NHL Hitz 2002 (Original Xbox) by Midway Home Entertainment

NHL Hitz 2002 (Xbox) by Midway Home Entertainment Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: November 15, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.65 / 10

When I got NHL Hitz 20-02, I honestly didn?t know what to expect, living in northern Ontario Canada a person cannot escape the wrath of HOCKEY. I involuntarily grew up on hockey, and I?"

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Delivering realistic hockey action combined with big hits, big checks and lightning-fast gameplay, NHL® Hitz 20-02 is an all-new adrenaline-style, 4-on-4 hockey videogame. In true NHL® fashion, players skate full-speed into the boards to retrieve a loose puck, sacrifice their bodies by sliding in front of a 125MPH slapshot and throw down their gloves to defend their team. NHL® Hitz 20-02 features an interactive 3D crowd that reacts based on the action on the ice - crowds will bang on the glass, throw hats on ice and walk out on bad games.


Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Tuesday, September 25, 2001
Saturday, June 30, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 87
Overall User Average: 8.65 / 10 (86.5%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.73 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.86 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.31 / 10
Date reviewed: December 9, 2003.

Overall: If you like hard-hitting action thats faster than a cheetah eating cotton candy ice cream, look no further. The best hockey game out there.
Gameplay: This game is one that you will want to play with your friends, or alone. No matter what, you can develop your own strategy, and kick some boo-tay.
Graphics: Look at the reflections in the ice! Look at them! The crowd is modeled in 3d too! Did I mention the reflections on the ice?
Sound: The play-by-play commentators are hilarious. You'll find yourself running up the score every chance you get to hear the next quip they can come up with.
Suggestions: Great piece.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: It didnt seem really appealing at 1st. Boy was I wrong. My sister got it for me for christmas a few years back. Quite frankly I was mad...at of all the XBOX games she had to get me one with guys who light on fire and have shark heads.
Gameplay: Im still playing this game 2 years later. I once was a hardcore NHL EA Sports series fan , but those games have grown tasteless and to ps2 loving if you will. Hitz provided some great action in 02 and even better in 03... I can't wait for the NHl Hitz Pro to come out! The great thing about this game is you can play a game in about 10 minutes...i found myself playing a game if i had 10 minutes before i had to go somewhere or if i had a tv show on a wanted to watch... its really convinent.
Graphics: The 3D people with all the same faces is cheesy....not to mention all the players have all the same ugly face....i found myself making my custom team with Heads from the hockey shop just so i wouldnt have to look at those ugly faces. Hey what can you expect from a PS2 and gamecube game? If only it were XBOX Only... The rink designs are awesome and I love the short rink... The logos and brands of the sticks are kind of blurry though...but once again they have to make it for PS2 / Gamecubs
Sound: The only flaw is the announcer is annoying...the grunts and sounds of the hitzs are really cool and get your adrenaline pumping.
Suggestions: all my problems were solved in 03 and pro

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 2, 2003.

Overall: OK, I've never watched a hockey game in my life so everything I know about hockey comes from this game. I've since found out that hockey is not 3 on 3.
Gameplay: Really fun game to play against your friends. The cpu seems too hard unless your on the rookie setting.
Graphics: I played the same game on GC and I have to say the XBOX version is less drab. Nice graphics.
Sound: Thank goodness for custom playlist. Otherwise this would get a 1.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: November 29, 2002.

Overall: good quality game that is fun and exiting. games like this are much more fun to play with friends than "party" games like Cel Damage and Fuzion. the key is that this is not a real hockey sim. it's 3 on 3 intense action.
Gameplay: fun to play with friends. the action is fast paced and challenging. the fighting is great, like the old-skool days. plays like NFL Blitz.
Graphics: everything looks good, the ice and crowds and everything else looks as realistic as a game like this can.
Sound: at times the announcers are good, at times bad, but the action sounds always seem to fit. nothing better than hearing the wail of the siren after a well deserved goal !!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2002.

