NEWS - Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MW 2 Game Add-on: Stimulus Package
Content: Stimulus Package for Call of Duty 2: Modern Warfare 2
Price: 1200 Microsoft Points
Availability: All Xbox LIVE regions
Dash Text: The best-selling Xbox 360 game of all-time just got bigger, with more epic multiplayer content, first on Xbox LIVE! The Stimulus Package delivers 5 additional action-packed multiplayer maps featuring a variety of locations: "Bailout," a multi-level apartment complex; "Storm," an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery; "Salvage," a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars. Two legendary fan-favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare return, including "Crash," a war-torn urban environment; and "Overgrown," which features a massive dry creek bed. There are no refunds for this item. For more information, see
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