Total Reviews: 6
Average Overall Score Given: 9.83333 / 10
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Max Payne

Overall: this game is very cool..great graphics..great actin..great bullet time!!! and great trash talking from those guys..haha! very cool and adventure in the game..could be very frustrating but awesome when you finally finish!

Gameplay: the controlls are good..easy..pretty much simple and easy to learn in no time! as i said great bullet time! you dont have to do anything but watch him go by slowly and shoot the guys brains out! haha

Graphics: the graphics are great..but the only thing i advise to do is to put more effort into max paynes face. it looks a bit fake with the same constipated look on his face! :)

Audio: the sounds get into every bit of action by hearing the bad guys talking and sneaking up on them and again blasting some brains! there isnt really any music but sound effects..but thats cool 2!

Suggestions: umm work on the constipated look please! ~thankz

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 SSX Tricky

Overall: i thought this game was so cool!! i dont care what all you retarts say..i thought it was great..everything..except the damage on your fingers! :)

Gameplay: this game is a real thumb masher for sure!!! my dad every weekend will come to me showing the calases onhis thumbs and fingers from al the buttos he has to push..he cant wait for the new trick controller!

Graphics: The graphics and detailed characters are definately going to be given a 5! totally! if you dont give this game a 5 on graphics your crazy! every level had new and very cool settings..its unbelievable of how real it looks!!!

Audio: like every other game the sound is pretty good in my opinion. every character has there own personality and sayings that they say in every trick or when you pick them. itz cool!

Suggestions: umm come out with the new controller soon..if you did already then we will be out buying it for sure!!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Blood Omen 2

Overall: this game is very cool..good musi..great graphics..interesting plots...difficult but mind puzzling obstacls to go through. Very fun!

Gameplay: The game play is very easy to learn..all you have to do is use the left stick and the buttons..yu get it down pretty quick once you get into the game. good moves and great powers that you get during the game.

Graphics: the graphics ae pretty good! i was irst ididnt really think they were reallyyyy good but now tey are pretty cool. fo each level there are differnt things you have to do and new and more difficult characters to beat..and it all has great detail and looks realistic.

Audio: the sound is good too. i have surround sound but still, it is awesome! the cool creapy music gos along perfect with the plot..its a 5 on my board!

Suggestions: Hmmmmm...try a little harder on the detals in the face and character!! thats it!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Jet Set Radio Future

Overall: i thought it was really good. and umm PSYCH0 GUY : you can shut yur god dam mouth cause you dont know jack. just because you suck at the game doesnt mean you have to be a little hypacrit. the ONLY thing i agreed with on your part is the music because that drived me up the wall..and some other things but thats it. so you can shut up.

Gameplay: I thought it was good. the only thing was that everytime you jump it audomatically grinds and it is soooooo annoying. i cant go around the dam place without doing it. but other then that it was good. the controlls are fine and easy to learn.

Graphics: the graphics are really cool and each level has a new and even better backround with it. the characters are well sketched out and are very detailed and have their own personalities. its great and parcially realistic.

Audio: as i said the music is SOOOOOOO annoying. me and my dad were about to kill someone with the nonstop screaming and annoying tunes. in our opinion it was the worst music we ever heard. other then that it was fine.

Suggestions: umm definately work on the music a little more!! and dont make the character grind automatically because that is just annoying and frustrating if you dont want to do that. ~Thankz

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 All-Star Baseball 2003

Overall: This game is so realistic and fun to play. I enjoy it and think it resembles the real allstars in real life.It has lots of things to do, and is exciting at times, and is like watching a real ball game.

Gameplay: Its like your their with the stars. The incredible details in the faces. I like how one person does the pitching, and the other could just sit back and watch with the automatic infielders and outfielders. It is easy to play, and good to handle.

Graphics: The graphics are unbelievable. Just work on the people in the stands a little! they look like they are made out of paper. The faces describe every detail about the baseball stars, and include just the way they bat and perform in the field. Its great!

Audio: The sound is good. The announcers are pretty dam good at it, and act like the real thing with the voices and the way they really act. With the surround sound its even better!

Suggestions: As i said:Work on the people in the stands! Other then that its great. Counting down till AllStar 2003!!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: I thought this game was the funnest and most amazing game i had ever played before.Everything is great and it is filled with lots of cool detailed characters and awesome plots.It is so fun and filled with adventure.There is always something new and exciting waiting around the corner.An Elite, Hunter, warthog, or banshee. Who knows!

Gameplay: The controls are easy to learn in just five minutes.It might still be pretty tough but its easy to control and have fun with. the controller is quite big but trust me,from personal experience, that didnt really matter!

Graphics: The graphics are amazing in this game!!it gives you a whole new outlook on the game with the great details in every step you take.The little things make up the whole game,and it is quite cool.Every new level lays out a totally cool plot to do!

Audio: The sounds are great.Especially on the surround sound.There is so much action and the music goes along perfect with the subject. It gives you a better aspect of the game, in if there are monsters lurking or something big is coming.Its great!

Suggestions: THIS GAME ROCKS!!!! the only thing i wouls suggest is to be able to save at a certain spot in the level.It stinks when you have to start all the way from the beginning! come out with a HALO 2!!!!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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