Star Wars: Obi-Wan (Original Xbox) by LucasArts

Star Wars: Obi-Wan (Xbox) by LucasArts Box Art



North Amercian Release Date: December 20, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.93 / 10


Join the legendary Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi as he takes on the worst scum and villainy the galaxy has to offer in level after level of fast-paced action. In Star Wars Obi-Wan, you'll call upon the Force and your powerful lightsaber as you face a mysterious new enemy, an assassin droid project and a devious plot that could dramatically shift the balance of power in the universe. Fight your way through an underworld trail of munitions dealers and crime lords-from the lowest depths of Coruscant and dusty Tatooine to the lush city of Theed. The Force is in your hands.


Tuesday, December 4, 2001
Wednesday, October 17, 2001
Tuesday, July 17, 2001
Friday, May 11, 2001

Cheat Codes

      Unlock All Levels, Including Bonus:
Go to the Main Menu. Select New Game. Type in "greytherat"

User Reviews

Score: 69
Overall User Average: 6.93 / 10 (69.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.19 / 10
Graphics User Average: 5.88 / 10
Sound User Average: 7.14 / 10
Date reviewed: December 4, 2003.

Overall: Bland. This game is not worthy of the title Star Wars, nor the priveledge of having an Xbox logo on its box. Rushed, rubbishy, ridiculous, and any other word meaning bad beginning with 'R'.
Try Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, or Knights of the Old Republic... Those are REAL Star Wars games.
Gameplay: Basically, a good concept. I would have loved the oportunity to enjoy a game with such a theme, but the game was really bad. The control system is nice, using the right control stick to swing your lightsaber was nice, a control system like this is easy to get into, but its a shame the rest of the game didn't match up. The story loosely revolves around Episode 1, but the game play was too simple, the A.I was far too loose, and the effect was dissapointing.
Graphics: Terrible. The character models are blocky, the levels are bland and poorly textured. The close-ups of faces will make you cry. The NPC's are even worse... It looks more like a low-class PS2/high class PS1 game than an Xbox title. The cut scenes are esspecially bad...
Sound: Despite the promising Star Wars movie score, its about as bland as the graphics, the swinginglightsaber doesnt sound as convincing as it should, and the cries of pain and the voice overs are discraceful.
Suggestions: The concept was good. Take a bit more time, can you explain why Jedi Outcast/Academy look so good in comparrison?

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: November 5, 2003.

