Average Overall Score Given: 9.55556 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Gameplay: I never played this game on the pc so I really can't compare this to it.But as far as the 2 game modes go they should have balanced out the demoltion maps and hostage maps,making it 9 for each instead of 4 and 14.But the gameplay is very exciting
Graphics: Expected a little more in the graphics department here.But still is quality graphics. No complaints here.
Audio: Sounds are very good.Especially when you don't defuse the bomb in time feels like the whole house shakes if you have surround sound.
Suggestions: Expected a little more from this game but it will be ok untill the next best thing comes along.Anyway the download content should keep this game fresh until HALO2 comes out on April 1st.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Go buy this game if you want to have a good time.
Gameplay: The gameplay is just like halo same control setup very easy to just put in the cd and a way you go. You will be in action in minutes.
Graphics: Graphics are very good,but the gameplay makes up for everything, so don't even think twice about getting this game.Just go get it, I need some competition on Live as soon as possible.
Audio: Just turn it up as loud as it goes and the neighbors will think it is World War III going on. Great war sounds.
Suggestions: To bad you didnt have split screen for Xbox Live.But then again who needs friends when your playing on Live by yourself, you have all the friends in the world there for you.
Great Game Thanks.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very challenging game compared to the first Moto GP!! The training mode is unbelievable, this alone after you complete it will make you a better racer.Count on taking a couple days of from work or school once you start this.Just a great game!!!
Graphics: The graphics are beautiful if you get a chance to see them when your driving 195 MPH.Very detailed compared to the first game.Good Job!!
Audio: Sounds are great you can customize your sounds with your favorite soundtracks. Bikes sound good, but my Rockin down the highway soundtrack sounds better. Just ask my neighbors they called my house twice the first day I got the game to ask if there building a speedway close by. House was rockin!!!
Suggestions: Very happy with this game. Thanks for making a Moto Gp II it was worth the wait. You guys did a GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is as tight as it gets.Good story line to this game. The way to go with this is play the campaign with 2 xboxes linked on 2 different TVs. This where this game shines.
Graphics: Very detailed enviorments.Graphics are beautiful.Very easy on the eyes.A lot of work went into this game thats for sure.
Audio: Sound is one of this games best features. Excellent surround sound. Just crank up the volume and you will see what I mean.
Suggestions: Make sure you get that download content Available soon, Didn't feel like waiting 1 1/2 yrars to play this game when first was anounced. Just hope the download content will be ready soon. Otherwise you guys did a very good job on this game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is very smooth.Lots of unlockables to build up your car collection.A great racing game with a little bit of a storyline to it.Very easy to get use to the controls after 15 minutes.
Graphics: The graphics are very good in this game.Even when your doing 200 miles an hour everything is very detailed.Can't go wrong with this game.Buy it now I need some competition online.
Audio: Sound is incredible.One minus to this game is there is no custom soundtrack. Who cares just turn up your stereo and crank out some driving music.
Suggestions: There are a few things that bothered me. Try to make your lobbies more like MotoGP2.Wheres the downloadable content????? Overall you guys did a nice job.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Simply horrible. I have better games for my Genesis system that is better than this worthless pice of C***.If you get this for a present make sure whoever gives you this game better have there head checked.
Graphics: The graphics are the worst I ever seen in a XBOX game. Do yourself a favor and don't buy this game.I'm warning you.
Audio: I heard better sounds out of my ATARI 2600,I repeat do not buy this game or rent it. You'll be sorry.
Suggestions: Do not ever make a game like this again. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for ripping people off.Get on the ball or you better find other jobs.This game was a disgrace.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game was made for Xbox Live,The multiplayer online maps are put together very well,Good game just to take out your frustrations, instead of shooting your teacher or one of your co-workers.
Graphics: The graphics are decent.Not HALO like but what game is right now, so don't worry about getting dissapointed.It will do,until the next FPS comes around
Audio: The guns in this game sound the best from any other game.Just ask my neighbors upstairs,they were knocking at my door the first day I got this game.Saying Wtf is going on down there.
Suggestions: Fix the walkie talkie so you can have all of your 6 players on it at once instead of 4.And be able to change your name instead of using your gamertag.Other than that I am enjoying this game until the next best comes along.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty much the same as NBA2K3.I just enjoy the college enviorment of this game. Definatly a good game to buy.
Graphics: The graphics are decent but could of been better but I can live with this since its Sega's first college basketball On LIVE.
Audio: The sounds of the crowds really bring you into the game,very well done on Sega's part.Overall the surround sound sets it a part.
Suggestions: I have bought every game that Sega has put out this year for XBOX LIVE.I have switched over to the Sega bandwagon and dropped EA SPORTS like a bag of @#$%. Until they start making online games for the Xbox they won't get another cent out of me. Keep up the good work Sega always a pleasure to purchase one of your games.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very easy to get used to the controls, and when you do start playing it on Live. What are you waiting for go get this game now,your missing out on all the bragging rights.
