Average Overall Score Given: 6.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
All-Star Baseball 2003

Gameplay: Just the ball is kinda smooth. I can't even see the player's face. It's not clear at all. I don't feel any real for this game.
Graphics: The graphic just ok but not good at all. This kind of graphic I can find in the Playstation 1. I just wanna say the Xbox has a power. This game can't even prove it.
Audio: Sound appeal... oh gosh.. it's hella out of my mind. It's just bad. The sound from the Triple Play 2002 is so much better than this. I think I will trade that freak one and get the Triple Play 2003 later.
Suggestions: Hey guys... please this game cost 49.99. I think this game just can cost 30 or less. You guys just put something "really surprise stuffs", but not surprise at all. Every players just a robot. The movement is so bad. The sound is not good too. It doesn't have enough music and sound effect.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10