Overall: Wow I thought that Anikins acting in the first movie was bad!!! I thought this game was going to rock since Obi-Wan is the bad !&%$@#* that defeated Darth Maul.
Gameplay: The gameplay was not good at all and the camera was horrid. I did not like that the game froze up sometimes and I think this game was a rush and was only a money maker.
Graphics: The graphics could have made a PS1 game cry. It was not suttable at all for a star wars game and on the Xbox just makes it sad.
Sound: Star wars music is good and that is one good thing but the sound effects where vomit in a trash can.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: Obi Wan pits you as Obi Wan during the events around Episode 1. You play through many missions and a few multiplayer modes .
Gameplay: The game-play is kinda too simple and at times too hard. The game is kind of boring when you do just about the same thing all of the time. The battles in multiplayer with friends are pretty cool though, with slow motion and cool jedi powers.
Graphics: The visuals are kind of bland and everything looks flat and sloppy. The game looks like a good PS1 game, not like an XBOX game. The characters mouths don't move when they talk and the cut scenes look worse than most in game moivies for games.
Sound: The sound isn't very good. The characters sound nothing like the ones from the movies and the soundtrack isn't anything special.
Suggestions: Fix just about everything for a sequel.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: Star Wars: Obi Wan is a game based on the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. You take the role of young Obi Wan Kenobi, as you fight with your lightsaber through many missions. Star Wars: Obi Wan is the first Star Wars game that has a title after a particular Star Wars character. Star Wars: Obi Wan features a good story related to Episode I: The Phantom Menace as well as a good multiplayer mode. Star Wars: Obi Wan is sort of like a mix of Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (DC,PSX), Star Wars: Episode I (PC,PSX), and Star Wars: Jedi Knight (PC). Star Wars: Obi Wan is a game that I would recommend renting not buying, unless bought at a low price.
Gameplay: As Obi Wan Kenobi, you fight with lightsabers and blasters through missions and levels. You need to have good reflexes to defeat enemies. After every few missions, bonus missions can be unlocked. Most of the bonus missions are lightsaber duels with members of the Jedi Council. Apart from the main single-player story mode, there is a training mode and a multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is mainly lightsabers duels that you can have with another player in different arenas. The controls of Star Wars: Obi Wan are pretty simple, however the game does get harder and harder. At some points in the game, it can get really frustrating. Some features in Star Wars: Obi Wan are pretty cool, for example the aerobic stunts or the lightsaber tricks that Obi Wan does.
Graphics: The visuals are very poor. Some environments might have some nice details, but the overall visuals are quite bad and lack details. Even the cut scenes have bad visuals. There might be some moments in the game where special effects are cool, for example when smashing a lightsaber against a Trade Federation Droid.
Sound: Star Wars: Obi Wan does have some pretty good music from Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The music does come at right moments, during gameplay. LucasArts should have asked Ewan McGregor (who played Obi Wan) and Liam Neeson (who played Qui Gon Jinn) to be the voice of their own character, because when other people speak as Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jinn, and other characters, it sounds really stupid. The sound effects are satisfactory, because they are mainly the same as other third-person Star Wars games. It is was also cool when enemies say things such as 'kill the Jedi', because then the game flows better during gameplay.
Suggestions: LucasArts should have changed the visuals and they should have used the Xbox's graphical capabilities better. Some improvements in sound could have been done especially the characters' voices. I would not recommend this game that much to anybody. I was expecting Star Wars: Obi Wan to be a better title.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 27, 2002.

Overall: I actually liked this game alot. It is addicting to play and fun trying to complete the missions. The only thing I didn't like is their is not much replay value.
Gameplay: I loved the gameplay on Obi Wan. Using the force on this game is a blast. You can knock them off their feet and take away their weapons. Very fun. I also thought the missions were cool. I liked wasting the thugs on the game. What I like the best was that you could deflect the blaster guns with your light saber. The only thing that blows is the replay value. The 2 player figting mode isn't that fun.
Graphics: The graphics were not the best but I thought they were pretty good. Not much else to say about that.
Sound: I like the sound on this game alot. The sounds on the game were alot like the movie. Obi Wan even sounded like Ewan Mcgreagor.
Suggestions: I like the game but you should have beefed up the 2 player fighting mode for more replay value.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: October 27, 2002.

Overall: its kinda fun but needs work but im happy with it :-)

Gameplay: the gameplay is fun killing thugs is sweet in the first level but battle droids are to freakin anoying
Graphics: dude make the game 4 n64 if u are not going to use xboxes ultimate power

Sound: the sound is okay but needs some work

Suggestions: work on the game a bit and it will be more fun

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: September 18, 2002.

Overall: Ok so the movie wasn't as great as we had hoped.... This game is much better than Starfighter. You have a mission with goals, and although it can get a bit tricky at times the game is smooth and addictive until the end.
Gameplay: Controls are easy to get used to. However, moving Obi-Wan around takes a little time to master. Using the force is a blast, and the tutorial makes learning the game easier.
Graphics: Graphics are nice, but not spectacular. Unfortuneately for Obi-Wan every game is compared to Halo, which is simply beautiful. This game is not disappointing at all though, and the boards have nice depth to them.
Sound: The music is excellent, as in the movie as well. Ditto for the sound effects. I swear my neighbor thought there was a light saber fight going on in here one day.
Suggestions: Game was fun to beat. Hopefully the next games due out will take advantage of Xbox' graphics potential.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: September 14, 2002.

