Average Overall Score Given: 8.92308 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 1
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

Gameplay: The gameplay is simple: Don't get caught. Hide in the shadows, interrogate suspects, sneak up on people, overall fabulous idea. The fabulous idea was carried out to near perfection.
Graphics: The visuals for this game were amazing. Notice how this game was ported FROM xbox, not TO xbox. Lots of difference in the graphics when that happens.
Audio: Yeah not much sound. I guess "espionage" music in the background, if there really is such a thing as espionage music.
Suggestions: Make the game co-op, and put more ammunition in the levels.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Not much to say about the gameplay that isn't self-explanatory in the title. Arrows come up, you dance on the pad. And umm, it's awesome.
Graphics: Not very many actual graphics in the game, unless you count those two people in the background pulling off strange dance moves.
Audio: Great music. The only thing I dont' like about it is that you can download new stuff, but it costs a fair amount of money.
Suggestions: Umm, let us play our own songs on the game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: In the beginning, you have to play as Frodo, which is cool because he has the ring, but if you put in on your purity level goes down and it gets complicated but once you get a sword with him I assume he kicks some butt because, he's frodo and he's awesome.
Graphics: The graphics in this game were outstanding. It looked like you were in the movie in some parts. A very good job. That's all there is to say.
Audio: The black riders sounded exactly as they did in the movie. Frodo and the fellowship were done very well.
Suggestions: Don't give Frodo a walking stick to fight off people. That's way too hard. Also make it two player. That would be a great game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Same old tired approach. Same fake stunt tricks. Just harder and more frustrating. The newest trick which is called ot; is the only new thing from Tony Hawk 2x to Tony Hawk 4.
Graphics: Ahhh, the graphics. In this game, the only thing that is different from other system's versions and older versions. The graphics were nearly flawless in this game.
Audio: Let's face it. Any title that has the rip your own soundtrack capability on xbox is always great sound.
Suggestions: Don't make any more Tony Hawk Pro Skater games.
Overall Score: 4.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. You start out on a mission, and each mission has different parts in it that you must complete. Every mission ends when you raise the United States flag in place of the Soviet flag. From freeing POWs to just plain fighting your way through the masses, this game has it all.
Graphics: Superb graphics. Not cuby, and I could see the features of each of my fighters and myself very clearly. This game is just overall solid.
Audio: Alright sound, no soundtrack though. Just the sounds of you bustling though the streets, firing at Soviets.
Suggestions: From the suggestions of the others, it appears that this game isn't very long. Since you did such a great job on it, just make it longer and this game will be unbelievable.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay in this game is so addicting. My personal favorite team is the nets in this game, because they made them really good (maybe better than they actually are) but all together they did a good job with the rosters. But they missed Yao!
Graphics: Ok visuals, but they reminded me of the sega version somewhat. The faces of the players weren't very smooth, but the fluid movements on the court were very nice.
Audio: The announcers are somewhat repetitive, but they do a good job overall. Well, that's pretty much it in this area.
Suggestions: Publish the game a little later, so that you can make sure that the rosters are accurate.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ok, so you start out by playing for the Hogwart's Cup. Then, when you win that, you can play in the Quidditch World Cup. Choose from an array of teams, each with their own unique strength. Great game.
Graphics: EA really has outdone itself with the harry potter graphics in all of it's games. Simply...incredible.
Audio: Not much sound, just crescendo sounds in the game when you're speeding toward the other team's 'hoop.
Suggestions: Make the game harder! I'm playing with the USA team and I'm still undefeated and ahead of everyone by like 100 points.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: SAME GAMEPLAY as the others, except that you can get off your board and climb houses. So basically, they give you more moves, but the moves still give you headaches from the shear repetitiveness of this game.
Graphics: Graphics were the only good thing in this game. I would probably give them a 4 or higher if I didn't hate this game so much.
Audio: Ok, they let you play your own soundtracks. thank you for that. that makes up for some of the crap, but still, crappy game overall.
Suggestions: Don't ever make another tony hawk game. i beseech you.
Overall Score: 2.0 / 10

Gameplay: Ahhh, the gameplay. Madden really outdid himself this time. The movements were so fluid that it came so close to the real thing. The only thing that I disagree with is that they made Terrell Owens almost perfect, and while he is very talented, he can't make the catches that he makes in the game.
Graphics: Very good graphics. But I have to use up 100 characters, so I'll just tell you to buy this game. If you are a football fan, you will like this I think. I am, and I did.
Audio: They made the soundtrack to this game with hit songs, but they put some songs on that were annoying and made me a little mad.
Suggestions: Let the user play the ripped soundtrack aswell as the Madden soundtrack.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: There was not one aspect of this game that I did not like. The gameplay was very, very, very good. What else is there to say? Buy this game if you are a Harry Potter fan and your parents allow you.
Graphics: Flawless. The graphics were on the entire game. The quidditch game was so nice. This game was magnificent. So were the visuals.
Audio: The sound in this game made me really get into it. It had the "dramatic" sounds which related to the game and where you were in the game, so I would say very good sounds.
Suggestions: Make it multiplayer, so that you can play as Harry or as Harry's friends. I also think that it would be a very good idea to make the entire castle able to walk through. With that being said, GREAT JOB WITH THE GAME!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is so much fun. Not only can you utilize the moves and anti-gravity effects of the matrix, you can use new moves. Great, excellent, unbelievable....What else can I say?
Graphics: Graphics were good, I don't really see what people are saying about how they were bad, but I can say that they were nothing that great. A great graphics game was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. This game wasn't as good as that, but it was still good graphics.
Audio: Alright sound, nothing special though. I still don't see why all the xbox games don't come with soundtrack ripping ability!
Suggestions: I don't know what else to say! This was a great game. All I can say is make multiplayer. It was very, very good!
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay is great. So far I've just been working on franchise mode. Haven't gotten into owner mode yet, although it doesn't look too appealing to me anyways. Football is football, i don't really need to jack the price up on beer in my stadium.
Graphics: Super Graphics. They made the Titans have all their uniforms, and when I put on those old Oiler uniforms, it's so sweet.
Audio: Finally people start to realize that they should allow people to put their own soundtracks on the game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10

Gameplay: The gameplay was very good, but once you have the cheat codes, it was a lot easier. Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, and Isildur's fighting was exactly how they fought in the series.
Graphics: Good graphics, although some of the orcs were too grotesque to see what they actually were. I had only one problem, and that was that Legolas didn't really look like Orlando Bloom.
Audio: Alright sounds, but not spectacular. The only reason to even have the volume on is to hear what Aragorn tells you to do, but you don't even need to do that because you can just put the subtitles on.
Suggestions: Make more strategy involved. I mean, this was a very good game, but mostly fighting and once you have infinite health in fighting then there's not much to do after that. In the return of the king, make it more strategy, like on the way to mordor. Don't make a hobbit game.
Overall Score: 10.0 / 10