NFL 2K2 (Original Xbox) by Sega

NFL 2K2 (Xbox) by Sega Box Art

Xbox 360 backwards Compatible

North Amercian Release Date: January 8, 2002.

Region(s) Released: North America

High Definition Resolutions Supported: 480p
Widescreen Supported (16:9): No
System Link Support: No

Average Overall Score:
8.56 / 10

This is not your average football simulation, the game it is more of an arcade game. With bone crushing tackles, live injury reports and a great variety of plays. This game is by far the most enjoyable football game out there except for the poor graphics."

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The Sega Sports NFL franchise charges onto the next-generation football gridiron with NFL 2K2, an electrifying new game that's exciting to watch and even better to play. Created by the team that owns the genre on Dreamcast, NFL 2K2 for the Xbox™ video game system combines the superior gameplay of its predecessors with brilliant graphics and broadcast-quality presentation possible only on today's most sophisticated interactive entertainment systems. On the field, the offense is juiced with true-to-life QB logic and an advanced passing/catching system that redefines receiver intelligence. On the sidelines and in the booth, the authenticity of an NFL contest shines through with detailed player faces, TV-style camera work and color commentary. Complete with updated rosters and stadiums for the 2001 season, prepare to generate the power of the NFL in 2K2!


Thursday, December 6, 2001

User Reviews

Score: 86
Overall User Average: 8.60 / 10 (85.6%)
Gameplay User Average: 8.87 / 10
Graphics User Average: 8.33 / 10
Sound User Average: 8.40 / 10
Date reviewed: November 3, 2003.

Overall: its a football game that is one of the best football games ever! i would buy this over and over again! BEST FOOTBALL GAME ON XBOX!
Gameplay: gameplay like no other it has the best anouncers and very smooth gameplay! i love this game!
Graphics: its OK but i could be better like 2k3 i suppose but other than that it is a great game with perfect commemtary
Sound: as i said before the commentary is UNBELIVEABLE they remeber things that happend eleir in the game! its awsome!
Suggestions: perfect

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 100 %

The Beastmaster
Date reviewed: September 11, 2002.

Overall: After trying Madden from 2002 and being disappointed with it's short comings, I decided to give NFL 2k2 a try when target had it on sale for 17.99.
Gameplay: When are they going to program the computer to make use of the clock-ball-time considerations, when playing against it.
Graphics: It looked okay for a port, but I it's no looker compared to NFL Fever 2002. The graphics were serviceable.
Sound: Uhm, another area that is better than Madden NFL 2002, but it still has a long way to go to be really good.
Suggestions: I never played this on the Dreamcast back when I heard that sega's football game was the best, and now I'm glad that I didn't.

Overall: 30 %
Gameplay: 40 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 60 %

halo king
Date reviewed: July 4, 2002.

Overall: this game is really good if you like advanced football games. the plays are really cool...... if you can figure out what they are! the graphics are really amazing though. they were so smooth, that they looked real. the sound was good too, the tackling and hurdling was great.
Gameplay: the gameplay was awesome, the controls were easy to learn, just look who youre gonna throw to, then press whatever button hes assigned to. easy as that. but when it comes to running with the ball.... that different. theres alot of buttons to press. but if you take out the controls.... the gameplay is great.
Graphics: like i said before, the graphics were perfectly well done. on the instant replays, ive never seen anything done so well before. they obviously worked hard on this part of the game.
Sound: the sound, agian, like i said before, is really really cool because when you tackle or get tackled you can hear the slamming sound of players colliding. great SFX. also great commentatiing.
Suggestions: hope to see 2K3 very soon

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: June 22, 2002.

Overall: Mna this game is really fun, I love the graphics in it. Well lets get down to business: first of all this game has absoluting absorbing awsome graphics, from everything from the players, to the field to the actual football hehe. Secoind of all there is awsome sound of say hut hut, then the grunts and squeals and sounds of punts. Third of all it has exellent controls and many options to play from. Fourth of all the replay value is quite huge and good. Last but not least it is fun.
Gameplay: There is absolutley tons of gameplay in this game. All the mdoes you can do is fantastic as there is lots fo repolay value. Then tho controls ahhh the beutiful controls. They are very smooth and easy to handle (not to mention easy to learn). Great gameplay sega.
Graphics: The visuals are awsome. The football and players and environment and coin and refrees (well you get the picture) its all awsome. The graphoics are simply amazing but i am giving it a 4.5 because of the size of the players. They look so skinny. Oh well little details dont matter too much.
Sound: The sound sound is also really great. The grunting is funny like angry gorillas slapping eachothers stomachs hehe. Then the talking and the stupid commentators doing wut they do........anoy people. Well its just some great sound.
Suggestions: fix the skinny jims

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: May 31, 2002.

