The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Original Xbox) by Electronic Arts

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Xbox) by Electronic Arts Box Art



North Amercian Release Date: December 30, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America, Europe

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
7.94 / 10

Many movie franchises have come and gone, most hardly worth mentioning, few with a great amount of power. But from the fires of Electronic Arts came a new franchise, the ultimate franchise: the one franchise to rule them all. Already the Peter Jackson?"

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Battle the forces of Mordor in the game based on the blockbuster The Lord of the Rings movies. Continue your journey through the epic story of Middle-earth by fighting and battling your way against Orcs and other creatures in fully 3D interactive environments. As Aragorn, Legolas, Frodo and Gandalf, you'll be encouraged to balance and utilize each character's unique moves, skills, and weaponry in order to complete your quest. Battle a variety of Orcs and square off against vicious boss monsters including the Cave Troll and Saruman. Set in 13 mission locations, each environment will have a close visual correlation to that seen in the first two films.


Saturday, November 16, 2002

Cheat Codes

      Restore Health
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Down, A, Up.
      Restore Ammo
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, Down, Y, Up.
      Level 8 Skills
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, A, Down, Down.
      Level 6 Skills
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, Left, X, Left.
      Level 4 Skills
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, Up Y, Up
      Level 2 Skills
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: B, Right, B, Right.
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: Y, X, A, B.
      Infinite Axes/Arrows
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: X, B, A, Y.
      Increase Experience
Pause the game, then hold the L and R triggers and enter: A, Down, Down, Down.
      All Combo Upgrades Pause the game, then hold L + R and press Y, B, Y, B. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a sword. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.
      Small Enemies Pause the game, then hold L + R and press Y(2), A(2). If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a sword. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.
      Slow-motion Mode Pause the game, then hold L + R and press Y, B, A, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear the sound of a sword. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be enabled.
      Always Devistating Start a mission then pause it hold R+L then enter X, X, B, B.

User Reviews

Score: 79
Overall User Average: 7.93 / 10 (79.4%)
Gameplay User Average: 7.67 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.43 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.60 / 10
Liquid Gears
Date reviewed: September 30, 2005.

Overall: I think this game was a lot of fun. Better than its previous based on the movie. They improved the graphics and gameplay a lot even though it is essentially the same gametype. Still, it is just a renter.
Gameplay: Super simple controls yet can be a lot of fun to play. Not a whole lot of objectives in this game though so its diversity is very limited. You can interact with the environment very little and you are limited to where you can move which sucks considering there was such a vast amount of space in the movies.
Graphics: Again, it looks just like the movie does. A dark, fantasy style which gives you a feeling like you are right in the game.
Sound: It again sounds as the movie did with great voices and battle sounds. The music climaxes at the right points and hightens the experience of the game.
Suggestions: Good game but it needs more to it to make it buyable.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

The Jackal
Date reviewed: June 4, 2005.

Overall: Basically this is a renter because you go through it once and you get bored of beating on the same enemies. You may want to go through it more than once to level up your "favorite" characters but it's not worth it in the end because nothing new happens.
Gameplay: Same old run around and hit everything you see game as all the other LOTR games. Gets very repetetive and boring after some time. Sure there is some strategy at some points but for the most part it's the same thing. Use a couple buttons the whole game and that's that.
Graphics: It looks pretty good and the videos in it are decent. However, there is still some rough edges and basically you fight the same few enemies over and over. Not a lot of diversity there. The environments look good though, but you're restrained to follow a path and you can't really venture out on your own.
Sound: I think the sound was a plus in the game. You hear battling a lot around you yet at times it goes so quiet that you become tense waiting for something to happen/jump out. The voices are also very accurate to that of the movie.
Suggestions: Some diversity and exploring would be nice rather than having a set path through the whole story.

Overall: 50 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: December 29, 2003.

