Average Overall Score Given: 5.75000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 117
Halo: Combat Evolved

Gameplay: great controls and great feel. The auto aim needs to go because that makes the game and multiplayer a little easy.
Graphics: Best looking game on the Xbox which is sad because it was the first game out for the Xbox and should not be the best in every catagory after more then a year of its release
Audio: Good sound when surround sound is implied. Great when you listen to what the enemy says and what the marines yell.
Suggestions: Turn the Auto aim down or take it out of the game would make the multiplayer action better and . . . . . Great Job
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were ok, I would have to say they were one of the better features in the game. But there were times when they got sluggish and hard to aim.
Graphics: Great graphics. No Halo but this is really close. I like the night and heat vision. But still one of the worst let downs the Xbox has done
Audio: good sound because the game is based on stealth, you had to use your ears alot. The only sound I hated is when you would kill someone.
Suggestions: Damn good try but I think it was built up to much to be as better then it was.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: They did nothing right and I wish they could have atleast made the controls right but they are so sluggish I wanted to cry.
Graphics: Great graphics like the Xbox can do but I hope game makers realize that graphics don't make a game and start making quality.
Audio: lame. Looking for a real sound instead of the noises that these cars made. No a good selection of music.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ummmm. It was like swimming through a bucket of allready chewed bubble gum. I think watching paint dry would be better.
Graphics: Great like all Xbox games but like most fails with what does count and that is game play. It makes me sad.
Audio: There was sound? I never even put enough time into the game to enjoy the quality of the sound. maybe if a friend accidently buys it then I will check it out.
Suggestions: nope
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Yeah I know some people say it is repetative but I am an old school gamer and I have a lot of fun with this game especially with another person.
Graphics: Great graphics, A big improvment from the first game (Chuckles) but then again I hope it to be better.
Audio: Great sound and This game is a keeper and I think I will go play it after I finsh this form. I like the downloadable content also but I don't want to pay.
Suggestions: Thanks. . . . I have been waiting
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good use of the multiple stances and I thought it was a good Idea, So of the moves were !&%$@#* near impossible but they were wonderful when they were pulled off.
Graphics: Great Graphics and I thought the use of facial damage was good. There were some glitches such as certain fatalities could have put together better.
Audio: Good Sound. I liked the use of stage noise such as the green spirts that screamed as they flew by. Awesome.
Suggestions: Good Job but it could have been better and I think you guys put to much time in the extras and not the game play. But it is still a great game.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The Garage was nice but for the most part it lacked in the actual racing. And I beat it in around 20 hours which was weak
Graphics: Great graphics but not much more then Gran Turismo. Looked realist enough but the Xbox could have done better.
Audio: Ok sound but it is hard to say. I did like loading my own sound track. That was a plus scince most games don't allow that.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: Great controls, This is way better then the prequal and I hope the next one is even better. I don't play as much anymore but it was a blast when I did.
Graphics: Good Graphics but not much better then the PS2 version. But for a arcade snowboarding game it hits the spot.
Audio: Good music and I ofter found my self announcing the "Triky" when I was ready to bust a super move. Awesome
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good multiplayer action and I like that it is another Live game, but It you can only play a couple rounds then you get bored.
Graphics: The graphics could have been better but they were going for a more cartoonish game so it looked funny.
Audio: Who can go wrong with that Theme? lol I like the music and the character voices. It was good to get away from reality
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: I liked the game play and it would get very intense if you played someone who was good. I liked how easy it was to counter and throw. Great controls and great use of the backgrounds
Graphics: "She Kicks High" I like it alot. The games graphics were awsome and it still is one of the best games out there graphically.
Audio: ok sound but for the most part I was concintrating on the fighting but the music was nothing special
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: This is such an arcade racer. And what the hell are these Kudos crap. I thought it was lame that you could finish last but still get first.
Graphics: Really good graphics and I like the cars. Now if we can only get a game that feels more confortable.
Audio: Ok sound but it is hard to rate sound in a raceing game. But for the most part it was there but I never paid attention to it.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: I love the game play. It was hard at first to get my fingers to transform, but after a while I got a hang of it and then It was time to rock.
Graphics: I really liked the Cell Shading because it gave the game a very good cartoonish look that made me think of the show. I also liked shooting out all the missles, that was awesome.
Audio: It was ok music, But I really enjoyed the fact that they brought in the origional voices to the game which added even more Flare to the game.
Suggestions: I love you all for making me remmember my childhood....
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: I did like the way you would use magic, I thought it was interesting. But it got really anoying switching powers.
Graphics: Giant Smurf or dude that fell in a toilet when in an air plane? Those are really the choices but the overall graphics were.........crap.
Audio: I think after this game is when I decided to chop my ears off and eat them because the noises and music were catastrophic.
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: I think I would have done better grabbing my own "joystick" then to have had tried playing this game. It is showing how bad Brute Force is going to be because both seem to be the same game.
Graphics: Dude......I think they hurried with this project to try to release it with Socom to try and compete. But !&%$@#* I have never seen the PS2 have better graphics then an Xbox game until this one.
Audio: Who cares about sound when a game horribly sucks. I think they needed to worry about the game other then the sound
Overall Score: 3.0 / 10