Overall: NHL hItz is a different kind of hockey game, if you lookin for a simulator, go somewhere else cause this aint a simulator, but its still addictive.
Gameplay: This is the ideal sport game to play with your friends, when you loose to your friends in this game you get so pissed. there are codes in this game, they can be found on the posters of the people on the crowds. they unlock stuff like huge pucks, tiny players, and other wacky things. there is so much to unlock you'll be comming back for more for a long time.
Graphics: visually this game is the best hockey game, everything is clear, and smooth. except, for when your guy turns to fire, it looks very crappy.
Sound: nhl hitz has music from limp bizkit, but they are old! they should of got a new band. you wont hear the sound affects to much, cause you'll be yellin at your friends the whole time.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: October 2, 2002.

Overall: Best hockey game ever and best sports game ever.
Gameplay: The gameplay is all nice. That is it really.
Graphics: Graphics are great but some faces aren't right I met over 5 hockey players and 7 retired ones some of those hockey players are a hit and some freaky.
Sound: The sound with glass breaking, announcers sound is nice and smooth.
Suggestions: Best sports game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: September 3, 2002.

Overall: Hitz has its up and its downs
let me explain. In the following few comments. Midways over the top sport title is a flop and a flow!

Gameplay: The gameplay is setup good.
the game has good game play and thats what makes it a decent, im being generous, game.
and the goalies are SOOOOOOOOOO slow and stupid! 17-12???? cmon!
Graphics: they should of called this game:
NHL GLITCH!. So many of them.
But the GOALIES!!! they look great
Rink is too small!. Goalies crease is too small.

"Ok" grafix
players look nothing like their counterparts
Sound: pwwwws. what ever. the only the that sounds good in the game is the Annoucer. He's loud and great!!!

Suggestions: better grafix
better sound
better AI

in other words, this game is garbage!

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: September 2, 2002.

Overall: This has been my 2nd most favorite Xbox game, next to Halo. I played it two years ago at E3 and honestly it was the major reason I wanted an Xbox to begin with. I was extremely disappointed this game wasn't coming to the PC.
Gameplay: I'm a huge hockey fan. I love playing hockey, watching hockey and playing hockey games. With that said, I've always been a fan of 'sim' type games that are more realistic than arcade-like hockey games (e.g., EA Sports' NHL series). I tried NHL 2002 for the Xbox...didn't like it. Not sure why, just couldn't get into it. BUT this game just sucked me in. I've played it for hours, mostly vs. the AI but also against non-hockey liking friends. The hits, the shots, the saves...it's all good.
Graphics: The visuals are what brought my non-hockey friends into the game to begin with. Excellent graphics in their over-the-top Hitz way. The Xbox displays everything flawlessly with absolutely no slow down that I ever saw. I really like the arenas that were added in, even though many of them are harder to play on than the NHL rink.
Sound: I might be the exception but I think the announcer added quite a bit to the game. The sound effects were great and greatly added to the gameplay. I really wanted to be able to add ripped songs *into* the game instead of just the menus though. That feature would have made this score a 5.0.
Suggestions: I'm hoping that they've taken care of what I felt was missing in this version. We'll see when 2003 comes out. I have big hopes for the new season and franchise modes but either way, I'll definitely be getting it.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: July 26, 2002.

Overall: I must have a sport game but nhl hizt suck a lot. I prefer nhl 2002 because this game rock more.
Gameplay: Shoot on a net beat a team it's all the same in a hockez or an another sport game. But it pretty cool even if it all the same.
Graphics: Nhl 2002 rock more than this stupid game ! I mean i can have it on my ps1 and it will be the same visualy.
Sound: Pretty cool song ! I really like when your team enter with some amazing music.
Suggestions: No more hitz for me !

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: July 14, 2002.