Overall: Everything is sweet in MiddleEarth. If you are a true LOTR fan then this is the best game to date for you. It's Halo with a bow and arrow.
Gameplay: Fast baby. The pace of this game is very true to life. It's total neckbraking speed makes this game a blast.
Graphics: It's DVD, so what do you think? The incorporation of film footage that is frame accurately cut to the game footage is killer.
Sound: Crushing. Crank the Sub. The sounds of approaching arrows, distant cries of dying foes, and the crack of your sword against the skull of those nasty orcs all make the soundscape exciting.
Suggestions: A little more interactivity in the environment would have been nice. I could do with some hidden rooms,caves etc also. But all in all a great game!

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: December 24, 2003.

Overall: I love this game. It is really good. Definently RENT IT. I would not buy this game because once you've got the codes to it, you dominate.
Gameplay: Great. You gain experience and purchase combos, shields, and better weapons. You battle with hordes of enemies with any of the three fellowship charaters.
Graphics: The graphics were good. The fact that it doesn't slow down even when you are surrounded by 15 enemies is pretty amazing.
Sound: The sound was good. The clang of the swords and the cool sound of arrows being released was good. The music made the game really tense and exciting.
Suggestions: MULTIPLAYER MISSIONS. The thought of playing with by brother sends a shiver up my spine. Make it a lot longer. Other than that, keep it up.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: Button mashing at its worst. A game based on the movie, and the both are worthy of urinating on. Run around and kill. That's all that can be said.

Gameplay: Basically run around and kill things with your sword. It sucks, the camera angles are worthless. I hate this game with a passion. The controls are lame.
Graphics: Okay, the visuals were somewhat nice. This game is nice and pretty but graphics aren't everything. They could be better.
Sound: I didn't hear much, too busy cussing the game. I don't care for it anyway. This game is horrible. horrible.
Suggestions: This game sucks. I was really looking forward to it, I played it 25 min and I already hate it. I will always hate this game.


Overall: 40 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: November 2, 2003.

Overall: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, is EA's LOTR game based on the first two movies of the seris. You play as Gimili, Legolas, Aragorn, and a secret character through levels from the first two films. The game has clips from the movie and the movies soundtrack and voice talents. The game is really short at just about 6 hours.
Gameplay: The game is a standard hack and slash. You fight small minions then face a boss at the end of a level. The game is on a sort of 2-D style play (kind of like on rails) so there is no room for exploration. The game is way too short at 6 hours also.
Graphics: Visuals are fairly good. The characters look a little blocky, but other effects look dazzling. The cut scenes consist of mostly film clips.
Sound: The sound is great, with the movies soundtrack and the voice talents of the actors from the films. The sound is very good overall.
Suggestions: Needed to be longer, exploration, and more characters.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: August 11, 2003.

Overall: Does the game match up to the greatness of the movies? Absolutely yes! It's fantastic that you can experience the movies. The game is based on the first two Lord of the Rings movies, The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, even though it's named after the second movie. You play through over a dozen levels in an action combat style, fighting to save Middle-Earth from the evil minions of the dark lord Sauron. The game includes great visual engineering, the original LotR soundtrack, scenes from the movies, and awesome gameplay. Like many of EA's games, this game is great, but not too special in any way. But it's a must-buy for Lord of the Rings fans and actions fans, as well as highly recommended to everyone else. The game also includes a whole bunch of special features and unlockables. EA's Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is also a much better game than Black Label Studios' Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, which is actually based on the books and not the movies. The only bad thing about this game is that it's a port from the PlayStation 2 version.
Gameplay: Gameplay is great and addictive. You can play as Aragorn, Legolas, or Gimli, through over a dozen levels, fighting all sorts of evil enemies. There are several weapons, but not too many. Aragorn has a sword and bow, Legolas has a bow and two daggers, and Gimli has an axe and some throwing axes. Enemies range from Ringwraiths, to Orcs, to Uruk-hai, to cave trolls. The also has a secret level to unlock (Tower of Orthanc) and a secret character to unlock (Isildur). After each level, you gain experience points, which can boost up your skill level or you can use the points to purchase moves, weapons, and health. Overall, gameplay is awesome, but it could still be improved.
Graphics: Visuals are great and have many excellent aspects. The game even won AIAS' award for Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering. The characters have gone through good modeling, even though they may not be perfect. Environments are also done beautifully. There is also a good transition between game cinematics and movie cinematics, which often switch from one to the other and thus a good effect is created. The graphical part of the game is, even though not fully done for the Xbox, still great.
Sound: Sound is also an outstanding factor of the game. Firstly, there are excellent sound effects, which create a fantastic LotR experience. Voices are perfect, because EA managed to get five LotR movie actors to voice their own characters. Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, and John Rhys-Davies are all there. Music is also great, because EA has included the award-winning musical score from The Fellowship of the Ring. Overall, sound effects, voices, and music all blends together to make a great audio part of the game.
Suggestions: he game creates a great Lord of the Rings experience and there aren't too many suggestions for it. Firstly, visuals and some sound factors can be improved. Secondly, the game would be much better if there was cooperative multiplayer, because it would increase the lasting appeal. It is also irritating that I can't play as Gandalf. But I guess that there will be many improvements, as well as additional characters, if EA goes to make the game based on Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: May 27, 2003.

