NFL Fever 2002 (Original Xbox) by Microsoft

NFL Fever 2002 (Xbox) by Microsoft Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: November 15, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.74 / 10


NFL Fever 2002 combines fast and hard-hitting action with deep season and career modes. Designed exclusively for Xbox, NFL Fever 2002 features stadiums from all 31 NFL teams and enables gamers to participate in up to 25 seasons. Players can amass both individual and team trophies and build their own dynasties, season after season. The fast-playing NFL tempo lets gamers explode through the holes and break loose, just like real NFL players.


Monday, October 8, 2001
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Tuesday, May 15, 2001
Monday, May 14, 2001
Wednesday, March 14, 2001
Tuesday, March 13, 2001

Cheat Codes

      Demo Mode!
At the "Press Start Button" screen, hold Left trigger+Right trigger+Black+White.
      Unlock all teams
go to user Profiles and create a profile under the name "broadway" and press enter to leave user profiles then you will hear all teams unlocked.

User Reviews

Score: 87
Overall User Average: 8.74 / 10 (87.4%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.70 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.27 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.55 / 10
Date reviewed: January 6, 2004.

Overall: This is a very good arcade football game with great visuals and fast high scoring action. I prefer more realistic football but this is still fun.
Gameplay: Too arcadey for my tastes but I can see where people who aren't into simulation style football could really enjoy it. Its fast and like I said before the games tend to have high scores with a good amount of unstoppable money plays, its just a matter of finding them. The controls are very responsive but I'm use to and prefer Sega's control scheme.
Graphics: Awesome textures, animation, and weather effects. The linemen definitely need to to go on a diet in this game they've got huge beer bellies. Better looking then Madden's oversized head look though.
Sound: I don't care for the commentators that much especially compared to Sega's top notch presentation, but the on field effects are good.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 4, 2003.

Overall: Awannabe great football game. Has some potential, but never lives up to it. Hopefully the next one will be better.
Gameplay: Horrible passing( the ball floats for a bout 10 minutes before it gets to the receiver). The AI is comprised of retards also.
Graphics: Decent. The characters seem to be made up of 6 bulky circles so the people look real dumb. Otherwise the visuals are decent.
Sound: The commentary is so so annoying.
You will wish you could snap the disc in half because the commentary is so annoying.
Suggestions: Try better next time.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: This game is so fun and interesting, the graphics are beutiful. There is tons of gameplay with some tutorials with a tiny bit of humour added. Lot's of modes make it have mroe replay value and the controls and visuals make it more addicting. Great game.
Gameplay: As I said there is so much modes to play from. Everything from a made up fantasy mode, to a normal quick play mode. Also the controls are very well thought out and done well. I like the hit a button once to do a hail marry sorta pass or press it twice to through a quick pass letting you make a quick ten yards or so.
Graphics: The visuals are very cool, I mean when a player socres a touchdown they do a little dance or somehting making it a bit funny and it looks so great. The faces look very realistic and cool and the field and crowds are great too. Not too mention just the player jerseys and things.
Sound: The grunts and moans and commentators are all very well done. It just sounds like its missing somehting from the crowd. Hmmmm stilll good though.
Suggestions: More modes and better sounds or sumtin.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: November 14, 2002.

Overall: The best football game on the xbox. The control, gameplay, visuals, sound. Buy it now right now.
Gameplay: How can you get bored? Season mode always fun, multiplayer is fun to play.
Graphics: The faces are awkward, but the helmets, players, uniforms, football. Look real. Also weather effects think you are watching T.V.
Sound: The annoncers sound real, tackling hearing the sound makes you wonder if you are watching on T.V. Don't call me crazy buy I think it sounds better then T.V.
Suggestions: Very good job.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2002.

Overall: Nfl Fever 2002 is microsofts first attempt at a football game the the Xbox. Its not the best football game, but there is still time for immprovement.
Gameplay: Nfl Fever 2002 plays very arcadey. first thing you will notice, is that passing the football is very easy, the pass comepletage % is very high. the running is kinda week, theres none of the annimations like in nfl 2k3, and madden like when you run, and the defense gets you, they got you you cant escape, but in madden you can escape somethims. in the season it only lets you play 2 mins periods. Theres really no extra features which hurt the game.
Graphics: Graphically this game is a typicall xbox only game. but there player faces arent real. the player faces look nothing like the real person. the staduims look good, and the grass is the best of the 3 football games.
Sound: Commentary is pretty weak. They need a new commentary crew, cause kevin calabro, or whatever his name, i remember he was in Nba Action Starring David Robinson on genises, and he sounds the same in both of the games, boring.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: August 20, 2002.

