Total Reviews: 24
Average Overall Score Given: 8.12500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4

Overall: Great game! Stayed with the smooth controls while adding new tricks . Perfecto. THis game can entertain you for so long it is so fun. Who cares if some of the tasks are pointless....Are they fun ? they entertain you and keep you happy? yes...

Gameplay: Awesome gameplay tons of challengees that are really fun and really nice and big levels with plenty of places to do tricks off of and grind on.

Graphics: Still keeping xboxs rep alive this game had really great graphics...but not too much of a step from the last game but still quite impresive.

Audio: Great sound The magic bums voice is quite amusing and you can listen to you own songs while playing whick is nice.

Suggestions: Gimme 5.....Litterally

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 World Series Baseball 2K3

Overall: Woooooohoooooooo finally a great great great great baseball game this is the game to own for baseball lovers out there.

Gameplay: The gameplay is awesome and realistic thwe ball curves to the wind and theres wall catches and everything.

Graphics: I felt like i was watching tv it looks so real and the players faces are like real life and they move.

Audio: Great sound I dont pay attention to sound much but this game has great sound the announcers are good too.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance

Overall: If you like fighting games this ones the shiznat. Mortal Combat shall live on. Really fun doesnt tire too fast.

Gameplay: Unlike most fighting games in this one you can fight in different styles and you can also use weapons which is cool. Levels are cool too.

Graphics: Graphics are pretty good. Not hte best but good. Levels could have more enteractive environments but good.

Audio: Uhhh this is a game that sound didnt attract my attention which isnt good or bad cuz obviusly I didnt hate it but it wasnt outstanding.

Suggestions: More complex levels. Online!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Spider-Man

Overall: Dude this game is sooooooooo awesome it is truly the best ganme from a movie seriously You get the feelingh like your spiderman.

Gameplay: This game is intense its awesome having aerial fights and swinging from building tops with your web.

Graphics: AWESOME thats all i can say they capture the look thats in the movie while not going over board.....

Audio: Excellent the have the actual actors and actresses voices in this game and thats a big plaus if youve seen the movie.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Jet Set Radio Future

Overall: This game is ok maybe not a buyer it depends on what you like I guess. Its not really a skating game like tony hawks series.

Gameplay: This game kept me entertained for about an hour because is not that fun and theres hardly any tricks you can do.

Graphics: Different and can of artsy it wasnt really my thing but i can understand why people like it. But it was still good so i gave it a 4.

Audio: For me I hated the music they played but other people have different choices so im not going to toattally give this a bad score.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

Overall: This game is pretty fun it compares to THPS accept this is bmx. If you like the THPS series you may wanna try this one out.

Gameplay: This is a really fun game to play alone or with a freiend and theres alot to do and like 12 levels and 20 skaters to do it with. On each level you have challenges like THSP and you get money for completing each.Two player mode is insane!

Graphics: Graphics are good but not totally great. All of the bmxers look like they do in real life and the levels are smooth.

Audio: This is a great great game for sound because you can listen to your own music soundtrack so iits only as good as your own music. SOund effects are good too.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 The Simpsons Road Rage

Overall: This is a really fun and entertaining game and if u like the simpsons at all youll really like this game.

Gameplay: This game is like Crazy Taxi and it also has 10 mini games which are cool and there are tons of characters with real voices.

Graphics: This may be the only part of the game that is lacking there isnt really that much wrong there just isnt anything outstanding about it.

Audio: The sound is sooooooo sweeeeet its so funny what the characters say and they all say like 10 different things.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Blood Omen 2

Overall: this game had a really good story line I believe I just didnt like the actual game . I didnt think it was that fun.

Gameplay: Like I said the story line was cool like itd be a good movie but the actual game sucked. I didn't like it.

Graphics: The graphics weren't bad they were pretty ok overall I have seen alot better and I have seen alot worse.

Audio: I didnt really pay attention to the sound so obvviously it wasn't that great to catch my attention but the same with that bad.

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10 MotoGP

Overall: Worst game evr for xbox! ever. When I first played the demo i thought it was ok so i bought it.....Big mistake.

Gameplay: Besides the fact that all you can do is race its not fun I hate the controlling I fall all the time.

Graphics: The graphics are as smooth as a babies bottom but they're not detailed very well at all. They should spend more time on that.