Overall: This game is weak. My friend has a thing for Star Wars and wondered if there were any Star Wars xbox games out. I told him Obi-Wan but all the reviews I read were very terrible. I think this is the first time he didn't listen to me and he bought it. Now I was playing it at the EB kiosk, and on there small plasma screen TV, the lighting made graphics at times look cel-shaded. When I went to his house, I discovered it's a weak hack-n-slash that provides little to no challenge.
Gameplay: How easy this game is baffles me. Laser shots move so slow it takes no effort to deflect the shot. I didn't play the vs. mode (or battle mode forgot what it's called) but as for the single player I wanted to take the game and stomp on it so we could go back to playing some more Halo. Thye enemies were do dumb and way to easy to kill. There are also not enough enemies around so very rarely did I get hit by anyone at all. It was just too easy. Enemies also got stuck on objects and times. There are some cool jedi moves, but when there's very few enemies to use them on, this game gets boring very fast.
Graphics: The weird thing is the graphics looked better on my friends POS 17" then it did on EB's plasma TV. It didn't look cel-shaded on his. True there was improvement, but the graphics were still pretty weak. Everything just lacked detail. There wasn't detail in anything. Defintely not Xbox quality. Early PS2 games had more detail than this POS.
Sound: Comes with all the Star Wars sounds you may or may not love. The laser shots sound just like they do in the movies. Laser shot deflections from the lightsaber make the same noise as in the movies. Pretty much everything sounds like it does in movies.
Suggestions: Don't make a sequel of this. Instead, how bout adding more guys to the development of Sam and Max 2?

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: August 20, 2002.

Overall: If you like the Star Wars franchise, this might be for you. Getting to play the part of a Jedi sounds cool, but the execution of this game was so bad, you'll be disappointed.

If you want a game you'll finish quickly, this is it. I finished it in 8 hours.
Gameplay: Minimal appeal, again, only a Star Wars fan would find any enjoyment in this game. Other than that, it's a poorly done hack-and-slash game.

The controls, thankfully, make the game easy to pick up. The ability to use the Force to modify your attacks/moves is a great idea.
Graphics: I've seen better PSOne games. I mean these graphics are ugly. It's like LucasArts didn't even try. There's a LOT of clipping, a lot of blockiness, and the cut scenes are a joke they are so poorly done.
Sound: The sounds of your lighsaber are the only saving grace here. Voices are pretty bad, you'd swear Obi-Wan has a bad nasal cold. Each character can only say 2-3 things, that includes rooms full of enemies all shouting "show your ID". Or Obi-Wan saying "I'm not sure" every time you try to examine/open something that's not usable.
Suggestions: Take your time to develop a proper game. It's a stain on the Star Wars name that this game was ever released in the condition it was in.

Try to tighten up your code a bit, this game locked up frequently, especially with 6 or more enemies on screen.

Work on the framerate issues, sometimes I swear it dropped below 30 FPS and down to about 2 FPS.

Pay attention to the graphics. Why on earth is it possible to find rooms with guns still floating in the air from enemies you killed earler ? Same goes for when you force throw an object at an enemy, kill him, and then the object just floats there for several minutes.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: August 6, 2002.

Overall: I don't see what is so bad about this game. The lightsaber is your main weapon, but your can also use jedi powers. The training helps to learn the controls which are not hard. I would rent this game first and see if you like it enough to buy it.
Gameplay: Slashing enemys are fun, but using the force to blow enemies off cliffs or against walls is a lot of fun. The computer is pretty good and it keeps you challenged.
Graphics: The visual is good. The lightsaber looks good, and the force looks good. The droids are good and the enemies are pretty well done.
Sound: Sound is good the whoosh of the light saber and the clatter of ther droids is great. The voices sound computerized but thats okay.
Suggestions: More weapons, more of everything I guess.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Megaherz *RAGE*
Date reviewed: July 11, 2002.

