Average Overall Score Given: 8.12500 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 6
Kabuki Warriors

Gameplay: If you bought this game and are now looking at it. Ease on back to the bathroom and grab some tissue. You will need something to soak up your tears. Horrible nothingless, no count, worthless no existent gameplay. Drag queens, sorry Japanese music. What I find funny is try to find this game on the website of the developers...ha ha !! i think they took it off !! cant say I blame them...go have a look..scroll back up to the top of the page and click crave...ha ha !! crave we know who you are ..
Graphics: Well lets see there is combat for atari 2600, think about a few stink titles on the NES... ouch maybe duckhunt was better looking?
Audio: Hmm ! invest in some good ear plugs, a nose plug, and some dark blind folds. This title will stink you out of your room. Who farted? I dont know some kabuki warrior...
Suggestions: Change your name ! Think about plastic surgery ! If anyone finds out who made this game they will chase them down the street yelling out" REFUND MY MONEY u SKUNKS!!!"
Game is horrible but you may have created a cult classic. We all know you created a great gag gift for anyone with an xbox ...
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: With a poor fighting system and a tired game engine. Poor DOA 3 is nothing more than a button masher that is fun but for a few hours if that. Again if you have ever played Soul Caliber, you will find yourself laughing at DOA3 and any of the other games from this series. I promise you . They are stink. Help me Obe 1 Soul Caliber ur my only hope !
Graphics: The game shines and shines and shines in this deptartment. If only there was something awesome or half way cool about this game. NOT !
Audio: I dont recall much in the sound department. How does this sound? When SOul Caliber 2 comes out for the xbox. This game will be used as a coaster !
Suggestions: Develop a story line and plot for the characters. Which reminds me add lots more characters and try coming up with some cool ones this time. Gamers want to be submerged in character development. Making the game more like an art than a silly button masher. Think SOUL CALIBER ! The Legend Will Never Die ! Create true and real combo moves. Create a fighter not eye candy for kids ! And do a study or something to find out your target market. its not babies unless you all just came over from nintendo. Honestly, you have got a skeleton of a game that now needs some meat on its bones !! try harder
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay I thought was really great in this game. I feel that this title is way to shallow for a perfect score. This game easily takes the crown as for as the vibrations and feel of the controller while you are playing. AWESOME ! The tracks are great the graphics are awesome. Again, what hurts this game is its lack of depth. Who cares if it plays wonderful if the funfactor is tossed out the window. Sure the games fun and it is one of the top racers . I belive on any console. Its just missing. Hey bimbos, did you think of at least adding 2 players in the rally cups. No carrer mode worth 2 cents anyway. Make no mistake this game falls short because its to much arcade. Medium replay value. Honestly I say dont believe the hype. This game is good but its on the bottom of the stack at my house. With games like Morrowind, NCAA College Football 2003, and Halo....this game is slacking and lacking.
Graphics: Stunning grapics ! Mindnumbingly Spectacular ! Eye Candy ! IF you like awesome looking graphics this game is the king! Could have had more dirt shooting out ...does kick up some rocks here and there. O but the cars, hmmm !! They could use some touching up !!! For sure !! What gives ? A poor job on the cars takes the 5.0 and turns it into a 4.5. Finish the job people !
Audio: Well when the game first cranked up I was very dispointed in the fake sound of the cars... what does it take to get this right ? But everything else sounds awesome. Im not sure about the music... Uptempo is cool but maybe to hard edged at times. Once you unlock the next level of cars. This group sounds pretty good.
Suggestions: Gamers are tired of the old school ways. Gamers want more in depth, deeper games, with lots of replay value and characters and race teams they can build and develop. The game engine, graphics, handling of the cars, are all superb. But my question is where or what is this game? Think deeper, add more depth, and some more dirt flying up behind the cars. Also, add a rally feel to the game. Making the driver feel more in a real race rather than out all alone. At some points in the game maybe you could see a driver way way way up ahead in the distance. With commentary about the progress of other drivers... at the moment its just a loner game..out in the dirt .. be prepared to work your imagination if you get this title, you would think the developers would have used theirs.. Plus where is the 2 player mode in your so called carrer. Big mistake. Bottom line very good game that disappoints gamers after they realize what it could have been. Fire most of the crew that worked on this one, and dropped the tire.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Hey gameplay is fantastic. Let me have a turn with that sniper rifle just once more !!! Look the mission in this game is superterrific! It is true HALO blows the competition away. Listen if you have a PS2 and you are still trying to say it can hang with the MEAN GREEN MACHINE ! Stop kidding yourself, the PS2 is a small candy licking baby compared to the "r known as the Xbox! There are so many enemies, so many weapons, so much fun and so much nail biting action !!! Whew !! this game is tops !!
Graphics: The graphics are amazing ! I tell you the Xbox just blows everything away ~! What a world and what on earth are these awesome graphics. Im telling you HALO will just take you away! Look the grass looks so real that a cow ( I love nextdoor to a Gateway store ) continued to look into my window and while taking a quick break, my house was taken over by a grass craved cow... I quickly turned off the tube and escorted Maw Bel out of the living room... What R U nuts !!! The graphics RULE !
Audio: Sound * SOund * SoUnd !!! Look you will be pumping out all kinds of firepower while your woofers are pumping out the base.. its a war zone in here !!!! rat a tat a tat !!! take that you zombie loosers !!! Again the sound is a jugernaut ! Totally awesome !!
