Average Overall Score Given: 8.88889 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 60
The Simpsons Road Rage

Gameplay: The gameplay is fine for this kind of game. Some of the cars seem a little hard to control but I think it is meant to be that way, knowing the Simpsons. It feels a lot like an arcade style game and it is fun
Graphics: The graphics are what you would expect from a cartoon based game. They're not great but they are adequate and everything looks like it does on the cartoon pretty much.
Audio: The sound is great as you would expect from a Simpson's franchise game. All the cartoony effects, the same people doing the voices, same style of music, etc.
Suggestions: Maybe make it more interesting than what it is.. it's basically Crazy Taxi meets The Simpsons
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty good. There is a bit of a problem with camera angles sometimes, but other than that it is good. It takes a while to learn to use it (and you need to learn to use right control stick, trust me). Overall it is fairly easy to just pick up and kill like crazy.
Graphics: The graphics are pretty good. There's always room for improvement, but I am satisfied with the in-game graphics. Sometimes the movie cut scenes don't seem to synch up with the audio but other than that it is pretty good.
Audio: All the sound effects are done well. I think the music is a little too absent in this game. The music it does have is acceptable for this type of game.
Suggestions: Shoulda made it a bit longer
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is not too bad.. at least they let you alter the camera angle at will so that you can see where the hell you are.
Graphics: The graphics are decent but could have been better. It still beats the PS2 easily but does not live up to the caliber of games such as Halo. This is a good game for kids or people that liked the movie.
Audio: The sound is appropriate, I don't recall what the music sounds like hwoever so it is obviously forgettable. Realistic burp and fart sounds.
Suggestions: make your missions a bit more obvious. This game is going to be played by little kids and they aren't as intuitive as your average adult.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: What's not appealing about chopping up people with a lightsaber and using all of the cool Force tricks we've seen for years in the movies?
Graphics: Wasn't too bad, there were some spots where the graphics kinda looked poor but it always looks better than other systems (we won't name names here).
Audio: Sound was not too bad.. I love the sound of the light sabre and of course the background music is in the typical vein of star wars so it definately fits the environment.
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is top-notch. The vehicle for the most part is fairly easy to control, except in certain spots (like the docks etc where I kept falling off either because I suck or the controls are just too touchy). Other than that you'll have a lot of fun and is one of those games we sat around and passed the controller around between 4 of us trying to get past some of the levels. This game is great to play like that.
Graphics: This game has wicked graphics. Just look at the screen shots. I was very impressed with how realistic everything worked. There isn't any kind of damage model or anything like that, but I don't think you'd ever finish this game if there was.
Audio: To be honest I didn't really notice the music but the sound effects were nicely done. The music at least wasn't irritating or I would definately remember that!
Suggestions: make another one with more cars and more types of missions. (but you knew that already)
Overall Score: 9.0 / 10

Gameplay: At first I found it difficult to control because I'm used to keyboard/mouse for this type of game normally. After about 1/2 an hour of play I was getting used to it and by about 3 hours in I was starting to become an expert. This may seem like a long time but this game is so good that the time just flies by. My friend and I played it starting one night around 10:30 PM and stopped around 6AM. We just couldn't stop playing!
Graphics: The graphics are great! Of course I'm sure they could make them better (they always can). Everything looks nice enough to at the very least beat out those other systems. The graphics in this game are astounding and everythign is just as you would think it should be.
Audio: The sound was great, although we did not have it running through a dolby system (just stereo) so I don't know how good the surround sound would be. I'm betting that it would be great though, based on the high quality of the rest of the game
Suggestions: Can't wait for Halo 2
Where's our internet multiplay?
Also would be nice to be able to buy XBox with Halo included.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10