Average Overall Score Given: 7.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 83
Midtown Madness 3

Gameplay: D.C and PAris. It's really cool because the city is really huge and it takes about 10 minutes to get from the west side to east when your going 120 mph.
Graphics: The graphics of the buildings could be a little bit better. The people also can have better graphics on them.
Audio: i love the way you can copy a soundtrack and thats what i did and it's all good. The music is good at first but it's repetitive and gets annoying
Suggestions: their should be cars in multiplayer mode. and trains in the subway
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: When i first tried it It didn't seem that bad until It got to the third inning. I didn't even want to play i t but I did. It's pretty bad.
Graphics: Graphics suck. These graphics looked pretty much the same as the graphics for All- star baseball 2001 for Nintendo 64
Audio: The right noises come at the right time and stadium music is that of real life stadiums. Sound is good but hey......... who notices?
Suggestions: better graphics. Easier gameplay. Better Modes. FRAnchise, Season, Home run derby. Much Much more.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The graphics are amazing, The Sound is Awesome, The Gameplay is great and the Value is 110%. Even after playing this games for hours and hours I still loved it. It's one of those games that you just want to conquer.
Graphics: Graphics are 110% For this time period the graphics that this game brings to the XBOX are amazing. It's like HALO's Graphics put on wheels. I first rented it just to see how Awesome the graphics really were and I was Amazed and i think you will be too.
Audio: The Sound really good. The Effect that it has on the game does not really impact the game so they didn't really need all this sound. But if they want to take the time to add all the great extra sound, they might as well just to make the game more appealing. Music...... BAD
Suggestions: I gave this game a 4.5 instead of 5 is because of it's name. MOTO GP? It could have been a little more creative. I would name it SE: SPEED ELEVATION. The Music kind of Sux
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10