Overall: After i played this game, i was so excited about seeing the last Star Wars movie, Star Wars Episode 2 : Attack of the clones. Oh my god ! After the movie, i was a Star Wars new fan but if you want to be one of them you should see episode 4,5,6 before seeing the last two episode. I got a lot of question about the second movies and if you didn't see him, pass this part please. Does Queen Amidala will die in the episode 3 ? How does Anakin will be tranform into that sort of robot ( Darth Vador ) ? Why in episode three Luke Skywalker is separated from Princess Leia ? If you want to answer my question please send me a private message. Ok i am off, now we will return to our main subject. First of all Star wars : Obi wan is taking is story from the episode one and you probably know it. But who's care, we want more information about it ? Ok, if you want more information, i will give you more. Swob ( Star wars : Obi wan ) have a nice multiplayer because you can use all your strenght's skill, so it's more attractive than a simple fight with our lightsaber. One thing is trully ruining the game and it's the bugs. You want some example : sometimes you are supposed to run but you walk and when you die you can be a on standing position. If you want more, you can read all my review, it's simple and good.
Gameplay: In Swob, you are able to throw you lightsaber, move object, throw ennemies away, jump higher and take out the ennemie's weapon away until your force meter will be empty, naturally you can full it by waiting. Something that make me excited were the battle againt each member of the jedi's team, you know Darth Maul was more easy than the master of the Jedi ( Master Mace WinDu ) but the greatest bonus level was the last because you fight againt all the jedi in a ultimate battle, pretty cool to see eight jedi fighting in a arena ( they aren't all againt you, they can fight with a another jedi or it will be too tough ). In conslusion, it was the best gameplay since Blood Omen 2.
Graphics: The visual was really one of the worst in that game. When you play with Obi-wan it's seems to be ok for the textures but when the video start, oh my god Obi-wan doesn't look like the true one ! In fact, the producer should have taken more attention on the character than on the background. Finally the graphic is the only thing that give a bad feeling about that game and it's trully unforgiven.
Sound: The master piece of Star Wars : Obi-Wan is the music, it's always the same through all the game but we will always love her !
Suggestions: I want more thing to do in multiplayer, no bugs, better graphic and i want to see more skin from Nathalie Portman, she so sexy !

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 30, 2002.

Overall: I bought this game before ever played it. Was on the wait list, I love star wars games. This game has lots of promise and lots of enemies but falls short in some areas. The sound is incredible, music is good, and the graphics are decent.
Gameplay: Clunky Interface. It's as though Obi-Wan acts like an eighteen wheel truck. For him to turn around is like turning a truck around, no easy feat. Definitely needs some work done to that.
Graphics: The graphics, are... well... Decent. Halo has shown what is capable and the guys at lucas arts just slapped some skins onto walls and called it a game. I've seen what the guys there can do and this is not there better work. The shadows are there whether is light or not and there is clipping galore. Need some work guys.
Sound: The sounds are good and crisp. I do notice a lag when using the light sabre sometimes. The music is great! Taken from the soundtracks, it is a great source, that is probably the best part of the game.
Suggestions: Make a good interface with some decent graphics! Lucas Arts can do better - look at Jedi Knight 2, Dark Forces, and any of their old games!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 28, 2002.

Overall: Star Wars: Obi Wan is a game based on the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. You take the role of young Obi Wan Kenobi, as you fight with your lightsaber through many missions. Star Wars: Obi Wan is the first Star Wars game that has a title after a particular Star Wars character. Star Wars: Obi Wan features a good story related to Episode I: The Phantom Menace as well as a good multiplayer mode. Star Wars: Obi Wan is sort of like a mix of Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles (DC,PSX), Star Wars: Episode I (PC,PSX), and Star Wars: Jedi Knight (PC). Star Wars: Obi Wan is a game that I would recommend renting not buying, unless bought at a low price.
Gameplay: As Obi Wan Kenobi, you fight with lightsabers and blasters through missions and levels. You need to have good reflexes to defeat enemies. After every few missions, bonus missions can be unlocked. Most of the bonus missions are lightsaber duels with members of the Jedi Council. Apart from the main single-player story mode, there is a training mode and a multiplayer mode. The multiplayer mode is mainly lightsabers duels that you can have with another player in different arenas. The controls of Star Wars: Obi Wan are pretty simple, however the game does get harder and harder. At some points in the game, it can get really frustrating. Some features in Star Wars: Obi Wan are pretty cool, for example the aerobic stunts or the lightsaber tricks that Obi Wan does.
Graphics: The visuals are very poor. Some environments might have some nice details, but the overall visuals are quite bad and lack details. Even the cut scenes have bad visuals. There might be some moments in the game where special effects are cool, for example when smashing a lightsaber against a Trade Federation Droid.
Sound: Star Wars: Obi Wan does have some pretty good music from Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The music does come at right moments, during gameplay. LucasArts should have asked Ewan McGregor (who played Obi Wan) and Liam Neeson (who played Qui Gon Jinn) to be the voice of their own character, because when other people speak as Obi Wan, Qui Gon Jinn, and other characters, it sounds really stupid. The sound effects are satisfactory, because they are mainly the same as other third-person Star Wars games. It is was also cool when enemies say things such as ?kill the Jedi?, because then the game flows better during gameplay.
Suggestions: LucasArts should have changed the visuals and they should have used the Xbox?s graphical capabilities better. Some improvements in sound could have been done especially the characters? voices. I would not recommend this game that much to anybody. I was expecting Star Wars: Obi Wan to be a better title.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 19, 2002.