Overall: My second most favorite game! I've always loved midway games 'cause they make me laugh and play it over again. If you like blitz, you'll love this game.
Gameplay: It is so much fun. you can buy teams, stadiums, heads or jersies(sp). These can be used to make your own hockey. Play other fake hockey teams and improve your teams stats. Get the Stanley cup with either a normal team or a team you buy. There is also skills competitions to improve your skills. lots of replay value.
Graphics: The graphics are good. The ads reflect of the ice and the ice sprays when you brake. The crowd is realy well done.
Sound: Sound is fine. The grunts of the players and the slap of the puck is all normal. The anoucers are hilarious as usual.
Suggestions: Sequel (which is coming).

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

halo king
Date reviewed: July 2, 2002.

Overall: this game is so awesome because its so much different from other hockey games. i really liked it though
Gameplay: great gameplay the controls are pretty eas. i liekd the idea of 3 on 3. i also liked the idea of having the cheats on signs from the fans in the stands
Graphics: great graphics i liked how smooth they were and also how when you body check the guy it really shatters the glass
Sound: the sound was cool it could have been better thought the sfx were ok.... just make some better music or sumthin
Suggestions: none really

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: June 17, 2002.

Overall: This is an awesome game. The skills competitions are fun, you can create your own teams, logo, and players and build up your team to go for the Midway Cup or use an NHL team to go for the Stanley Cup. You can rip songs and play them in this game. A must for any X-box owner.
Gameplay: Excellent gameplay, Fast paced hockey action with the same elements as in NFL BLITZ. Fun franchise mode.
Graphics: The graphics are good except for the fact that every person in the game has white hands, aliens, black players, bulls, etc. The players faces can be improved for NHL HITZ 20-03 also.
Sound: Good soundtrack by itself, plus has the ability to use ripped songs from the hard drive. The in game sounds are good too, like the sound of people skating and the hits on other players.
Suggestions: Improve graphics

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: June 12, 2002.

Overall: NHL Hitz offers great gameplay. Its got the branded "arcadey" stlye of play, which i think is fun. It delivers very balanced gameplay in terms of offence and defence, the scoring is neither too hard or easy. The game offers much to unlock, great customability, good franchise and stadium modes, and fun multiplayer.I especially like to use the nicknames, heads, and body dimensions to make my own teams. There are enough moves that make team play important. Playing the computer is never as fun as playing a freshy, but the computer can put up a good battle. This game got screwed by some reviewers, people will like this game more than they do.
Gameplay: Controls are simple, with several variations like 1-timers, fake-shot and pass combos, hot spots, double pass, spin, check and poke check. The skills directly impact gameplay, in franchise mode you begin a team that stinks and slowly raise its abilities until you win the championship. I love the announcer yelling out your players when they do something good or bad. The fights are well done too, having the player who loses out for the game makes the outcome heated. Most importantly the gameplay keeps you coming back for more.
Graphics: Good visuals, the player models have good detail. I like the heads that came with game. Some are humerous. When i was trying out the different faces for humans I could hardly notice any difference between them. The team fire graphics annoyed me, seem to slow the game down a bit. The many stadiums to unlock was a nice feature, some of them were good ideas.
Sound: The announcer was great. The nicknames u can pick from are hilarious. I use billy- bob, t-bone and gallahad right now. My girlfriend thinks its a riot. Funny thing, the game intro no longer plays any sound, probably an option i mistakingly did.
Suggestions: The slow down on team fire should be removed. The team fire is overload graphically. Add more heads, and nicknames the announcer can say. I would have liked to choose the length of torso, arms, legs etc. Getting to make your own characters and see them play adds to the gaming expeirence. Looking forward to nhl hitz 2003.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: May 23, 2002.

Overall: This game is very fun. I love all of the huge slams you do to the non suspecting victims on the ice. Crowds are very beutiful and i love the unigue idea of putting codes on signs from cheering fans. The grapghics are simply beutiful. The music is pretty good as well.
Gameplay: This game has quite a bit of replay value actually if you try to get all of the stadiums, jerseys, heads and more. Also very easy to learn with tutorials ther as well.
Graphics: The graphics are very beutiful. The only thing that slams me down a bit is the puck and sticks. They look like rolling boulders being pushed by dumb sticks. But still very great graphics all tied along with a very great game.......What a combination. =)
Sound: This has great soundtrack, great crowd cheers and great sounds of slaps and the humerous announcers. Very good sound overall though.
Suggestions: I actually have no idea how to improve a hockey game like this other then some of the graphics.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 16, 2002.

