Average Overall Score Given: 6.40000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 113
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Island Thunder

Gameplay: Gameplay is preety fun, kind of real, major glitches though will ruin the game, and lag also, those are a few of the problems.
Graphics: could use a MAJOR tune up, look like they are imported straight from PC! That is the only fault on graphics.
Audio: Sound is AWESOME! The thunder and rain sounds so real, i was amazed when i first heard it, and the gun shots sound so cool, some of the best sound ive ever heard!
Suggestions: Tune up the graphics!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay gets a bit old, BORING missions! The multiplayer is descent, and is the only thing holding this game up!
Graphics: Visual-the water effects are descent, the boats are ok look, the sky is ok, so overall, the visual is average.
Audio: Sound is very boring, sounds like something taped over a taped over 1950 war movie. Not very intresting sounds, but the water sounds are very cool.
Suggestions: yea...dont go for a sequel, unless u have live, and then, u better step it up a notch...or two...or three....
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Game play is fun, the AI gets a bit cheap, but the multiplayer is what holds all games up, and sports games are preety fun for everyone all aged.
Graphics: visual, doesnt stack up to lets say, splintercell and halo 2. So you have to cut it slack, being a port and all.
Audio: The sound is preety bad. The bats and catches sound nothing like real bats and catches. The fans even sound like the shortbuss took a field trip up there and were cheering.........
Suggestions: play
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: There are some cool moves, and an odd storyline, but other than that this game is very boring, and i dont reccomend it!
Graphics: terrible. terrible is all i can say! I think they should put this on N64 or something, leave it at that, this is a disgrace.
Audio: cheesy sound hits, u hit someone and a cheesy "Uhhhhh" noise. Its preety terrible sounds, haha, i laugh when i think about it.
Suggestions: nope, dont ever do it again,.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Not fun, not FUn, cheesy moves, repetitive AI, but the maps are kind of crazy and fun! that is the only thing positive i can say!
Graphics: yea....n64 material, n-gage stuff. There terrible. Take this crap back to the trash can where u got it from.
Audio: hah, sound? I would rather have my tv on mute. Imagine a retarded cow getting shot in the butt by a pelot gun, yea, that bad!
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: The game play is cool, sucking blood from people is fun, and i think that the special moves are awesome, nothing like shoving a sword thorugh a guys throat.
Graphics: Visual looks like ps2 graphics, there descent, but not what the xbox is capable of, im tired of seeing this half-assed crap for xbox. not acceptable.
Audio: sound is ok, not really many noises, wouldve been coool to have a sucking noise when sucking blood, but NOOOOOOOOO!
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: So fun, the races are oik, essential for unlocking new cars and such, it is preety fun, and i think that it is unrecognized, online it would be so fun challenbging other peoples to crash and see what theyu could do, but it did have scoreboards ;)
Graphics: visual, it was average, nothing spectacular, so it gets an average score, a 3, that is what it deseves. nothing compared to PGR2!
Audio: sounds is ok, hearing the glass shatter and ur car skid is SUHWEET! The sound was surprisingly good@
Suggestions: make it playable online!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ok, this game really goes to hell here. It has the AI that will pick up a weapon and throw it at you, it makes me mad, it has no strategy, and isnt even fun!
Graphics: So so graphics, not much to say here, less than average grapics, from a developer who lets the graphics go to hell, and make the xbox look like it is crapped on, and that is the reputation it gets.
Audio: sound effects- some are preety funny on how brutal they are, so thats ok, sound wasnt too bad.
Your typical hardcore gay punk music for the backround, not that great, well, not great at all.
Suggestions: Dont ever make another game again, its people like you that make the xbox look like its been crapped on, eaten by a fat retard, puked up again, and then fried on a BBQ grill.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is awesome, while i might have wanted to test real time fighting, i think that overall it was great, THE BEST STORYLINE IVE EVER HAD IN A VIDEO GAME!
Graphics: The graphics are descent, no really cool grapical cinematics, but it was still cool! I loved playing this game and i think that everyone should rent it.
Audio: The sound captured all the star wars soundsl, from a wookie(lmao) to the lightsabers. Although when the diff. races spoke, they just repeated themselves, that was kind of a turn off.
Suggestions: Great job, next time, put online play on, and actually make DLC, u have false advertising :(
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Overall: THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME, nough' said!
Gameplay: Gameplay: I have put about 800 hours into this game, it never gets old, multiplayer is the BEST EVER on this game.
Graphics: Graphics:the best grapihcs of the launch of xbox games, but not the best it is capable of, nice framerate, great graphics for its time.
Audio: Awesome sound description, i dont have dolby digital surround sound 5.1, but i do have a big screen, the sound is great, sound effects rock! I love being able to hear your heart beat when your low on health, GREAT DETAIL!
Suggestions: Nope, PERFECT, dont go wrong with halo 2! Keep the same fun!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10