Average Overall Score Given: 5.50000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 110
Conflict: Desert Storm

Gameplay: In this genre, this is where its all at folks, GAMEPLAY. If you don't have decent game play, its just not worth it. And C.D.S falls short in the 2 major areas of any shooter/tactical game. 1. The aiming is actually quite sad, auto aim just doesn't work like it should. If you are rushed by tangos, you will find that the cross hairs go nuts and some times look on the ground. 2. Basic movement - you can cook a pizza in the time it takes to turn around. The strife movement is clunky and useless in most of the game. Sometimes running straight and move slightly to the left or right results in more clunky movement, sometimes causing your soldier to jump to the left or right sporadically. The interface for accessing weapons is time consuming and avoided when a enemy is within 100 yards. On a good note, the ability to switch from team member to team member helps mission completion when using each members virtues. The ability to heal your team on the battle field is a nice feature as well.
Graphics: The visuals are average and little to no extra work was added to exploit the power of the xbox. Even if the graphics were top notch and they squeezed every bit of power from the xbox, it still wouldn't be enough to pull this title out of the annoying "desert storm" of player control.
Audio: Nothing really above average but done well. Tested on a 5.1 set-up, the sound was enough to pull you closer into the missions with realistic gun and enviroment sounds.
Suggestions: Correct your clunky movement problems, change your interface for accessing weapons and gagets quicker, and take advantage of the xbox's power?
Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

All in all this is a good multiplayer game for you and your buds, you can over look a lot of the goofy parts in this game and have some fun racing action.
Gameplay: Ok, i don't understand why its so hard to make the rider stick out his leg when making turns? The riders body position is why off in the turns, elbows are way down resulting in looking like a goon. The one thing i thought they did great in the body position movement was when you made the rider stay low over jumps, the rider looked as if he "soaked" up the jump or bump.
I thought the burms worked pretty well, but need a little more work. Still waiting on the deforming track, aka, burms and ruts will form in the jumps, forcing alternate lines when the track gets rough. I think this hasn't been used because people like speed, they want to go fast in a game, but mx isn't like that in every turn. Making the bike accellerate faster out of turns would balance it out if more technical turns were included with the deforming tracks.
The tricks were done well, but i thought need to be a little smoother.
I know this game wasn't really a sim, so the 360 rotation was fun.
The preload and staying low actions are very nice.
Graphics: I thought the dirt looked great, everything else was nothing jaw droping. MCM 2 still takes the cake on graphics.
Audio: The engine sounds are pathetic, need to check out Motocross Madness 2 for the best bike sounds to date.
Suggestions: I think developers for mx games need to pay attention to detail, hire or get professional input like Rainbow Studios did with roncoda
Overall Score: 6.0 / 10