Average Overall Score Given: 10.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 0
NHL Hitz 2003

Gameplay: Alittle slow it has huge hitting best fighting for a game and great scoring. And the options for gameplay are fully adjustable.
Graphics: Great graphics a few mess ups but they can only be noticed in instant replay. Otherwise they are awesome.
Audio: good sound. no crappy annoucing like in other games. great breaking class and huge hits. the sticks hitting the ice make me think im watchin a live hockey game.
Suggestions: keep more hitz games comin!!!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Non stop fun. Multiplayer is the bomb. just today i played a system link with 8 of my friends for 3 hours. the best part is beatting someone to death with your gun. the different choices in weapons is also great. cause every weapon is good for something.
Graphics: awesome graphics. it has wonderful graphics that cant be beat. seeing somes mask from all the way across the screen with my sniper rifle is great.
Audio: I love nothing more then turning on my surround sound to play 16 player system link. you can almost feel the shots coming because of the sound. it nearly blows me out of my seat.
Suggestions: cant wait for Halo 2 to come out you guys did a great job and i know im going to want even a Halo 3
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Fun. A little hard at times and frustrating. takes some time to upgrade and lv up but other wise FUN.
Graphics: There not great but they are better than some other rpgs and there good enough for the game they could be better.
Audio: Aww. not that great could use some help. Not annoying sounds ok. i can live with it but could ask for more.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There is only one word to describe Mx 2002: AWESOME! Whatever mode you select you will always have fun destroying your opponent.
Graphics: The graphics are sketchy at times but most of the time they are great. the best ive seen on a dirt bike racing game.
Audio: great sounds. you almost feel like you are actually riding the bike. crashing is also a thing that you feel like your doing
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10