MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (Original Xbox) by THQ

MX 2002 Featuring Ricky Carmichael (Xbox) by THQ Box Art

North Amercian Release Date: December 4, 2001.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.33 / 10

First off, let me tell you that this game is a lot of fun, especially multiplayer. I love most motocross games, in any form. Unfortunately, for MX2002, I consider myself a motocross video game expert and this title falls short on a few jumps."

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The biggest extreme sport just got bigger! Prepare for new levels of immersion, authenticity and compelling gameplay with MX 2002™ featuring Ricky Carmichael. Ride like a champion, compete for rockstar status in freestyle mode or just cruise the open terrain for your moto kicks.

Featuring jaw-dropping graphics, awe-inspiring speed, a perfect blend of traditional racing and free ride madness, plus 30 pro riders including the sport's new grand champion, MX 2002 featuring Ricky Carmichael isn't just a game - it's a complete motocross experience!


Monday, December 3, 2001
Friday, October 19, 2001
Wednesday, October 17, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 73
Overall User Average: 7.40 / 10 (73.3%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.50 / 10
Graphics User Average: 6.60 / 10
Sound User Average: 5.80 / 10
Date reviewed: October 15, 2004.

Overall: A motocross game featuring motocross,supercross and freestyle as well as alot of real life sponsers like Fox,No Fear,Suzuki,Kawasaki etc. and real pros from MX and FMX.
Gameplay: The bikes handling isn't the greatest in corners but it gets the job done. The preloading feature is pretty good and pretty easy to use, but tricks are a little difficult to pull off at first but they get easier with a little practice.
Graphics: The graphics are kinda a letdown because an Xbox could have definetly could have pumped out better graphics than this game has but I guess thats what you get when its a PS2 port.
Sound: Engine sounds could have been better but I turn the music up all the time so I hardly hear the engine. And the sound when you hit the brakes or powerslide is pretty cool sounding to me anyways.
Suggestions: This game would have been perfect if it had custom soundtrack support,better graphics,better handling bikes and Xbox Live support.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: October 30, 2003.

Overall: This game is awesome nonstop fun. whether your racing or beating your friends in stunt mode you get the real feel of a Motocross rider.
Gameplay: There is only one word to describe Mx 2002: AWESOME! Whatever mode you select you will always have fun destroying your opponent.
Graphics: The graphics are sketchy at times but most of the time they are great. the best ive seen on a dirt bike racing game.
Sound: great sounds. you almost feel like you are actually riding the bike. crashing is also a thing that you feel like your doing

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 8, 2002.

Overall: I love this game. This is one of the really fun games on Xbox. It may not look good or sound good but it is fun.
Gameplay: The game controls are nice. I wish the trick controls were more like SSX Tricky though because I find the tricks hard to execute.
Graphics: It is basically a port from the PS2 version so I don't that the game looks great at all. It might look good on PS2 but I expect more from my Xbox games.
Sound: The game sounds ok, but the sound is definately nothing to brag about. Once agian I think that the game is just a port of the PS2 version
Suggestions: Make MX Superfly Xbox friendly.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 50 %

Date reviewed: March 1, 2002.

Overall: MX 2002 had my attention quick, and then it was over. Smooth gameplay and great music selection was brought down by less than expected XBOX graphics, and a SHORT road to the championship.
Gameplay: The bike seems to be invincible in my opinion. I landed some crazy jumps that I know are impossible in real life. I mean, it makes it much easier to land but sometimes it seems a little too out there. The multiplayer is pretty fun but it too grows old after a while. I love motocross games, but this one just didn't seem up to par.
Graphics: The graphics were... well... not that great. Backgrounds were often blocky, wrecks were almost the same as every other one. It looked like a game that has already been played out on PSOne or something.
Sound: I have mixed feelings here! The music they chose was great... but if you sit down and play this for more than a 1/2 hour you're going to start feeling severe effects of deja vu. The music plays OVER AND OVER AND OVER... stops for a while... SAME STUFF, SAME STUFF, SAME STUFF... if it had the capability to burn your own stuff on, it'd be great. The bike sounds just plain stink. 'nuff said
Suggestions: Please allow us to burn our own music in, and update the graphics... ITS 2002 MAN! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: February 19, 2002.

Overall: Good Game, not enough features. Its dissapointing to play a new game that has less features than an old game.
Gameplay: Fun to play. Single player is fun but gets tiring quick. Multiplayer somewhat makes up for whats missing in the game, even though its limited.
Graphics: Graphics look pretty good. Unfortunatly it dosnt use much effects that would really sell the feel a whole lot better. Graphics could have been a bit better too.
Sound: Sounds are good, have yet to hear on a good system though. They could have put together a better soundtrack.
Suggestions: MORE FEATURES!!! Cant keep infront of a game that is so limited. Multiplayer definatly keeps the lasting appeal higher than it deserves. Although there should also be more multiplayer options/modes.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 16, 2002.