Overall: I had been playing NHL 2002 by EA Sports and wanted something a little different. The overall appeal of this game is that it is not a simulation and it is easier to score. The three on three action moves a lot faster too. I like the checking and the shooting, although they are arcadey, that's one of the reasons I rented this game. I wanted some fun hockey that wasn't a simulation and that's what NHL HITZ is.
Gameplay: The gameplay is extremely fun. It took me a very short amount of time to get used to the controls, so that was a good thing. I like the fast gameplay and the goal scoring. The slapshots are hellacious. If you want to play some somewhat unrealistic hockey and score a lot of goals, this is your game. I doubt I'll buy it because I already have another hockey game, but this was a very nice change of pace. I may rent it again or pick it up used if I find it at the right price.
Graphics: NHL Hitz is graphically very well done. I particularly like the replays after you score. The crowd even looks good. It took me a while to get used to seeing the players catch on fire. I had to remind myself, "This isn't a sim, it's like an arcade game." I thought that this game was a port, but the graphics didn't seem to indicate this with any major flaws. I think it could have looked better, but not much.
Sound: I liked the sound. The music was pretty cool and the sounds the players and their sticks made were well done. The only thing I really hated was the announcer. They should have an option where you hold down the white button to duct tape his mouth shut.
Suggestions: I don't really have any suggestions except one. If you're going to port a game to the xbox, at least have the decency to rework it so that it takes advantage of the capabilities present in the xbox that just aren't present in other consoles.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Bryce Butler
Date reviewed: May 7, 2002.

Overall: I usually don't purchase anything other than the conventional 4-line hockey game. This time I was pleasantly surprised and am now addicted to NHL Hitz 20-02. It sports multiple features which enhance its replay value like create a team, create a player, and multiple modes of play. Next to Halo this is the most addictive game I own.
Gameplay: Simply outstanding. Fluid, easy to understand controls and the overall hectic pace of the game make it a joy to play.
Graphics: Excellent! Other than some minor glitches in animation the game runs smoothly and is very polished visually. The instant replays of goals add to the effect of scoring in a clutch situation.
Sound: Very good. I enjoy playing this game on my surround sound system. The soundtrack feature adds a lot to the game.
Suggestions: Excellent game! Believe it or not a season mode would be an excellent addition next year.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 4, 2002.

Overall: This is definitely a good game...for about one week. The major flaw in this game is that it is very boring. No matter how goodd the Graphics are, no matter how good the sound effects are, a boring game is still boring.
Gameplay: Very basic. You try and hit a puck into a goal, and that is about 95% of this game. Personally, I found the controls to be difficult to learn as well.
Graphics: This game has good graphics, and thats that. However you're supposed to have excellent graphics on the x-Box.
Sound: Very appropriate, the croud, the checks, the goals, all have their own sound that defines hockey.
Suggestions: Different things to do. Make the Franchise and Tournament modes shorter. Somehow give it replay,

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 4, 2002.