Overall: A better than average hack and slash game. The part I really liked is the almost seamless transition between the game and LOTR movie clips. If you are a big fan LOTR than this is a must have for your collection otherwise it makes a good weekend rental for everyone else.
Gameplay: You choose between the three main characters of Aragorn, Gimli, or Legolas and then proceed to HACK (and I mean a lot of hacking) and occasionally shoot your way through a small number of levels gaining experience points along the way. The experience points are then used to purchase new combos. The controls are fairly tight and easy to use. The camera can be a pain sometimes making hard to see nearby enemies. The main problem with the game is its way too short and the only thing to make you come back is to play it through again with the other two characters. Making this at least a two player game would have made it a lot more fun.
Graphics: The graphics are nothing spectacular but move along at a nice smooth framerate even with a good number of enemies on the screen. There is a definite PS2 port feel to the detail of the visuals with nothing showing off the strengths of the Xbox. The transitions between the game and movie cutscenes are a real nice touch.
Sound: The movie actors have lended their voices to their characters in the game. The music is good. Lots of clangs and pings of metal hitting metal making up the majority of the sounds heard during gameplay.
Suggestions: Multiplayer and more levels.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: April 25, 2003.

Overall: A great adaptation and expansion of the motion picture storyline. Advancement in the game unlocks interview clips & photo galleries from the making of the film and game.
I was lucky enough to avoid the $50 retail by going the eBay route & finding an honest seller.
Gameplay: This began as a love/hate relationship. I'm a PC gamer who finally gave in & bought Xbox so I could play this game! Getting used to the controllers took some play... In other words getting killed a lot at first.
After the first two "missions" in which you play Isildur & Aragorn respectively, you then have the choice of playing one of three characters (Aragorn, Gimli & Legolas)for each consecutive mission. Each of these characters gains points for your performance which can use to purchase special attack combinations, health upgrades and stronger ranged weapons.
Graphics: A visual feast! Great detail in environments. A little disappointed in the few items you have to break, like tree trunks, etc. The graphics on this items looked much less impressive.

One other minor gripe: While film clips & gameplay were smooth, the cutscenes often became choppy leaving the sound out of sync and really interrupting a player's emersion in gameplay.
Sound: Yessiree! This is a real treat! Especially if you're lucky enough to have your Xbox hooked up to a surround sound system!
The film actors were contracted to do the voices for this game, so the authenticity follows through and helps to put you into the movie setting!
Suggestions: #1 Armor is only as strong as it's weakest point - please fix the splintering of tree trunks and catapults.

#2 PLEASE say there will be a Return of the King follow-up! :)

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 25, 2003.