Overall: Best football game for the Xbox. I originally saw this title on a friend's system down at the beach, but when I bought the Xbox system at EB, the knucklehead sales guy said if you want the best, get Madden 2002. Ugh. Needless to say, I was terribly disappointed when I put Madden in, thinking back to the visuals on Fever. I packaged it up immediately, took it back to EB and exchanged it for the one and only.
Gameplay: Great gameplay. I don't care about hyper realism, like Madden touts. All I care about is gameplay and graphics. The gameplay is great here and it's what I'm used to. The controls are easy to learn and anyone can jump right in.
Graphics: Best football game by far for any system. Squint your eyes a little and you think you're watching a live broadcast game. The field, the players, the reflections of the stadiums in the helmets, etc. are all top notch. Definite NFL eye candy here.
Sound: Great 5.l surround action. I feel like I'm at the coliseum. The announcers are good and the overall sensation of being at the game are great.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 13, 2002.

Overall: It was on Ebay and I won it for 10.50 and so not only was it appealing to me. I figured if it stunk. It only cost me a few bucks. Hey, I have always been a pigskin fan. I used to stay up all hours of the night weeping and crying because of the pure awesomeness of the NFL 2k series on the Dreamcast. Yeah, I know now. I cried like a baby for months and it was all in vain. The 2k series was tops for me, but I got fever 2002 a spinnin in the xbox and it was a nice surprise. At first I was like okay this game is only average. And that was cool i thought. But after playing the game more I was like...WOW !!! This is BETTER than the 2k series on the Dreamcast.. And to make a long story short I played this game like crazy until NCAA College Football 2003 came out. While this title is extremely good in my opinion. It could not hang with EA Sports College Football.
Gameplay: The gameplay is above average. I belive where this title falls short is the lack of competition. Once you start getting the hang of things. You can start pounding the opposition. My complaints are as follows: You rough it through the regular season to make it to the playoffs....What ? How lame nothing on the field, nothing in the game about being in the playoffs..this is weak...the playoffs and the superbowl do not have any kind of feeling other than being in another football game... now that is miss poor.
Graphics: NFL Fever has maybe the best grapichs of any football game. Sure there is always room for improvement but boy did they sure create a lifelike environment! Incredible !
Sound: While the sound is a little better than good. There is room for improvement here. Tweak the sounds..go to a game if you need to get an idea of what a hit sounds like or a roaring crowd!!! I give it a kind 4.
Suggestions: Copy EA Sports and what they did on NCAA College Football 2003. Its the bomb ! And hello, you bunch of bozos! In the playoffs try making a playoff atmosphere ??? duh !! Change the field, mention the playoffs, pump up the game to the next level instead of leaving pigskin crazed gamers dumbfounded. sorry but you need to pick up the bowl and capture the feeling of the playoffs and the superbowl. Still a great game though !

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: August 12, 2002.

Overall: This is a descent football game for a first go by microsoft, but is deffinatly not as good as Madden or the 2K series. It is lacking in some areas and is missing some key things(Houston Texans)that should be in a football game. The rosters in regular mode dont carry over to franchise so u have to recreate everyone of your created players. The player performance after each game is cool.
Gameplay: The game is easy to pick up and play, running the ball is easier than in the other football games, and has a more arcady feel than the others also. If you dont like the simulation type of madden and 2K2 and are more of a blitz fan but want a little more realism than blitz than this is a perfect game for you. The player performance can go up or down after each game which is cool.
Graphics: The graphics are good but not as good as madden or 2K2 in my mind.
Sound: The sound is good, the announcers are deffinatly not as annoying as in madden, and the on field sounds are good too.
Suggestions: Add more depth to franchise and have the rosters carry over from regular mode to franchise.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Fluff E
Date reviewed: August 11, 2002.

Overall: This Game is the best 2002 football game i dont know bout the 2003 cause i havent got it yet but i love this game.
Gameplay: Gameplay is alittle lacking but i hope they fix it all up in NFL fever 2003.