Overall: Well it's that time of year again, when the playoffs begin and the rival for the Cup begins. Your team not on a winning streak!? Try them out here and have fun while doing it. This is an all around pure hockey game. Its an arcade game and not a simulation, which I think makes it more appealing to more people than hardcore hockey fans. It is by far the best hockey game I have ever played because of all the features and surprises along the way. Like in the NHL all the teams are featured on this game, so you can pick your favourite team...to your worst enemy. The only thing is when picking your team you can only pick three characters on the rink for your players but you can choose for who you want for center and defence. The crowd at the arenas have a 3D look to them, making them look like they are a real crowd in a packed rink. It has special features like answering questions at the end of every match and if answered right you get points, with these points you can take a visit to the local hockey store and buy different uniforms for your team and get a chance to play on different fantasy rinks such as a disco rink. This is an excellent game to play with your friends, and for all you Canadian die hard hockey fans......GO BUY IT!
Gameplay: The game is played very straight forward, if you know the concept and the idea on how to play hockey just put that knowledge to the joystick. It's very easy to pick up and play with no learning curve, most will probably not have to read instructions to understand what each button does. The players respond well to your every command, and the fight sequences of the game are incredible. Just like the NHL you are in a for a treat.
Graphics: Visually the game is incredible. I am satisfied with what I see, with the different contrast of contrast and the whole layout. There is no slow down at all, due to lots of action, it just keeps going. All the images are nicely done and detailed to every distinction. The crowds are fantastic and personally I think all sports games should feature a nice 3D rendered crowd like that.
Sound: The sound over-all is very good. From the cheering fans, to the goals you recieve to the way the announcer tells whats happening on the rink is awesome. You do have the option of playing your own songs but you will only hear them during the select option screen and NOT during the game. All around though..its great!
Suggestions: Evrything is perfect except the option of playing your own songs when you play the game. Yes it might be a bit much but it would be nice to have that option.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 16, 2002.

Overall: If you have ever played Blitz, then you have to pick up this game. Hitz is the hockey version of Blitz. This game is great fun even if you are not an avid hockey fan. In fact if you really like hockey sims then this game is probably not for you.

You can check people through glass, losing a fight causes you to not be able to use that player for the rest of the game, and of course players can be on fire. Both player fire (red) and team fire (blue) are available.

Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty easy. On offense you can pass, shoot, and fake. Defense players can check, and poke check. Players on both sides have turbo that increase their speed. This is limited and takes time to build back up. Play is 3 on 3 plus the goalies. One-timers are the best way to score. A one timer is where one player passes to another. This second player immediately shoots the puck. That is his first touch of that puck is a shot. If a player gets 3 goals then he gets red fire. A team who scores 3 unanswered one-timers gets blue fire, this includes the goalie. When a player or team is on fire, they are faster, harder to check, and are more accurate on shooting. In order for a player to lose fire, the other team must score.

As with the Blitz series, codes can be entered at the beginning of the game. These codes range from big heads, no heads, late hits, unlimited turbo, and so on. The codes can be found in the crowds, or you can do a search on line and get them all.

The game supports exhibition mode, season, and midway cup. Exhibition is where you and you buddies can play along with the computer. Up to 4 humans can play and 3 can be on one team. A skills mode also exists that allows you to build up your hockey skills through a series of drills that increase in difficulty as you pass them.

In exhibition mode, once games are done, points are ac !&%$@#* ulated. These points can be used to buy fantasy stadiums, different heads, jerseys, and so on.

Graphics: Graphics are better than expected with the port. The rinks and puck animation are very good. Fire on the players is done well. When a player catches fire, his teammates will even warm up there hands off of him. The faces of the players are a little subject. They just don?t look quite like the player.
Sound: A good mix of hitting, shooting, and the announcing is in this game. I would like to see a music manager integrated into the game. Hitting my buddy while jamming to our favorite tunes would be sweet.
Suggestions: Add a music manager, and online and/or system link play.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2002.

