Average Overall Score Given: 5.66667 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 7
Azurik: Rise of Perathia

Gameplay: Running around collecting crystals while taking cheap shots from little monsters is not my idea of fun.
Graphics: It's ok. I found He looked really stiff while swimming. The camera angles were bad in the water too. But the graphics still were pretty good. Visualy speaking, what's up with that stupid spiky hairdo?
Audio: Average. Not too much to get excited about.
Suggestions: Ummm....How about giving us a game that doesn't suck.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: What saves this game is the multiplayer mode. Dogfighting with your friends is a blast. The single player mode is lacking though. Some of the games characters are really lame and the plot stinks. There is the Naboo starfighter that you can play, and the rest of the ships are new made up ones....I'm not feeling the force here people.
Graphics: The games graphics are very nice. I like the fact that you can choose between pilot seat and chase camera views too.
Audio: Really good music and sound FX. What drives me is the voice overs. Some of them are really annoying. For example: On the level where you have to take out 7 shield generators. You shoot the first one and the girl says "One down, six to go". You shoot the 2nd and she says something like "five more to go"...and so on. I know how to count thank you, I don't need the play by play commentary.
Suggestions: Put more "starwars" ships in the game. You should have called this game "Space pirates attack the Trade Federation, with the help of one Starwars guy"
Overall Score: 7.0 / 10

Gameplay: This game has one flaw. And that is driving the warthog. Controlling that thing is a nightmare. But other than that COOL!
Graphics: Great! It looks great. (except for the silly looking mouth action when people were talking) Nice textures, very smooth, and no pop ups!
Audio: The sound was great, everything sounded as it should...............
Suggestions: Make that warthog easier to control.
Overall Score: 8.0 / 10