he still shows excitment about the strikeout. The high fives or bashing elbows after a homerun and the close up of the replays. Great, but it could be a little better (not much).
Sound: I like the sounds that occur. The announcers are great and I like there .25 cents they through in once in awhile. I'm currently still in season 1, so I don't know what will happen when the season is over.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work and it improves every year. Maybe make September call-up able to stay on major league roster. Make more room for minor league players, but it is a great game.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Bill Starr
Date reviewed: April 21, 2002.

Overall: It's Baseball season so I was looking for the most realistic sim.
I played High Heat 03, I have seen
Triple Play. While the detail in High Heat makes it a little better sim than All star 03 the graphics fall way short. All Star 03 to me was the best looking with very good gameplay.
Gameplay: Gameplay is very realistic with pitcher batter interface that someone tricky at first . The control of outfielders is arcade like , it still gives good realism
Graphics: The Graphics are the best thing about All Star 03. The stadiums are getting pretty close to real video . There is always room for improvement. But All Star 03 is the closest at this point
Sound: The soundtrack or lack there of is one of the downsides . I think a better soundtrack along with music with player intros. Plus a more intelligent crowd, louder at crucial points and more boos and jeers when opposing players come up to bat. Still over all in game sound is okay with announcers okay just a bit on the repeating phrase side.
Suggestions: Improvement on Sound, And at begining and end of game use a rotating amt of real video of the game announcers discussing the game. Some people may tire of it. I think a lot of others use those extras to get pumped up .

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 2, 2002.

Overall: All I can say is close but no cigar. This was so close to becoming a good base ball game. I am not saying it is bad, but it has its faults that keep it from being a part of my collection.
Gameplay: Overall the gameplay is not to bad. I like the button assignment for feilding the balls. Catching fly balls takes some work but you will get the hang of it. The hitting cursor is pure junk. Yes it makes it more of a challenge, but it also makes it not to fun to play. Just go back to the directional and button style and it would have been better. You can still have challenge without making us do mutiple things just to hit a ball.
Graphics: NOt to bad if you are playing it on a PS1 or 2, or even a low end computer. However this is an XBOX and graphics like this are just uncalled for. The crowd is a joke, just terrible.
Sound: Very poor, there is not even an umpire to listen to. This game gives you no sense of being in a ballpark.
Suggestions: Do some serious fine tuning and try again next year.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 30 %

Warthog Queen
Date reviewed: March 30, 2002.

Overall: This game is so realistic and fun to play. I enjoy it and think it resembles the real allstars in real life.It has lots of things to do, and is exciting at times, and is like watching a real ball game.
Gameplay: Its like your their with the stars. The incredible details in the faces. I like how one person does the pitching, and the other could just sit back and watch with the automatic infielders and outfielders. It is easy to play, and good to handle.
Graphics: The graphics are unbelievable. Just work on the people in the stands a little! they look like they are made out of paper. The faces describe every detail about the baseball stars, and include just the way they bat and perform in the field. Its great!
Sound: The sound is good. The announcers are pretty dam good at it, and act like the real thing with the voices and the way they really act. With the surround sound its even better!
Suggestions: As i said:Work on the people in the stands! Other then that its great. Counting down till AllStar 2003!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 30, 2002.

Overall: A great game overall. The batting is easy after one or two games and the franchise mode is the greatest. The pitching is easy and simple to use. I also loved how the players did what they did in real life, and the way Barry Bonds had the elbow guards and stuff. The Create a player could have been a hell of a lot better though.
Gameplay: Like i said before the batting is simple will become second nature. Pitching is simple and the graphics are pretty good but i think they could have been better. I've noticed that many games that are on other systems just don't use the Xbox's power. But everything about this game is great. the create-a-player could use alot of work and The AI is very stupid. Also it seems like a homerun derby somtimes.
Graphics: The graphics aren't above par but they are reasonable. The players faces get a little blurry sometimes and what the hell is up with the crownd. They look like they cut out three pictures of people gave them motions and stuck them all over the park. please put 3-d figures but the mascots where a nice touch.
Sound: The announcers were some of the best I've seen in a while although it got a little repetitive. The music starts to get annoying aftera while but you can turn that off. The crowd starts to get annoying after a while.
Suggestions: Make the graphics up to par and add more words for the announcers. Also make the crowds 3-d.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 27, 2002.