Overall: When I first went to purchase The Two Towers, I was a little leery. With all the hype and exposure with the movies, I thought this is going to suck, another commercialized movie spin-off. I WAS WRONG! I take back all the things I previously thought, or muttered aloud. The game, movie, experience, or whatever you want to call it is pure genius. It makes me proud to own an X-box! The designers did the movie, the story, Peter Jackson, and The big JRR T himself justice by using the potential of the X-box to bring this game to life. Thanks to all. I have thoroughly enjoyed playing the game over and over as have my friends. It is a must have for any fan.
Gameplay: Although quite linear, it was a necessary evil to follow the story line. The combos are tough and sometimes it seems no matter what you do, you continually repeat the same move over and over again, but they sure look cool!
Graphics: Beautifully rendered goodness. When I first experienced the game, I had set the controller down and was really enjoying the opening cutscene, when I suddenly realized I was supposed to be playing! WOW! I am really not that stupid, but the seamless transition between cutscene, movie scenes, and the actual game is staggering. Most of the time they will cause you to do a doubletake. Neither the cutscenes nor the gameplay leave anything to be desired. The rich, lush backdrops of Middle Earth and excellent character models make for a very rewarding experience.
Sound: Goosebumps! The Lord of the Rings musical scores is awesome. Once again another tremendous accomplishment which continually reminds you of the movie. Am I in the game or in the movie, somebody pinch me. Truly incredible sound effects. The actual actors? voices helped with a total immersion into the game and Middle Earth.
Suggestions: Multi-player Cooperative Play

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: April 5, 2003.

Overall: Does the game match up to the greatness of the movies? Absolutely yes! It?s fantastic that you can experience the movies. The game is based on the first two Lord of the Rings movies, The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers, even though it?s named after the second movie. You play through over a dozen levels in an action combat style, fighting to save Middle-Earth from the evil minions of the dark lord Sauron. The game includes great visual engineering, the original LotR soundtrack, scenes from the movies, and awesome gameplay. Like many of EA?s games, this game is great, but not too special in any way. But it?s a must-buy for Lord of the Rings fans and actions fans, as well as highly recommended to everyone else. The game also includes a whole bunch of special features and unlockables. EA?s Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is also a much better game than Black Label Studios? Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, which is actually based on the books and not the movies. The only bad thing about this game is that it?s a port from the PlayStation 2 version.
Gameplay: Gameplay is great and addictive. You can play as Aragorn, Legolas, or Gimli, through over a dozen levels, fighting all sorts of evil enemies. There are several weapons, but not too many. Aragorn has a sword and bow, Legolas has a bow and two daggers, and Gimli has an axe and some throwing axes. Enemies range from Ringwraiths, to Orcs, to Uruk-hai, to cave trolls. The also has a secret level to unlock (Tower of Orthanc) and a secret character to unlock (Isildur). After each level, you gain experience points, which can boost up your skill level or you can use the points to purchase moves, weapons, and health. Overall, gameplay is awesome, but it could still be improved.
Graphics: Visuals are great and have many excellent aspects. The game even won AIAS? award for Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering. The characters have gone through good modeling, even though they may not be perfect. Environments are also done beautifully. There is also a good transition between game cinematics and movie cinematics, which often switch from one to the other and thus a good effect is created. The graphical part of the game is, even though not fully done for the Xbox, still great.
Sound: Sound is also an outstanding factor of the game. Firstly, there are excellent sound effects, which create a fantastic LotR experience. Voices are perfect, because EA managed to get five LotR movie actors to voice their own characters. Ian McKellen, Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, and John Rhys-Davies are all there. Music is also great, because EA has included the award-winning musical score from The Fellowship of the Ring. Overall, sound effects, voices, and music all blends together to make a great audio part of the game.
Suggestions: The game creates a great Lord of the Rings experience and there aren?t too many suggestions for it. Firstly, visuals and some sound factors can be improved. Secondly, the game would be much better if there was cooperative multiplayer, because it would increase the lasting appeal. It is also irritating that I can?t play as Gandalf. But I guess that there will be many improvements, as well as additional characters, if EA goes to make the game based on Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: March 13, 2003.

Overall: This game was great.Some people might disagree with me about this but I thought the graphics were great. Also I liked how they put movie scenes on some levels, it really made the game look real.
Gameplay: I think that the gameplay was ok.The controls fit pretty well with the game, but sometimes I just forget the controls and use the right thumbstick which really helps me get alot of perfects. One of the major reasons I gave gameplay a 3.5 is because the game is so short! There were only a few hard levels. I like that you can beat the game with different characters.Also they should have put in a multiplayer function.
Graphics: I loved the graphics for this game. I like how they put movie scenes in it. When I looked at the game screen close, I compared the movie scenes to the game and they looked alot alike. Escpecialy Gimli, with the braids on his beard.
Sound: I really like the sound for this game.I like how it plays almost all the songs of the movies, escpecially the one where you kill alot of bad guys with a perfect rating.Also I like the sound for this game because I can never get bored of the music, I just can't!
Suggestions: I think on the return of the king game should have a multiplayer function.So two players can play the missions at the same time. Also you should definatly make the next game longer.Finnaly you shouldent change around the music on the soundtrack to much, its fine the way it is.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2003.

Overall: Very good game. Everything to expect from a movie game, and more. It follows the movie, the moves are very fluid, and the characters voices are precise. The only problem is once you beat the game then there's pretty much not much else you can do with it.
Gameplay: The gameplay was very good, but once you have the cheat codes, it was a lot easier. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Isildur's fighting was exactly how they fought in the series.
Graphics: Good graphics, although some of the orcs were too grotesque to see what they actually were. I had only one problem, and that was that Legolas didn't really look like Orlando Bloom.
Sound: Alright sounds, but not spectacular. The only reason to even have the volume on is to hear what Aragorn tells you to do, but you don't even need to do that because you can just put the subtitles on.
Suggestions: Make more strategy involved. I mean, this was a very good game, but mostly fighting and once you have infinite health in fighting then there's not much to do after that. In the return of the king, make it more strategy, like on the way to mordor. Don't make a hobbit game.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 26, 2003.

Overall: This game is strictly for the LOTR fans (and it that respect it succeeds) but even they should rent it not buy it. Its a good game but flawed in many ways - mainly due to EA not giving it the attention it deserves. The clips from the movies are a nice addition but only hard core LOTR fans are really going to care about unlockable cast interviews/art work etc.
Gameplay: Your basic button mashing/hack and slash game. Very linear - you're on a 'rail' and can't really explore the LOTR world (which would have been great for fans). Instant death by fire is annoying as hell. Aragorn can take 10 wacks from a troll and keep on going but get him near fire for more than 3 seconds and you're done. That wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that at times you are swarmed by attacking orcs and can't really see there's fire around. You can purchase combo attacks but most of the time I found myself using three or so basic attacks. After a while I found purchasing more strength and upgraded basic attacks more useful.
Graphics: Not bad but the XBox is capable of soooo much more. The animation of the cut scenes are laughable - if that's pre-rendered EA should be ashamed of themselves! Overall very smooth while playing the game, no slowdowns even when there's a lot of action on the screen but the detail is just not there - shields are supposed to be round, faces are supposed to have depth etc.
Sound: Music from the movie so there's not much that was added specifically for the game beyond effects - explosions on surround sound are very nicely done.
Suggestions: EA has to do better than this - its a sloppy PS2 port and an obvious 'fast money' release targeted at the LOTR fan base. If EA isn't going to give the XBox the respect and attention it deserves then its going to be a long time before I invest in another EA game. To add insult to injury, in the cast interviews they cut away to samples of the game ... the PS2 version and it looks better. Multiplayer of any kind would have been a great addition, especially co-op. More characters to choose from. You can play as Isildor but not Gandalf?!?

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 50 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 24, 2003.

Overall: Very, very good (with some flaws), but also short. If you're a Tolkien fan, you will love playing it for around 15 hours. If you don't care for hobbits and such, you should probably spend your money elsewhere.
Gameplay: I'll start with the gripes. The game is short. Not 6 hours short (like some game-ninjas on here dubiously claim ("Easy" setting?)), but it is short. Second, the camera can definitely be inconvenient, especially during boss battles where you're trying to run around dodging things. Lastly, the buttom mashing can get monotonous.

