Average Overall Score Given: 8.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 710
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003

Gameplay: There are more options than you can shake a stick at in this game that range from tournamants to challenging individual golfers, to skins, to the Tiger Challenge, to Speed Golf, and more. All that plus a bunch of beautiful courses (13 total, I think...most real, a few fantasy).
The gameplay is excellent. Controls are easy to use, hard to master. Truly a great golf engine. Balls play like you think they would.
Graphics: Visually, the game, at times is stunning.The courses are beautiful, and most the golfers have great detail and look fantastic. There are some instances where you look at the graphics and get the feel they were "dumbed down" to support ps2, but, still, overall, the graphics are sweet.
Audio: Sound is excellent. Great commentary, really nice background noise. Sound gives a really nice extra realism effect to the game.
Suggestions: two suggestions: as good as the graphics look, I'm certain they could have been better. Next time, take full advantage of the xbox!!! Also for next friggin' awesome would this game be if it were LIVE ENABLED????? Wow.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: As a former Madden boy, initially, the gameplay felt a little odd and took some getting used to. But, Once I made the transition, I am not sure if I've played a more realistic feeling football sim in my life. Extremely well balanced. Passing and running both require some skill. Passing game is particulary unforgiving in that it's all about timing, and if you make a mistake, the pass is either likely to be dropped or intercepted. This comes as a shock to many Madden guys who are used to just chucking the ball up for grabs whenever they get in trouble. In this game, you throw into coverage, it's got a good chance of getting picked. Running looks and feels really good. Again, running is tough to get down, but with some patience, you can get there. Plus, the game has sliders to make the game easier or harder in different areas of the game. The sliders work VERY well. Defensively, also very solid and well balanced. A nice selection of plays on both sides of the ball. And lastly, and most importantly, FRANCHISE MODE is just unbelievable!! Again, it has taken footballing to new heights and other games are going to be scrambling to catch up. To much to talk about in the franchise mode...just trust me, if you play football for the FRANCHISE mode, you are in for a treat!
Graphics: Visually, the game looks just great. Again, as a former Madden guy, the graphics look a bit odd at first, but, once you make the transition, you really realize just how good they are. It looks so good, I find myself watching everything that goes on between the plays. Some of the faces look incredibly real. And overall, presentation of the game is amazing looking.
Audio: Sound is excellent. The game announcers are not the greatest, but, they really do call a very good game. At times you really feel they are calling the game! Unlike Madden that just uses canned phrases (REPEATEDLY) and it rarely if ever sounds like Madden and Michaels are ever actually talking to each other, these two sound like they are carryig on an actual conversation.
Suggestions: how about a better manual??? man, these game makers are getting real skimpy in the manuals these days.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: great gameplay. playing a game is competative and fun. The best part of this game is the dynasty mode. What a fantastically deep involving fun mode. Blows away any pro game mode. The off-season recruiting is as much fun if not more than actually playing your games. I find I can't wait to get thru my season and to the offseason.
Bowl system is very nice. Two polls rank teams throughout the season.
Love this game. Love it.
Graphics: player graphics are very good. Stadiums looks excellent, even the crowds look fairly decent. Mascots are cool, cheerleaders, coaches. Very nicely done.
Audio: Great commentary. might be the best I've heard in football games. What is cool, games are either nationally covered, regionally covered, or not carried on TV at all. On the TV games, you get 3 great announcers...Lee Corso is very good. But, on games that are not on TV, all you get is the stadium announcer. No TV crew to cover the game. Very cool. All your favorite college music fight songs are there, and sound terrific and the 5.1 is excellent.
Suggestions: just kep adding the depth to the dynasty mode. The more involved the more fun. Also, keep adding stuff to the game...more sideline activity.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Very basic, easy to learn controls. Access to several different boats, and many different missions. Many of the missions are extremely fun, and I enjoyed playing them over and over.
Graphics: Visually, the game was very good. Not fantastic, but I thought it looked nice enough. Water effects are very nice.
Audio: Sound was average. Nothing really spectacular or awful to write about. BUT, seeing how I am being forced to continue wrting.......ah, there we I can move on. ;)
Suggestions: Perhaps better graphics for land based stuf next time. Some of those graphics seemd like afterthoughts. Also, find a better way to tell the s
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Nothing much to write home about. Batter/pitcher interface is decent. Absolutely no player ratings. Pitcher/batter matchups (rightie vs leftie) means nothing to this game, which is completely unaccetable.
Graphics: Looks pretty good. Decent graphics. Players look decent. Stadiums look pretty good. But, nothing earth-shattering
Audio: Crowd ambiance stinks. Why don't baseball game developers understand that the crowd is what can draw you into the game and make you feel you are there. The crowd in this game is barely awake. No hecklers either. I do like the announcing crew though. Pretty good job there.
Suggestions: Please, the next game developer that wants to try and make a serious baseball game, hire me. My god, why can't a decent baseball game be made for the console?
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay has lots of really good things to said about it, and one glaring, totally incomprehensible, amazing screw up that I cannot believe could even be true. I will get to that in a second.
First of all, overall, very good gameplay. Batter/pitcher interface is excellent. Pitching is very good and realistic (even though my pitchers don't seem to tire fast enough), batting is very good and realistic. Fielding is decent. Baserunning is very good.
Great player ratings...VsL, VsR for both batters and pitchers is clutch. With these ratings, you really have to consider the rightie/leftie matchup with batter vs pitcher. Excellent. Other baseball games (except Highheat on pc) barely even take this crucial part of the game into consideration.
Minors league rosters are cool. Hire your scouts and managers, work within a budget. All excellent ideas.
Now for the glaring screw up. YOU CANNOT THROW TO YOUR CUTTOFF MEN!!!! I'm stunned. Floored. Amazed. How can you release a baseball sim that is lacking in one of the most basic fundementals in the game. Everyone remembers the coach screaming at you "HIT YOUR CUTOFF MAN!!!". In this game, you can't. Your OF can only throw to the bases...unless I just can't find the right control.
While this is just one screwup and there are so many other things right with this game, still, this is a major screw up, and really hurts in the overall rating of the game.
Graphics: Visually, the game looks just great. Ballparks are done really well, player models are very good, with many players have their characteristic moves built in...example, Mike Mussina's odd move with runners on base. Even the crowd looks pretty good. The overall look of the game is great. Presented very well.
Audio: Sound is good. The announcers do a decent job and have some nice comments that go with the particular play. The crowd, always a big deal with me, is very good. Great heckling at individual players, and the crowd is definately into the game.
Suggestions: my god, no cuttoff man? Come on guys. That is just to much a basic fundemantal part of the game. Inexcusable. Maybe a patch? We got the great xbox harddrive, let's make use of it!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10