Overall: I probably never would have even tried this game if not for EA's moronic announcement that Madden 2003 will not be supporting xbox live, but such is life. I was pleasantly surprised with NFL 2K2. It is in my opinion almost as good as Madden, but it is a different type of game. It is just as fun to play, but struck me more as an arcade type game instead of a simulation. I guess that's not a fair statement. If you look at Madden as a straight sim and Fever as a straight arcade game, 2K2 by Sega falls in the middle between a simulation and an arcade game.
Gameplay: The gameplay is fun enough for me. After I got used to the controls, which by the way are very good, I was playing like a veteran. The tackles look great, as do the catches by the receivers, but it is a bit too arcadey. The franchise mode leaves a little to be desired as well. The Texans would have been a nice addition, not that I really care about the Texans. Overall, the gameplay is fun, but a little lacking in reality.
Graphics: The visual appeal of NFL 2K2 is one of its strongest features. The faces, uniforms, fields, and stadiums all look great. However, I can't help but think that the visuals could have been improved to take advantage of the graphical power of the xbox. It seems almost as if it is a straight PS2 port.
Sound: The sound is average. I found the commentary to be a bit repetitive, but it could just be because it is a football game. The sound effects are above average and the crowd noise is a plus, especially when you are near the end zone.
Suggestions: Make it less arcadey and more of a sim.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: May 5, 2002.

Overall: This and Madden are my 2 favorite football games. This game is a bit more arcadish as you can tackle guys 7 yards away and do a 360 in less than a second on one foot, but none the less, this game is still fun to play. Although I haven't seen any improvement except a little bit graphical wise from the PS2 version, don't let the fact it's a port scare you, because the game is still fun to play and franchise will keep you hooked for weeks.
Gameplay: This game has a real simple control system. It's the same as the DC version and PS2 version which is a very good thing. With the turbo arrow, you can adjust how hard your stiff arm, spin move, or juke will be. If executed properly, you'll most likely see a slow motion replay complete with the announcers circling where the ball is and how your feet move etc. which adds some realism to this arcadish game. I only have the complaint that guys can stop on a dime and do a 360 on one foot standing still. My brother uses this trick all the time I can never tackle him no matter how many guys are around him. He's like temporarily invisible. The franchise mode doesn't allow you to play with the Texans like in Madden, but it doesn't matter to me as I always try to make a good N.Y. Giants team. Make cuts, trade, draft college players, etc. Unlike previous years, players have ratings that are actually good. You used to have to improve stats over time but now some players in the draft are high calibur. Very good job all around.
Graphics: Nothing improved over PS2 which takes some points away. None the less, they aren't that bad in some areas. Player faces, jerseys, and helmets, mouth animations, tackles, stadium architechture, turf, and grass all look very good. As for everything else, with the Xbox it could have easily been fixed. The referee really doesn't have a face you can see. The crowd looks good from a far but up close is so blurry it just looks like a bunch of colors. This has been true with all Visual Concept games in the past, however.
Sound: The commentary is the best thing in the sound department. Announcers constantly interact with each other and discuss replays. I rarely hear the same phrase excluding the down and how far to go phrases twice. Sound effects are a bit iffy. The crowd is defintely into the game and can get pretty loud. The tackle noises take away from the tackle. They look like they hurt more than they sound. The collision of the o-line and d-line sounds like bowling pins colliding. Not to realistic at all. Players taunting and celebrating though are quite entertaining.
Suggestions: Make some Xbox quality graphics next year. How about making a good looking crowd up close and a ref with a detailed face. Also for next year, if I own NCAA Football 2k3 and I save, let me bring seniors over to the NFL. Very good job all around though.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 60 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 19, 2002.

