Average Overall Score Given: 7.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Rallisport Challenge

Gameplay: Anyone who likes driving games will have to go out and get this one. It has all the off road intensity and competition that you'd want out of a game. I just want more tracks and more cars..or the ability to modify tracks. I'd also like my co-pilot to be a little more nasty...not so nice!
Graphics: The game is using all the X-box capabilites in this one. If you don't like these sort of games just rent it and watch the Demo~all the detail will astound.
Audio: Cool...When your listening to all your favorite jams while tooling around a hot corner trying to beat the lead car is exciting. I'd like the co-pilot guy to be more intense (i.e. Tell me that I'm turning to tight or making too many mistakes or using my brakes too much~~MORE INTENSE)
Suggestions: I'd like to be able to modify the cars. I'm sure that on-line play will be the great. Give me more cars and tracks...Go to other countries (tracks)...maybe add one long race that makes you stop and change tires or get supplies? Make a trophy room with all-time fastest lap or instant replay room where you have the top 5 races ever run?? Overall, great game and looking forward to the next one!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: If you love football~whether it's an exhibition match or season play with all the stats or Fantasy gameplay then this is the game that will give it all to you. Fever has so many different things you can do within the realm of's a football addicts sure fire fix!!
Graphics: The graphics engine totally blew me away. The NFL Logos on each field are the best I have ever seen. The stadiums and players (helmets, Jersey's, shoes, etc.) look awesome.
I also liked that the Jersey's got dirty during gameplay and when it snows~it looks REAL!
Audio: If you did anything to Fever 2003, then I hope you fix the commentary! NFL2k2 is alot better and there is just more of a variety. Hey, the true gamer isn't that dumb and will not just laugh at anything~SO, be funny, be intelligent about on the field or player commentary, or just GO Away--I'm talking to you Pitts!! I liked that each stadium has it's own sounds when the home team scores but what about louder BOO's and fans talking trash about your poor play calling?? I'd also like to hear that song in the fourth quarter when I'm up 21 pts. (HEY-HEY GOODBYE~NaNa-NaNa)
Suggestions: Please, fix the passing game~I hate that "HANGING BOMB" that is consistently caught even though I had my Dime package and 4 four of my DB's are covering the darn WR-he still catches it?? Give me more Plays both Offense and Defense (more Zone blitz's, Mix coverages, Fake blitz's, etc.) Let's see some Old school teams and players~that would be cool. In Dynasty mode..make the other teams more difficult to give up top 10 draft choices for your crappy players (giving a team a backup RB and 6th & 7th round picks for their #1 pick would never happen in the NFL-Fix it!!!) I want to see the Texans in all their Glory!!! MORE TRASH TALK by players. If some of these demands are not met--I'll be forced to go over to Sega NFL2k3..Give us the game we all want~Gimme the fever in 2003!!!!!
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

The arenas look great and when the home teams get introduced and the lights go out is always cool. They need to work on the player and coaches faces.
Gameplay: If you like B-Ball your going to like this title. If you played on dreamcast Vs. CPU or on-line, You can see that there is much upside to what they can do with this game next year on X-Box. NBA2K3 better use all the horespower of the X-box and blow us all away!!
Graphics: Need to work on the faces.
Great stadium rendering.
The majority of the work that has been done on this game is awesome but a true gamer will expect more!
Make the fans a part of the game?
Audio: Need better commentary.
Can you all play music with words during a game? Do we have to be subjected to the same tribal dance song during gameplay?
Where's the trash talk? Need more, make it as realistic as possible!
I haven't heard "Your my BiAtch"?
Suggestions: Make use of the Power of the X-box..You have a grace period for now but I expect alot more with next year!
Have the crowd leave if your losing Big in the 4th quarter! Have them on their feet if your in a tight game with a minute left. Have the coach throw a freakin clip board or point a finger at a Ref.
Fix the goaltending problem. Fix the faces of the coach and players. Can you make it easier to save created teams and players~that's a pain! Some of the street courts obstruct your view on inbounds? THE SIGNS? Maybe have a few Hoochies in the bleachers during street Ball and maybe have a separate high scores page or top 10 street teams page?
Where is Dr.J's Afro? Need more Old school teams or players...Just go all out with NBA2K3...PLEASE!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10