Suggestions: Look you seriously need to work on adding some computer players in CTF and slayer mode. One on One is ridiculous for capture the flag or slayer. Please, eat your wheaties while coming up with ideas in the Halo 2 thinktank meetings ... gee whiz .. i should take your jobs !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is above average. I belive where this title falls short is the lack of competition. Once you start getting the hang of things. You can start pounding the opposition. My complaints are as follows: You rough it through the regular season to make it to the playoffs....What ? How lame nothing on the field, nothing in the game about being in the playoffs..this is weak...the playoffs and the superbowl do not have any kind of feeling other than being in another football game... now that is miss poor.
Graphics: NFL Fever has maybe the best grapichs of any football game. Sure there is always room for improvement but boy did they sure create a lifelike environment! Incredible !
Audio: While the sound is a little better than good. There is room for improvement here. Tweak the sounds..go to a game if you need to get an idea of what a hit sounds like or a roaring crowd!!! I give it a kind 4.
Suggestions: Copy EA Sports and what they did on NCAA College Football 2003. Its the bomb ! And hello, you bunch of bozos! In the playoffs try making a playoff atmosphere ??? duh !! Change the field, mention the playoffs, pump up the game to the next level instead of leaving pigskin crazed gamers dumbfounded. sorry but you need to pick up the bowl and capture the feeling of the playoffs and the superbowl. Still a great game though !
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Endless amounts of gameplay. Im sure there is nothing else I can add about this huge world the game takes place in. With so many other reviews listed. My character is a thief and I roam to and fro pick pocketing, stealing, slapping heads, sneaking around. Countless hours of fun !!! Its all about rank and riches ! I have been gaming a zillion years and this my friend is one of the best games around !
Graphics: Ha ! Look the graphics are superb ! What an awesome world. Sure they could be better but as they are now, they are tops. This title is visual goo goo candy !
Audio: The sound is amazing. Its like a cinema score and it plays and always seems to spit out just what you would want to hear at the right time. What a superb job !
Suggestions: I have no idea ! Hurry up and release Sea Dogs 2. Hey I know maybe you could incorporate the ability for one players games and anothers players game to be in the same world.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

But appeal, sure I could not wait to war it out with all kinds of warriors and not only that but race for victory in a chariot. I will never part with this game. And take it from me. If you ever hear Circus Maximus 2 is coming out and its really improved. It will be an out of this world title. The bottom line here is that this game is so much fun !
Gameplay: The game is incredibly awesome IMHO. The music, the awesome intense battles and races. If this game had more depth it would be a classic and a huge success on the xbox. Do not get me wrong. The game is superb but with a bit of fine tuning and adding a larger world with gladitor style fighting along with the chariot races. This game would blow all other games away. Adding a bit of character development. I tell you I love racing titles and have lots of them and this game was a huge success with me because of the excellent fun factor. The tracks are awesome, each race is filled with excitement and nail biting action. Hey, you may love the NBA but as for me. I LOVE THIS GAME.. Hey why not make a part 2 and then start working on a spanish bullfighting title !!!
Graphics: Visually I was very surprised. I had read that the games graphics were nothing to slap grandma about and cry out laughing in joy. So I kinda just sat there thinking...."if this is lame graphics on the xbox, I cant wait to see what is good graphics." I mean come on. The graphics here are super. This title blows away the clanky PS2. Yeah, whatever, I sold my PS2 and dreamcast when I experienced the mean green machine. ! What more do you want, graphics = awesome !!!!!
Audio: Out of all the games I own for the Xbox. This title easily wins the crown. Yes over Morrowind and anything else ! With the sound quality and the tunes of ancient roman opera and fight songs. Nothing can touch Circus Maximus as for as songs and sound. And thats a fact !!
Suggestions: Hello, developers if you are reading this , take a listen...! Try exploring ideas on how to make this title have more depth. Make a larger world in which characters can race and fight in the chariot races, plus add combat 1 0n 1, or more style fighting in the big arenas. Like the movie Gladiator. If you took this concept where players could use the same character in a variety of different ways the game would explode into a huge hit. Where fighters can fight one on one without racing all the time. Gamers need more options and a larger world and more things to do. Freedom is the key... like morrowind sorta !
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is incredible. I have never played another game where the computer is like plying another person. I loved NFL Fever 2002, but nothing can touch the almost real like football games. You are never bored, the computer will beat you in any game. Not to mention you can adjust the degree of difficulty so many ways to make the game perfect. This is real life. So many different tackles,, im wasting my time. Gameplay is almost perfect ! And the only reason I said almost is because if there is a way for them to make improvements I want them too !!
Graphics: This game will blow you away. The graphics are tremdously awesome. Many times I forget Im playing a football game. Its more like being in control of an actual sporting event. Look the only way the graphics could be better is if the game was a dvd movie of ANY GIVEN SUNDAY.
Audio: HA ! This is funny ! Look the sound is purrfect !! To many different types of sound to even mention ... The crowd sounds awesome, the players hitting and smacking one another out on the field.. I love this game we call pigskin.
Suggestions: I have no idea ! Maybe make it where the user can change the button configuation. It took me a whole season to start hitting the intercept button. Just try to make this game even better if its possible, and talk those people into letting you have their names. It is a pain to add a billion names for the players.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10