Graphics: The tightest graphics in the world im loving it.

Sound: could be improved gets kind of repetative after a while. but still is good other thatn that .

Suggestions: improve sound and gameplay and maybe put some coaches and cheerleaders on the sidelines and a better crowd.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2002.

Overall: I never realized I never wrote a review on this game, event hough I owned this piece of junk. I'd have to say that this game is way too overrated. It's not that fun at all. The thing I hate the most about this game is how it is so unrealistic. The DEFENSIVE AI sucks and the passing is even worse.
Gameplay: Yuck. This is the worst football game i've ever played in my life. I hate it even more since it's so overrrated. PASSING: what's up with the ball floating? If the ball floated that long in a real NFL game, it would be intercepted. What makes it even more annoying is that there isn't one defender near by to cover you WR. Awful. Then the overrated "Dynasty mode"... 5 minute quarters?? yeah... right.. only one option there. I don't get how anyone could say the commentary for MAdden is dumb after listeningt his this crock of sh**.
Graphics: Sure the graphics are better than Madden's, but not by much. This game may have the most realistic crowds... but thats as far as it goes. Everything else is pretty equal. I hate how the characters are made. They look so bluky. Even the QBs. Give me a break.
Sound: I think that listening to a toilet flush is a lot more appealing than listening to the stupid commentary in this game. Otherwise, everything is average among the three nfl 2002 titles.
Suggestions: no more floating passes, better defensive AI, longer quarters options in dynasty mode, fix commentary. PASSING!! FIX IT!!

I know you haven't because fever 2003 came out. I don't intend on getting that game after playing this.

Oh and another suggestion, take a look at Madden and NFL 2k3... you could learn something.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: June 29, 2002.

Overall: This is the best NFL game on the XBox and possibly on any console. It has a REAL running game and the passing is intuitive and fun. The stats are great and the addition of careers is a big positive.
Gameplay: Countless hours will waste away without notice. I sat down for the first time to play a career mode and played through two and a a half seasons before taking a break. The controls are great - the running game - once learned is great. Passing, calling audibles etc are all logically designed and great fun.
Graphics: Visually, NFL Fever 2002 is also a winner. The characters look great - you can actually see a difference in the players - the stadiums are beautifully rendered. No cheerleaders, but that would probably distract me anyway.
Sound: The sound is great - the announcers say things that match what is happening on the screen. The tackles sound great. The music in the menu screens is a strange selection, but it is okay.
Suggestions: More stats - more stats and hey, while you're at it - MORE STATS!! Those of us who are into career mode sports games LIVE for stats. The stats in this game are much more than expected from a console game, but I guess I am greedy - GIVE ME MORE STATS! :)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 26, 2002.

Overall: Awesome! This is the best football game to date! Here is why: It is easy to play for those that do not know all the football details. So when you only have some older people available, they will play!
Gameplay: The graphics, the sounds, the stadiums, the teams! This is a great game! Lots of fun! It has the right balance of fun and realism that make it the best NFL experience! I love the Dynasty Mode too! Just a dynamite game!
Graphics: I love the rain, snow, wind! Just the look of each stadium is awesome! The players look great too! Excellent details to the game make it look great!
Sound: The anouncers, the crowd, the players all sound great! Some times they do sound stupid, but heck we all can!
Suggestions: Perfect!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 16, 2002.

Overall: Fun with friends, even if they're not online anymore. But solo players won't get much out of the shallow Franchise and Season modes.
Gameplay: Solid football engine makes the passing game one of the best around. Easy to learn, tough to master and fun to play.
Graphics: Looks and animates a lot like a Dreamcast game with some added detail, but nothing stunning. Excellent camera work
Sound: Proves videogame commentary can be engaging, interesting and accurate. Very well done.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 9, 2002.

