NEWS - Sunday, November 1, 2009

MS forcefully removes private chat
Do you like to use the party chat option on your Xbox 360? Well, if you do, you may soon find yourself being forced out of using that option. Microsoft appears to be offering developers the option to negate the private chat option the Xbox 360 offers. Currently, players have the option of forming a private chat with players, but that will soon change. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will force players to decide whether or not they’ll play the game and join the game chat, or choose to stay in a private chat and not play in the multiplayer game. With titles like Gears of War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War, and many other online based multiplayer titles, the private chat feature became a way of telling other players of enemy locations after being killed. Such a feature shouldn’t detract from the overall online experience much, but there will surely be some gamers who won’t like the type of feature being implemented. With some gamers only using the private chat to talk to friends while playing different games, this will likely pose a problem for them.Source: