Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 45
NHL Rivals 2004

Gameplay: gameplay is fun. It can sometimes be difficult to get the puck from the opponent when bodychecks dont work as well as they should, but thats not too much of a downfall. I like the way that 6 xbox can be in a game at once aswell, makes for a large game with lotsa people
Graphics: graphics were good. Most animation are good with a few here and there that look a little unlike what they should.
Audio: sound was a strong point. The announcers were well done with how they talk smoothly and keep up with whats goin in the game. The soundtrack is also pretty good. Although could've been a bit bigger.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is also exactly the same thru out the entire game, shoot shoot shoot, shoot some more. Not really much to it.
Graphics: graphics r good, but again, its repetative lol, i'm starting to sound like a broken recod, but it gets the job done.
Audio: voice acting is terrible for starters, and the characters use stupid little cliche type lines, i dunno, yuck.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: single player is alright. However, online is where this game excels. Incredibly detailed maps to fly around and huge dogfights gives u a thrill everytime.
Graphics: i dont see how they could get any better. This game was definately not rushed. The environments are very realist looking.
Audio: sound is another great feature in this game. The sound of yur gun blasting at the enemy is quite enjoyable, very powerful sounding ;D
Suggestions: keep 'em coming. Think of some new gametypes for yur next game (assuming u make another)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: its just the right mix of rpg and action for fans of both genre to enjoy. Also being able to choose whether yur good or evil is a fun idea.
Graphics: graphics are pretty good. No complaints here. The models were done well and hold true to star war.
Audio: sound was quite good. Voice acting is done well which seems hard to find in games today. Theres also quite a broad spectrum, as all the different species have their own unique sound.
Suggestions: Make your next game online, but yur already doing that :D so none
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is excellent. I've always wanted a multiplayer for this tho, and i think that it would've been a nice bonus but oh well, cant have everything.
Graphics: visuals will get u buy, but its not really anything that will drop yur jawn. Graphics aren't what makes a game great tho, and its not like they're horrible either.
Audio: its got in pros and cons. Voice acting has been done really well throughout the game, and really enhances the story when told by someone whose "feeling it" i guess, but the sound of weapons r kind of how should i say it... dinky. Doesn't sound real or pack any punch.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: gamplay is alright i guess. The car handling is just kind of cartoony, and usually the fights come down to just button mashing. Aiming was also very awkward, i found it difficult to try and hit anything with the way the bullets moved so slowly, if anyone was running, bullets would miss them by hitting behind them lol, seems kinda odd to me
Graphics: visuals are strongest part of the game. The graphics r really good and uses the full potential of xbox. Its good to have a game that at least wasn't rushed which seems a common problem today. Player models and textures r great.
Audio: its average. Some of the stupid lines that Kang says over and over get kind of annoying like "lets hit the road, jack... errrr Nick" I dunno, i found all the usually sounds repetative, but the soundtrack was pretty good. Much better than say the radio on gta
Suggestions: make your games longer in the future. This one was finished over the weekend by my friend. And theres basically no replayability. Unless u enjoy participating in the same story over and over again.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is excellent if u like realism. It requires patience, and u cant just go running up shooting hoping to hit something or yur toast.
Graphics: graphics r some of the best that i've seen for xbox. Outdoors and in urban areas there are stunning visuals
Audio: good sound, each weapon has individual sound and after playing long enough, you're able to identify what weapon is being used just from the sound. Also the sounds of bullets hissing by is always important :)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: its all just button mashing and the girls do everything else, just hit A A A A A A and so on... yay fun...
Graphics: this is probably the only reason people rent it, girls in bikinis. The graphics r about the only thing i can say weren't bad in the game, but good visuals doesn't mean good game. I'm not giving it a 5 because of the girls in bikini lol, but the graphics were actually good
Audio: sure as far as sound goes, how many different sounds of a volleyball hitting someones wrist have. The sound was fine but they didn't even take the time to friggin put it in english, instead yur reading stupid translations on the bottom of the screen, listening to japanese or whatever they're talking in.
Suggestions: try making a game thats good, not just for balding stocky greasy fat men.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is good. Once again, online is definately the best feature, if u have xbl is gonna give u lotsa replay value. Single player... maybe not
Graphics: visuals r good, however i think the animation r somewhat goofy for u and yur team. They're run around kind weird and especially when u have them crouched. It's just bizarre
Audio: sound is great. The bullets wizzing by and unique sounds for every weapon is a big plus rather than just a drone for every gun, u can eventually recognize the weapon by its sound
Suggestions: change some of the animation, and some glitched with thermal vision
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: gameplay is fun, frustrating for new players however, u might find it difficult to get a hang of the feel, when i started i constantly fell every corner
Graphics: graphics r incredible for this game, everything looks very realistic, and they get the tracks down quite well, identical almost
Audio: sound goes well, considering how many sounds could u really have for a racing game "vroom?" yeah well it works
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: being able to take control of a team and tell them what to do is always fun. And yur guys r obediant and can usually prevent them from doing something stupid so u dont necessarily have to babysit them
Graphics: this is only downfall really. not that the graphics r bad, just could be alot better, they dont use the full potential of the xbox system
Audio: sound fits well. the sound of the guns r really nice and give u all the better feeling. Just wish there were more guns!
Suggestions: make the ai a bit better, sometimes they'll run up by themselves into a big squad of enemies.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: the gameplay was excellent. It's easy to get into for a new player. U can just instantly start playing, but for advanced players, it also takes time to learn some of the great new combos
Graphics: best graphics i've seen so far for xbox. Each environment looks stunning, and i hope they make a second
Audio: sound fits nicely. Although it can get annoying when every move makes the same noise and hearing someone repeat hiya hiya hiya exactly the same way over and over again
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10