Overall: I had always been a Madden game supporter, especially with the Playstation consoles, then I saw NFL Fever 2002. I sold my PS2 and bought Xbox and Fever. This game is awesome, way better than Madden.
Gameplay: The game play is great, unless you play rookie level, then it is way to easy. I play veteran mode and it is awesome, it is a fight to the finish.
This game I feel is a little more realistic as far as the running and catching go, not to many one handed spectacular unrealistic catches like Madden.
Graphics: The graphics are UNBELIEVABLE, right down to the crowd. In Madden, on the sidelines there is maybe five guys standing there, in Fever there is most of the team, camera men(that move with the action), tables, benches and Gatorade containers. When you play the players get dirty(especially if they are being used alot)PS2 can't do that. The grass gets torn up, in snow there are footprints that stay until the snow covers them up again slowly. The stadiums are true 3D they are identical to the real ones, unlike Madden. Chicago's stadium even has the city in the backround. I could go on, but it still wouldn't do it justice, have to see to believe.
Sound: The sound is pretty good, I would have to say better than Madden, but not by much. The announcing is nice for the fact that they tell you who just cought the pass, and for how many yards. The announcers will also say if a certain player has just broke any records, That is how this game takes over on Xbox over PS2's Madden. It's nice to hear the names of people who make tackles, run, catch, pass, kick and throw, it's like watching it on T.V. then.
Suggestions: Make one for 2003.(SOON) Make interceptions a LITTLE bit easier.Coaches on the sidelines also would be nice. Add more announcing phrases, so it less repetitive. Not so many season ending injuries.(Every injury Iv'e had on my team is season ending.)If possible make graphics even better.(Don't know how they could get much better, except make the players faces look like the real ones)

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 5, 2002.

Overall: This game appeals mostly to NFL football lovers, but anybody would love it. The game has a large amount of plays, and the suggested plays section is really great. The passing game on many games have been the only thing you can use effectively, but on this game you can get 5, 6, 10 yard games on a run... if you find the hole. The sound was just thrown together, and the graphics are at some times amazing. The collision detection would need work though. Try NFL 2K2 and Madden also... some people like Madden better, but most like Fever, and I think 2K2 is supposed to be the best... but I don't know

Gameplay: The running game has never been done like it was done on Fever. As I said in all the other games you are restricted to only passing if you want to gain yards. On this game, you can run or pass. The passing isn't impossible, but you have to be wise on who you through to. Big hits usually knock the ball loose. One of the only complaints is a lot of times the reciever plays the ball wrong on a screen, and it hits them in the back of the head. I like that you can drag players a little sometimes until another player comes in and tackles him. The gameplay is great, and the different difficulty levels keep you into the game even if you've mastered the other ones. The season mode is great... how players can get injured and retire. You can have a team for up to 25 seasons, which is a loooooong time. You can draft, and trade. The season mode is great. I like how you can create a player. The fantasy challenge is cool... how if you beat a team you can use them... and same with the practice mode, I like how if you get past each course you get another team. I haven't really done general manager... but that doesnt seem too fun to me anyways. The collision detection is shoddy, and only one man can tackle the runner, the other person just falls through them. I like the swim move options if you are blitzing, and the spin. The kicking is good.

Graphics: The visuals are pretty good. The players look pretty nice, and the grass is good. There are no refs on the field unless you get a line measurement or a penalty. The replays are nice except that a lot of times you tackle a guy, and end up in a rather wrong position... if you own the game you should know what I mean, or watch your replay after tackling a few times, and you should see what i mean (if your old enough). They used Peyton Manning(

Sound: Uuuuggggghhhhh... They just threw this part of the game together. It seems like they said "Controls?" "Check" "Visuals?" "Check", "Sound?" "OHHH CRAPPP!" They just left this off to the very end and you can tell it. the announcers suck, but the actual hitting isn't bad... The comentators rarely say anything new, and usually say the wrong thing or fall way behind and say what is happening in the previous play... after every kick off they say the same thing "The Special teams coach has gotta be going nuts... that guy should have taken a knee in the endzone" or "Alright D!ck (it's more fun to say it that way, even if it's not in a bad way), the return man won that round, his team will have good field position at the start of this drive". It is good that they rather of forgot the sound than gameplay or graphics... The sound isn't good... but don't get the game just for that. I give it a 3 because the comentating is worth a 2, and the in game hits are worth a 4... average that out for a 3.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: April 18, 2002.