Audio: sound was ok the motor made pretty cool sound but theres not much to expect from sound on this kind of game.

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: For a racing game this game is great. But i don't really like racing games. If you are going to buy a game that has everything this is it.

Gameplay: Theres tons of cars and tons and tons of levels levels are unique and different. Good handeling and cool Kudos system.

Graphics: This was one of my first games played on Xbox and it still has some of the best graphics. Very smooth and good lighting.

Audio: OMG one of the few great games for sound you can put your own soundtrack on so its sweet automatically!

Suggestions: Xbox live capable.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 All-Star Baseball 2003

Overall: This is an ok game. Most every baseball game is fun just because its baseball (accept triple play) but i thought that this was the worst of the other titles.

Gameplay: Gameplay is cool because I like baseball but i thought that it lacked in excitment and Its just not the best out there. There were some little things that were cool though like the airplanes goin by.

Graphics: Definetley not the best that ive seen but not the worst so it gets one in the middle.

Audio: i normally am easy on sounds but after playing all baseball games this game easily had the worst sound but personally thats not something I seriously care about its just a nice bonus if its good.

Suggestions: Well maybe make graphics better and try to add some spice to it.

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Overall: Hmmm this is a hard game to grade. I actually didn't like it at all vary much but most people do. See I don't really like stealth i just like carnage and this game doesnt have it but thats what the games all about so if your like me I give it a C but if you like stealth this is prolly the best game ever.

Gameplay: I didn't like it I am not patient at all and I kept getting caught or just getting bored waiting.

Graphics: Probably this is the best graphics game for the xbox in my opinion the graphics alone need to be recognized.

Audio: Great, they made the right sounds for whatever you were walking on good probably best sounding game also.

Suggestions: No just not my type of game.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 All-Star Baseball 2004

Overall: This was an ok game i've played all 5 of the new baseball games and this one is probably in 4th:

1. WSB 2k3
2.MVP baseball 2003
3. HHB 2004
4. This game
5. Slugfest 2004

Gameplay: I find the game mode boring and kind of complicated it gets boring unlike WSB and MVP.

Graphics: Not bad better than HHB and Slugfest but not the other two but pretty good. Fields look good.

Audio: The sound was boring and not really that good. The best sounding baseball game is probably slugfest.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Kabuki Warriors

Overall: OMG worst game ever played i took the stupid no point game out of my xbox as soon as i could.......My xbox hasnt been the same since but i have him on halo every day and hes getting better

Gameplay: Lets just say if you could pick 0 I would. Horrible everything and you only use like 2 buttons. If this was an Atari or regular nintendo game it'd still suck.

Graphics: Horrible. Stupid bad graphics. Worst ever. Looks like i took a game boy and hooked it up to my tv. worst ever.

Audio: dude you think they would make more than like 2 things to say horrible horrible bad everything i turned down the volume i hated it so much.

Suggestions: Have you considered another profession. I heard that Subway is now hiring.

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10 Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Overall: I just bought this game almost 2 years after it came out and this may be one of my top 5 favorite games for xbox along with Halo, WSB 2k3, TS2,NFL Fever 2003 and morrowing this game is incredible especially for coming out right away.Its hilarious and has an in depth incredible story line and the graphics are extremely impressive. Definitly a buy for everyone.

Gameplay: Some people say this is a "kids game" maybe so if your like a professional xboxer this game should give anyone entertainment and it really funny. Its really long and never gets boring and the story line is very well thought up and original while being creative.

Graphics: For one of the first Xbox games id have to say this is a masterpiece it is probably still one of the top 10 graphics game out there and the cut scenes that you just watch i'll give a 7.5 great scenery and characters look great!

Audio: some of the best sounds out of any games funny sounds but but but only one sound gets a little on my nerves is listening to munch hop around but the sound is still so excellent that its not enough to take any away.

Suggestions: Go out to dinner. You guys deserve it for actually spending time on games. Congratulations and make more! MULTIP

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 High Heat Baseball 2004

Overall: I love baseball and this game is all baseballit brings baseball to life. Acceptable graphics 12 game types with online downloads High heat is a great game.

Gameplay: This is a great baseball game. It has 12 different game types including Franchise, career, single season, exibition and home run derby and more and it has tons of stats which is nice. Also has AAA AA and A and you can bring guys up.