Overall: The game is very good to play with friends and also to play alone. I feel that it is one of the best baseball games to come out its has everything you need like home run derby a season mode a franchise and much more his game will keep you satisifed for many months.
Gameplay: The game play is good it could be better though. It takes about an hour to get used to hitting but they have batting practice thing to help you learn faster. The onlky thing that is bad with the gameplay is the fielding is a little weird and pitching sometimes is inconsistant but its like real baseball.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good i can recognize almost every player and th bats shatter too stadiums look awesome and everything.
Sound: The sound is goo in the beginning but after a while it gets real repetitive but with steve lyons and bob brennly its like a real broadcast

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: March 26, 2002.

Overall: The graphics are average at best. There is nothing spectacular about any of the graphics. Espically, the XBOX. The franchise option saves ASB03. The baseball card collection is point less if you ask me?
Gameplay: Batting is a little tough but comes around with practice. Like most baseball games homeruns come once to often. Example: 16 games in to my first season I have 17 homeruns with Fred Mcgriff on the Veteran level (medium). Then when you do hit the ball it will travel in the same directions over and over. It must have 15-30 different paths it can follow. To Top it off the outfielders will catch anything if they dont catch it, it is because the ball will hit the wall or bounce it front of them. So predictable. One thing about the homerun fiasco, you know you hit one because it automatically jumps to another screen and the ball is gone. Running the bases.... %^&* nevermind its not even worth the trouble. Double plays come once every 2-3 games it seems.
Pitching is okay, nothing new same ole routine. Although, I do apperciate the excessive strikeouts.
Graphics: Graphics: Avg at best. Very yers wont even catch the balls with their mitts, during the homerun replays the ball will head straight for the bats it looks totally unrealalistic, all the players in the field are dull and lifeless, tons of catches are made over the shoulder, you can go on and on. Dispite its flaws its a solid game. Baseball Stars Had better Graphics in some categories.
Sound: Two Words: The Worst
But since their is a minimum of a 100 characters I will simply add, the commentators are boring repetitive and lifeless.
Suggestions: Back to the Drawing Board

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 20 %

John Obie
Date reviewed: March 25, 2002.

Overall: I thought this game has a lot of good points to it considering it's the Best Baseball game to date.But than again look what it is up against, Triple Play!!. Glad this was my first choice.
Gameplay: Gameplay was very easy to get used to.This game is defintly for Hard Core Baseball fans.Have to have a good interest in the game to play this.
Graphics: The Graphics were not up to Xbox standards.The players and stadiums were not to bad.For now its the best Baseball game.
Sound: The sounds were ok but needed more ball and strike calling.Steve Lyons did a good job anouncing considering.
Suggestions: Better Graphics and get a new Umpire!!!!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 25, 2002.

Overall: I found this game extremely boring to play. The first game was all right but it was tied 0-0 going into the 16th inning. The batting is impossible and the pitching seems too easy. I think I had 18 strikeouts the first game.
Gameplay: The gameplay was below average. Batting in this game is frustratingly hard. Fielding is another chore in itself. The players in the field look like they were taken from a Sega Genesis game and this makes the fielding even harder. The throwing is the only highlight in gameplay.
Graphics: These graphics are very disappointing considering this is an X-Box game, not a gameboy advance game. It is nice to see the additional protective equipment on each player but the player models are horribly done. I can't believe that people are giving this game a 5 in the visual department seeing other games available for the x-box.
Sound: The sound of the game is extremely boring. The commmentary is slow and repetative and never adds any excitement to the game. Not having the umpire shout ball or strike also takes away from the game. Overall very disappointing.
Suggestions: Try and make the game look like it was developed for a next generation console not a 16 bit console. Make the commentary more exciting, not so boring and monotone. Everyone is rating Triple Play Baseball horribly but I can't wait to play the game because at least it should be exciting.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: March 22, 2002.