Overall: After playing both NFL2k2 and Madden 2002, I decided to try another football game. Unfortunately, NFL Blitz 20-02 wasn't in, so I decided to rent this. Overall this game is good for it's first year but if I had a choice between this or any other football game, this game would defintely be last in line. Just the way it's a blend of NFL2k and Madden. I don't think it's just the right blend like most people. The game moves in a weird way and almost everytime my wide reciever runs slower than the linebackers even with turbo. It's almost impossible to have a 50 yard touchdown pass unless your in the end zone. The tackles in this game are rather disappointing. Compared to the other 3, Fever defintely comes in last place for best tackles. I also have a lot of trouble on defense. I really don't recommend this game to anyone. You want over-the-top, try Blitz. If you want simulation, try Madden. You want arcade style, try NFL2k2.
Gameplay: I find this game very hard on defense and very time consuming on offense. On Defense, whenever a pass is thrown, either it's an interception or the AI catches it by luck and scores a touchdown. In my case it's a 50/50 thing. All the games I've played the AI has never been on 4th down. On Offense, it's simple to run for a first down on one or two runs. It's simple to pass for a first down, but my longest pass was only 25 yards. Anything beyond that, the defense is on the reciever like rabid wolves. I also don't like how if you do the spin move you break almost every tackle. If Fred Taylor tries a spin move on Ray Lewis, he's going to get killed. But not in this game. Good ol' Fred can spin through almost anyone. It's an ok system that could easily be improved upon. I know this game had to be a launch title but I got a feeling this game will be a lot better next year. Although not as good as the 2k series first year attempt, it could be worth a rental.
Graphics: Probably the only thing I really like about this game. Player models and faces are awesome. The D-Line is huge while Wide Recievers are for the most part scrawny. The grass or turf is unbelievably realistic. The ref is also pretty detailed as well. As for the crowd, I haven't really looked at them a lot so I'm not sure. There aren't any jaggies in this game and logos, player numbers and names are all easy to read.
Sound: I'm not a real big fan of the sound department. The commentary isn't all that repetitive as in NBA Inside Drive, but they are very slow. Not serious lag like in SD! 3, but it is noticable. The tackling noises and guys hitting the ground sound like something from and old Sega Genesis game. When helmets and shoulder pads collide (ex. O-Line and D-Line run into each other after the hike) it sounds like somebody kicking an aluminum can. When compared to Madden, Fever sound effects lose by a lot.
Suggestions: An ok first year try. Improve the commentary. Take example from EA Sports games and see how they do commentary so well. Let me unlock teams by doing something else besides doing the simple training drills. Have a hell of a lot more tackling animations. Make all the sound effects sound realistic. If a PS2 port is better than your game, it needs some serious work.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 16, 2002.

Overall: Ah football, a great American tradition. Any game library needs a good football game. This is Microsoft?s rookie season in the football world and they haven?t done to shabby. Before long Madden will be a thing of the past.
Gameplay: For a simulation this has great gameplay (I am a huge blitz fan). One thing that I didn?t like was during 2-2 play, one player on each side would never get to make calls. This has to be changed, it makes it to boring. In other games teammates usually alternate calling offense and defense at the quarters.
Graphics: Graphics were quite superb in the game. Some of the actual motions were a little robotish but were believable. The actual athletes looked very similar to the game models.
Sound: Grunts, hits, and the normal football sounds were all done well. The commentary on the other hand, left something to be desired. It was not smooth, and a majority of the time was behind the actual play going on.
Suggestions: Work on the commentary, allow teammates to alternate picking plays.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 10, 2002.

Overall: This game is pretty !&%$@#* cool and it is my favorite football game of all time! It plays really well and it actually involves some skill and thinking, were as previous ones just looked like ur defence just ran wherever. I love the feel of the game and i just think it is more realistic then other games.
Gameplay: The gameplay is wicked! There are tons of special moves u can do! the juke, spin, stiff arm, EVERYTHING and my fave, the shoulder tackle! also the thing that really got me to like the gameplay is THIS GAME IS THE FIRST I HAVE PLAYED that has realistic interceptions! often in other games *cough* madden *cough* where they just sit there and let the ball hit their chest or look like butterfingers! this is great.... haah my friend had the ball bounce of 2 guys helmets and then he dove and caught it!!! haha great gameplay!
Graphics: The graphics are pretty !&%$@#* good! During stoppage in play the models look amazing! they could look a little better during play but i think they are very well done.
Sound: The sound is were this falls.... i mean the big lineman talking trash to the others team qb is great and the crunches are good but the commentary is brutal... for ex: "that ball was caught by... *dead air* RICE!!!" yeah that is bad.. but other then that pretty good.
Suggestions: Better training mode.... and MUCH better commentary.. i bet u could make graphics even more amazing too!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 10, 2002.

