Star Wars: Starfighter - Special Edition (Original Xbox) by LucasArts

Star Wars: Starfighter - Special Edition (Xbox) by LucasArts Box Art


Xbox One backwards Compatible


North Amercian Release Date: November 30, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
6.26 / 10

For anyone who has played Star Wars Rouge Squadron, you know how killer of a Star Wars game Lucas Arts can make. But Starfighter SE falls short of a perfect game.."

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Prove your battle skills against more than 50 vehicles including all-new, never-before-seen craft. Take part in an exhilarating story-driven flight adventure that places you alternately in the roles of three mismatched starfighter pilots, each with personal vendettas against the Trade Federation who must learn to work together to repel the invasion of the Naboo system. To succeed, you must prevail in thrilling dogfights using your piloting skills to outwit opponents.


Monday, September 24, 2001

Cheat Codes

      Get Trade Federation Freighter:
enter the code UTILIT
      Get Bastard Hard Gun:
enter the code BRUISER
      Unlock everything except multi-player levels:
enter the code OVERSEER
      Get Rid of Heads Up Display:
Enter the code NOHUD
      Reverse Controls (Jar Jar mode):
Enter the code JARJAR
      Christmas Video:
Enter the code WOZ
      Be Invincible:
enter the code MINIME
      Get Digital Director for All Missions:
enter the code DIRECTOR

User Reviews

Score: 63
Overall User Average: 6.28 / 10 (62.6%)
Gameplay User Average: 5.94 / 10
Graphics User Average: 6.50 / 10
Sound User Average: 6.72 / 10
John Obie
Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: Now I know why Best Buy included this game in there Promo deal with the xbox.Hell nobody should ever even think about buying this game let alone rent it.One of the worst games I ever played on the xbox.
Gameplay: Simply horrible. I have better games for my Genesis system that is better than this worthless pice of C***.If you get this for a present make sure whoever gives you this game better have there head checked.
Graphics: The graphics are the worst I ever seen in a XBOX game. Do yourself a favor and don't buy this game.I'm warning you.
Sound: I heard better sounds out of my ATARI 2600,I repeat do not buy this game or rent it. You'll be sorry.
Suggestions: Do not ever make a game like this again. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for ripping people off.Get on the ball or you better find other jobs.This game was a disgrace.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is a flight action games that takes place during Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It is full of flight combat missions, as well as bonus missions. Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is a remake of Star Wars: Starfighter for PC Windows and PlayStation 2. The remake, only on Xbox, features bonus missions and a cool multiplayer mode. The game isn't too good, so it isn't worth buying, however every Star Wars fan that has a Xbox should at least rent this title. This isn't a Rouge Squadron type of game, so don't be disappointed.
Gameplay: The missions are based on the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. There are three different story lines, each with one different starfighter. The missions in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are set in space and on planets. The multiplayer mode features many different games that 1 to 2 players can play. The bonus missions are also good to play. Controls in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are not so complicated and the game should not be too hard.
Graphics: The visuals in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are quite bad. During missions, the visuals are very poor. However, during the cut scenes, between missions, the visuals are somehow pretty good. I do like the backgrounds in the missions, for example suns, stars, or other planets that appear further away. They give a good effect on the visuals. The Xbox's graphical capabilities could have been used better.
Sound: Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition has excellent Star Wars music. The sound effects are satisfactory. Some explosions or lasers do have quite good sound. The characters have good voices too.
Suggestions: I would not recommend a sequel, however I do know that LucasArts has already released the next game in the Starfighter series, called Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. I would suggest major improvements in visuals and graphics. There could have been more missions based on actual events in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Some improvements could have also been done on sound effects. Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is not one of the better Xbox titles. A good Star Wars game, but a bad Xbox game.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: August 18, 2002.

Overall: Interesting idea, familiar music and tie-in to a popular story line. Good voice acting, and anything from Lucas is presumed to be well-tested. But the execution is lacking, to me.
Gameplay: Don't know. Found it to be so unintuative that I gave up rather quickly. The gameplay is much like Descent, which I found to be equally disorienting and difficult.
Graphics: Good, but nothing spectacular. The price of the Star Wars franchise seems to be high enough that originality or creative visuals becomes prohibitive.
Sound: Nice, but nothing original. Smooth transitions - the owners of THX are thorough, and ensure good technical quality and consistency.
Suggestions: I'm not buying happy meal toys for $50 a pop. After several disappointing knock-off clones in the Star Wars family of games, I have learned never to purchase anything related to Star Wars until I have tried it out first.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: May 28, 2002.