Overall: I feel nothing good about this game. I mean I can't find any surprise. Except the broke bat, and the coach will jump if the ball almost hit him. I just played about 3 and half hrs. I already feel bored and many players just look the same.
Gameplay: Just the ball is kinda smooth. I can't even see the player's face. It's not clear at all. I don't feel any real for this game.
Graphics: The graphic just ok but not good at all. This kind of graphic I can find in the Playstation 1. I just wanna say the Xbox has a power. This game can't even prove it.
Sound: Sound appeal... oh gosh.. it's hella out of my mind. It's just bad. The sound from the Triple Play 2002 is so much better than this. I think I will trade that freak one and get the Triple Play 2003 later.
Suggestions: Hey guys... please this game cost 49.99. I think this game just can cost 30 or less. You guys just put something "really surprise stuffs", but not surprise at all. Every players just a robot. The movement is so bad. The sound is not good too. It doesn't have enough music and sound effect.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 14, 2002.

Overall: This game over all is great. The graphics the stadiums and all the players. The controls are easy to master.
Gameplay: The game is very appealing. The games feels real and the ball throwing is very smooth. The diving catches look cool too.

Graphics: The graphics are great in this. But i think with the Xbox's POWER, it could be alot better. The stadiums are great and i like it when you see a plane go by thats cool. The mascots are also a great visual. Over it is Great.
Sound: The sound was good but not good enough. The announcers should be more involved with the game. The umpires should say OUT! or Strike! that would make the game more interesting.
Suggestions: You should have a save game so that when you are in the middle of a game you can save it when you have to go somewhere. Make the graphics better and use the Xbox's POWER!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 11, 2002.

Overall: All-star baseball is emerging as the best baseball francise for any system. the amount of detail put into this game is amazing.
Gameplay: The gameplay is AMAZING, being able to pre-throw the ball makes plays looks so much more smooth. the only glitch i have found so far is that baserunning is difficult, say you get a knock into the gap, you have to wait for your player to make the round of first, return to first, then you can make the runner proceed, unless you want to make all your runniners move on, which sometimes you dont, so baserunning isn't that great. But, the commentating is incredible, the color commentators really have in-depth stats on each player as he steps on to the plate.
Graphics: The players look so incredibly real, including most of their pitching styles and batting stances. only drawback, like most game today, the crowd sucks.
Sound: the sound is really great, with fans talking smack, and the sound of a bat shattering is really high quality.
Suggestions: make running the bases easier, work on the crowd, and you may have a flawless baseball game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 10, 2002.

Overall: This is a really awsome game!! I can't believe that I actually considered buying Triple Play 2002. I've played this game non-stop since I bought it. I love how you can play with 4 people. You can even have all 4 on the same team!! It is a really fun game, but confusing in some parts. There are also some glitches that should have been worked out. But it still rocks the mic.
Gameplay: IT IS AWSOME GAMEPLAY!!!!!!! It is so much fun to play. I wish I didn't have to sleep or eat or go to school or work. I would just stay home all day and play it. It is also awsome that you can play 20 seasons in a row. I don't know if I'll play 20, but it would be cool to be able to play more than one.
Graphics: The Graphcis are Great. It is very realistic. In triple play the players heads are TOO big. I wish you could change the face of the created players. maybe you can, but i was only able to figure out how to change the skin tone. If any can figure out how to change the face, PLEASE e-mail me at:
Sound: The Sound quality is very good. I would like it if they would tell you the count after every pitch though. Sometimes you have to wait and watch it come up on the scoreboard.
Suggestions: I would have a setting to take the replays off. Also you should be able to replay them and save them to watch later. You should also be able to change the face on the created players.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Project Ego
Date reviewed: March 8, 2002.