Overall: Let me first off say this game is very fun. The graphics aren't X-box material but they will do. The gameplay is good but not true to real life in many aspects. It's just like the one for the PS2 just a little better. The career mode should be a little longer. It's not suspenseful at the end of the career it says You did it that's not good.
Gameplay: The gameplay is real to life in some ways but in other's it's not. The game uses a great use for a Clutch better than that in Supercross 2000. The gameplay is good.
Graphics: Visuals for X-box you ask? well it's not but about 2% of the X-box's power and like the trees and things are like wierd because one will be yellow like it's fall and the one right next to it will be green? But graphics are ok.
Sound: The sound veroom veroom that's it no real life sounds at least do something about that. You need to go to a real race and record real dirt bike sounds. So get more sounds.
Suggestions: Well i recently put my eXcitement on the new one coming from THQ. If it's supposed to be the one that's better than anything it's a five but Developers you need to try a lot of things. 1)Get the sound fixed to real life. 2)I like how it can handle 7 bikes on the screen at one time but the way it's going the PS2 is more powerful than the X-box because STATE OF EMERGENCY? for the PS2 can handle a good many on the screen without a slow frame rate. USE THE X-BOX'S POWER AND PUT 40 RIDERS ON THE THING AND MAKE IT FEEL REAL TO LIFE. 3)Improve the graphics. 4)DON'T make us fall off of our bikes when we barely go off the track that SUX. 5)I have a question why can't every developer just come together to give everyone the ultimate Dirt Biking Experience? i mean make it look as good as or better than Motocross Madness 2, let us improve our bikes like in Supercross Cuircut, give us fun gameplay like in Excitebike 64, also put a free roaming just to get on a dirt bike and do tricks and have fun in the middle of the desert, and one last thing include shadows and internet or online play would be very nice, so do everyone a favor not just the dirt biking fans but for new people and people that dont even like motocross to at least love the game, put them all those games together and then we can discuss what's next for "The Evolution of Motocross."

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: January 29, 2002.

Overall: Overall its a good game it could use mre realism such as handling like a real bike not just lean side to side and the stunts are way to easy and worth not enough points. Come on only like 400 points for a backflip, if these guys know anything it has only been attempted twice in a compition and landed once. overall all like the game but it could use a lot of work.
Gameplay: Gameplay is pretty good like i said above it could use some work butis pretty fun. mutiplayer is limited to two player instead of four.
Graphics: graphics are could be better i'v seen the same graphics in excite bike for N64 but it has some other viual good qualities
Sound: Great sound track but what the hell, I can't use my on soundtracks, isn't that what xbox is for!!! :(
Suggestions: DO your research!!! on motorcross i'm not a computer junky that sits around and plays video games all te time i do motorcross and when i bought this game i had bigger expectations mor realim would be nice May want to look at excite bike for n64 or even te one for nes ---- tricks arewayto easy todo an are worth so little points please when mx 2003 comes out don't make me rent it and be disapointed again one more thing whats with going off the track and falling when u go off th track simply but an arrow where u have to go back and if they don't when they fall they will be placed back at the arrow

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: January 1, 2002.

Overall: I have raced MX for many years and currently into FMX. All the mx games i have played to date just can't get it right, I truely don't understand. Motocross Madness 2 was the only game that even came close to reaching a true mx game.

All in all this is a good multiplayer game for you and your buds, you can over look a lot of the goofy parts in this game and have some fun racing action.

Gameplay: Ok, i don't understand why its so hard to make the rider stick out his leg when making turns? The riders body position is why off in the turns, elbows are way down resulting in looking like a goon. The one thing i thought they did great in the body position movement was when you made the rider stay low over jumps, the rider looked as if he "soaked" up the jump or bump.

I thought the burms worked pretty well, but need a little more work. Still waiting on the deforming track, aka, burms and ruts will form in the jumps, forcing alternate lines when the track gets rough. I think this hasn't been used because people like speed, they want to go fast in a game, but mx isn't like that in every turn. Making the bike accellerate faster out of turns would balance it out if more technical turns were included with the deforming tracks.

The tricks were done well, but i thought need to be a little smoother.

I know this game wasn't really a sim, so the 360 rotation was fun.

The preload and staying low actions are very nice.
Graphics: I thought the dirt looked great, everything else was nothing jaw droping. MCM 2 still takes the cake on graphics.
Sound: The engine sounds are pathetic, need to check out Motocross Madness 2 for the best bike sounds to date.
Suggestions: I think developers for mx games need to pay attention to detail, hire or get professional input like Rainbow Studios did with roncoda

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 60 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 30 %

Date reviewed: December 16, 2001.

Overall: Its motor cross, and I like motor cross games. I like that it has freestyle, and that you can tune up your bike, and create your own rider.
Gameplay: The controls are easy enough to master, so you can do tricks, and jumps. I like the racing part too. The game play is set up well!
Graphics: Well! All I can say is they could have beefed up the graphics alittle more than they did, it looks like the playstation2 version with a slight differents.
Sound: The sound is good. I think the sound could have been improved at least for the xbox. maybe next time!
Suggestions: THQ please take note! The next time you bring a motorcross game, or any game for that matter from another system to Xbox, Please beef up the graphics, sounds, and add more arenas, and tracks to race on. If you can't do that, then start from scratch and make it for Xbox only! I will keep the game, because I like motorcross.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

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