Overall: LOVE THIS GAME!! the dynasty mode is awesome. but some of the trades the computer offers you are a bit whacked up but some are very good.
Gameplay: graphics are amazing. most of the time it is regular football but you will get the occasional clotheline which just adds to the game and gets you laughin if u play with a friend.
Graphics: graphics are very nice!! for a first time creator of a football game they did an outstanding job!! it makes the x box look very good.
Sound: sound is great!! commentary is very good but gets old if you play it for as long as i have. but what can i say this is not the main idea of the game.
Suggestions: NONE!!!!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 18, 2002.

Overall: I really have enjoyed this game! It offers much more than NFL2k2 or Madden. Although, it needs some tweaking that I'm sure will be addressed with the 2003 version~I'm from Houston and will be expecting the Texans and an exact replica of the new stadiium. I've got the Fever but if the 2003 version doesn't live up to the hype then I might just stick with NFL2k3....don't let us down!!
Gameplay: If you love football~whether it's an exhibition match or season play with all the stats or Fantasy gameplay then this is the game that will give it all to you. Fever has so many different things you can do within the realm of's a football addicts sure fire fix!!
Graphics: The graphics engine totally blew me away. The NFL Logos on each field are the best I have ever seen. The stadiums and players (helmets, Jersey's, shoes, etc.) look awesome.
I also liked that the Jersey's got dirty during gameplay and when it snows~it looks REAL!
Sound: If you did anything to Fever 2003, then I hope you fix the commentary! NFL2k2 is alot better and there is just more of a variety. Hey, the true gamer isn't that dumb and will not just laugh at anything~SO, be funny, be intelligent about on the field or player commentary, or just GO Away--I'm talking to you Pitts!! I liked that each stadium has it's own sounds when the home team scores but what about louder BOO's and fans talking trash about your poor play calling?? I'd also like to hear that song in the fourth quarter when I'm up 21 pts. (HEY-HEY GOODBYE~NaNa-NaNa)
Suggestions: Please, fix the passing game~I hate that "HANGING BOMB" that is consistently caught even though I had my Dime package and 4 four of my DB's are covering the darn WR-he still catches it?? Give me more Plays both Offense and Defense (more Zone blitz's, Mix coverages, Fake blitz's, etc.) Let's see some Old school teams and players~that would be cool. In Dynasty mode..make the other teams more difficult to give up top 10 draft choices for your crappy players (giving a team a backup RB and 6th & 7th round picks for their #1 pick would never happen in the NFL-Fix it!!!) I want to see the Texans in all their Glory!!! MORE TRASH TALK by players. If some of these demands are not met--I'll be forced to go over to Sega NFL2k3..Give us the game we all want~Gimme the fever in 2003!!!!!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2002.

Overall: the game is great if you don't like madden. the game is fun to play but kinda easy when you get the hang of it
Gameplay: the game is fun to play but easy when you get the hang of it.the game doesn't have a create a team if you like that this is not the game for years game will have that though
Graphics: to have fast and fun gameplay you somtimes have to sacrafice visuals.this is what happend in this game but the grafics are not that bad but they aren't as good as madden
Sound: the sounds on this game are great.i just love it when you sack the qb and he almost squills like a pig!!!!
Suggestions: make a create a team mode and jersy editer.raise the dificulty a bit

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 10, 2002.

Overall: madden was way better. sorry. I don't know why people don't understand this. It's really quite simple. Any true fan of football wouldn't have to think twice.
Gameplay: unrealistic. If you want realistic you play madden and I don't know who wouldn't want realistic. Unless you're one of those blitz people, but you shouldn't be talking about football games if you like blitz.
Graphics: alright but I like madden and 2k2 better. I mean there's nothing reallyt wrong with them, they just don't hit me the way the other games graphics do.
Sound: horrible commentary. It can't get much worse than that. Sure, the commentary in Madden can get repetitive but it's so specific! I mean in madden when you complete a pass, madden talks about the receiver or quarterback for a while. That's pretty good in my opinion

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: March 7, 2002.

