NEWS - Tuesday, April 30, 2013

(RUMOR) - (RUMOR) Respawn working on 360-Durango Mech game
Respawn Entertainment has said it will be showing off its first game at E3, but has played things pretty tight about specifics, except for recently trademarking the name Titan. However, new information suggests a mech game that may be exclusive to the next Xbox.
Two independent sources have told Kotaku that the online multiplayer game will also be developed for the Xbox 360, but there are no plans to support the Sony or Nintendo consoles. Titan, which could still be the name of the game, comes from the name given to very large, but agile, mech-style machines that soldiers on the battlefield can pilot.
If this is indeed the case, the rumor falls in line with a report from E3 2011 that Respawn wasdeveloping a sci-fi shooter, but now with a lot heavier weapons.