Total Reviews: 5
Average Overall Score Given: 5.80000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1


Overall: Well, I REAlLY wanted this game,and it started of great! But sadly only a few fights into it I found a stupid easy trick that carried me through the rest of the game like a breeze. Very dissipointing, might be better for 2 players, but I don't have anyone to play against.

Gameplay: Other than the stupid easy way you can breeze through your opponents that I found, this game is a great boxing game. Cool face brusing and loved the mini games. If you don't know the trick the matches are the best ever for a boxing game.

Graphics: It looked very nice, the face and body brusing and blood all over the ring were cool. Very nice.....

Audio: Nothing special but very solid. Just the standard into music and punch sounds. I also like how the trainers talk to you between rounds.

Suggestions: May be great for two players, but the fighter AI has a problem if you use that stupid trick I found. Very sad.

Overall Score: 2.0 / 10 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Overall: Visually stunning button masher with a little strategy thrown in here and there.

Gameplay: Uuuuccchhhh!!! This game was nothing but a button masher with a tiny bit of stratagey thrown in. So sad, so sad.

Graphics: Visually its great, very cool. just loved to look around at all that was going on.

Audio: Yea loved the music.

Suggestions: The few strategy parts were done very well, just needed more thinking and less button mashing.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Jet Set Radio Future

Overall: This game came free with my XBox package, and all I can say is that it was still a rip off! Wasted my time.

Gameplay: What can I say. It is a skater, so if you like games like that you will like that aspect, but everything else is quite screwy, to me anyway.

Graphics: It does have it's original look, so if you you either love the look or hate it. That's why I gave it a three, because it has a unique style.

Audio: Again, if you like this style of tunes, you will like it, if you don't than you wont. Music gets old and no other sound effects to really care about.

Suggestions: Retire

Overall Score: 3.0 / 10 The Thing

Overall: Man, I LOVE THIS GAME! Rent the movie first and then play the game, it's awesome. The save points are sometimes far apart and cause for some multi do over moments, but that keeps the game from being too easy. I COMPLETELY LOVE the people you can fight side by side with, they are the most realistic "Buddies" I've ever had in a videogame. Great levels, great monsters, so much of this game is so cool.

Gameplay: Nothing like flaming a few things! The multi weapons are great, the controls are fun. Awsome levels, story, things to do and everything. The ; are cool, the limit you can spend in the snow is cool, instead of slow scare like Resident Evil, the creatures are fast. Very nice change.

Graphics: The graphics are sweet. Fire looks awesome, snow looks awesome, levels look awsome, lots of blood and gore. Very nice.

Audio: Perfect soundtrack fits the game. Every one of your "Buddies" has different things to say, that neat. Explosions are awsome and so is gun fire and hearing the distant sound of a creature in the other room.

Suggestions: Pleeease do another. I want more THING!

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 James Cameron's Dark Angel

Overall: Ok. This game is exactly what it says. Stealth and fight Absolutly no puzzles.

2- Fighting like the old Street Fighter series? You take on big groups of people.

3- Bad guys AI is week. But they make up for it in numbers.

4- Stealth is no sam fisher, but I enjoyed it.

5- It's like Buffy with more enemies and a further away view.

6- I'm loving the enviornment on the big X! Smashing chairs, boxes, barrels, pipes and all kinds of other things. You cant pick them up and use them, but getting smashed into them is cool.

Gameplay: Run around kicking the crap out of groups of soldiers. Stealth around a bit. Some easy to figure out big bosses.

Graphics: It's not bad, I mean it's nex gen, but it's not the greatest we have today. The enviornment rocks!!!

Audio: To be honest, the sound wasn't the greatest. Back ground music is funky but keeps repeating itself. I like the sound of the snapping neacks.

Suggestions: My girlfriend is pissed because there were no puzzles. Al ya did was fight and fight and fight, and stealth a bit.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10

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