Total Reviews: 5
Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 9

Cel Damage

Overall: Looked cool with the cartoon graphics and I figured it would be a pretty fun party game. Didn't expect much more than that.

Gameplay: I rented this for an Xbox night at a friend's place. We had a great time whacking each other but there's really not too much depth in the game. Fun party game for a change of pace though.

Graphics: I really like the cel shading graphic look. I know a lot of people think it looks cheap but it appeals to me. Looked great.

Audio: The sounds are about what I expected, nothing spectacular, nothing horrible. This part of the game doesn't make it or break it in this case.

Overall Score: 7.0 / 10 Rallisport Challenge

Overall: I'm not a big fan of car racing games in general but I thought I'd give this one a shot based on the reviews I'v seen.

Gameplay: Been really fun so far. It took me a bit to get used to the controls but now it's perfect. I started out on normal level but switched to beginner to get a feel for it.

Graphics: Awesome. The graphics are drop dead gorgeous. I just started the Mount Kiwi tracks and it looks amazing. The extra effects like the car window reflections, etc, are really nice touches. Great to look at..

Audio: The sounds sounded authentic to me. Not being too knowledgeable of rally sport racing I can't comment more than that. The engine sounds great. Also I like the ability to import my own songs into the game. FINALLY have a game that allows me to do this.

Suggestions: A more indepth career mode would be nice. Maybe stats for the driver, etc.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 SSX Tricky

Overall: I had never played any sort of snowboarding game before picking this one up so I had a tough choice between Amped, Dark Summit and SSX Tricky at the time. I definitely think I made the right choice. The characters, the tracks and the speed all have made for a ton of fun with this game.

Gameplay: You go careening down cool, well designed tracks at top speed while doing freaky, crazy tricks the whole while...what could be better? I really had fun unlocking the new boards, tracks and outfits.

Graphics: Definitely not as good as they could have been if they had been Xbox-designed but this is just a PS2 port. They were definitely playable and I didn't experience the slowdown that some others have talked about.

Audio: Relatively good voice acting from the talent added to the game. The Tricky track was kind of addictive and I found myself humming it at odd times at work and otherwise...

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NHL Hitz 2002

Overall: This has been my 2nd most favorite Xbox game, next to Halo. I played it two years ago at E3 and honestly it was the major reason I wanted an Xbox to begin with. I was extremely disappointed this game wasn't coming to the PC.

Gameplay: I'm a huge hockey fan. I love playing hockey, watching hockey and playing hockey games. With that said, I've always been a fan of 'sim' type games that are more realistic than arcade-like hockey games (e.g., EA Sports' NHL series). I tried NHL 2002 for the Xbox...didn't like it. Not sure why, just couldn't get into it. BUT this game just sucked me in. I've played it for hours, mostly vs. the AI but also against non-hockey liking friends. The hits, the shots, the's all good.

Graphics: The visuals are what brought my non-hockey friends into the game to begin with. Excellent graphics in their over-the-top Hitz way. The Xbox displays everything flawlessly with absolutely no slow down that I ever saw. I really like the arenas that were added in, even though many of them are harder to play on than the NHL rink.

Audio: I might be the exception but I think the announcer added quite a bit to the game. The sound effects were great and greatly added to the gameplay. I really wanted to be able to add ripped songs *into* the game instead of just the menus though. That feature would have made this score a 5.0.

Suggestions: I'm hoping that they've taken care of what I felt was missing in this version. We'll see when 2003 comes out. I have big hopes for the new season and franchise modes but either way, I'll definitely be getting it.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: What can be said about Halo that hasn't already? I love this game. I've only solved it once, co-op with my brother-in-law, and that was at normal level. Since then, my favorite thing is to just jump into a level and start playing, trying out different difficulty levels. This is definitely one of my top 2 favorite Xbox games (next to NHL Hitz 20-02).

Gameplay: Halo OOZES gameplay appeal. I knew this for a fact when my older sister became addicted to this game last Christmas when my girlfriend bought me the Xbox. Any game that can capture her attention is a game that's going to do well. The teamwork involved during a co-op game is outstanding and really pulls you in. Not to mention the cooperation involved with your computer controlled Marine buddies in certain spots. And the, that sequence really blew me away. Your partner can snipe away or ride a hover bike while you duel with the enemy heavy tank over a frozen lake. Amazing...

Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous is a good way to describe the visuals. I've always been a bigtime PC gamer and scorned the consoles until getting my Xbox. Halo is simply gorgeous. I really like the way the game introduces you to the visuals in the 2nd mission once you arrive on the ringworld. They did an excellent job of using the hard drive for lasting visuals like bullet holes and damage you've caused. Really adds to the sense of immersion.

Audio: The sound is one thing I didn't even really notice until I force myself to stop and listen. The music and sound effects are perfectly blended into the gameplay, adding flavor and immersion without distraction. Perfect sounds for the weapons and the music was incredible.

Suggestions: A larger variety of enemies would be a nice touch. It's something that didn't really bother me because the AI is excellent but I kept hoping to see different varieties of the Covenant.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

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