Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) by Activision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Xbox 360) by Activision Box Art

Xbox One backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: November 10, 2009.

Average Overall Score:
9.80 / 10

On our well loved and sometimes excessively used Xbox 360, things all got started with a killer launch title called ?Call of Duty 2?."

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Podcast Mentions


Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Back in the Saddle
Help train the local militia.
Danger Close
Get hand picked for Shepherd's elite squad.
Cold Shoulder
Infiltrate the snowy mountain side base.
Tag 'em and bag 'em
Find Rojas in the Favelas.
Royale with Cheese
Defend Burger Town.
Soap on a Rope
Storm the gulag.
Desperate Times
Execute the plan to help the Americans.
Whiskey Hotel
Take back Whiskey Hotel.
The Pawn
Assault Makarov's safe house.
Out of the Frying Pan…
Complete the mission in the airplane graveyard.
For the Record
Complete the Single Player campaign on any difficulty.
The Price of War
Complete the single player campaign on Hardened or Veteran Difficulty.
First Day of School
Complete 'S.S.D.D' and 'Team Player' on Veteran Difficulty.
Black Diamond
Complete 'Cliffhanger' on Veteran Difficulty.
Complete 'Takedown' and 'The Hornet's Nest' on Veteran Difficulty.
Red Dawn
Complete 'Wolverines!' and 'Exodus' on Veteran Difficulty.
Prisoner #627
Complete 'The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday' and 'The Gulag' on Veteran Difficulty.
Ends Justify the Means
Complete 'Contingency' on Veteran Difficulty
Complete 'Of Their Own Accord', 'Second Sun', and 'Whiskey Hotel' on Veteran Difficulty.
Queen takes Rook
Complete 'Loose Ends' and 'The Enemy of My Enemy' on Veteran Difficulty.
Off the Grid
Complete 'Just Like Old Times' and 'Endgame' on Veteran Difficulty.
Pit Boss
Run The Pit in 'S.S.D.D' and finish with a final time under 30 seconds.
Plant the C4 in 'Cliffhanger' without alerting or injuring anyone in the blizzard.
Colonel Sanderson
Kill 7 chickens in under 10 seconds in 'The Hornet's Nest'.
Gold Star
Earn 1 star in Special Ops.
Hotel Bravo
Earn 4 stars in Special Ops.
Charlie On Our Six
Earn 8 stars in Special Ops.
It Goes to Eleven
Earn at least 1 star in 11 different Special Op missions.
Operational Asset
Earn all 3 stars in at least 5 different Special Op missions.
Earn 21 stars in Special Ops.
Honor Roll
Earn at least 1 star in each Special Op mission.
Earn all 3 stars in at least 10 different Special Op missions.
Earn 30 stars in Special Ops.
Earn all 3 stars in at least 15 different Special Op missions.
Star 69
Earn 69 stars in Special Ops.
Downed but Not Out
Kill 4 enemies in a row while downed in Special Ops.
I'm the Juggernaut…
Kill a Juggernaut in Special Ops.
Ten plus foot-mobiles
Kill at least 10 enemies with one Predator missile in Single Player or Special Ops.
Unnecessary Roughness
Use a riot shield to beat down an enemy in Single Player or Special Ops.
Kill 4 enemies with 4 shots during a slow-mo breach in Single Player or Special Ops.
Some Like it Hot
Kill 6 enemies in a row using a thermal weapon in Single Player or Special Ops.
Two Birds with One Stone
Kill 2 enemies with a single bullet in Single Player or Special Ops.
The Road Less Traveled
Collect 22 enemy intel items.
Leave No Stone Unturned
Collect 45 enemy intel items.
Drive By
Kill 20 enemies in a row while driving a vehicle in Single Player or Special Ops.
The Harder They Fall
Kill 2 rappelling enemies in a row before they land on their feet in Single Player or Special Ops.
Kill 5 enemies in a row using 5 different weapons or attachments in Single Player or Special Ops.
Look Ma Two Hands
Kill 10 enemies in a row using akimbo weapons in Single Player or Special Ops.
No Rest For the Wary
Knife an enemy without him ever knowing you were there in Single Player or Special Ops.
Kill at least 3 enemies with a single shot from a grenade launcher in Single Player or Special Ops.