Graphics: This game has pretty good graphics not the best and could have better but their acceptional. The players faces dont look exactly like them but you can kind of tell some players better than others. Parks are beautifully done.

Audio: I don't know why this would matter much on a baseball game but i actually noticed a couple of things that were nice when i was playing. I noticed that when the guy taps the bat against his cleats it makes the sound and just little things like that. The crowds boo alot also which is pretty funny and the people talking sound like its real life.

Suggestions: Better graphics work on their faces alittle more. Have more little things . I dunno.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 TimeSplitters 2

Overall: Excellent game, tons of choices for characters and alot more than just the story mode!But you can't jump and theres no vehicles but once your into the game it doesnt bother you that much. One of the best games for xbox!And people were complaining about the controlling???????? Its practically like halo what the he**? Seriously if all of you are such pros then you think you'd learn.

Gameplay: This game has so much to offer, it's multiplayer compares to halos and you get alot more weapons and you can pick which ones to use. There are tons of mini games and challenges to do also which are an extremely nice part about the game, and the story mode is fun with a little bit of humor.

Graphics: Very good, buuuuut maybe not the best ive seen its cool how when you move in the rain it actually splatters on the screen. Goode use of color lol, some people dont like how it has to much of an animated look which i actually like so the visual appeal is controversial. But good overall.

Audio: Pretty good sound plenty of different songs to listen to funny sounds also. I don't really pay attention to sound much, but its not bad.

Suggestions: Hmmmm. Longer story mode. More guns I guess. Able to jump. Vehicles. And spend more time on details on everything and you'll have a game that may be as good as Halo.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Fuzion Frenzy

Overall: Great game can play for hours. Good multiplayer game. Tons of mini games. 6 characters. Compares to mario party....but better!

Gameplay: Theres tons of mini games with pretty e-z controls and most of the games have their own originality and you'll want to play some of them over and over!

Graphics: Pretty good lots of color but on a couple of the games the views really suck but on most of them there pretty good and when you get used to it its fine.

Audio: Really good sound effects fireworks have a really good sound and the music is catchy. Overall really good.

Suggestions: #2 with more characters more games and a little more depth to the game if possible. As good as it is theres no way i would have bought it for $50 but i got it for $15 and its now 20 so id buy it.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL Fever 2003

Overall: Awesome! Best football game ever played. So much fun. Evrythings awesome in it . One of the best games for xbox definetely a must have!

Gameplay: If you like football then you need this game its sooo much fun and its on xbox live. You can do so much in this game .

Graphics: Awesome graphics alot better than any madden game out there. Really great graphics but there not look alikes of the pros they just have generic faces but they have helmets on so its not a big deel.

Audio: Good sound announcers like in all games get annoying but good sound effects when players are tackled.

Suggestions: Hmmmm i'm just not sure there are any. Maybe the players can have their real faces?

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Mad Dash Racing

Overall: Well this was the first game i got for xbox and i was a little dissapointed but I had very high expectations. A couple of my friends are obsessed with it but its probably just not my type of game and its e-z to loose track of where your going on the coarses.

Gameplay: I guess if you like racing games you'll probably like this. You can pick from like 12 different character and like 3 different groups, bashes, dashers or flyers and they all have special ablilities and theres like 9 levels which you vary from about 4-11 minutes to finsih each one

Graphics: Probably best part about this game. Best usage of color i think out of most xbox game has a nice fantasy/ cartoony touch with very smooth graphics.

Audio: The sound is also very good all the characters have a totally different voice and some are quiet amusing to listen to.

Suggestions: Hmmm well if it were up to me make different kinds of games but if you happen to make a sequel more levels and different things you can do in it and easier to see where the **** your going courses.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Cel Damage

Overall: This game is really fun and has pretty easy controls its probably gonna be considered a classic for the xbox.

Gameplay: If you need to take out anger on somthing play this game cuz thats all you do which is a good thing and theres tons of weapons.

Graphics: Awesome graphics its really neat how they did it they mad it like cartoonified 3-d. Its a really great game.

Audio: Cool sounds each character has some pretty amusing one liners and the weopans all make cool sounds and the different vehicles also.

Suggestions: For you to be able to choose your vehicle! More of evrything. And maybe a new game mode. Like jumps or sumthing.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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