Overall: NFL Fever is one of the best football games ever created. The gameplay is fun, the graphics are stunning, and the game is a sure bet for any avid football fan. I haven't played Madden or NFL2k2, so I'm not going to voice any comparisons between the two, but I think that Fever is a great game that any Xbox owner should at least try.
Gameplay: The gameplay is great. Controls are pretty easy to adapt to. It still confuses me sometimes when I'm passing because there's so many options to choose from, but you can check the routes of the receivers so it makes it easier. I like the create a player feature, and I think all sports games need to include this from now on. I've heard people say that Fever is more realistic than Madden because you score all the time in Madden, but I think Fever is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it and you can score quite a bit. The kickoffs are a little weird, but other than that I think the gameplay is near perfect.
Graphics: The graphics are awesome. Its apparent that a lot of detail was put into each stadium and player. The game is very fluid also. The replays are even more stunning, as is usually the case. They certainly like showing off the graphics too, because before every down you watch the big linemen walking up and the quarterback checking off as well. Brilliant!
Sound: The sound is also near perfect. The hits are loud and crunching as a football game should be. They do a good job also of capturing the player's voices and grunts. They also did a good job of including the roaring audience. Once again, I have to say that its better when heard through surround sound, but I think even in the normal set up the sound is great.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2002.

Overall: This game appeals mostly to NFL football lovers, but anybody would love it. The game has a large amount of plays, and the suggested plays section is really great. The passing game on many games have been the only thing you can use effectively, but on this game you can get 5, 6, 10 yard games on a run... if you find the hole. The sound was just thrown together, and the graphics are at some times amazing. The collision detection would need work though. Try NFL 2K2 and Madden also... some people like Madden better, but most like Fever, and I think 2K2 is supposed to be the best... but I don't know
Gameplay: The running game has never been done like it was done on Fever. As I said in all the other games you are restricted to only passing if you want to gain yards. On this game, you can run or pass. The passing isn't impossible, but you have to be wise on who you through to. Big hits usually knock the ball loose. One of the only complaints is a lot of times the reciever plays the ball wrong on a screen, and it hits them in the back of the head. I like that you can drag players a little sometimes until another player comes in and tackles him. The gameplay is great, and the different difficulty levels keep you into the game even if you've mastered the other ones. The season mode is great... how players can get injured and retire. You can have a team for up to 25 seasons, which is a loooooong time. You can draft, and trade. The season mode is great. I like how you can create a player. The fantasy challenge is cool... how if you beat a team you can use them... and same with the practice mode, I like how if you get past each course you get another team. I haven't really done general manager... but that doesnt seem too fun to me anyways. The collision detection is shoddy, and only one man can tackle the runner, the other person just falls through them. I like the swim move options if you are blitzing, and the spin. The kicking is good.
Graphics: The visuals are pretty good. The players look pretty nice, and the grass is good. There are no refs on the field unless you get a line measurement or a penalty. The replays are nice except that a lot of times you tackle a guy, and end up in a rather wrong position... if you own the game you should know what I mean, or watch your replay after tackling a few times, and you should see what i mean (if your old enough). They used Peyton Manning(
Sound: Uuuuggggghhhhh... They just threw this part of the game together. It seems like they said "Controls?" "Check" "Visuals?" "Check", "Sound?" "OHHH CRAPPP!" They just left this off to the very end and you can tell it. the announcers suck, but the actual hitting isn't bad... The comentators rarely say anything new, and usually say the wrong thing or fall way behind and say what is happening in the previous play... after every kick off they say the same thing "The Special teams coach has gotta be going nuts... that guy should have taken a knee in the endzone" or "Alright D!ck (it's more fun to say it that way, even if it's not in a bad way), the return man won that round, his team will have good field position at the start of this drive". It is good that they rather of forgot the sound than gameplay or graphics... The sound isn't good... but don't get the game just for that. I give it a 3 because the comentating is worth a 2, and the in game hits are worth a 4... average that out for a 3.
Suggestions: Sound needs a lot of work... but this was your first try... pretty good for a first attempt... Make an NFL Fever '03!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: February 25, 2002.