Now, having said all that, I think this game was a lot of fun and definitely worth getting. If your a fan of the books/movies, it's probably a "must-have". The action is fast-paced and fun. I thought the leveling-up system was interesting and gave you a good reason to replay levels in search of more experience points. Plus, getting to play in the Tolkien universe is something of a "dream
Graphics: Hell, you get to watch chunks of the actual movies (plus a scene from LOTR:ROTK once you finish)! The in-game graphics are excellent. Strangely enough, the non-movie cutscenes were the low point. The character's faces (especially Gimli's) were really undetailed.
Sound: The inclusion of the soundtrack from the movies will give the game a good sound score alone. I didn't notice much use of directional audio, but since you're pretty much surrounded by orcs the whole game anyway, this is not such a big deal.
Suggestions: An excellent effort for a movie-based game. It would have been a better game if all three books/movies were rolled together (longer), but then they would only have made $50, not $100!

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Megaherz *RAGE*
Date reviewed: February 14, 2003.

Overall: In the first part of the trilogy, the young Hobbit Frodo Baggins inherits
a ring, but this ring is no mere trinket. It is the One Ring, an
instrument of absolute power that could allow Sauron, the dark Lord
of Mordor, to rule Middle-earth and enslave its people. Frodo,
together with a Fellowship that includes his loyal Hobbit friends, a couple of
Humans, a Wizard, a Dwarf and an Elf. They must take the One Ring across
Middle-earth to Mount Doom, where it first was forged and destroy
it forever. Such a journey means venturing deep into territory manned
by Sauron, where he is amassing his army of Orcs. And it is not only
external evils that the Fellowship must combat, but also internal
dissension and the corrupting influence of the One Ring itself.
The course of future history is entwined with the fate of the Fellowship.
The second chapter begins in the hills of Emyn Muil,
where lost Hobbits Frodo and Sam discover
they are being followed by the mysterious Gollum. A
mercurial creature who has himself been warped by the Ring, Gollum
promises to guide the Hobbits to the Black Gates of Mordor and then they
will release him. Sam does not trust their new companion, but Frodo
takes pity on Gollum, who likes himself was once a Ringbearer.
Across Middle-earth Aragorn, the Elf archer Legolas
and Gimli the Dwarf encounter the
besieged Rohan kingdom, whose once great King Theoden
has fallen under Saruman?s deadly spell through the manipulations of
his spy, the sinister Wormtongue. Eowyn,
the niece to the King, recognizes a leader in the Human warrior Aragorn.
And though he finds himself drawn to her, Aragorn is constantly reminded
of his enduring love for the Elf Arwen and the pact they made together.
Gandalf has been reborn as Gandalf the White following his cataclysmic
fight with the Balrog, and reminds Aragorn of his destiny to unite the Rohan people
with the last remaining stronghold of Human resistance Gondor.
In their parallel journeys, the Fellowship will face unimaginable
armies and deception while also witnessing ancient wonders and the
untapped strength of their people. Together they must stand against
the powerful forces spreading from the Two Towers who's Orthanc Tower in
Isengard, where the corrupted wizard Saruman has bred a lethal army of
10,000 Uraukai and Sauron?s fortress at Barad-dûr, deep within the dark
lands of Mordor. Finally, this game was a pure button smasher and no one will love
this game for a purchase but you must take a look at it.
Gameplay: In The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, you must press X to parry, Y for a master attack,
A for a simple attack and B to kick. The right and the left trigger is to take your ranged weapon
or to finish someone with a brutal attack in the stomach. You can also use the black or the
white button to strafe or to block. The right thumbstick can be use to make fight at all cost but this
technique is hard to master because you won't know which combo you will be doing. Everyone knows
that the first part of The Lords Of The Ring was a shame for all x-box owner and that's why they decided to start
on the first chapter, so The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is not only the part you have seen in
the movie but it also include the troll war and the shadow wraith battle, where frodo have been injured.
It's like having two games for the price of one, but even if with this georgous combo the lasting appeal
is quite short. There is only ten levels that you can do with all four character ( Isildur, Gimli, Aragorn and Legolas ),
a secret level where you must fight twenty levels of vilains, a couple of cinematic and some things to unlock. The
only way it gonna keep you busy for a while is the perfect skill, where you must pass through each level with each character
with a perfect experience points ranking. But how i can do a perfect skill if i must have a minimum of three ennemies
to gain the ultimate attack and in some levels the only way to do not failed is
to kill them one by one. I can't really talk about the game because the only thing you seem to do is
to hack and slash everyone and push every button on your controller ( Seriously, in about one hour my hand was hurting
and i was really too frustated ), so i will talk about the character's
abilities. Aragorn is the best character you can have in the game because he is really strong with his sword and this ability
is great to perform some awesome and amazing combo, but he got a little weakness with his bow. Otherwise, Legolas is an
artist with his ranged weapon, sometimes you can do three one shoot one kill with it and he is faster than everyone with his blades.
Naturally, Legolas got a weakness and it occurs when he has been injured, he can lose a lot of health. Gimli is really strong when
he must kill someone, but throwing axes can be really tough in hard moment and he can't do more than a fair or a good combo.
At least now, the fellowship is fighting with you, you can't take Frodo so you don't have to throw rock at plants,
the story is well implanted and look like the real movie and the aspect of real war is the best i ever seen. Too bad, that there is no
multiplayer because it could have been fun to play with your friends on some kind of cooperative, probably next time, i hope.
Also, next time try to do an adventure game not hack and slash without any freedom and i want the quest sytem back.