Overall: Overall this is the best baseball game i have ever played in my life!!! This game has tons of options and so many things to do. Some of the modes that this game has are: Exhibition, Season, Franchise, Playoffs, Home Run Derby, Batting Practice, Expansion, All-Star Game, Manager, and there are over 250 trading cards to trade,sell and collect. There are also many other modes but to list them all would take more time then i already have.
Gameplay: The Gameplay in All Star Baseball 2003 is extremely good. There are over 500 hundred motion captured animations and there are every single imaginable players signature pitching and batting stances!!! There is also the new 3-D Cyberscan technology wich give us the most realistic looking player faces. The Fluid of the game is very good. The players arms and joints in all parts of the body bend,move, and expand just like in real life. The players also swing the bat were actural physics and momentum come into play. Also some people claim that this game is a homer fest! I strongly disagree. This is hands down the most realistic Baseball Game ever on any console!!! My Only gripes about this game is the excesive amount of glitches in the game. It is almost like the developers didnt even take the time to have people test it for bugs and stuff. Also thier are every teams minor league farm teams. Which show you all of the teams young and upcoming youths. But overall this is the Best Baseball Game Ever!!!!!!!!
Graphics: The graphics in All Star Baseball 2003 are absolutely gorgeous. The players body shape and size are extremely accurate, and there specific sports wear and clothing is very accurate as well. The new 3-D Cyberscan technology produce the most realistic looking player faces in any game in the history of baseball. All of the players batting and pitching stances are also very well done, with every single baseball players specific traits. The stadiums are also very well done. They have very nice reflection and extreme polish on everything in the stadium. The grass is very green and the dirt is very well done. For instance players will actually kick up a cloud of dust when they go for a slide. Also something i have never seen in a video game before this game actually has fans that have facial emotions and move thier mouths and cheer and do everything you would do at a baseball game. Althogh the high and or cheap seats arent very deatailed. But then again every sport game is like this. But i couldnt belive how detalied the crowd was in this game. These are the best graphics for any Baseball Game out there!!!
Sound: This is where the game losses it's 5.0 The sound in the game is extremely horrible. Although there are some bright spots which include:
A three man broadcast team! With greats such as Thom Brennaman, Steve Lyons and World Series Manager Bob Brenly! There is also some authentic stadium sounds! For instance if you play in safeco field you can hear the train go by. But the worst thing i hate about the sound in this game is that there is absolutely no Umpire callin Ball!!! or Stiiiiiirr! I absolutely hate the fact that you have to wait until the box score tells you whether it was a ball or a strike. Also the crowd is never really in the game. But there are times when the crowd will cheer loudly and chant the players name or the team name. But only at critical moments in the game. The lack of an umpire really kills this games overall score.
Suggestions: Put in a freakin Ump for crying out loud.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: March 5, 2002.

