Average Overall Score Given: 9.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Medal of Honor: Frontline

Gameplay: Great Storyline. I popped the top off a Japanese soldier from what seemed to be 6 miles out with the sniper rifle. Cool Weapons. Interesting levels that are based on actual events.
Graphics: The graphics weren't too bad, but could have been alot better for the Xbox. That Damn PS2 port just doesn't work on the xbox. Graphics need a little work.
Audio: Sounds just like real battle. Explosions and sounds of vehicles are great. No more work needs to be done in this category.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay for Max Payne is unreal. The bullet time option gives you a more realistic action/shooting game.
Graphics: The graphics are great. the detail of each individual is remarkable. Some textures and objects may look a little rough, but not very many. Max Payne shows off the capabilities of the XBOX
Audio: I'm not a stickler for sound, but Max Payne has a stunning sound appeal. Conversations and storylines make the player more aware of what is going on.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Realistic game with easy to learn and use controls making for a great gameplay experience. Fun Game to play.
Graphics: Graphics speak for itself. Clearly better graphics than madden 2002. Lighting, uniform, stadium and player detail are stunning.
Audio: This is where NFL Fever 2002 struggles. the announces get repetative and boring to listen too. Needs a little work in this area.
Suggestions: Passing game could improve by making the passes more realistic instead of lofting it to a wide open receiver and allow the d-back to pick it off. And the running game could be improved by allowing the running back to outrun the defenders when he breaks one open. They always seem to get chased down after about 25 yards.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10