Average Overall Score Given: 9.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 11
NBA Inside Drive 2002

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. The controls are easy to pick up, and you want to finish all the way through the game.
Graphics: Best graphics I have seen for a basketball game to date. Everthing looks ultra realistic right down to little things like Allen Iversons arm bands, to Shaq's Superman tatoo.
Audio: Real good authentic quality sound. The announcers are good, they keeo up with the play, and actually make calls on what has transpired during the game.
Suggestions: Online play and franchise would make this the perfect title
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. The controls are simplistic enough and scoring goals is very easy. However some may find the game to easy, and end up blowing out thier opponents.
Graphics: The graphics in NHL Hitz are superb. The ice is crystal clear, and the players are detailed quite nicely. A really cool effect is when the team gets lit on fire.
Audio: The sounds of the hockey action are what you would expect. Announcing can be an debated issue. Some people will grow annoyed by the commentators witty comments but I for one think they are funny.
Suggestions: Pretty solid game all they way around
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Lots of multi player replay value in this game. The single player mode is deep and exciting. Plus driving in the tank is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Graphics: Smooth crisp graphics which never show any sign of lag or pop up. You really have to like the way this game looks. Terrific graphics.
Audio: Not quite perfect but close. The guns sounds realistic, and the music is often eerie and suspenseful. The only problem is some of the aliens sound annoying when they die.
Suggestions: If this game was online it would be perfect.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10