Average Overall Score Given: 6.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 3
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Gameplay: Single player campaign lacks a bit but xbox live makes up for EVERYTHING! If it had a co-op offline mode it would be gold, but it doesn't, so it comes off as a silver/goldish mix.
Graphics: BEAUTIFUL! Maps you'll learn to love, positions to Deagle-ize those pesky .50 callers (pronounced: Kal-Ers) and realistic weapons.
Audio: Sounds that make me believe they actually sound like the real guns, unlike counter-strike. Ricochets sound beautiful but the question that's bothered me the most is how i can here the silencers and the terrorists can't, and in xbox live everyone can here the silencers... meh, it's all good.
Suggestions: Uhm... Team up with bungie and id and create a counter-terrorist masterchief who thwarts hitler's plans of domination!
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Solid single-player campaign which is uber-fun on co-op with a competent player (i had my brother so elite missions were impossible), unlockable game modes and weapons are great and missions are slow but fun.
Graphics: Ok, but the grass seems like a big carpet and it never seems like they paid attention to this part of the map or that. Great maps though and some cool visuals, but i wish you could see your gun...
Audio: With only 2 recognizable ricochets i know of (PIK! and BYE YOU!) the sounds lacking in the sound department... must be sold out for games like rainbow six 3... or maybe some rich person bought all the stock...
Suggestions: I chose never because i don't have it anymore and am too lazy to buy it. Anyways, If it was polished and you made visible gun mode or something like that it would be great.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: Fast-paced and sometimes annoying, lot's of campin in this here game boys. Oh yea, and only 2 game modes kicks this game down a notch, and the economy thing is horrible.
Graphics: Solid textures and nice vast maps, but too many camping areas, underground passages add to the fun sometimes, different ways to get to an objective but it takes too long to actualy know where they are, you come by them by mere chance.
Audio: It sounds like they put a child's impression of a machine gun into a computer and robo-tized it. There's no different sounds when you're in certain areas like sewage pipes and other things, it all sounds the same.
Suggestions: More game modes, smaller maps, and get some tips from bungie, and id, and ubi, and... some other people.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10