Average Overall Score Given: 9.25000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Gameplay: I love sneaking around and sniping on the poor bastards. The controls are smooth, they make sense, saving mid-mission is critical - without that I would have had to give up eventually on some the elite missions where you are supposed to have only a single sniper. It is just fun as hell.
Graphics: This is pretty good. I agree with some of the comments about the interface, but man when you are looking around outside at some of the landscapes it looks great! I also agree that buildings are a bit too flat & need some enhancements. I hope that they will do some enhancements for GR2 to make it take more advantage of the xbox.
Audio: Sounds is great! Sound is immersive & lots of little things are added here to really bring you into the game.
Suggestions: Suggestions: GR2 soon with more maps, more unlockables, visual improvements, xbox specific enhancements. Also would be good to be able to tell other squal members to stay where the are for a bit so you can position folks better.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay was generally good. Handling was good & I like the paradigm of fly the mission and try to decipher the correct strategy for success. Split screen play is almost impossible though...
Graphics: Cut scenes were of good quality. Overall, visual appeal was quite nice I thought, but not really "awesome".
Audio: The in-flight chatter was good as were the overall sound effects. I thought that maybe blowing a capital ship could have been a bit more impressive.
Suggestions: Come out with a meatier sequel that takes a bit longer to finish. Maybe could use an extra notch on visuals/sounds. Very good game though. Also support x-box live with sequel.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Gameplay consists of running around and killing things, performing simple missions within the chapters and finding additional spells and "mana balls". You have to find "save game" which can be annoying. It is somewhat easy, but it is entertaining. It will have no real replay value for me. Once I've solved it I will be done with it forever but I'm like that with this genre as a whole. The camera is real pain. I very much dislike having to worry more about the camera than I do the monsters. I like that it is pretty easy to get started with it.
Graphics: Spells look nice. Textures are a bit dull and repetetive and items in the far distance are very dull. Characters though look like they did in PC games about 6 years ago. No detail. The waterfalls look fairly nice though!
Audio: The sounds are OK. Didn't really notice them much. I think every xbox should let you play your own music (even if the developer thinks it will ruin the abience) except maybe Silent Hill 2.
Suggestions: Improve the graphics, this is xbox!! Fix that darn camera, please!
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls are simple as you would expect from a driving game. But in this game you actually have to use the brakes! There are many types of challenges and in some modes you have to tweak the difficulty so that you can find the right level of getting Kudos -vs- completing the mission with the cars you have. Once you have better cars, you can come back, crank up the difficulty and rake in the points. I've never seen a game that was so replayable!
Graphics: Cars look great, show damage, reflections, etc. Sun effects are quite nice. Trees are a bit too pixelated and city elements look flat, but overal impression is fantatic!
Audio: I love that you can play your own soundtrack. This should be an xbox logo requirement IMO. It REALLY makes this game rock. Sound effects are what you expect and some of the cars really sound different which is nice.
Suggestions: My only suggestion is to get PGR2 done as soon as you can. Stick with your winning formula & don't muck with it too much!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10