NEWS - Friday, April 16, 2010

Two More Depart from Infinity Ward
Another day, another round of Infinity Ward employees jumping ship. According to sources close to the Modern Warfare 2 developer, two more people have left the company -- this time, both of them animators.
Kotaku reports that lead animator Mark Grigsby and lead character animator Paul Messerly have both quit their jobs at Infinity Ward. Messerly had been with the company since it was created by former employees of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault developer 2015. Grigsby, on the other hand, was employed from 2005 on. You might recall some of his handiwork if youve heard the rap that plays during the end credits for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
The studio has been hemorrhaging key talent ever since studio co-founders Jason West and Vincent Zampella were fired by Activision early last month. And it might just be a coincidence, but the rate at which developers abandon Infinity Ward seems to have increased following Zampella and Wests announcement of their newly-founded Respawn Entertainment. It should be interesting to see where all these ex-Infinity Ward guys ultimately end up.