User Reviews

Score: 98
Overall User Average: 9.85 / 10 (98.0%)
Gameplay User Average: 9.85 / 10
Graphics User Average: 9.75 / 10
Sound User Average: 9.80 / 10
Date reviewed: November 26, 2009.

Overall: Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare was considered one of the greatest games ever in almost every aspect. So when Infinity ward went to go make its highly anticipated sequel knowing it would be spit it if it was nothing short of the greatest thing of all time. Amazingly enough they did it. Modern Warfare 2 in my opinion has been the greatest video game I have ever played and will play in a long time in all aspects of single player, story, gameplay, and especially multiplayer. This game is guaranteed atleast a year of gametime.
Gameplay: If you have played the extrordinary game Call of Duty 4 then the experience won't be too different. The controls for the most part are the same except there are a few changes on multiplayer but they are so minor I doubt it will hinder this game's performance at all. The game is so well made this game had one of the craziest storylines ever. The controls to this game are exactly the same, but it was already really good so if it isn't broke don't fix it. Single player is great very very captivating, but the only downfall about it is that it is too short. Multiplayer is something that I can talk forever about it is the same as the old game except much much improved. The developers have added new perks, guns, attachments, equipment, maps, titles, emblems, gametypes, and most of all customized kill streaks. These features will definitly keep you playing this game for a long long long time.
Graphics: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 looks nothing short of amazing. Just watching the game is enough to make your eyes water. The game is so stunning just about everything is completely accurate sure there are a few things not completely the same if it was on a battlefield, but nothings perfect but this comes pretty close to it. Not the greatest visually but definitly up there.
Sound: This game definitly has an amazing audio. The audio will always fit to keep your heart pumping at every moment. The game has the perfect music for the perfect moments especially for suiting up or when your playing single player wherever you are. The game is also extremely good at copying the sounds of all the different guns, equipment, environment, and support. Although these seem very small and insignificant, all of them together creates an amazing atmosphere that really makes you appreciate.

Overall: 97 %
Gameplay: 98 %
Graphics: 96 %
Sound: 97 %

Date reviewed: November 11, 2009.

Overall: The long awaited sequel to the HUGE Call of Duty: Modern Warfare franchise has arrived.
Modern Warfare 2 has hit most of the right buttons, intense story lines that are sure to shock and anger you at the appropriate time's, and sure to keep you playing again and again.
The online features more than CoD4:MW and CoD:WaW combined, Pretty much everything you can pick can be upgraded, from your guns to your perks and kill and death streaks.
The new addition of customizable callsigns that the opposing player will angrily see when you pop him in the face with your silenced sniper make it truly enjoyable time and time again and with a level cap of 70 (maybe higher) there will be nothing to get bored of.
Gameplay: Single player plays incredible, with a variety of different missions spaced out perfectly,
All out firefights, stealthy, and action packed vehicle missions.
As soon as you start the game you can tell that its going to be like no other game before,
The training camp looks huge, there is lots going on, and you get the feeling of being in an army checkpoint, The missions have the familiar CoD feel that we love and controls haven't been changed that much. And the Storyline was immense, with a nice little tease at the end, Will they, Wont they? (you'll understand when you complete it).

Multiplayer plays pretty amazing aswell, with a couple controls that may take a little longer than usual to get to grips with i.e. Claymores replacing grenades etc, but beside the minor things there isn't much more you could ask for, there is things i wanted for CoD4 like directional airstrikes MAN!
Infinity ward have touched on all bases here, and there is in every case, something for everyone.
Graphics: Visually AMAZING, Thermal's through smoke, people flying from explosions, the way dead enemies fall, there is almost nothing poor about MW2, a thing that I noticed was that when me and my teammates pushed close to enemys they would stop shooting and run past us, but that's nothing to complain about.
The game is so visually pleasing that if it where any better our eyes would probably implode.
Sound: Get some good gaming headphones or surround sound speakers, and become overwhelmed with explosions, bullets, ricochets and orders getting shouted at you, gives you an amazing sense of being in the game, and the intensity is turned up to 11, you will here enemies shout amongst another giving you another depth of realism.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 99 %
Graphics: 99 %
Sound: 99 %

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 News

(RUMOR) Respawn working on 360-Durango Mech game
On the upside, Respawn Entertainment’s \"Titan\" could be one of the best mech games on an MS platform ever. On the downside, it could become Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor 2. Fingers crossed and praying for the former.