Overall: Didn't seem too bad. It could have been a lot worse. It was a bit difficult to control but it is fun to slash thru hoardes of enemies with a trusty lightsaber.
Gameplay: What's not appealing about chopping up people with a lightsaber and using all of the cool Force tricks we've seen for years in the movies?
Graphics: Wasn't too bad, there were some spots where the graphics kinda looked poor but it always looks better than other systems (we won't name names here).
Sound: Sound was not too bad.. I love the sound of the light sabre and of course the background music is in the typical vein of star wars so it definately fits the environment.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: May 18, 2002.

Overall: I thought that this would be the greatest Star Wars game ever. Unfortunately, it actually might be the best third person Star Wars game out there for the consoles. That is downright sad and someone should be punished. Nothing was as good as what they promised. I waited to write this review until after I had played Jedi Outcast for the PC. Now that is a real game. That is the game that I thought Obi Wan was going to be. I was so disappointed that they could create such a great game for the PC only months after Obi Wan debuted on the XBOX. Now, the things that I thought weren't so bad befroe I played outcast look terrible. The only reason that I give it a two is that it is a Star Wars game and just for that I can not rate it any lower.
Gameplay: Gameply is pretty smooth. It tends to get a little chunky, but nothing you wouldn't expect from a game rushed to meet a deadline. Force powers are OK, but nothing to gawk at. I sure wouldn't want to take the jedi trials if that were my extent of the use of the force, but I'm no Jedi. Lightsaber mechanics are bearable. Enemies are normally far too easy. AI sucks. Loading time is terrible for what you get. Some games are worth waiting for, this one is not.
Graphics: Lots of problems in this category. Shadows that should not exist, boring enemies (visually as well as gameplay), and poorly done movies only scratch the surface. After a while you just have to give up and do your best to enjoy it despite the glaring mistakes.
Sound: Voices are horrible. Obi Wan's makes me physically sick. The others are better than his, but still pretty bad. Star Wars music will never get old.
Suggestions: Put some effort into your work and don't promise something that you can't produce.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: May 16, 2002.

Overall: Overall I really liked the game. The way you could use force powers was really cool. My biggest complaints was that when you had someone following you (ex: Gui Gonn) is that they got in the way.
Gameplay: The control could have been much better. I wish the controls would have been more ot; (ie made best use of the controller). The default controls just seemed counter-intuitive to me.
Graphics: The graphics were pretty good, but I expect better from an x-box title. I thought the graphics were a little to pixelated, and could have been smoother.
Sound: The score for the game was pretty good. It had the required star wars style theme music and the inclusion of the dual of the fates music was cool.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: May 13, 2002.

Overall: I won't complain about tiny things, but i believe this is the best Star Wars game out on any of the Consols, but if you are looking to buy a Star wars game go PC get Outcast but if no PC this is a strong title
Gameplay: I was impressed i could nearly do anything the Jedi could and thats always a strong thing, froce push ext.
Graphics: Everything perfect lightsaber glow; player shawdow, and nicely done laser bullet
Sound: I can hear just about everything, BUT horriable horriable charcter talking throughout the game......
Suggestions: Hey did everything well but sound appeal=/

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: May 6, 2002.

