Average Overall Score Given: 8.40000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 205
Medal of Honor: Frontline

Gameplay: As i said this game was rushed and it shows, it would help if it had a layout like halo or something more simple so i dont have to keep looking at the book for which button to press.
Graphics: The graphics in this game, well sucked, the explosions were horibly done and 2d, sometimes like in the first level i would be walking across the beach front and see guys stuck cause the engine wasnt that good.
Audio: sound was the best part in this game by far cause nothing would cut eachothers sound out or drown another sound out.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is good all i wish you could runn a tiny bit faster but other than that everything is good.
Graphics: visualy could have a tiny bit of enprovment like the faces some of them are good but some just look like aliens.
Audio: sound is one of its best features in the game really realisttic sounds and i love the announcing......
Suggestions: NFL 2K4
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is very very very good although i would like to be able to drag race and street race that would be cool if you could make a Rallisport Street i think you would make millions with that title. i would also like to do a burnout.
Graphics: Cant say anything more that good job except i wish you could smash through cans instead of stoping.
Audio: Sound also Awesome some commentaters would be nice though.
Suggestions: commentaters, more cars ,Rallisport Street.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay is alittle lacking but i hope they fix it all up in NFL fever 2003.
Graphics: The tightest graphics in the world im loving it.
Audio: could be improved gets kind of repetative after a while. but still is good other thatn that .
Suggestions: improve sound and gameplay and maybe put some coaches and cheerleaders on the sidelines and a better crowd.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: game play is good but the controls and slowness of the moves are bad, very bad. they should make it faster moves andfix the controls so its easyier.
Graphics: Great graphics but could use some work .
Audio: sound is good but i havent played this game alot so im not an xpert but i now a good game when i see it like hunter: the reckoning and halo so i dont now all the sounds.
Suggestions: fix bugs and graphics tweak them a little up more especially the faces.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10