Gameplay: I like the controls, but I wish it were a little easier to get head shots, but as fast as everyone moves it is hard to kill everyone.
Graphics: Nice graphics, but I think the graphics cause bad lag sometimes even when playing solo. I think it sould have been programed a little better to hold enough info for no slowdown.
Audio: good music and good noises. it is a nice combination for a fun fast paced thrill ride. It is a definate keeper and one of the best online games for the Xbox.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good controls, and it took a little while to get used to but it is really good compared to most other motercycle games.
Graphics: Nice graphics, I like the visuals displayed in the game and I like the bikes to chose from. I think the next one will be the only competition.
Audio: I like the sounds of the bike through out the game and It adds to the excitment and the feel of the game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I really did not like the way that the buttons were setup and I wished that I could modify my own controls to do what I wanted them to do.
Graphics: Not as good of graphics as I was hoping for but I do like the size of the maps and I thought they did a good job on the landscape but the characters are a little blocky.
Audio: I like the music when you fail a mission. It sounds like the rock and I like the noises characters make when they are shot
Suggestions: Tom Clancy games never fail to surprise me. I really have like each book I've read and each time I read a book, It gets me more excited about the game, and then I enjoy the games that much more.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: I like to escape the Cops, but I wish there was more then just:
1)Only two people can play with a max of 4 cars+ cops.
2)Not enough things that Cops would do to pull you over.
3)Not A wide enough selection of cars to pick.
But with it lacking all those, It still turned out to be a nice game that is nice. The controls were good and this is the best arcade racer out there.
Graphics: Nice graphics. They are ok, but they could be better. I don't like it when cars seem to be painted with gloss.
Audio: Ok music that goes well with the game and I think they did make a good selection. And the sound of the cars were good also.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: I do like the controls because it is a button smasher and anyone can attempt to play this game. I do no like the EO controls at all an I think the online version should only allow them in the EO room and not any other rooms
Graphics: The backgrounds are really beautiful but that is about it. The characters are horrible and if you do put your own colors in, it makes it worse.
Audio: How can you say the the "aukin" is a bad frase to say in a game. I do like the sound and the music in the game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was not good at all and the camera was horrid. I did not like that the game froze up sometimes and I think this game was a rush and was only a money maker.
Graphics: The graphics could have made a PS1 game cry. It was not suttable at all for a star wars game and on the Xbox just makes it sad.
Audio: Star wars music is good and that is one good thing but the sound effects where vomit in a trash can.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: It is fun to build your own entertainment park but it gets boring really quick and I was thinking this game would be better then it was. And this game needs to have the mouse and keyboard.
Graphics: Good graphics, not to out of date. but nothing spectacular so it is another average game. I am not sure this was a good port.
Audio: The sound of an amusement park is always a bad thing. Screaming kids and screaming people from the rides.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: I liked the controls and had fun killing bad guys. I liked picking explosive bottles up and then throwing them at someone and blowing it up before it gets to them.
Graphics: could have been better but the were good enough. The camera could have been a little bit more friendly but I did not mind that much
Audio: Ok music and good explosive noises. The sound was a little above average. But it made the game move along
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were ok and the power ups were ok but I thought the game was boring and I wanted to cry
Graphics: Cars are shiny and the graphics seem fake so I think they are about average. nothing that made me go "WOW"
Audio: ok music but I was playing with my friend and did not pay attention to much to the noise. But it is a farely average game.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were ok but they were about the best thing in the game and they were even that bad. Never again.
Graphics: What happenend to being able to see mountains and trees, or be walking and all of a sudden a mountain disappears.
Audio: I think they were going for the worst game of all time with this one. It may even compete against the appauling ET: The Extra Terrestrial.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Good controls and and it is a good co-op game for the younger audience because it has the button smash potential.
Graphics: Good graphics and good backgrounds. A game that I am hoping the 2nd one will be at least just as good.
Audio: ok music and an ok sound effects. A couple times the music put me to sleep, but it is still a good game.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: Button smasher with the same combo moves and specials moves. But the story is weak and the game does get very difficult.
Graphics: Not bad graphics, but they also do not blow my mind. They are decent graphics that I can deal with.
Audio: Ok sound and ok music. The voices freaked me out at first and they did a good job. I am looking foward to the next one but at the same time I wish they did not make a second one
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

Gameplay: The controls were great. But that is all this game was, was controls. It was fun for a little bit, but I am not a mech fan.
Graphics: Great visuals. I thought the game was very realistic and it was very fun to watch the chaos. But still too expensive
Audio: Great sound. I like the thud of the mech and the sound of the weapons. Yeah it was a two hundred dollar game.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: You press 2 buttons and move the joy stick. DO NOT GET THIS GAME. For the safty of your children and/or your unborn children. This will give anyone who plays it mental scars.
Graphics: The graphics were even subpar in this game. I honestly have joked about crying while playing games before, but I cried until I fell asleep on the night I played this. And the only reason I am giving the visuals a 1.5 is because it will not allow me to rate the game lower.
Audio: I acctually did not hear the sound of this game over my own weeping. I don't think that every pop star and great musical artist could ever make a soundtrack for this game.
Suggestions: I pity the 4 people on this planet that might have bought this game.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Awesome job on the volleyball controls, Out of all the volleyball games it was good. It was the "dressing up" the girls that after a while took the flavor away because it seemed pretty perverted.
Graphics: Who can go wrong with half naked chicks?...But at the same time how can you go right? The visuals were great but some of the posses the girls do is ridiculous.
Audio: TURN IT OFF. . . . .AWWWWWWWW. I could see if I was a 13 year old girl but Tecmo had to realise that it was going to be men that mostly played the game.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10