Overall: THIS GAME ROCKS!!! Ahem. Anyways, go out and get this, right now. If you love NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, or any hardcore sim sports game then this is for you. I suggest picking it up right away.
Gameplay: The gameplay itself is perfect. Easy controls, hard hits, good accouncers, excellent create-a-team feature, and overall fun. This has everything that the Blitz series has. You'll get addicted to the fast-pace and the hard hits really fast especially when you start knocking players out of the rink and making them do backflips. It's no Halo, but it's alot better than NHL 2002, especially if your looking for pure fun. This is non-stop, 3-on-3 action. And really, you won't even notice that you have 3 players because the game itself moves so quickly and smoothly, it will feel just like a real hockey game, except better.
Graphics: The graphics are very detailed. The movement is smooth and real eye-candy. The goalies have all of their pads and the crowd is actually 3-D, which is the first time I have ever seen that in a sports sim. There is only some minor details that you might not notice, such as the puck not always moving naturally or sometimes the stick doesn't actually make contact with the puck and stuff like that. However, this does not remove any of the fun and lasting appeal.
Sound: The sound is nice. I love the music and the ability to load your own. The announcers are really good, better than in most sports games. Although I would like to hear some new stuff added. I would also like to be able to hear my own music while I'm playing.
Suggestions: Can't wait for NHL Hitz 2003. Keep up the good work. Make the movement of the stick and puck together a little more smooth, I want to see the slapshot actually hit the puck. Also, make it so that the goalie can catch the puck instead of it just bouncing off. I would like to hear some new announcing lines to keep it random, and I would also like to be able to hear my music in the game. Possibly add an online feature?

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2002.

Overall: The game is pretty well done for an arcade game. Although i think the best arcade sports game would have to be nfl blitz. This game is a big improvement in arcade hockey games and is actually quite fun.
Gameplay: The game runs smooth and there is no awkward glitches or wierd movements. The game has interesting things in it such as fire and team fire. The goals are often more realistic then most arcade games, unlike past ones the game is not set to let u score goals every 5 shots or something, the shot is taken and what happens, happens it is not preset.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty well done, for an arcade sports game. I personally find nhl 2002's better. The players look very good but they all seem a bit to similar to me. The fans look great and that is an added bonus. Although i am disapointed that the arenas are so small and not very detailed.
Sound: The sounds are very well done, all of the hitz sound realistic and the sound of your player hitting the puck for a slapshot sounds great. There is the ability to put ur music in the game, BUT IT IS ONLY FOR THE MENUS which i find is a rip off. The announcer is ok but i find is very annoying, it is just like the one in wayne gretzky's hockey on n64.
Suggestions: Let's see some better graphics because i know they can get better, and also let's get some better looking arenas AND PLZ LET US PUT OUR MUSIC IN THE GAME NOT JUST THE MENUS!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Xbox Masta 4
Date reviewed: March 16, 2002.

Overall: NHL HITZ 2002 is a very good game. It is very graphic, and you'll love it once you play it, it is one of those sports game where you have to come back for more!
Gameplay: NHL Hitz is very cool. It is actually like a real hockey game. Smash your enemys face with your fist, or just cream them through the glass or the wall.
Graphics: It is Great! it is very graphic, and it actually looks like a real hockey game. It is great! I like how the ice on the ground looks also, it actually looks smooth unlike some games it's just white, well go to different towns, or go to different thinks, such as graveyards, and just weird places you probably haven't played before.
Sound: It has great sound, the smashing fists or the stick hitting the hockey stick sound great to me!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

drunken masta
Date reviewed: March 13, 2002.

Overall: this game is the best!!!!!!! overall, id like 2 say NHL HIT 20-02 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe 2 those who havent played this go out n rent it!!! or u can juss buy it!!!!!!!!!
Gameplay: the game play in NHL Hits 20-02 is really cool. although................ wrong wit dat!!!:P
Graphics: i like how the crowd is actually 3-D!!!! unlike "no mercy" 4 the n64. but when u check sum1 through the glass, its MADNESS!!!!!!!!
Sound: i like how u can cheer ur boo with the white ur black button. its really cool. but 1 thing is 4 sure u hav 2 mak the crowd a lot noisier
Suggestions: mak it so that 4 ppl can b on 1 team at a time. o yea n 5-on-5 would b good 2.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 5, 2002.

