NEWS - Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Breaks More Records
Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince holds the record for the largest opening five day worldwide box office gross at $394 million, while Grand Theft Auto IV was the previous videogame record holder, netting $500 million in five days post launch.
"In just five days of sell through Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has become the largest entertainment launch in history and a pop culture phenomenon," said Activision CEO Bobby Kotick. "The titles success redefines entertainment as millions of consumers have chosen to play Modern Warfare 2 at unprecedented levels rather than engage in other forms of media."
Based on Activision’s figures, Lazard Capital markets analyst Colin Sebastian estimates that Modern Warfare 2 sold 8.5-9 million copies in its first week.
“We also believe that the title is on track to meet or exceed our 4Q unit shipment estimate of 12.5M units,” he said in a research note. “We continue to expect that MW2 will claim a spot among the top ten entertainment properties of all time — generating >$1 billion in retail sales worldwide over the first several months post release, in the same category as Titanic and Thriller, while generating higher margins and return on capital.”