Overall: I really didnt find this game appealing at all. I suppose that if you are a hardcore Star Wars fan it may make you want to rent this one. But, by no means purchase this game. I would rank this sucker right next to Kabuki Warriors.
Gameplay: The gameplay of this game was not thought out properly. Simply turning the character is difficult, which makes it impossible to fight multiple enemies at once. And at some point the force power buttons switch positions many times. After a while of playing you will get used to the gameplay but you end up with the feeling that they didnt try hard enough to make it fun.
Graphics: Okay here is where people expect the most. Are there alot of items visually? Yes. Are they done well? Nope. Simply look at pictures of the game where you can see Obi Wan's clothes. You can tell that he wasnt quite finished in the graphics department. Alot of the characters are the same in this way. There is alot that is quite simply &qu
Sound: The sounds of this game are pretty nice. Of course this is standard for George Lucas because he is the sound king. The only thing i have to complain about is the voice overs. The guy who did Mace Windu was clearly NOT Sam Jackson. And by this i mean that on a scale of 1 to 100 where 100 represents a perfect replica this one was like 60%.
Suggestions: I suggest improvements in character movement and visual effects. I want to be able to feel the power of the force as i use its powers. After playing Jedi Knight 2 I would say they should use the force powers from there on it because you felt like you were using the force.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 25, 2002.

Overall: Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Get this game!
Gameplay: Awesome. It's just "fun". Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks!
Graphics: Not all that great, but can be cool at times. Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks!
Sound: AWESOME! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks! Hey, it's Star Wars, and Star Wars rocks!
Suggestions: Fix the graphics. Everyone is a graphics whore nowadays, and really, that's why the game didn't get great ratings. It really is a great "game" though and I love it!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 11, 2002.

Overall: Overall game play is really good. I Love any Star Wars Story lines. It is a unique story line, sort of follows the movie, but takes on a world of it's own.
Gameplay: Only bad thing is that you can only use the lightsaber, other than that it is really cool to use the lightsaber.
Graphics: Cool looks and graphics. It is cool to see the different bad guys and the Star Wars background. I like the Jedi's.
Sound: Overall good. Classic Star Wars music, good sound effects when fighting. Can hear the lightsaber moving.
Suggestions: I would like to be able to use more than just the lightsaber, maybe be able to pick up a gun or some other sort of weapon.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: April 10, 2002.

Overall: I hated this game. It was horrible to so many degrees. Lucasarts should be ashamed of themselves for this... from the previews and pictures, it looked like a good game... but picking up the controller and playing this, it was terrible. I didn't even get passed the 2nd level it was soo bad (not cause it was hard, cause i was annoyed with it)
Gameplay: this game has no gameplay. running around nearly barely environments slicing up bad guys. and when you go attack enemies, they all gang up on you and you can't get out...
Graphics: there must have been some error with my HiDef pack, because graphics in the game were horrible. lighting was in all the wrong places, textures were plain and boring, models weren't very high res... this was "ugly" for a xbox game.
Sound: star wars theme, lightsaber sounds and screams from wuss enemies... below average action game sound :P
Suggestions: i. hate. you.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2002.

Overall: This game was really disappointing. I expected more from LucasArts. I thought they would at least TRY to take advantage of the Xbox's capabilities.
Gameplay: The controls are generally easy, but I would like to see some more details in the movements. It looks like something from the SUPER NES. I can't stand this game.
Graphics: This is the worst part of the game. I have never seen graphics this bad since the Super NES. I mean, there is no detail anywhere. I look at Obi-Wan's face and what do I see? A flat shape with two dots for eyes and a slightly curved nose with a mouth that basically stays shut. This looks like it was originally designed for the PlayStation 1.
Sound: The sound is average. It gets old really fast though. It's just the same old Star Wars music every time.
Suggestions: I NEED MORE GRAPHICS!!!!!! This game is lacking in every part. I wouldn't make a sequel because this game sucks. I see no good part about it. How about making Obi-Wan look like him?