Graphics: The graphics are ok but then again I'm looking for better gameplay and this game has it all. So go get it now.
Audio: The sound is great. Just crank up the surround sound system and raise some hell with the neighbors, They'll love you for it.
Suggestions: Sega your doing a Great job with all your LIVE sports games.You switched me over to your side . Electronics Arts is history, won't buy another game from them untill they get with some Live game support. In the meantime there losing money from me.Keep up the good work
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great training session to get the feel of Sam Fisher,This guy can do everything and more.What are you reading this for. Go get this game now, your wasting time.You can't go wrong.
Graphics: What can I say, the best graphics yet for the Xbox. Uses the full power on this title. Just a great thing to watch even if your not playing it.
Audio: Sound is awesome, best sounds for the Xbox.This game rocks.Nothing compares to this game by a mile!!!
Suggestions: You guys have the best company around.You got my vote for game of the year. No doubt about it.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Buy this now. No regrets.
Gameplay: This will be played by me for a long time until Halo 2 comes out. Glad I bought this game. Lives up to all the hype tht was expected. Great game for playing On Live.
Buy this now. No regrets.
Worth every penny.
Graphics: Graphics couldn't be any better, This game rocks, whoever gave this game less than a 3 MUST BE A REAL SCOUVATZ.
Audio: The sound rocks , neighbors called the cops on me thought we started World WAR 3 with Iraq this weekend,sound was cooking the whole house shook. BUY THIS GAME , YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR MISSSING.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gonna be one of the top Xbox games of the year in my opinion.There is so much replay value.Can't go wrong with this title
Graphics: Graphics are very good never played this game on the PC so i can't base my decision on that, Very happy the way everything looks.
Audio: If you have a few dollars laying around and you don't have surround sound.This is a good time to set it up.Especielly with games like this sounding better.
Suggestions: Very happy with this purchase,maybe some new downloads through Xbox Live. Other than that keep up the good work. You guys got a great company.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Anybody who does not get this game better go see a doctor,cause there will need there head checked!!.
Graphics: The graphics are unbelievable.Just a beautiful game to watch.What are you reading this for I told you to go get this game.
Audio: Oh my God wait till you hear the explosions. My neighbor who lives upstairs from me was about to call the cops on me.The only way to play this game is to turn up the volume and jam with the Mech's
Suggestions: Just keep making great games like this and I will buy them.This is one great game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game will have tons of replay value until NBA2K4 comes along. Easy to pick up the control scheme on this game with no problems. Its just a great game.
Graphics: This game looks great .The players are well detailed and there signature move are unbelievable.
Just a beautiful game just to watch while you take a break and let your buddy play.
Audio: Sound is right on the money with this title. The PA anouncer is perfect and the play by play anouncers are also easy to listen to.
Suggestions: No suggestions here. Just come out with NBA2K4.And from now on I will be playing SEGA SPORTS GAMES instead of Electronic Arts games. You can beat on that.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is excellant.One of the best so far for the BIG BLACK BOX.There are so many options and gamesetups that will keep you busy for quite some time.
Graphics: The Graphics are very good, dont get me wrong this game doesnt compare to Halo standards,but then again you won't get bloodshot eyes playing it either.
Audio: The sound is fantastic, especially if you have surround sound set up.Got some good tunes to get into while kicking your bestfriends ass.
Suggestions: Should of made this for XBOXLIVE, but no problem from me,I PLAY IT ON XBOXCONNECT.And soon to be playing on GAMESPY.KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: I have been playing this game everyday since I purchased it. Never gets old.I found out that Rookie level is way to easy if you like to score 100 points. I have switched it to All-Pro. I needed a better challenge.Can't wait to play this game online
Graphics: What can I say but the graphics are beautiful.Looks real life, when looking from a distance on a big screen T.V
Audio: The sound was ok.the anouncers needed a little bit of work yet, but then again what game are the anouncers that good.A minor thing to worry about.Just Blast a few tunes on your MUSIC BOX to drown them out.
Suggestions: Just keep making these games ,and I will buy them. Keep up the good work
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was very easy to get used to.This game is defintly for Hard Core Baseball fans.Have to have a good interest in the game to play this.
Graphics: The Graphics were not up to Xbox standards.The players and stadiums were not to bad.For now its the best Baseball game.
Audio: The sounds were ok but needed more ball and strike calling.Steve Lyons did a good job anouncing considering.
Suggestions: Better Graphics and get a new Umpire!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Best Gameplay I have ever seen.This is definetly the best game of the year.Highly recomend this game for anyone who wants to have a good time without leaving the house.
Graphics: Everything looks Great!!!! The way to go is to play multiplayer on a big screen TV.GRAPHICS ARE UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!
Audio: Sounds are the best I've heard for an Xbox title. But then again I am playing the game in surround sound, there's no another way. Outstanding!
Suggestions: Don't change anything. Just come out with another Great Game
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10