Graphics: I can afford that they erase the nice work they done with the video, ok i really love the conversion dvd to 3d but it was
really one of the most anticipated and flawless video ever done. If we must talk about the character, i could say that
there weren't what i expected because all three don't really look like what they were in the movie and especially Gimli.
The textures are smooth, the graphics are clear, all run at 60 fps and the video is quite awesome, but considering what
we saw with Halo who also run at 60 fps, i must say that there is not enough details and look too muck like a ps2 port.
Sound: The music when everything look finish for us is cool, the voice made by the real actor is a plus, the
representation of what they said in the movie is a nice add and the Orc and Urakai voices or sound because they are not really
talking are oustanding because you are frightened when you heard those crazy sound who's the one for your dead.
Suggestions: Multiplayer, Quest, Better Character, More Details, A freedom aspect and probably more ...

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 70 %

Date reviewed: January 30, 2003.

Overall: Well I think of this game as a bad clone of Hunter the Reckoning. Well any ways this game still kicks ass. Button mashing through all these orcs and villians, getting to chose either Gimli, Aragon, and Legolas. Well again this game can sometimes be too hard and too short.
Gameplay: This game nothing but a button masher and I like that. Swap your way through the enimies, the controls are great.
Graphics: Well it's neat they tell the story from movie clips, but the game graphics can be lot better.
Sound: Dull and Boring.
Suggestions: Please make it longer and better.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

Date reviewed: January 28, 2003.

Overall: Visually stunning button masher with a little strategy thrown in here and there.
Gameplay: Uuuuccchhhh!!! This game was nothing but a button masher with a tiny bit of stratagey thrown in. So sad, so sad.
Graphics: Visually its great, very cool. just loved to look around at all that was going on.
Sound: Yea loved the music.
Suggestions: The few strategy parts were done very well, just needed more thinking and less button mashing.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 20 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 12, 2003.

Overall: Wonderful game! The BIG problem with the game is how long it takes to complete it. I did it in less than 5 hours. Def worth the rental however. Purchase? Not unless you are a die hard LOTR fan and must purchase every piece of merchandise available.
Gameplay: Gameplay was nothing short of fun. The levels can be a bit frustrating at times, but there is a great sense of satisfaction when you complete them. There are some unlockable features which are kinda nice, plus a secret character and secret mission as well. Level upgrades and powerup purchases allow for character growth during the game. In the game you start out playing Isildor fighting Sauron's troops and work your way to Helm's Deep. So you run, quite the gamit of foes and replay quite a few scenes from both movies. It's a typical hack 'n slash but with some nice combo moves which give ratings on your performance, which in turn, give you more or less experience points for upgrades and enhancements.
Graphics: What else can I say but "WOW!". Not the same kind of graphics as Halo or Splinter Cell, but a different kind that deserves recognition. The most amazing thing is how the game will morph from movie into game and game to movie. There are times when you are watching the movie cut scene and all of the sudden you are watching a game cut scene of the same scene, but you did not see the transition between the two. Incredible job! I was really impressed. However.... the camera angles at times are really bad. It would have been nice to add an ability to move the camera around a bit.
Sound: From sound effects to music track to character voice overs, this is done right! EA Games got the original actors to do every voice over and character grunt and groan. The effect is exactly what they were after, you find yourself not only totally immersed in the game. But you also find yourself reliving the movie, with yourself controlling the action.
Suggestions: Allow for camera angle movement as a option. Make the game longer. Add a multiplayer option, that would rock! The ability to kick some orc butt with some friends like Gauntlet would make a great game even better.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 9, 2003.