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 7, 2002.

Overall: The game appeal overall isn't to bad but I expected a little better though. I guess you can grow to like it over time as well.
Gameplay: The gameplay/control of the game is average. Not to bad but not real great either!lol. But overall I think it aint bad.
Graphics: The graphics alone are pretty good of course. Attention to detail wasn't bad but could alway's be better.
Sound: For a Star Wars game the so called soundtrack is what I expected. The option to load your own is not an option so that don't look good for the game.
Suggestions: I would like to see personal soundtrack support and more attention to gameplay, options, and surroundings.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: April 7, 2002.

Overall: I cant believe this game got such a crappy score...
im no big fan of the starwars games, but hey . . i thought this was an alright title...
the sound was cool, graphics were OK...and the gameplay was amazing
Gameplay: I love all the different moves you can do.
eg: throwing your light sabre...
how cool is that!?!?
i wish that the levels were more laid out though... it seems to me the designer didnt know what he was doing... every level gets tedious and a lot of the background is the same throughout the game...
Graphics: The graphics pleased me (i am one of those gamers thats pleased with almost any game he if i dont like a game, then it sucks) and i thought that all the people looked real and good. I didnt however like the backgrounds...and a lot of the trees/ water werent real enough for my liking..
Sound: I liked the sound track...i wish they had of had some better noises for the light sabre and when people died....same old noises everytime you kill someone

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: April 3, 2002.

Overall: Well, i had waited for this game, I loved the Phantom Menace on PC and generally love star wars. Therefore the appeal was intense and was really excited. Seeing it on the shelf when it was first released made me smash myway through the browsers to land myself a first copy. The combination of a classic tale and graphics, plus more intense interactivity, like force pushes and pulls was all i needed.
Gameplay: Gameplay varies throughout the game. The first (roughly) 5 levels are really difficult to get into and frankly I wondered what the heck was going on with this game. Trying to invent a different plot just does not work for this company. I would have prefered fewer levels that ruining the game with those ones. What is even more boggling is that the game gets easier!! Surely its meant to get harder!! On the other hand the ability to actually manouver your light saber is brilliant, and now you can harness the force even futher. Obi-Wans movement is rather odd and takes some getting used to. There are also some flaws in the game like dieing for no reason and getting stuck, as well as frame rates going mad. This game is full of bugs and really shouldnt have been released till they sorted them out.
Graphics: Hellllooooooo Mr Software Designer, you are dealing with Xbox here. The constant jaggies, especially in movie mode just show this game was made in a hurry and designed to play on the star wars fan base to buy it. The graphics are no better than those I got from phantom menance on my bog standard PC. Dont get me wrong but they arnt special and they are certainly not bad, just not impressive to make your jaw drop like Halo.
Sound: Sound is good and of high quality in this game, and those lovely "swoooosh" sounds of the light saber bring it to life. Nothing particularly special, but good to hear the effects of your force pushes and jumps. The movement of the light saber and it hitting walls and objects all have distincly different noises, and once you are drawn in you dont get any sense of repetition in the effects.
Suggestions: Hey! Get rid of those jaggies and learn to code better. This game is riddles with bugs, and there is nothing more that annoys a gamer like me that finding your game has been cut short by bad programming. Also why only 5 attempts at a level, surely it makes more sense to have unlimited.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2002.