Overall: this game is tight, as a matter of fact i like the game more than nfl fever 2002, because its so realistic. sega is the pimp of all video games
Gameplay: this game is appealing for sure, everyone should play it, its the best football game to date,i guarantee it
Graphics: you wont find a better game than nfl 2k2, at least realistically, the game is awesome, its beautifully done
Sound: the sound on this game was tight, could be a little better though, but i guarantee, 2k3 will be awesome with the x-boxs power
Suggestions: keep it real, segas the best

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 90 %

Date reviewed: February 16, 2002.

Overall: The gameplay is the bright spot of this game, but the visuals quickly detered anything larger than a fun (but dated) football game. Many modes to choose from and a decent playbook will keep hardcore SEGA Sports fans from giving this game the axe, but I quickly lost my interest.
Gameplay: This game plays very well; smooth arcade-like controlling and decent pace. However I did feel the game is a little too much like an arcade game, but not enough like a football sim. I was very aware that the game was more arcade than Madden, but I was not expecting a toned-down NFL Blitz.
Graphics: This game looks like a Dreamcast game. The animations and faces are the only graphics worth mentioning with praise. All the textures, stadiums and player models in general have very crude graphics. The textures are very low-res, the crowds in the stadium are 2D (as with all sports games right now) but they are very pathetically done. Unanimated pics of spectators. What a way to feel like you are playing in the NFL. The player models can go through one another, and the jersey looks like a stretched out bitmap complete with shadows predone! The helmets are worse. They appear chalky, with little or no reflection and a low texture to boot. Its all very sore on my eyes.
Sound: Commentary is good, and the fan noise is great. In game action is mediocre, but appropriate. The music in-menu is fitting. Nothing horribly lacking in this area of the game.
Suggestions: Don't port to Xbox again. I am very irritated about a game that is using so many low-res textures I feel like I just bought a Dreamcast game. Make NFL 2k3 for any platform(s) you want, just develop each game for that platform. This is just getting greedy. It's just lazy and when I think about it, really disrespectful and unprofessional.

Overall: 60 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 40 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: February 15, 2002.

Overall: Great look and feel. One of the more realisticaly looking football games on the market. A blast to play and it never gets tiring against human opponents.
Gameplay: The computer AI is very good for learning the game. Once you figure out how to hide your plays (try reading the manual), playing against human opponents is a blast and never tiring. Wonderful game.
Graphics: One of the games strongest points. The graphics in this game range from great to awe inspiring. The replays are terrific (especially when playing against another person - gives you time for trash talk).
Sound: A wide array of commentary prevents this from growing stale quickly. Only thing I'd like to see here is enthusiasm in the announcers' voices when someone does something really spectacular.

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 90 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: January 31, 2002.

Overall: Very good game. The gameplay is probably better than Madden, but Madden still brings more to the table. The records that are already set when you get the game are almost unbreakable. Also, this game needs more detailed user stats.
Gameplay: Gameplay is better than Madden. I love playing defense and how the tackles look, but when will these developers realize that you have to allow players to hide which play they pick.
Graphics: Very good graphics, but not any better than Madden. Fever is still the daddy of graphics.
Sound: The sound is ok I guess, nothing special. About as repetitive as Madden.
Suggestions: Let the players be able to hide their plays when you go head to head with a friend.

The records that already are on the game are alomost unbreakable. Don't have premade records already on the game.

Overall: 70 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 40 %

Date reviewed: January 15, 2002.

Overall: After playing Madden and growing bored of it within a month or so I decided to pick up this game and I was very pleased with it. I'll keep this one until NFL 2K3 comes out *drool*.
Gameplay: I love how the game plays and there isn't much I'd change about it. Everybody knocks the computer D on runs so just set it on a harder difficulty setting. The running is superb, and catching looks better than in most games. One of the best things is how good the tackles feel, next to NFL Blitz this game features the hardest tackling in my opinion. For some reason, though, I'm not crazy about the process of choosing plays from your playbook, Madden has the edge there.
Graphics: Visually yummy!! People say NFL Fever has better graphics. I say the graphical difference is minimal and while watching the detail of the graphics on instant replay you will be truely amazed.
Sound: Great sound effects, nice commentary. Some phrases become a little repetitive but hey at least it's not Madden yappin away about why the football reminds him of a bologna sandwich.
Suggestions: Keep up the good work, can't wait till NFL 2K3.

Overall: 100 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 100 %
Sound: 100 %

Date reviewed: January 12, 2002.