Overall: This isnt the best hockey sim out there. By a long shot. Hockey purists will no doubt hate this game. But, the rest of us think it is the most fun that can be had on ice!!! It is 3 on 3 hockey, and the excitement never stops!
Gameplay: I wonder what kind of crack Midway was able to program into this game, because hands down, every single person I have played this game with has become addicted to it. My roomate and I left for spring break 2 days late so that we could get in a few good matches of HITZ before we left!
Graphics: I think EGM mag said it best, with something like "the graphics in HITZ are cleaner than Martha Stewarts countertops....". It is true. The graphics are very clean, and dont ever slow down or anything. The Xbox version has little things like reflections in the ice and other cool little intracasies that I have heard arnt available elsewhere. In case you were thinking of buying it on PS2 or gamecube, my roomate rented it for our PS2 one weekend that I had taken the Xbox home with me, and we both agreed that the Xbox was far better able to keep up with the graphics and processing and such.
Sound: Well, the sound is good. The sound effects really shine, but I think most of us our pretty sick of video game sports announcers. The announcers in HITZ arnt any better or worse than those of other games (well, maybe better than some :) ).
Suggestions: My only beef with the entire game is that the stadiums specific teams play in are not modeled after the actual stadiums the teams play in. This is very minor, but it would be cool if each team actually played in their real home stadium. Other then that KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 3, 2002.

Overall: NHL Hitz is the best hockey game I've ever played. Nearly every aspect of the game is perfect, and its definitely the funnest hockey game you'll find out there. The arcade style make it a great pick for people who aren't huge hockey fans and for those who are. The unique features add tremendously, such as the player starting on fire and the close up fights. I highly recommend this title for any Xbox owner.
Gameplay: The gameplay is perfect. Its a very fast paced game, although you are able to adjust the speed of the game. The developers surely wanted to make this an explosive game, and they succeeded because the hits, goals, and fights are all packed with power and speed. The one-timers in this game are the best you'll find in any hockey game. Short handed goals come a little more challenging, and as a whole the game can be challenging when the difficulty is set higher. However, even people who aren't very familiar with Xbox or game counsels in general adapt well, at least so I've seen in my friends. I can't think of any complaints in this area though.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent. The introductions and replays are the best features, as with most other titles, however the gameplay itself also features great graphics. I'm not too up to date on real hockey players so I can't make the call as to whether the players look realistic, but they do have a great amount of detail either way. The hockey rinks are spectacular as well, and the game allows you to play in a variety of other places such as the Colissium, and these places look fantastic as well. There are also a variety of codes you can enter to add to the arcade feel, such as having huge heads, or playing with a tennis ball. These are all fun to toy around with. NHL Hitz definitely is up to game with Xbox standards.
Sound: The sounds are another complement to the powerful design. The hits are bone crunching, such as when you hit someone so hard they fly through the glass. The sound picks up these rocking hits, and the game houses an up to date soundtrack with bands like Limp Bizkit and other hard rock. Everything is detailed well, and surround sound is excellent with NHL Hitz.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work and innovations for NHL Hitz 2003!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Crazy Joe
Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: This game rocks! 3-0n-3 arcade style hockey with huge hits, awesome fights and no penalties. With all the NHL teams and their best players, this game takes hockey to the extreme.
Gameplay: This game is an amazing multiplayer game. With up to 4 people playing at the same time, you can get some decent trash talking going before long. Fights are especially good for talkin' trash. Single player gets a little repetitive after a while, but it's still pretty good.
Bottom line: This game is awesome.
Graphics: Graphics are excellent. The crowd is individually rendered, some of the special rinks have things under the ice which react to your play. The reflections in the ice are very well done. Graphics all-around are superb.
Sound: Sound is alright. The announcers tend to get repetitive after a while, but that is to be expected. Fairly good sound effects. Sound is not where this game REALLY shines. Music playing during gameplay would have been a good addition to this game.
Suggestions: Maybe make option for bigger ice, be able to pull your goalie, enable substitutions.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: Even though I am not a true NHL fan, I REALLY like this game. Its just so darn fun, it has 7 Mini-Games to keep you busy. This is a definate game if you liked Blitz also.
Gameplay: The gameplay is amazing. It's all BAM after BAM! It's all crazy! You would see helmets flying everywhere. Except that they need 5v5 and bigger arenas. But the gameplay is just great.
Graphics: The player models are just amazing and the Fully polygonal crowd. You can't get any better then that.
Sound: The sound is great, especially the music. You get to use your music from the hard drive also! One word: WOOHOO! :D
Suggestions: You need to make the arena's bigger and you need to make it 5v5. That would be great, mayhem all over the place!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 28, 2002.

