Total Reviews: 9
Average Overall Score Given: 8.00000 / 10
Total Forum Posts: 59

Bruce Lee: Quest of the Dragon

Overall: This game is a blast to play- if you can stand the first half-hour of being really crappy at the game. After you figure out the feel of Bruce and his movements, you will be an addict. This game has that arcade feel of Hunter mixed with the intensity of DOA3. You will fall in love with this game once you become competant in the game's "art"
If anyone complains about this game- its because they suck at it. Truly. Bruce has some awesome moves,...perhaps the person who gives it a bad review hasn't quite figured out how to hold his own against swarms of enemies...

Gameplay: At first, Bruce feels kinda akward- but that feeling soon fades once you begin to get a grip on the game's mechanics. Nunchuck battles are my personal favorite- and I enjoy how one can hit in 4 diferent directions while standing still. Not to mention at least 70+ moves (seriously) and tons of "multiple" (attacking several enemies at once) moves. This game is simply, a blast to play.

Graphics: A step below the quality of Hunter- but the polygons are there. Its enough to pull you in- sometimes the game can be gorgeous.

Audio: Great sound. Love the Dolby sound too. All teh "waaaaaa" sounds are right on and reminicent of the golden days of the dragon himself.

Suggestions: I'd like to fight enemies that are armed with weapons next time. I was waiting to see a battle against a swordsman or a staff- wielder but it ever came. Also- maybe Bruce could have more weapons in the next one. Oh,..and all this relies on the fact that Ronin, should make another one.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Overall: This game is awesome. Large immersive environments- with great contrast among those environments, and a fully customizable persona. It's one of the best RPGs I have ever played. The few shortcomings that Morrowind displays are only exemplified by people nitpicking, the games overall size makes it ambitious and brings with that ambition a few minor cosmetic and trivial problems. These problems are incredibly hard to isolate and even harder to hang on to- the game is easily one of the best games ever.

Gameplay: The fighting system is a bit mundane, but the game is far from non-entertaining. This game is incredibly immersive, and I'm sure it will monopolize my attention for the coming weeks, and yours if you end up buying it. The creatures, environments, and story all add to the gameplay appeal. After all its an RPG and a great one at that.

Graphics: Absolutely gorgeous.
Surreal and real all the same (RPG players, know what I mean...)

Audio: This is one of the few pitfalls for an EXCEPTIONAL game. The soundtrack is beautiful but way too short. The orchestrated bit is 10 mins long and is in an everlastign loop it seems. The sounds are pretty run of the mill, but the sound is still good.

Suggestions: I love real-time battles in RPG, even if it is hack-and-slash- but add a little more variety in the fighting department. Other than that- keep pumping out diversions like this.

Overall Score: 10.0 / 10 NFL 2K2

Overall: The gameplay is the bright spot of this game, but the visuals quickly detered anything larger than a fun (but dated) football game. Many modes to choose from and a decent playbook will keep hardcore SEGA Sports fans from giving this game the axe, but I quickly lost my interest.

Gameplay: This game plays very well; smooth arcade-like controlling and decent pace. However I did feel the game is a little too much like an arcade game, but not enough like a football sim. I was very aware that the game was more arcade than Madden, but I was not expecting a toned-down NFL Blitz.

Graphics: This game looks like a Dreamcast game. The animations and faces are the only graphics worth mentioning with praise. All the textures, stadiums and player models in general have very crude graphics. The textures are very low-res, the crowds in the stadium are 2D (as with all sports games right now) but they are very pathetically done. Unanimated pics of spectators. What a way to feel like you are playing in the NFL. The player models can go through one another, and the jersey looks like a stretched out bitmap complete with shadows predone! The helmets are worse. They appear chalky, with little or no reflection and a low texture to boot. Its all very sore on my eyes.

Audio: Commentary is good, and the fan noise is great. In game action is mediocre, but appropriate. The music in-menu is fitting. Nothing horribly lacking in this area of the game.

Suggestions: Don't port to Xbox again. I am very irritated about a game that is using so many low-res textures I feel like I just bought a Dreamcast game. Make NFL 2k3 for any platform(s) you want, just develop each game for that platform. This is just getting greedy. It's just lazy and when I think about it, really disrespectful and unprofessional.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Nightcaster: Defeat The Darkness

Overall: The game has monotonous gameplay, and an outdated graphics engine. This is not the awe-inspiring warlock I was wanting to see on screen, and I'm almost certain noone could have anticipated that this game would be so disappointing.
Nonetheless, it disappointed me and made me almost gag seeing the visuals.

Gameplay: The character controls extremely well, although the camera does occasionally harass your aiming and general path-finding. But all in all, the controls are mapped out well to the character's abilities and create a tight controlling warlock.

Graphics: This is absolutely embarassing.
Why in the world would I dare say this game even looks like a "next generation" game let alone use it to show off my Xbox? If you guessed Ole' Laz wouldn't- you'd be right. The games textures and environments are unimpressive and almost disgusting when you spend hours behind Halo and DOA3. The only thing keeping the score from a flat 1.0 is the spells (and they ain't much to look at either).

Audio: Well, this was not my focus of attention- so there for I can't really criticize it, but there was nothing noticebly wrong with it. :-)

Suggestions: Graphics wise, the game needs an overhaul- and mix up the environments and abilities a bit more. Otherwise, its a time-consumer and very mundane.

Overall Score: 6.0 / 10 Dead or Alive 3

Overall: Nothing new, but very polished and fun. This is the epiphone of fighting games. Beautiful graphics, realistic moves and tons o' fun.
Single-player is (as anticipated) short, but Survival Mode and Time-attack successfully chew up time.
Wonderful multiplayer game!

Gameplay: After getting used to all the different moves in the game- aside from the character specific ones, you begin to have some major fun. No doubt, countering is one of the most fulfilling and testing moves one can learn on DOA3, and it adds a new dynamic to fighting with skill and then just hitting buttons.

Graphics: Aww man, I have to say this in 100 characters?
Here goes:
Absolutely stunning, beautifully rendered characters and backdrops.
Excellent Graphics!

Audio: The soundtrack is fitting however stereotypical it is- the kick and punches sound like just that. I remember when a kick was someone (probably maneatingcow) kicking a trash bag- and that was supposed to sound real, right. None of that in this game though, very nice.

Suggestions: Collaborate with Midway for MK5, just kidding-
......but seriously

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Halo: Combat Evolved

Overall: The champion of the Xbox so far. A game with great gameplay, an interesting story and wonderful visuals.

Gameplay: The controls are difficult to align oneself with, but after that area is mastered, the game is an absolute blast to play. Even when I play co-op single-player, I insist on still driving the Warthog.

Graphics: Beautiful. I am still stuck on the flashlight effects. The shadowing and reflective nature of all the objects in the world is almost jaw-dropping. From Master Chief's armor, to his visor, to the Warthog's body. This game from top to bottom is down right pretty.

Audio: Engaging sound. The enemies have silly voices, but hey, their aliens, right? I still wonder if I heard one of the shorter convenants ever say "sh*t!". Maybe thats just me.

Suggestions: Halo 2 would always be nice, just name it something cool. I hate numbered sequels. If the game has nothing to due with Halo, then do not use Halo, Halo is gone.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 Fuzion Frenzy

Overall: Excellent party game, fun mini-games - annoying single-player experience. Great rental game, fair buy. The quality is great, but the appeal for the single-player is quickly negotiated.

Gameplay: The game is smooth and easy to learn. It doesn't have any tendencies to rip you off and cheat you. Overall, it controls well. The game's default controls are highly responsive.

Graphics: Ehh. They are suitable to this type of game, and sometimes it has slight glimmers of high resolution textures, especially for the charaters. Overall, the graphic quality is sub-standard to the Xbox capabilities.

Audio: Good soundtrack, keeps the pace alive and kicking. Has all the sounds of a good competitive game. The sounds are exaggerated during gameplay to give a greater sense of activity.

Suggestions: Nothing. The game is a classic party game.

Overall Score: 8.0 / 10 Project Gotham Racing

Overall: Addicted to Kudos. I need it, right now, and real bad. Stunning visuals, enthusiasm about replays, enthusiasm about crashing, enthusiasm about watching replays where you crashed; general enthusiasm.

Gameplay: The Kudos system makes this game more addicting than a case of Sunkist. The learning curve of the physics and control are a bit difficult to master. You will have fun on your journey becoming the master at the art of driving a car, and being the master.

Graphics: Breathless. Real-time reflections (custom paint jobs really display the whole raceway realistically upon the car.). The game actually shows almost everything in the car's paint job. This game almost takes you out of the race if you stay too fixed on the magnetic body of your car while driving. Best to watch the replays after you have completed your task at hand.

Audio: Nothing better than to cruise in style with a powerful engine and your own tunes, not to mention a strong radio lineup from various stations. Engine sounds a bit weak at some points; depends strongly upon your personal settings, I recommend turning up the engine noise and turning down the music.

Suggestions: Keep up the good work and pump out another one for the Big Green Monster.

Overall Score: 9.0 / 10 4x4 Evo 2

Overall: Short multiplayer bliss; extensive dead-end career mode. No surprises, even less thrills along the way. The game has quite a few loathsome bugs; cars unable to make jumps - weird driving on the bottom of the lake...wouldn't you say?

Gameplay: This game tends to wear out its welcome once the gameplay becomes repetitive, and thats pretty quick.
While the game may appear to be a holy grail for the off-road driver, it seems more like a very confused dreamcast game- tight control, aging graphics. Bearing a few different modes, the game has tiresome; boring single-player experience.
The controls is a slight upside to this game, but quickly fades as soon as the fun ends.
These controls are highly responsive, they keep gamers honest thoroughout turns and also avoids the absolutely frustrating spin-out.

Graphics: Medium car detail, supported by low to medium environments - more weather interaction would have spiced up the mix a bit.

Audio: I made more realistic sounds pushing around a Hot Wheels car when I was 4, but I still swear that when I'm standing next to a Rousch Mustang as well. The inclusion of a personalized soundtrack might have lightened the sense of unurgency the game's soundtrack seemed to convey.

Suggestions: I wonder if they have ever actually rode in a 4X4 at the same time they were actually on uneven, unforgiving and mud-filled terrain.

Overall Score: 5.0 / 10

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