Average Overall Score Given: 7.40000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: great gameplay you can explore so many different places and do so many things.even when done with the game you can still have fun.
Graphics: the graphics on this game are so awesome. they are so realistic. sneaking behind someone and all that. hiding in the bushes it is all good graphics
Audio: This is one of the most important thing in the game because it helps you kno where the person is if you can not see them.
Suggestions: DONT RUSH! have patiants.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is great. there are many weapons you can choose from and ALOT of levels that take time to go through.
Graphics: this is probably the games only weakness because its graphics arent really all that great. the picture needs to be sharper.
Audio: the sound is great.this is one of the things i use when someone is shooting at me.i can tell from which genneral direction.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: it is great the controls are easy to do and use.there is many weapons and stuff you can mess around with.
Graphics: the graphics are pretty good for this game.there really isnt anything special about it but it isnt that bad.
Audio: the sound is can really tell where stuff is coming from or all that but it helps a little too.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: the controls are easy to use that is probably the only good thing about this dumb game. anything else is LAME.
Graphics: not all that special all it is, is a regular game. i dumb game that is. this game is point less to buy.
Audio: stupid. this is just one reallllyyy lame game. i cant even sell it that is how lame of a game it is.
Suggestions: DONT BUY IT
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is pretty easy. i mean you do have to get used to the controls and all but once you kno them it is easy to use.
Graphics: the visual is great i mean the backround and the interactual objects. everything is great.the weapons too.there is so many.
Audio: the sound is great you can tell where something is coming froma nd everything. they just need to add some cool music and the game will be nearly perfect.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is pretty good. the only bad thing about this game is that there isnt that much to do in the level except the level itself.
Graphics: the graphics are great. i meen this isnt a game where the graphics need to be perfect, but they are just fine to me.
Audio: the sound is great you can hear the zombies dieng and everything. there is so much going on sometimes you just dont hear it.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is great. there is alot of buttons to use but they are able to be used easily. they are so realistic too.
Graphics: the visual is great. the mechs are so realistic. they are so cool looking, because there is so much detail in to it with the fire and all.
Audio: the sound is pretty good because you dont have to read what is happening all the time because the people read it to can also tell when a missile is coming and almost where from.
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is awesome. you can turn the cars pretty good and the controls are so easy to learn.
Graphics: the visual is all that good. it doesnt have that great of graphics beacuse there isnt alot of detial put into the cars.
Audio: the sound isnt all that good either. the cars dont sound that good when you are holding the gas or even when you are slaming onto the brakes arounde corners.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: the game play is great and all but i meen the car disappears!!the controls are cool and all and easy to use.
Graphics: the visual i dont like at all. the cars disappear and the graphics arent that good even after that.
Audio: the sound isnt all that great either. there isnt that great of music and the cars sound so bad to me at least.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: the controls are asy to use and there is alot of weapons, but the graphics are nothing special and it is just boring.
Graphics: the graphics are boring and so is the game. the graphics look like they spent not alot of time on too.
Audio: the sound isnt a whole lot better than anything else. the sound is kinda lame too. they cars dont sound a whole lot like a real car.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10