Overall: I absolutely can not stop playing this game. This game had me playing by myself for hours. Then my dad got into it and he can't stop playing it which makes it a hundred times better! Love everything about the game.
Gameplay: This is probably the best control setup for any hockey game. X shoots. A passes. Y does a spin move. B checks. L or R turbos. Checking through the glass and over the boards is quite a thing to see. I never get old of it. The animation is just so beautiful. Also, when you get hit hard enough, you sometimes lose your helmet which can be kicked around and if hit by a puck deflects off of. The fights in this game are the best I've seen in a while. The NHL fights take no skill at all. These fights are much better and the punches look like the guy you are clobbering is really getting hurt. Although the uot; are unrealistic, they are fun to watch for a while. Don't really care for the 2 of them any more. A.I. is also cheap, but sometimes it makes the game better. Usually they take the lead by one and we head to O.T. Though my record in O.T. isn't that good, it's insanely fun.
Graphics: Alright not top notch but some great visuals none the less. Graphics have been improved greatly over the PS2 version. The game speed and animation are also a lot slower and a lot smoother. I have not had any slow down whatsoever. The game stays at the rock solid 60fps. The "fire" and "team fire" apperances are also enhances. Shots taken when en fuego also look much better. Checking animations are awesome. Guys fall get hit and fall down real hard. They are not real over the top which makes them awesome.
Sound: The crowd noise isn't to good when it comes to anything besides scoring a goal. Also different from the PS2 version is the shot noise. Instead of the sound of a gun being !&%$@#* ed then shot, it's an actual puck shot noise. The noise of hitting the post and crossbar are also the most realistic I've heard.
Suggestions: Man this game is tight I dunno how you'll top yourselves next year! All I can say is stick with the crazy check and fights are the bomb. Either add some more fatalities or take them out entirely and make the last punch you do seem extremely painful. Don't make the A.I. so cheap! A comeback to win 8-7 but were losing 8-3 at the end of the 2nd period is very cheap! 1 shot on the goalie and it went in! Improve the crowd noises. Also, try to get a franchise mode in and let be able to trade players with actual NHL teams not just my created teams.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 28, 2002.

Overall: NHL Hitz is the perfect hockey game for the casual gamer. A hardcore hockey fan might get annoyed by the extremely fast pace, or total lack of rules, but this game can deliver a lot of action, fights, and fun.
Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. The controls are simplistic enough and scoring goals is very easy. However some may find the game to easy, and end up blowing out thier opponents.
Graphics: The graphics in NHL Hitz are superb. The ice is crystal clear, and the players are detailed quite nicely. A really cool effect is when the team gets lit on fire.
Sound: The sounds of the hockey action are what you would expect. Announcing can be an debated issue. Some people will grow annoyed by the commentators witty comments but I for one think they are funny.
Suggestions: Pretty solid game all they way around

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 28, 2002.

Overall: I'm not a hockey fan or anything, but this game is kind of fun. Its a little easy to score goals against the computer, but there are difficulties. I like the fights. This game is really unique.
Gameplay: The controls were easy for me to learn. The game is easy to learn. Its fun. I'm thinking it wouldnt last long though because I'm starting to get a little tired of it.
Graphics: Good graphics. The ice is shiny! NEat. The players kind of look real. Um, I'd say this has moderate to good graphics.
Sound: I didn't notice much sound. Honestly, I don't remember the sound from this game because I rented it a few weeks ago so im just going to give it 5 stars.
Suggestions: Good job!

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

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