Modern Warfare 3 ’Reveal Site’
The source of a ’Modern Warfare 3’ teaser website has been traced to an Toronto, Canada-based production group.

Modern Warfare 3 Coming This November
A third game in the Modern Warfare series is coming this year, according to a new report from the Los Angeles Times.

Resurgence Map Pack for Modern Warfare 2 Launches
Modern Warfare 2 fans get a few new battlegrounds today when Infinity Ward and Activision take the wraps off of the Resurgence Map Pack on Xbox Live.

An Interview on the MW 2 Resurgence Package
An Interview with Robert Bowling on the MW 2 Resurgence Package.

Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Maps Detailed
Following the Stimulus formula, pack will have two old maps, and three new.

New Call of Duty Websites Registered
A number of new websites for the Call of Duty franchise have been registered by Activision.

Modern Warfare 2 Resurgence Pack Release Date
The second multiplayer map pack for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be a timed exclusive for the Xbox 360. The Resurgence Pack will debut on Xbox Live in June.

Infinity Ward Exits Continue, Four More Depart
Exodus of talent following Zampella and West’s termination continues.

Two More Depart from Infinity Ward
The Modern Warfare 2 developer has lost two of its lead animators.

Activision Raises Q1 Fiscal Outlook
Continued demand for Modern Warfare 2 and World of Warcraft spark sales.

Modern Warfare 2 DLC Clears 2.5m Sales
The first downloadable content for Activision’s Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 “shattered Xbox Live records” following its March 30 release, according to Microsoft.

Stimulus Package buyers get reward
Downloaded the Stimulus Package on day 1 did you? Microsoft has a gift for you... well they say its just them giving something back to you.

Free MW2 Night Vision Goggles for your Avatar
Everyone at Xbox LIVE is excited to offer the Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package first on Xbox LIVE.

MW 2 Game Add-on: Stimulus Package
The best-selling Xbox 360 game of all-time just got bigger, with more epic multiplayer content, first on Xbox LIVE! The Stimulus Package delivers 5 additional action-packed multiplayer maps featuring a variety of locations.

Activision announces COD:MW2 DLC
Begin the countdown to a new infusion of Call of Duty! The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare® 2 Stimulus Package will strike worldwide on March 30

Ex-Infinity Ward Bosses Sue Activision
Recently axed Infinity Ward studio heads Jason West and Vince Zampella have sued Activision.

Activision Outlines 2010 Release Plans
Activision has outlined its product release schedule for 2010, confirming new series entries for a number of its most popular franchises.

Modern Warfare 2 Update Reaches Certification
A new patch is in certification process for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360

Third Studio Working On Call Of Duty Series
Activision is said to have aggressive expansion plans for its record breaking Call Of Duty franchise, with a new report suggesting that the publisher is exploring the idea of releasing a COD MMO.

Modern Warfare 2 Breaks More Records
Sales of Modern Warfare 2 have generated $550 million worldwide in just five days, shattering theatrical box office and game sales records, according to estimates from publisher Activision.

Call of Duty MW2 Shatters Sales Records
Most Anticipated Game of the Year Becomes Biggest Entertainment Launch in History!

First Day Modern Warfare 2 Sales
Research firm GfK Chart-Track has revealed first-day sales of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 in the UK came in at an estimated 1.23 million units sold,

GameStop Breaks Modern Warfare 2 Street Date
Leading US retailer GameStop began selling copies of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 this weekend ahead of the highly anticipated shooter’s official release on November 10.

MW2 Tipped To Break Entertainment Launch Records
Activision’s upcoming shooter Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is being heavily tipped to break entertainment launch records following its release on November 10.

Modern Warfare 2 to exceed $500m in first week
Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter has said that global sales of Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will exceed USD 500 million (EUR 336.9m / GBP 304.2m) in its first week on sale.

MS forcefully removes private chat
Do you like to use the party chat option on your Xbox 360? Well, if you do, you may soon find yourself being forced out of using that option.

Modern Warfare 2 rated 18 by BBFC
The British Board of Film Classification has given Activision’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 an 18 certificate in the UK.

Avatars to Show Modern Warfare 2 Pride
Infinity Ward comments on Call of Duty: MW2 Avatar gear.

New COD: MW2 trailer this Sunday!
Are you ready for some ... Warfare? New trailer coming this Sunday!

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