Overall: Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is a flight action games that takes place during Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It is full of flight combat missions, as well as bonus missions. Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is a remake of Star Wars: Starfighter for PC Windows and PlayStation 2. The remake, only on Xbox, features bonus missions and a cool multiplayer mode. The game isn?t too good, so it isn?t worth buying, however every Star Wars fan that has a Xbox should at least rent this title. This isn?t a Rouge Squadron type of game, so don?t be disappointed.
Gameplay: The missions are based on the events of Episode I: The Phantom Menace. There are three different story lines, each with one different starfighter. The missions in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are set in space and on planets. The multiplayer mode features many different games that 1 to 2 players can play. The bonus missions are also good to play. Controls in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are not so complicated and the game should not be too hard.
Graphics: The visuals in Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition are quite bad. During missions, the visuals are very poor. However, during the cut scenes, between missions, the visuals are somehow pretty good. I do like the backgrounds in the missions, for example suns, stars, or other planets that appear further away. They give a good effect on the visuals. The Xbox?s graphical capabilities could have been used better.
Sound: Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition has excellent Star Wars music. The sound effects are satisfactory. Some explosions or lasers do have quite good sound. The characters have good voices too.
Suggestions: I would not recommend a sequel, however I do know that LucasArts has already released the next game in the Starfighter series, called Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. I would suggest major improvements in visuals and graphics. There could have been more missions based on actual events in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Some improvements could have also been done on sound effects. Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition is not one of the better Xbox titles. A good Star Wars game, but a bad Xbox game.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 1, 2002.

Overall: Well, past starfighter games have been okay but this falls shorts. Some areas are better than other but there is still a lot missing.
Gameplay: The controls are okay. The steering of the ship is quite horrendous. They could have done a better job at this. Certain levels are better and some just plain stink.
Graphics: The graphics are okaay too. The laser and special weapons looks cool and they look batter than some other stuff. The game falls short of what the Xbox can really do.
Sound: The music and clarity of the voices was good. this might be the best thing about this game. The effects sound like a starfighter dogfight in the theather.
Suggestions: Clearer, faster, stronger, longer, and easier controls could make this game a winner.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 10, 2002.

Overall: Can you say NIGHTMARE? I always rent a game that I would be interested in before buying it. So I rented Star Wars: Starfighter - Special Edition from Blockbuster when I had an entire weekend alone with my X-Box thinking that jeeze - it is a Star Wars game it should be good.

You can't imagine how shocked I was when I tossed this drink coaster in and fired it up! Absolutely horrible EVERYTHING! Read below for more on why to NOT buy this game...
Gameplay: Disgusting - sick - horrible... I would use some better descriptive words here but the fine folks running this service would probably delete this review.

The controls were the worst since trying to figure out how to fly in Privateer 2 on the PC. At least that game had a plot and took me somewhere! This game lacks in every way - story - plot - controls - graphics - coding - and more!
Graphics: I cant describe the dissapointment I had when I first popped the game in. I was expecting stellar graphics and got old PS1 graphics! Did they even bother to try and use the X-Box's graphics capabilities? Or was this just a BAD game overall?

I would have to say it's just a bad game overall.
Sound: After playing around with the settings for a while I was finally able to get my CD to play some old Metallica - Ride the Lightning - while I muted the Television set. That's what saved me from just throwing this game in the trash - that and owing Blockbuster $50 for a game hehe
Suggestions: Give the rights to a different company (who did Simpson's Road Rage?) and let them see if they can do any better.

Overall: 20 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 30 %
Sound: 20 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2002.

Overall: I was really excited to get my hands on this game when it first came out. I was really torn between whether to get Starfighter or SSX Tricky. I ended up with Starfighter, but was kind of dissappointed overall with that decision. It's a decent game (not completely terrible or anything), but it wasn't quite to the level of other games I've played on the Xbox. Would have been a better rental.
Gameplay: Certain levels are pretty fun, particularly ones on planet surfaces (bombing along the river, flying through the canyon, etc.). Space missions were generally a lot less entertaining. I think it has to do with the wierd control setup and also how the spaceships seemed to handle. In a flight sim, for instance, when you turn left you first bank left. In Starfighter when you turn left it's basically like turning a car left, no roll. I realize you don't actually need to bank while turning in outer space, but it still seems a little wierd to "fly" without it...
Graphics: I wasn't all that impressed with the visual aspect of the game. I've been spoiled on "Xbox-only" type games, so playing this PS2 port makes the graphics seem pretty tame by comparison. In particular the textures on pretty much anything metal seemed really poor. While the three ships you pilot in the game looked pretty cool, most of the larger Trade Federation ships looked like big grey boxes. The Xbox can accomodate much more graphic detail than this game delivers.
Sound: Good sound effects, as is often the case with LucasArts products. Laser blasts, etc. seemed realistic and true to the effects that you hear in the movie theater. Voice acting on the other hand was only so-so... kinda cheesey sometimes.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: April 8, 2002.