Overall: If your into Baseball and need that quick fix before the season starts...All Star Baseball 2003 is a good place to start. Overall the game stands out in that the feel and the sounds of the game bring you into the game like no other baseball title I have ever played before.
Gameplay: The Gameplay of All Star Baseball 2003 is tight. Respones on fielding and batting are very good. I can't say they are the best I have ever seen in a baseball game, but they are very good. One of the things that stands out the most is the ability to tell your fielder which base to throw too before the fielder has fielded the ball. Makes the flow of the game so much easier. Batting will take some people some time to get used too (unless you have played a ASB game before), and it does take patience and timing to be a good hitter. The pitching is more realistic this time around also. You can do things like make the pitch a side step pitch or a regular pitch, also you can throw to any of the bases even if you have already chosen your pitch as long as you do it before the windup. Stuff like that really makes the game fun for me. Another thing that makes the game fun is the inclusion of Baseball Collector Cards in the game. For certain things you do you get points, and then when you get the points you can use them to buy packs of ball cards. There are over 300+ cards to collect and you can trade them in for extra special items also.
Graphics: Visually the game does have it's strong points and it's weak points. The weakest point is the crowd. The crowd looks like cut out paperdolls...flat and not alot going on. The players on the field are very good replecas of the actual players in MLB. Another nice touch is the fact that you can actually read the names on the jerseys when you are fielding. Another nice touch for the game is the inclusion of the Mascots for all the teams. It's funny to see them doing their anticts in between the innings.
Sound: The sound in the game is what you would come to expect in a Baseball game. You can hear the announcers in the stands annoucing differnt things. Also, the commentary on the game is new and fresh. It doesn't get stale like most commentaries on sport titles.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: This game has all the extras you could hope for in a baseball game. When I waited for new ball games to come out over the years the one thing I used to hope for was a fantasy draft (Which is included here). The bar has now been raised with the addition of the expansion teams and thier own stadiums. Not to mention the teams name actually being announced in the broadcast booth. To add the icing, they were gracious enough to add the Cooperstown legends and classic staduims. How cool is that!? Unfortunately the game loses a mark for its presentation style. The broadcast quality is nice but at least give us the ability to playback our own replays. It is also frustrating when plays are interrupted by the auto replays. In one instance where the ball was thrown home from the outfield it hit the mound and bounced wildly behind the catcher. As the catcher scrambled for the LIVE ball the replay came on and ended the play. The one thing that bothers me the most is the lack of statistics available during in game play. When a runner gets on, or a not so well known player comes to bat, it's important to have access to speed, power, contact ratings as well as the ability to look at career numbers. At least put up current season numbers when the batters come to the plate.... all I see are the stats for the current days at bats. These are items that, to me as an armchair manager, are just inexcusable. Overall, nice game but slides about an inch short of homeplate to complete the score.
Gameplay: The gameplay is solid. There is a variety of pitches for each pitcher to select from. Since they have included a "guess pitch type and location" option, it is important to mix up the pitches. This will keep the computer on its toes trying to guess where you will come from next. The ability to ring up strikeouts is well represented. I remember games that would barely allow you get a few K's during the course of a game. Batting can be as simple or complex as you wish to make it. For casual players you can select an option that will allow you to time your swing. But if you like to place the ball where you want it then you will want to perfect your skill at hitting the ball with the batting cursor. In this mode you can actually raise, lower, and angle the cursor right or left. The use of this feature will increase your ability to successfully move runners into scoring postion or executing a hit and run. One thing that bothers me in batting is the lack of balls thrown by the pitcher. I like to work deep into counts to get the good pitch or sometimes even a walk. It's good the pitcher AI takes the "Go Get Em" attitude by throwing strikes, but not every pitch. There has to be some element of strategy to throw a batter off. However, the pitcher will throw more balls if a runner gets into scoring position or as he starts to lose control. The fielding is something I usually let the computer handle so I can not comment too much on this area. The plus side of the controls is that they have added a pre-throw feature which allows you to press a button to indicate a base to throw to even before you actually pick up the ball. This should allow for more seemless play making. This feature alone will make me start to practice my fielding.
Graphics: The players are all detailed smoothly. The 3d faces look sharp, but why is D.J. the only one that actually blinks when walking up to the plate? Maybe there are others but he's the only one Ive seen do it. The stadiums are nice looking during day or night games. The ball physics are accurate and will bounce around the corners if hit in the right spot. The addition of flags waving in the wind, planes flying over and (here's the big one) actual movement in the stands by the fans all give the feel of being at the ball game. The one thing I dont understand is why the players who aren't actually involved in a play stand in the same crouched position and rotate like they have poles up thier butts!?
Sound: The broadcast commentary is the most colorful I've heard in a baseball game. Even with some lines being repetitious there is enough variety to keep the announcer option enabled. The PA announcer can be heard announcing the players. The crowd will effectively cheer or jeer at the appropriate moment. BUT FOR THE LOVE OF BASEBALL.... WHERE'S THE UMPIRE???? The announcers don't always tell you what the last pitch was and you have to wait for the count to come up. Umpires just complete a ball game. Where's the thrill of ringing up a K if you can't here the STRIKE THREE YER OUTTA HERE call? And yes, there are organ tunes somewhere in the game. I haven't heard them with the short time Ive actually played the game. But in the demo mode, which I let run for an hour or so before playing, I heard organ tunes. I hope they didn't decide to leave them in the demo only.
Suggestions: This is a fine baseball game but still needs some tweaking. Please fine tune this game for next year. The stats are important to a sim fanatic. Also, the pitcher/batter confrontation is the meat of any baseball game. It should be as important to watch for a ball as it is to watch the cursor to line up the swing. Graphics and options are great additions to any new title. But without the actual foundation it ends up being a flatter than expected experience.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

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