Overall: This is a fun game to play. It is not one for the football purist. There are too many AI issues and the realism and polish is just not there! This is clearly a port from the PS2. Not saying that is a bad thing, but we all want games designed to take advantage of our game systems.
Gameplay: Way to go! The control is great. I love the running animations,they can help you get out of that running into the line and then running in place thing that occurs in other football games.. The maximum passing makes you feel you are the QB and then quickly the WR.
Sounds cool so come the issues. The AI is not very good at certain things,like time management.
The AI will spike the ball and then call a time out???? I have seen ,on D,my team is putting on the pressure and then someone,I am not controlling, will be standing near the QB and not help make the sack,an easy sack.
Rushing the ball gives you a good feel, the only issue both player and CPU can rack up the yards.I have averaged 180 yards per game on the ground.The big reason for this is, EVERY back is capable of breaking multiple tackles on his way to the end zone.Just not realistic! It is fun when you do it,but linebackers don't fall with the likes of Warrick Dunn.
The best feature of this is the control over the passing game. You move the joystick left or right to lead the receiver left or right. Pushing up will lead him long,or pushing back will bring back to the the ball. Really nice.
I found one real strange glitch, that I haven't been able to duplicate. I can't remember who I was playing. The situation occured at the start of the 3rd quarter. I, like a bonehead,kicked the kickoff out of bounds on the 6 yard line. The call should have been a penalty,they take over on the 40 yard line. Here is what happened. The announcers claimed "the kick went o.b., that will be a penalty. The referee appeared and said penalty. After this, the ball was placed on the 6yard line and that is where they started from as if it was a punt????? Oh well, glad it happened to them not me. Very strange indeed.
Graphics: The game has the best replays.....
! The colors appear to be a little washed out and the overall view looks aliased. The thing you will notice first is the the facial models.....they look like their real life counterpart. SWEET! There needs to be more detail in the stadiums.
Sound: Sound is not bad at all. Commentary does a decent job of keeping up. A little more repetitious than Fever.
It is much better than Madden. When you are away and near the away teams endzone......the fans get loud.

You will tweak the sound ,probably to turn down commentary and turn up the game effects and crowd. This makes for a better experience.
Suggestions: You have a very fun model for gameplay. There is just not enough realism in the rules,occasional situations where the AI just does the wrong thing.
The maximum passing feature is great and you really are throwing and catching. Realize, it is frustrating to have a small halfback break 4 tackles and rush for 60 yards. This can happen occasionally, but not all backs have this style.

Overall: 80 %
Gameplay: 80 %
Graphics: 80 %
Sound: 80 %

Date reviewed: January 11, 2002.

Overall: As a long time football video gamer (Tecmo Bowl for the NES was my first) the NFL 2K series has been nothing short of excellent.

This game is no different. Though I strongly believe it's the best football title for any system to date, there are still room for improvements. It seemed evident to me that VC was rushed to get this out with the football season coming to a close and I hope more effort is put into 2K3. Though as I said it's excellent, it could be better for a system as powerful as the Xbox.

If you liked the DC versions, you'll love this one. The graphics, gameplay and commentary are still top notch.
Gameplay: The gameplay, as always, is excellent. Not much to report except that it handles almost identically to the DC version, including button control.
Graphics: The extereme closeups are incredible. I also like the way the camera fixes on the players as they line up for the next play, very TV-style and welcomed. The actual gameplay graphics however, are not overly improved. They are still excellent and I certainly couldn't complain about them, but the Xbox is capible of better.

Another key improvement is better colision detection - if you're doing a spin move and get hit, the players body conforms to the physical dynamics of the hit. Very cool.
Sound: The sound is excellent. The commentary is improved and's more directly related to actual dynamics of plays (such as pointing out key blocks instead of the player that actually makes the big play). They bring up players stats throughout the game and the impact (or lack thereof) that they've had in the game.
Suggestions: My improvements with this game are the same with every other NFL 2K game:
More drama: If I score a last minute minute touchdown to win a playoff game, or even the Super Bowl, make me care. I feel no different by doing either of those compared to a pre-season loss. Drama is why people watch football. It should definitely be a priority in the next release. The graphics and gameplay are fine-tuned to a science, it's time to move on. Also, allow created players in Franchise mode. Lastly, expand the create-a-team. You've been using the same templates since the beginning!

Overall: 90 %
Gameplay: 100 %
Graphics: 90 %
Sound: 90 %

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