Overall: Another disappointing release from LucasArts. This isn't an Xbox game, it looks like a PS1 port. It sucks, plain and simple.
Gameplay: The movement of the Starfighter is very rocky and not very easy. When flying in a canyon you'll notice that your not even near the rocks yet somehow you keep hitting them?
Graphics: AAAAAHHHHH!!!! TAKE IT AWAY!! TAKE IT AWAY!!! I WOULD RATHER BE PLAYING PERFECT DARK!!! These graphics are horrible, did LucasArts must have alot of spots open in their game designing department because they are not doing their job. No detail anywhere.
Sound: Grrr....still the same old Star Wars music that dies out within two games. Why can't they add anything new?
Suggestions: DON'T BOTHER MAKING ANOTHER XBOX GAME!!! Unless you plan on using the Xbox's capabilities, then just stop trying. I want better graphics, I want detail, I want beautiful landscaps, I want more!!!

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 20 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: April 7, 2002.

Overall: i was gonna wait until i finished this game to review it, but i stopped playing it 2 or 3 months ago and can't bring myself to start it up again. and i don't think there's anything specific about it that makes it unplayable, but there's definately nothing good here.
Gameplay: it's lacking. you never really care about the characters or what the missions are. some of the bonus goals are almost impossible (example: you have to take out all the other ships, like 20 on one level, but you have an ally and they always shoot down one or two). the ships you fly aren't anything special.
Graphics: lucas usually has some good graphics, and they're alright in this game.
Sound: just average run-of-mill star wars stuff here.
Suggestions: Repeat whatever you did in TIE Fighter - that was the best Star Wars game to date!!!!!!!!!

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: March 19, 2002.

Overall: it's a fun shooting game that any flying type game fans and any star wars will enjoy. It is missing a few details though.
Gameplay: It's a fun shooting game that everyone will enjoy but the levels are to easy and the game is way to short.
Graphics: The graphics are excellent especially the ships. When I played it for the first time I thought it was almost like the ships in movie.
Sound: The sounds are excellent. I really like star wars music. The best song would be the one in the last level(Mission 14). It's the best.
Suggestions: You should make the missions harder and especially make the game longer. Another good thing would be to be able to choose our own music while we're playing the levels. Even choose the music from the movie would be great.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 19, 2002.

Overall: I'm a Star Wars addict, so immediately I had to take somewhat of a liking to it, and that was before I took the plastic off. That said... this is a decent game. The gameplay isn't bad, the graphics are pretty good, and the sound isn't bad. But none of them (with the exception of the soundtrack, which is always good in a Lucasarts game) are GREAT. That being the case, it was a bit on the disappointing side. But just a bit.
Gameplay: The controls really confused me at first. It was like a mix of PGR and some kind of RPG game. But since I'm too lazy to even bother with reconfiguring, so I learned (after multiple attempts) that my right trigger WASN'T going to kill anything but me, etc, etc. The multiplayer mode was a bit disappointing. There just wasn't much too it. One on one gets boring quickly.
Graphics: The graphics weren't bad. And the addition of Xbox levels was another plus. But it comes back to what I've said previously... it was good, but not great. It had the potential, but didn't quite clear the bar.
Sound: Lucasarts is strong with the force when it comes to sound, and this was no exception. The voice acting wasn't stellar, but it held it's own. The soundtrack (thank you Mr. Williams) was wonderful. There was plenty of ambient sound, it all worked nicely.
Suggestions: Jedi Starfighter is due in May. Learn from the disappointments of Starfighter, and build on the strengths that you did have. The Star Wars franchise isn't dead, but continue to make sub-par games, and it'll head down the same path as Anakin.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: March 6, 2002.