Overall: The ratings on this game haven't been great, and a lot of people put this game down as one of the big Xbox losers. I'm not nearly that harsh. I've had a good time with this game. I am a bit worried that this will get old for me, though. It's pretty much a slash, slash, use the force, slash, slash game. Yeah, the graphics in some sense could have been better, but they're not awful. The sound is a mixture of wonderful and awful. The biggest thing about the games is the plethora of BUGS. One night it wouldn't recognize my second controller. It's frozen up on another occasion. On more than one occassion I was going to take it back, only to stick it out and it not happen anymore. That alone makes it frustrating, and hurt its score.
Gameplay: The premise of the game I had no problem with. What kid doesn't dream of fighting the bad guys with their trusty lightsaber? (okay, what kid in MY generation, back when Star Wars meant EVERYTHING.) The ability to use the force to push and pull was really neat. The only problem was that it never really changed. You were trying to do the same thing every level, except they added more baddies. It doesn't grow on you, it gets old.
Graphics: In some ways, the graphics were fine. I loved the different settings, they were expansive and interactive. What they weren't, however, was Xbox quality. They could have been much sharper and more intricate. The characters mouths never moved when talking, and that was a big letdown. It can be done (ie Halo and a multitude of others), they just didn't take the time.
Sound: Ambient sounds and music... classic Lucasarts. Absolutely wonderful. Voiceover work. Absolutely attrocious. The guy that was supposed to sound like Ewan MacGregor sounded like he was straining as hard as he could to try to emulate Obi-Wan. Qui-Gon was no better. I don't think any of the original characters voices were used, and it became super-annoying to listen to the clearly inadequate impersonations.
Suggestions: Take more time on KOTR. Do it right. You were close on this one, but it looks as if you rushed to get it out for Christmas 2001.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 12, 2002.

Overall: i would recomend renting this game unless you have others to play 2 player with. it was a well done game and very fun and challenging if you try to get the medals.
Gameplay: i like the challeng of trying to get the medals instead of difficulty settingcause it makes it difficult when you want it to be or if youjust feel like going beserk and runing trough a stae then you can plus you get to battle royale with like 8 other jedis
Graphics: good grafix and lots of added stuff that serves no purpose but looks cool and you could usually move mostly everything so i kept running around with things thinking theyll do somthin but didnt.except for some glitches the visuals were good
Sound: i hate obi-wans voice in this game every time he talked i wnated to hit him with his light sounded like a really bad ringo star impretioon other than that it was good
Suggestions: fix the gliches and change obis voiceother than that think it was done well

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: March 11, 2002.

Overall: Unless u really like the light saber battles, it gets old VERY quickly. Very glitchy, and not worth playing a lot
Gameplay: Lightsaber battles are cool, that's about it. LOTS of bugs, LOTS of bugs, LOTS of bugs, LOTS of bugs
Graphics: Fairly nice graphics when it isn't buggy. Navoo looks very nice, again, lightsaber battles look cool
Sound: This is where the game is actually good, John Williams sound, thats all i need to say...............
Suggestions: if u make another one, do a BETA TEST

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 30 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 5, 2002.

Overall: I like ths game very much but there are a couple of flaws in for 1 the game tends to freez ervery once in a while even though it is brand new. Also the gam is farily short i beat it in a day. THe graphcs could also be better they are could but not xbox good. I love using the force and the light saber. There is also no difficulty setting. Eveni if you don't like starwars you'll still love this game. the multiplayer is fun but is limited to what you can do in it. overall it is a great game and i recomend it to anyone.
Gameplay: The game is very appealing and is great to play. the controls are really good and it uses all of he buttons on the controller. the lightsaber controls could be better when work only when you move the stic left right up or down it does not move on diagonal which canbe pretty annoying bu over all i like the controls.
Graphics: The graphics are good but i'm not sure if they deserve to be rewarded. They could have used better settings or more settings there are a couple of levels that use the same base unlike other games. The textures could have been used more an i think the game was rushed
Sound: sound is good the timeing is perfect with the light saber. I love the star wars music they played too. also the closer to a character you get the louder the voices and if you got your back turned you can barly her them, ( very Cool!!)Overall its a good game
Suggestions: MAKE it longer and more difficulties use all of xboxes tools. better multiplayer overally good game keep it up.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: This game isn't really all that great. I thought it would be because I like Star Wars, but it was just walking and swinging your light saber.
Gameplay: The controls were weird. It was hard for me to use the lightsaber. The plot was Episode one. I think that its too late for an episode one game
Graphics: Ok graphics. I wish they were better because this game couldve had better graphics and woulvdve been really cool
Sound: I liked the Star Wars music. It got stuck in my head sometimes. This was a strong point of the game.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

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