Average Overall Score Given: 6.33333 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 56
Outlaw Golf

Gameplay: The gameplay is simple to pick up, I did like how the right stick controls your swing and shot power, unlike the older games where you just tap the button a few times to hit a shot. However, this style may be too easy, I was blasting at max club power perfectly straight shots after 5 minutes of practice.
The confidence meter is a waste. It doesn't seem to affect gameplay at all. I could be at the very bottom of the scale, and still blast perfectly straight, full power shots every time.
Caddy fights, while funny, only serve to pump up your confidence meter, which, as I just said, is worthless.
Graphics: Player graphics are great, course graphics are good, but other graphics (birds, trains, trees, etc) are poor. They look PSOne quality at times. Maybe it's because I played it on a huge screen, but they were pretty low grade.
Also, I picked up a lot of clipping on the rare occasion I hit a bad ball and it went into the trees.
Audio: Good sound, decent music. Golf in general doesn't exactly have a variety of sounds to go with it, even in 'reality'.
Suggestions: More courses, 3 is not enough. Design your own player. Make the confidence meter actually have visible results on your gameplay.
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10

If you want a game you'll finish quickly, this is it. I finished it in 8 hours.
Gameplay: Minimal appeal, again, only a Star Wars fan would find any enjoyment in this game. Other than that, it's a poorly done hack-and-slash game.
The controls, thankfully, make the game easy to pick up. The ability to use the Force to modify your attacks/moves is a great idea.
Graphics: I've seen better PSOne games. I mean these graphics are ugly. It's like LucasArts didn't even try. There's a LOT of clipping, a lot of blockiness, and the cut scenes are a joke they are so poorly done.
Audio: The sounds of your lighsaber are the only saving grace here. Voices are pretty bad, you'd swear Obi-Wan has a bad nasal cold. Each character can only say 2-3 things, that includes rooms full of enemies all shouting "show your ID". Or Obi-Wan saying "I'm not sure" every time you try to examine/open something that's not usable.
Suggestions: Take your time to develop a proper game. It's a stain on the Star Wars name that this game was ever released in the condition it was in.
Try to tighten up your code a bit, this game locked up frequently, especially with 6 or more enemies on screen.
Work on the framerate issues, sometimes I swear it dropped below 30 FPS and down to about 2 FPS.
Pay attention to the graphics. Why on earth is it possible to find rooms with guns still floating in the air from enemies you killed earler ? Same goes for when you force throw an object at an enemy, kill him, and then the object just floats there for several minutes.
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

Gameplay: If you like "extreme" sports games like Tony Hawk and the various BMX games, this is worth giving a shot. The gameplay is simple to pick up, but takes some time to master. While anyone can play this game, you have to spend some time learning big moves and combos to really master it. Also, the lack of a timer makes it more fun to explore the massive levels.
Graphics: The level graphics are generally very good. However, the characters could use some work. Chrissy, for example, has a big polygonal head that reminded me of the Bride of Frankenstein. Other 'anatomical' features were just plain scary.
Audio: The audio is very flat. Not much sound to keep you moving. The sounds of skating are very dull and lifeless. The soundtrack needed more tunes, either old or new, it just needed more. Thankfully, you can use your own Xbox soundtrack with this game, although it's a pain to get it working.
Suggestions: Improve the 'sounds' of the game, it doesn't really feel like skating when everything just makes a 'thunk' noise. Also, develop the character graphics more.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10