Overall: I really enjoy the game. It feels like your really playing instead of just watching. the controls make the game real easy to play vice the madden games which seem to take a rocket scientist to play
Gameplay: whenever someone picks off the ball they seem to take all day to get up and run. i have also seen real players be able to put on extra burst of speed for the whole length of the field not just one second. but you can work around these and still have a great time and put up great numbers.
Graphics: looks great but i have noticed that when i look at the player profile they show a computer generated picture of the player but when the show the starting offense or defense then it says "no photo". put the computer generated pic in there. the stadiums look great and the players sizes match based on wieght and size. like i said looks great.
Sound: commentators need much more vocabulary. i have played five seasons and have all the commentating memorized. they should bantor to eachother. mabye spit out career stats on each player once and a while and when the quarterback throws and his reciever tips the balland it gets picked off the announcer blames it on the quaterback when the reciever is the one who did not catch the ball. kind of anal i know but when your really into the game and listening to everything you pick up on these things.
Suggestions: the dynasty mode needs to be able to change quarter length. players the retire should have to wait alloted time to enter hall of fame and still be voted in. retiring players should be able to be negotiated with to maybe play one more year. also it would be cool if you could unlock and sign past players like payton or sanders, elway or marino. also unlock past teams of the decades. design our own uniforms instead of chosing from whats there. design staduims also. and create players with higher ratings then 82. fix the commentating. needs to be more realistic and not so repetative. cant wait for the next one to come out. you are already head and shoulders above any football game i have ever played.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: February 19, 2002.

Overall: This game is the best foot ball game ever IF you like football games I highly recomend it P.S. is would suck on PS2
Graphics: Great gravicks
Suggestions: Next year Make a new one, but put a challange the play because sometimes me and my freind have trouble deciding on plays

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 19, 2002.

Overall: This is a good overall football game that will be most enjoyed by the gamer who enjoys really fun football that sacrifices some realism and depth.
Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is pretty easy to get used to. It's very similar to Madden. Fever is a fast, hard hitting experience thats fun. One thing I did not like was that it was very easy. The defensive AI is really lacking skill. I could be playing against a friend who was an average gamer and have a 15/15 passing and 9 for touchdowns in a game with 3 min quaters!! The game has lots of modes like franchise which is very cool.
Graphics: This game has an arcade feel that helps with the fun but unrealiste gameplay. Good but not great graphics. I would definitely say Madden would beat on graphics.
Sound: The game has pretty good sound. The annoucers are annoying though. The sound effects add to the fun feeling and make it a good sounding game.
Suggestions: Make the defensive AI better and add more teams.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 14, 2002.

Overall: Tight! i'd have to say this is the best football sim i've ever played. The graphics, sound, and artifical inteligence are awesome.
Gameplay: Controls are easy to use and get the hang of. The only problem is when I try ti hit the stupid black button that's too high up for my fingers.
Graphics: Can you say stunning. The graphics engine is amazing it does everything like add volumetric grass, antialiasing, and a smooth framerate. in English this means "No football game looks better".
Sound: This is prett good. The commentary ocassionaly gets repetitive and theres this one commentator who juts doesn't shut up.
Suggestions: You could have added LAN play! Artificial Intilligence could have been more "on the ball".

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 7, 2002.

Overall: This game was pretty cool but I wish they would have had different playbooks for the different teams like the 2k series. But the graphics are awesome and so is the gameplay. Overall a pretty sick game.
Gameplay: The gameplay for this game is very nice.
Graphics: The graphics and textures are both awesome in this game but the only thing keeping it from getting a five is that the animations are slightly unrealistic.
Sound: The commentary gets very redundant after a while and really gets on your nerves but I like how the players talk trash.
Suggestions: Fix the commentary!!!!!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: February 7, 2002.

Overall: Great Game with unbelievable graphics. The fantasy draft after each season keeps you going season after season.
Gameplay: Realistic game with easy to learn and use controls making for a great gameplay experience. Fun Game to play.
Graphics: Graphics speak for itself. Clearly better graphics than madden 2002. Lighting, uniform, stadium and player detail are stunning.
Sound: This is where NFL Fever 2002 struggles. the announces get repetative and boring to listen too. Needs a little work in this area.
Suggestions: Passing game could improve by making the passes more realistic instead of lofting it to a wide open receiver and allow the d-back to pick it off. And the running game could be improved by allowing the running back to outrun the defenders when he breaks one open. They always seem to get chased down after about 25 yards.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 70 %

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