Overall: I bought this game the same day I bought my X-Box console. I'm kind of a big Star Wars fan and thought this game would be just as good as N64's Rogue Squadron. Well, lets just say the standards weren't as high, but the graphic and sound quality were great.
Gameplay: The gameplay had some weak points. You couldn't see anything inside the !&%$@#* pit except for the heads-up display. Also, the first time I played it through, the plot was a little hard to follow because the game kept switching from one character to the next. Overall, it was still fun to play.
Graphics: I thought the graphics were really great. Maybe not as high as the X-Box's capabilities can go, but the graphics were the best I've seen in a long time.
Sound: The music, as well as the sounds, were great! The music is what John Williams intended it to sound like. The sound was great too. It sounded like they came riht out of the movie.
Suggestions: Next time, let us fly some ships that we have actually heard of before. You could probably add a couple more levels as well. Bonus levels were great, though.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: Superb Starwars Adventurewith Stunning Graphics and hours of fun Game Play! A must buy for XBox Platform Owners.
Gameplay: The Games graphics are Great, XBox can only deliver this much detail, controls are easy thanks to a superior design by Microsoft and gameplay is fun. After mastering your piloting skills get a family member or a friend to go head to head against each other for hous of out of this world combat!
Graphics: Stunning is all you can summon when playing this game! If you own an XBox own a Big Screen TV or one up it to a HDTV and with the optional AV Packs you will emmerse yourself and anyone around you with the amazing graphics, speed and orall performance of this title with your new XBox!
Sound: Sound is great in StoryMode and Delivers exceptional Surround Sound if you have the correct Addons! The characters react in each mission accordingly.
Suggestions: Quick out of the Box Starwars Shooter with Great Bonus Levels which will keep us Gamers entertained for ages!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 12, 2002.

Overall: I enjoyed this game somewhat... it was a good game to rent. i enjoyed the single player story and the bonus missions. Graphics are nice and so was sound. I didn't think this game would be so good after playing Obiwan...
Gameplay: 14 missions were a nice semi-long game. the last mission took me about 9 trys to beat, got somewhat frustrating. Getting the medals were a nice addition. Controls were very nice, except that i kept thinking triggers were weapons. and 2nd analog as roll was a bit annoying. with so many ships, i can get confusing.
Graphics: this game is nice looking game. i noticed no slow downs. when there are alot of ships flying around (w/ blasters), it looks really nice.
Sound: with okay voice overs and music from the movie, the sound in Starfighter was really nice and added to the game.
Suggestions: no ports.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: December 31, 2001.

Overall: I was never really a Star Wars fan, never really called myself a Star Wars "Techie", and now I know why I never did. Rouge Sq. for Nintendo64 was good and all, and honestly I think it was better than this game, even with the slightly improved graphics. This game is the same as Rouge Sq. in every way, you are given a simple mission to blow up a shield, or a ship, or a base, all the time fending off little ships which I cleverly call... well I don't call them anything because I blow them up before I can get a chance to name them. The cut-scenes in the game are the best part, the voice acting is great, but the story is a little dull. If you are looking for a game you want to play for one day and return, this is the game for you. Only hardcore fans of the Star Wars series will enjoy this game.
Gameplay: Some people have said that the controls are a little confusing, but I don't find them confusing at all, besides, when was ever controlling an aircraft easy? I think the button scheme is all right, but I would have made the triggers the fire buttons instead of the A, and B buttons. The game in my opinion is a little too un-realistic, I mean, lots of people like the arcade feel, but even with a "shield" around your ship, I don't think you can smash into a mountain 10 times without blowing up. The weapons system in my opinion is a little lame, you have a primary laser that is unlimited, then you have a "missile" type weapon which will deplete when you use it. The aiming system is very easy, is this good or bad? You have to decide on your own, in my mind I think its bad because the arcade feel just doesn't sit with me right. All the missions with maybe the exception of the last one are very easy, I think they could have stepped up the difficulty a little. The multiplayer is this games savior, there is something fun about shooting down your best friend, and vise-versa.
Graphics: Hmmm, well what can you say about the graphics? Not much at all really, the graphics would have been amazing on the Nintendo64 or Playstaion, but when it comes to the XBOX, they can be much, much better. The explosions have no feel to them at all, when you blow up a ship or any other object, the explosion is just a quick flash of orange... kind of depressing for an XBOX game. I have to admit, the ships and structures look great, they aren't very detailed, but they don't have to be, they are smooth and nice to look at. The textures in the game aren't so great, looks like a texture from PSone. If they were going to port the game direct from PS2, they should have at least stepped up the textures a bit. Although, maybe they shouldn't have improved the textures, the frame-rate already slows down at various times, I hate lag... on the internet or in a video game, it gets really a-a-a-annoying.
Sound: The sounds are the best part of the game, the laser?s sound authentic to the Star Wars movies, the explosions are above average but could use a little work. The voice acting in the cut-scenes are great, and in my opinion possibly the best "acted" voices on the XBOX thus far, but we all have our favourites. When your ship touches the ground, or an object in space, the crunching sound of the ship is very well done, but again, could be improved. It seems like the team working with the sounds had the right idea, but just couldn't make it 100% flawless, nice effort.
Suggestions: This is a little biased because I am not really a Star Wars fan (then why did I buy it from my friend), but I don't think you should make a sequel. Lucas Arts, make a sequel to Obi-Wan, but don't make a sequel to Starfighter.

Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 50 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 28, 2001.

Overall: I bought this game for some father-son multiplayer action. It does provide that but in a limited manner - only a few scenarios can be played this way and none of them are the main missions of the game. As for the single player game - it is decent overall with great graphics.
Gameplay: The gameplay is good with lots of shooting (as expected) and some interesting missions to complete. I liked how you gradually move through more difficult missions and how you move on to different members of the team with different ships. Some of the missions were extremely hard to complete requiring 5-10 tries to finally beat them (on easy mode). Remember though our perspective is that of a father and son and not one of the game playing "experts" that are found on many of these forums. For an advanced player this game may not be a challenge after a month or so.
Graphics: Simply put - the graphics are great. I am amazed at how real some of this stuff looks. Flying through a canyon makes me physically duck and swerve. Watching my son play the game on a large TV actually gave a few family members some dizziness.
Sound: The sound was good, there is good stereo separation and some degree of surround sound. Things far away and behind you sounded far away and behind you. The other pilot's chatter makes sense and is very clear.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 10, 2001.

Overall: While the name may attract the star-wars fanatic, the game itself bears little recognition to the star-wars franchise, and instead plays like any other space shooter. The game begins with a young naboo fighter pilot in training (you), working on his first missions which include escorting the princess. The game is stock with ships from Episode one, and as a result leaves us wanting for REAL star-wars ships and battle cruisers. While it may be debated the value of Episode one as a movie, playing a star-wars game without tie-fighters feels somewhat empty.
Gameplay: The games true appeal comes from the ever-changing main character as the story unfolds. After several missions, our naboo pilot meets up with a mercenary friend who happens to be guarding trade federation shipments. The game then switches control so that the player is the other pilot. This happens again when the mercenary friend meets another, and adds to a nice touch to the game. Gone are the days when we're Colonel Blair for the entire story. Each pilot has his own distinctive ship which requires varied flying styles. The missions seem tailored for each specific ship as well, and seem well thought out. Missions range from standard "kill em!" to convoy protection with a few nifty twists (such as being in a canyon). While it can't be said this game reeks of star-wars nostalgia, true space sim fans with find something worth playing here.
Graphics: Starfighter displays crisp smooth animtions and detailed graphics in player and enemy ships and space stations. Ground combat, in many cases, is also well done with nice distant desert vista's and canyon diving on Naboo. There are no "popping" effects, as distant objects appear tiny and grow to size as they approach the camera without suddenly jumping to place. The only complaint is the lack of detail in several of the ground-based missions. Fighting the trade federations robot factory on a planet of rock and boiling lava pits has an overall feel of blandness about it.
Sound: The sound effects are top rate, as expected from Lucasarts. Fighters scream by with the accustomed shrieking we're used to from the star-wars universe. Laser blasts spark off of sheilds with both nifty visual crackles and excellent timed sound cues. The surround sound works very well; with a four point system it's possible to hear the distance and location of enemy fighters. The music is somewhat less inspired, though still reminiscent of the Phantom Menace and still a far cry from the bland overused tunes in most space shooters.
Suggestions: -Any game based in the Star-Wars universe gets its appeal from the ability to fight with and against star-wars ships. Sticking solely with Episode one, and throwing in never-before seen ships was a mistake and leaves the player craving real tie fighter dogfights!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: December 4, 2001.

Overall: Being the huge starwars fan that I am, I was very excited to try this one out. But it wasn't all I was hoping for.
Gameplay: What saves this game is the multiplayer mode. Dogfighting with your friends is a blast. The single player mode is lacking though. Some of the games characters are really lame and the plot stinks. There is the Naboo starfighter that you can play, and the rest of the ships are new made up ones....I'm not feeling the force here people.
Graphics: The games graphics are very nice. I like the fact that you can choose between pilot seat and chase camera views too.
Sound: Really good music and sound FX. What drives me is the voice overs. Some of them are really annoying. For example: On the level where you have to take out 7 shield generators. You shoot the first one and the girl says "One down, six to go". You shoot the 2nd and she says something like "five more to go"...and so on. I know how to count thank you, I don't need the play by play commentary.
Suggestions: Put more "starwars" ships in the game. You should have called this game "Space pirates attack the Trade Federation, with the help of one Starwars guy"

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 50 %

Star Wars: Starfighter - Special Edition News

Starfighter Sequel Hinted.
SW: Starfighter Game Trailer

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