Overall: I'll give the developers credit, they made a visually stunning game. One that i feel does look better on the xbox than the other platforms. That being said they should have spent more time developing more content within the game. What do i mean by saying that?.....its WAY too short!!!! I beat the game in approx. 7 hours! If it wasnt for that would have purchased the game. I am still considering it just due to the fact that i am an LoTR freak! The game does retain playability after completeing it however by unlocking various cheats and what not. So if you like repetative game play after completing the game and killing hundreds of orcs, goblins, trolls, and Urick-hi then buy this game.
Gameplay: Great combo moves, the higher the lvl skills you purchase the more orcish flesh you can cleave into. Some of the camera angles do get confusing, however this is only in a few instances so it is something that a player can addapt to after playing the lvl once or twice.
Graphics: Visualy this game is beautiful. The characters, backgrounds, and enemies are rendered beautifully. The transitions from the cut scenes from the actual movie to the games cut scenes are done quite well.
Sound: The sound for Two Towers completes the gamers melding into the fantacy of LoTR. The music was taken from the movie which for me brought bvack memories of sitting in the theater and watching the movie for the first time. What made the sound even better was the voice acting, which was done by the actors that played the various roles in the movie. Those subtlties help to bring this game to the next lvl.
Suggestions: Well developers if you actually do read these suggestions(and i hope you do) all i have to say is for next time make the game longer. I know that it is based upon a movie but that in no way should hamper you for making a game that will take more than a couple days to complete. You have improved over the first game so i am bursting with anticipation for the final instalment of the LoTR video game franchise.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 7, 2003.

Overall: Very cool game, lots of fun. Thought the graphics and sound were great. The length of the game was short. I played it for about 5 hours on normal mode and finished it. Definitely a good rental, but not worth buying in my opinion.
Gameplay: Very fun hack and slash type of game. You can buy new moves and such as well. Nothing too dramatic though, not as if it changes the game much, but still cool.
Graphics: I thought the graphics were great, aside from the very first level. The backgrounds were awesome. I thought the in-game graphics were better than the video clips, which was kinda odd. Obviously not the movie clips, but the other in-game clips.
Sound: What do you expect, has the movie soundtrack. Nice sword and arrow sound effects, no complaints here.
Suggestions: Add a 2 player co-op mode. If u made a morrowind style game with lotr characters and this fighting system, it'd be awesome.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: January 6, 2003.

Overall: Very fun game worth renting, but too short and repetative to purchase. You can beat the game in 1 Saturday, unlike um.. Morrowind and Enclave.
Gameplay: Single player, 3rd person, no camera control at all. Mostly melee, but you can also shoot arrows. Not much strategy, until you get to the bosses. Then you need an "attack pattern" to stay alive.
Graphics: Movie clips are blended in wonderfully, but the game textures a kind of drab. Looks just like the PS2 version.
Sound: Nice sound stolen from the movie.
Suggestions: Multiplayer. You wouldn't even need split screen with this game engine.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Graphics: 70 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: January 6, 2003.

Overall: Game has great graphics
sound is good also
may be too short though (only played about 2 hours and and im almost finished - on easy)

Only single player. shows 1-2, it is incorrect.

Gameplay: Gameplay is great, fun to play
definitely a good one to buy if you cant get on xbox live or you like to play alone.
Graphics: Visual is top notch, I actually see some good directx 8.1 effects on the water. reminds me a bit of 3dmark2001 in pixel shaders tests.

Sound: I cannot give full detail on sound, as i only have stereo setup TV.
therefor i cannot give a review on the sound of the game.

but it is quite good with stereo.
Suggestions: Make it longer, levels a bit bigger,

2 player COOP!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

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